Calendula tincture helps with acne

Calendula is a natural antiseptic, so the plant is often used in dermatology to treat acne. Preparations that have several release forms are prepared from plant raw materials. Calendula for acne is used in the form of an alcohol tincture, ointment, or decoction. The drug is also included in masks for home skin care.

Composition and properties

Calendula contains the following biologically active substances:

  1. triterpenoids;
  2. essential oils;
  3. carotenoids;
  4. ascorbic acid.

Triterpenoids have an anti-inflammatory and comedolytic effect, promoting deeper penetration of other medicinal components into the dermis.


Essential oils act as an antiseptic, which prevents the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria on the skin and reduces the inflammatory process.

Carotenoids increase the protective functions of the epidermis, preventing the appearance of new rashes.

Ascorbic acid promotes faster tissue regeneration and skin cell renewal, relieves inflammation and redness. Additionally, vitamin C has a brightening effect, so it is also used in the treatment of acne spots.

Release forms

The following forms of herbal preparation are successfully used to treat acne:

The tincture is used for external and internal use. In addition to plant materials, the preparation contains 70% alcohol.

The ointment has a Vaseline base and is indicated exclusively for external use.

Herbal tea is produced in filter bags and is used both externally and internally.

Application of tincture

Calendula tincture for facial acne is used to achieve the following goals:

  1. eliminating excess sebum;
  2. decreased activity of the sebaceous glands;
  3. drying of inflamed areas;
  4. getting rid of redness;
  5. acceleration of tissue regeneration;
  6. preventing the appearance of new acne.

Does calendula tincture really help against acne? The answer to this question can be found in the reviews of users who successfully use this affordable remedy and share their experience of use.


For a few rashes, the drug is applied directly to problem areas in the morning and evening.

For very sensitive skin, you can make a solution from the tincture by diluting it with water in a one-to-one ratio. The resulting product should be used to wipe the inflamed areas.

Calendula tincture for acne, the use of which is not recommended in its pure form for dry skin types, is mixed with tea tree oil, which has not only a powerful antibacterial effect, but also a moisturizing effect.

For oily skin types, it is recommended to use a toner that can be prepared at home. You will need boiled water (half a glass) and alcohol tincture (50 ml), to which add a couple of drops of tea tree. The resulting lotion is used to wipe the skin of the face in the morning and evening, after which a non-comedogenic cream is applied.

Another lotion recipe is prepared from camphor alcohol and an alcohol solution of calendula, which are taken in equal quantities. The mixed components are diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. The method of application is the same.

The prepared lotion should be stored in the refrigerator.

Using ointment

The instructions for use position the ointment as a homeopathic and safe remedy that can be used in the complex treatment of acne. The drug has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, promotes faster tissue regeneration.


The local effect of the ointment without its penetration into the bloodstream makes it possible to use it for acne during the period of variability and lactation.

The drug additionally helps to narrow pores and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

The ointment is applied pointwise, and for large acne - under the bandage. Before application, wipe the affected area with any antiseptic. Salicylic alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, Chlorhexidine or Miramistin are suitable for these purposes.

A bandage with ointment is applied for a day, and for small rashes, problem areas are lubricated 2-3 times a day. The course of application is from 1 to 2 weeks, depending on the severity of acne.

Method of using herbal tea

Calendula for acne on the face in the form of herbal tea is used internally for acne that has arisen against the background of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

The infusion is prepared at the rate of one filter bag per glass of boiling water. The tea is allowed to brew for five minutes, after which the filter bag is removed and the decoction is taken orally in half a glass. Drink three times a day.


Before using an acne decoction internally, it is recommended to consult a doctor, who will also determine the duration of the course of treatment.

With a decoction obtained in this way, you can wipe problem areas of the body and face several times a day. This remedy is good for allergic acne and various types of dermatitis.

Mask recipes

Calendula decoction and tincture for acne is widely used in medicinal skin masks. A herbal preparation helps relieve irritation and soothe the dermis, as well as even out the complexion.

With wheat flour

For half a glass of boiled water you will need a tablespoon of wheat flour, the same dosage of herbal tincture and a small amount of aloe juice. Thoroughly mixed components are applied to the face area. Exposure time – 10 minutes.

With clay

Blue or white clay is diluted with calendula decoction. For very sensitive dermis, pink clay is used. After obtaining a homogeneous consistency, the product is distributed over problem areas and left to act for a ten-minute period of time. This mask not only treats rashes, but also helps with acne spots.

With egg white

Against acne and blackheads with oily dermis, use a face mask based on potato starch, calendula tincture and egg white. The first two components are taken in equal quantities. Usually, for a mask, a couple of tablespoons of both products are enough, to which egg white is added. After the ingredients are thoroughly mixed until smooth, apply them to the face, leaving for 10-15 minutes.

