Hair has stopped growing on the mole

Skin cells with a high level of pigment turn into melanocytes, a large accumulation of them contributes to the formation of nevi, in other words, pigmented moles. If of them hair begins to grow, this indicates the presence of living cells and good blood supply to this area of ​​​​the skinAnd.


Photo 1. Hair growing from a mole is a sign that it is benign. Source: Flickr (Matthew Bellemare)

It is important! Scientists have proven that hair growth on moles is a safe process, since only a benign neoplasm can produce hair. But a bare, open mole is much more likely to become melanoma. Nevi are harmless as long as they are not injured.

Causes of hair growth

Among the reasons for the appearance of convex growths covered with hair are:

  1. geneticpredisposition;
  2. disordershormonal sphere;
  3. radiationand UV radiation.

What to do when hair stops growing from a nevus

A mole is a formation of living cells, but from a benign nevus it can degenerate into a malignant tumor.

If hairs have stopped growing from the nevus, there is a high probability of melanoma. However, one should not rush to conclusions.

Only a dermato-oncologist can diagnose a tumor. Hair Also may stop growing after unsuccessful removal with tweezers, due to a lack of vitamin E or hormonal imbalances.

Is it possible to remove hairs from moles?

Hairs on a mole look unsightly, especially if they are located on visible parts of the body, so people try to get rid of them by any means. It is important to do this correctly, using only safe methods:

  1. Use scissors and trim your hair periodically.
  2. Remove the neoplasm itselfby contacting the clinic.

Unacceptable methods of hair removal

Nevi are neoplasms on the upper layer of the skin; the mole grows deep into the dermis by only 1 mm. The hair follicles are deeper and the hair grows through the nevus.

In no case pull out such hair, using tweezers is not allowed. This damages the follicle itself, which can later become a source of irritation. This often leads to an inflammatory process.

For the same reason It is forbidden to shave the hair on a mole. Damaged tissue can trigger the growth of cancer cells.


Photo 2. It is strictly forbidden to remove hair from a mole using tweezers! Source: Flickr (Kurt Komoda).

Note! If you have pulled out or shaved your hair, and later notice redness or an increase in size of the mole, or itching, make an appointment with a dermatologist for a consultation. Independent use of ointments and traditional methods of treatment can hide the “true picture” and prevent a specialist from making a timely and correct diagnosis.

The hair fell out on its own, what does this mean?

Hair can spontaneously fall out for a number of reasons.

Note! If, during hair loss, a mole grows, a change in color, or bleeding appears, these are signs of malignant degeneration. It is necessary to undergo a histological examination.

Hair loss can also be caused by lack of vitamin E or hormonal changes.

If hairs fall out and grow back after a while, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist.

Methods for removing a mole in the clinic

If a mole with a hair is very disturbing, this formation can be removed by contacting the clinic. There, specialists will select the most appropriate method for removing the tumor. Today, three effective methods are used:

  1. laser removal;
  2. cryodestruction;
  3. surgical excision.

Laser removal

This is for today the most effective technique for the removal of nevi. A special laser module is used. During the laser exposure procedure, evaporation and coagulation of blood vessels and tissues occurs, which eliminates bleeding. The wound heals quickly and there are no scars left after laser therapy.

This non-contact method of nevus removal is recommended for removing moles, especially on delicate parts of the body (eyelids, lips, chest).


This one-time procedure is performed using liquid nitrogen. Fabrics are exposed to ultra-low temperatures, -196 degrees.

Removing a mole takes a few seconds, a maximum of 2 minutes, it all depends on the size of the nevus.

The procedure is virtually painless, after it there are no scars left, the nerve endings are not affected. The wound itself heals quite quickly. Infectious consequences after cryodestruction are minimal.

Surgical excision

If moles are large, the best way to remove them is to use a surgical scalpel. The procedure is performed using local anesthesia and is therefore completely painless.

Among all methods, surgical excision of tumors is the longest procedure, takes 30 – 40 minutes. The mole is excised and skin cells are scraped out. A suture is placed at the site where the nevus is cut; after this procedure, a small scar remains.

Note! There are no contraindications to the surgical method for removing nevus. The doctor may postpone the procedure due to an infectious disease until the recovery period.

Very often on the Internet there is mention of hair growth on a mole (nevus). In some “sources” this is a good sign, in others it is a bad sign. To find the truth, in this article we will look at the structure of skin, hair and moles, as well as the laws of growth of malignant tumors.

The structure and location of hair in the skin

The skin consists of three layers:

First - epidermis. The cells of this layer originate at the border of the first and second layers. During their life, they gradually harden and move to the surface of the skin. All epidermal cells are completely renewed in 2 weeks.

Second layer - dermis. This is the basis of the skin, consisting of connective tissue. It also makes up ligaments and tendons. It is this layer that gives the skin elasticity and strength at the same time.

Third layer - subcutaneous adipose tissue (subcutaneous fat). As you might guess, it contains mainly fat cells.


As you can see in this picture, the hair follicle is located on the border of the second and third layers, i.e. dermis and subcutaneous tissue. This is where the vessels that feed it approach the hair.

How deep do moles grow into the skin?

Very often people think that moles have some kind of “roots” that can grow deep into the skin. Fortunately, this is not true for benign moles. These skin formations do not have any roots and they are located in the vast majority of cases no deeper than 1 mm.


In black in the image I drew the most common location of the mole in the thickness of the skin. You can see that even with the deepest location of the nevus, the hair roots are usually located lower.

Why does hair grow on a mole?

Looking at the previous picture, it seems to me more correct to say that the hair grows not “FROM” the mole, but “They grow right through it ". Special “channels” are formed in the mole through which hair grows. Such hair is not much different from ordinary hair. They have the same structure, they can also increase in length and fall out. It’s just that a mole happens to be on their way to the surface of the skin. Sometimes they are slightly thicker and darker than the surrounding ones.This is probably due to the fact that the hair follicles are located close to the nevus cells of the mole and receive more pigment than those around it.

Is it bad if hair grows on a mole?

No. On the contrary, if you see that hair is growing from your mole this means that the mole is benign . This means that inside the mole there are the very channels through which its hair grows."

Why don't hair grow from malignant tumors?

Here is a short digression on the differences between benign (mole) and malignant (melanoma, cancer) skin tumors.

The main signs of malignancy of any tumors are:

  1. loss of cells of their normal structure and functions
  2. constant, uncontrolled reproduction (division)

When do mole cells turn malignant? they lose the ability to form “channels” for hair growth. Outwardly, this is manifested by the disappearance of hair on the mole.

What to do if hair stops growing from a mole?


If you notice a lack of hair on your mole and remember for sure that it was there just recently, it’s better see an oncologist . It is not at all necessary that a mole will turn out to be melanoma, but you should be on the safe side.

Briefly about the main thing:

If hair grows from your mole, this is a clear sign that it is benign. There are extremely rare exceptions to this rule, but in my practice they almost never occurred. If hair has stopped growing from a mole, do not rush to make terrible diagnoses.

If you still have questions, the following will help you:

Oncologist-dermatologist. Specialist in benign and malignant skin lesions.

  1. Candidate of Medical Sciences,
  2. Member of the European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO),
  3. author of 12 scientific papers and 1 patent for invention,
  4. performed more than 1,500 operations to remove moles, warts, and papillomas.

Sign up for a consultation in St. Petersburg by phone: +7 (812) 967-21-14.