This product tightens pores, eliminates oily shine, and dissolves open comedones, known as blackheads. You can achieve good results by regularly using the mask every three to four days.

With honey and aloe

For a tablespoon of oatmeal you will need the same amount of calendula decoction, liquid honey and egg white. The resulting mass is applied topically, leaving for a 15-minute period.

The mask not only effectively copes with inflammation, but also additionally nourishes the dermis with essential microelements.

With currants

This product can be used during post-acne periods, as it has a whitening effect, allowing you to get rid of acne spots. The mask is contraindicated for persons with particularly sensitive and dry skin.

A tablespoon of currant juice is mixed with the same amount of lemon juice. Three tablespoons of calendula decoction are added to the ingredients. The mixed ingredients are applied to the skin and left for fifteen minutes. The product also has a peeling effect, allowing you to remove dead epidermal cells from the facial skin.

Chatterbox recipe

This product has a strong effect and allows you to get rid of acne in a short time. Before using it, be sure to test for an allergic reaction. It is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women to use this acne mash, as it contains a strong antibiotic.


For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  1. acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) (3 tablets);
  2. chloramphenicol (chloramphenicol) (3 tablets);
  3. calendula tincture (40 ml).

The tablets are pre-crushed to a powder and mixed with an alcohol solution. The resulting mash is applied exclusively to problem areas. The best time to use is before bed after washing.

The product is not recommended for use for more than 10 days in a row, as pathogenic bacteria can develop resistance to chloramphenicol.

Making ice for acne

Calendula for acne can be used in the form of ice cubes, which are recommended to wipe the skin in the morning and evening.

A couple of tablespoons of crushed, dry plant material are brewed with a glass of boiling water, letting it brew for two hours. After this, the resulting broth is distributed into ice molds and placed in the freezer. After washing your face in the morning and evening, wipe your face with an ice cube.

Contraindications for use

Despite the fact that the herbal remedy is considered the safest drug in the treatment of acne, in some cases the herbal component can provoke allergic reactions that require immediate cessation of its use. The herbal preparation has no other contraindications.

Reviews of calendula for acne

You can find out whether calendula helps with acne by reading user reviews.


I have been using calendula tincture for acne for a long time. It helps to cope well with isolated rashes during menstruation.


I have an oily skin type, so acne often pops up. You cannot do without the use of cleansing masks. I often make masks with calendula. They help eliminate greasy shine and relieve inflammation.

A shake with calendula and chloramphenicol helped me quickly get rid of painful acne. I used the product for 10 days, after which there was practically no trace of acne left.

A clean face with perfectly smooth velvety skin is the dream of every woman. However, achieving it can be extremely difficult: hormonal imbalances, incorrectly selected decorative cosmetics or an unbalanced diet can make adjustments to the functioning of the sebaceous glands, provoking the appearance of rashes and inflammation. Calendula tincture for acne is the most effective home remedy. Having virtually no contraindications, it comprehensively combats aesthetic problems and imperfections, gently and carefully cleansing pores.

The effectiveness of calendula for acne

Calendula tincture is an indispensable pharmaceutical product for cosmetic purposes. Its effectiveness is explained by the following properties:

  1. anti-inflammatory - just a couple of drops of alcohol infusion can reduce the number of rashes and pimples and make the face cleaner;
  2. disinfecting – qualitatively treats the skin, erasing harmful bacteria and microbes from its surface;
  3. regenerating – activates healing processes, promotes tissue restoration;
  4. whitening – makes redness less noticeable;
  5. drying – normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, fighting excess secretions.

In addition, calendula compresses can draw out pus, allowing acne to heal quickly without blemishes or scars.

Does calendula help with blackheads?

Essentially, calendula tincture is alcohol. And it is known to dry out the skin, causing a feeling of tightness. Using it unnecessarily is not only not recommended, but also quite dangerous - you can cause a slight burn of the skin, in place of which scars or pigmentation form.

The use of calendula tincture for acne on the face is justified, but for blackheads it is to no avail. The alcohol solution may slightly discolor the pores, but will not clean them. Thus, using this remedy to get rid of acne is pointless.

However, a couple of drops of a decoction of dried calendula flowers can be added to scrubs. This will ensure the penetration of active components into the deep layers of the skin, launching regeneration processes at the cellular level, evening out the complexion.

Cooking recipes

Calendula is a unique pharmaceutical remedy that allows you to get rid of a huge number of skin problems and diseases. On its basis, medicinal ointments and masks, decoctions and solutions, tonics and lotions are actively prepared. Below is a selection of the most effective and efficient recipes to help even out your complexion.

Tincture of calendula

Do you have rare pimples on your face? A calendula-based mask will help get rid of them at home. To prepare it you will need:

  1. talc or baby powder - two teaspoons;
  2. wheat germ oil – a couple of drops;
  3. calendula infusion - a few milliliters.

The powder must be mixed with the tincture to a homogeneous creamy consistency, then add a little nourishing oil. Plant-based wheat will reduce the risk of dry skin.

Masks with calendula decoction

A decoction based on dried calendula flowers can combat skin tightness and flaking. Step-by-step instructions on how to prepare a nourishing mask:

  1. Boil a handful of dry petals in a liter of water for 35-45 minutes.
  2. Grind oatmeal in a blender.
  3. Pour the broth over the oatmeal, mix well and let it brew.
  4. Add a couple of drops of moisturizing oil to the prepared product.

The mask is applied to a previously cleansed and steamed face, left for 15 minutes, then washed off with warm water and a rich cream is applied. The positive cosmetic effect will be noticeable in the morning - the skin will become softer and more radiant, the oval of the face will be tightened, and fine wrinkles will be smoothed out.

You can also use calendula decoction for facial acne as a lotion. To do this, it is diluted with purified water in a one to one ratio. The product is applied to a cotton pad, which is used to wipe the skin twice a day - morning and evening.


A homemade calendula-based ointment will help to activate regeneration processes and relieve redness and swelling. There are two options for its preparation:

  1. First way. Combine two teaspoons of calendula tincture with a tablespoon of Vaseline, mix the creamy mass thoroughly. Transfer the mixture into a sterile glass container and refrigerate overnight. The ointment should be used at night - it is applied pointwise to inflammation and redness.
  2. Second way. Mix a couple of tablespoons of liquid May honey with calendula decoction, add a little powder to make the consistency thicker. The ointment is applied to the entire face like a mask. It is washed off with warm water after 15 minutes. The benefits of this product are obvious: the number of rashes decreases, redness and swelling subsides, acne marks gradually resolve and disappear.

Homemade calendula ointment for the face is a more gentle option that does not injure the skin. It helps get rid of a wide range of aesthetic defects and imperfections.


The main assistant in the fight against closed comedones is calendula lotion. Penetrating deep into the pores, it removes excess sebum and stimulates regeneration processes.

A selection of effective home recipes:

  1. classic - calendula infusion is diluted with purified water in a one to one ratio;
  2. honey - a bottle of pharmaceutical tincture is combined with two teaspoons of honey, three tablespoons of chlorhexidine;
  3. chamomile - a decoction of dry chamomile petals is mixed with tincture, a couple of drops of sprouted wheat oil;
  4. alcohol - calendula tincture is diluted with chloramphenicol, one aspirin tablet is added.

Cosmetologists recommend wiping your face with this lotion twice a day, then applying a nourishing cream.

Calendula, chloramphenicol, aspirin

Prolonged acne or severe rashes can be treated well with a unique calendula-based disinfectant solution. To prepare it:

  1. Crush two aspirin tablets to a powder consistency.
  2. Mix aspirin powder with chloramphenicol.
  3. Add a bottle of calendula alcohol tincture.
  4. Shake the bottle of lotion, combining all the ingredients.

The resulting product is applied pointwise to the rash and left on the skin overnight. Large pimples dry out within 4-5 days, small ones can go away within a day.

Calendula, chloramphenicol, paracetamol (Boltushka)

Boltushka is a legendary remedy that allows you to get rid of purulent rashes and even out the relief of your face in the shortest possible time. Step-by-step instructions for preparing it:

  1. Crush three paracetamol tablets into powder.
  2. Turn two chloramphenicol tablets into a powder mixture.
  3. Mix dry ingredients.
  4. Fill them with calendula tincture for the face (one bottle will be enough).

Shake the bottle thoroughly to dissolve paracetamol and chloramphenicol. In cosmetology, the solution is used to treat acne and post-acne, and promotes rapid healing of small wounds on the face.

How to use

Calendula is a unique product that has a whole range of beneficial properties. The method of its use is selected in accordance with the type of skin (oily, combination, etc.), as well as the nature of the problems (single rashes, acne, acne, etc.).

How to use for isolated rashes:

  1. once every two weeks you need to make masks with calendula tincture and baby powder;
  2. in the morning, wipe your face with water-based lotion;
  3. At night, apply the ointment precisely to pimples and redness.

How to use for serious problems, large amounts of acne:

  1. morning and evening, wipe your face with a lotion suitable for your skin type;
  2. make healing and regenerative masks twice a week;
  3. Apply ointment or mash at night - a greater effect can be achieved if you alternate these products;
  4. Use pharmaceutical calendula oil daily for your face.

By choosing the right care, you can get rid of skin problems within two weeks. It is better to avoid decorative cosmetics during treatment.

Is it possible to wipe your face with calendula tincture? No, because this can cause dry skin and cause a feeling of tightness.

Pharmacy analogues

If for some reason you cannot use calendula tincture, it can easily be replaced with another pharmaceutical remedy. The following analogues are distinguished:

  1. Aloe juice. Stimulates regeneration and has a disinfecting effect. Effective in the treatment of subcutaneous acne - it draws out pus, helping to cleanse the pores.
  2. Chamomile juice. Soothes the skin, relieves redness, fights isolated inflammations.
  3. Salicylic acid. Disinfects the skin surface, dries out pimples, whitens spots and post-acne marks.

You should also be careful with pharmaceutical analogues, as they can cause dry skin.


Despite all the beneficial properties, calendula infusion has a number of limitations and contraindications. In particular, it is not recommended to use it:

  1. people with allergic reactions;
  2. persons suffering from individual intolerance;
  3. those with thin skin prone to dryness and irritation;
  4. pregnant women;
  5. women who have not given up breastfeeding.

You need to be especially careful with calendula during pregnancy. The tincture can cause intoxication and harm the fetus.

Video on the topic

Since ancient times, calendula has been famous for its healing properties. In folk medicine, the flower is used to treat almost all known diseases. The plant has gained particular popularity due to its antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and healing properties. Water decoctions and infusions are prepared from dried marigold herbs, and crushed fresh flowers are used to prepare ointments. But more often, calendula tincture is used for medical purposes, which is highly valued due to its effects in the treatment of acne.

Introducing Calendula

Before using the plant to treat acne, it is worth studying how calendula tincture helps against acne. The reviews shared by those who have tried this product are very positive. Many claim that they got rid of the problem.


To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is necessary to clearly determine your skin type before using a product prepared on the basis of calendula. A cosmetologist will help you choose the right treatment. Experts do not deny the effect that calendula has on acne. Reviews from cosmetologists are positive. Experts do not deny that many people, using various special creams, did not get the desired result, and the problem receded to a simple folk remedy.

A unique creation of nature

Nature, incomprehensible in its essence, has created a plant that is beautiful in its properties and has countless advantages.

Calendula tincture helps against acne at any age. It is only important to remember that the appearance of acne is caused by a malfunction of the body, and in order to achieve complete recovery, it is necessary to get rid of the problem in a comprehensive manner, eliminating its causes.


Another advantage noticed in calendula treatment is the ability to use the product to combat problem areas on the body, as well as on the face. Therefore, there is no need to look for various recipes that help in the fight against acne - just use calendula. Truly miraculous calendula tincture! Using this product will not take much time and will not require effort - this fact can also be attributed to the positive properties of this plant.

What effect does calendula tincture have on acne?

How does calendula tincture help against acne? Using an alcohol solution of this plant on your face will relieve many problems.


The tincture has an anti-inflammatory effect and it consists in the ability to remove foci of inflammation in their bud, reduce their scale, and in some cases, prevent their occurrence.

The second important medicinal property that calendula tincture has is disinfection, that is, cleansing and disinfecting the skin.

The third property is the regenerating effect. Even in ancient times, calendula was used to heal wounds and scars.

How do the ingredients of the herbal preparation work?

Medicine has long known the effect of this plant, aimed at narrowing pores. Calendula contains carotene (vitamin A), which significantly reduces the secretion of subcutaneous sebum. Thus, the use of calendula tincture is acceptable for women with oily skin, because if less sebum is produced, there will be fewer breakouts. Everyone knows that oily skin is the result of clogged pores, which allow bacteria to enter and become inflamed, which leads to acne.

It also contains essential oil and malic acid, which significantly eliminate bacteria and have a regenerating effect.

Alcohol has a disinfecting effect and dries, and the active components of the flower accelerate the regenerative processes of the skin, exhibiting an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to this effect, the wounds cleanse faster and do not fester. The drug heals damaged skin and, most importantly, prevents the formation of scars.

How is the best result achieved?

But it’s worth mentioning that calendula does not always quickly save you from acne. Reviews on this matter are similar. During the first three to four days, you can observe a slight worsening of the problem. Deep pimples protrude outward, and a significant number of white dots appear on the face, which are caused by the formation of pustules. But despite these inconveniences, the skin is then cleansed, and it becomes smooth, and the complexion is evened out.


Cosmetologists advise, to achieve better results, to wipe your face with calendula tincture at least twice a day. If you are confused by the presence of yellow spots that remain after using the medicine on the forehead and cheeks, then you can limit use (wipe once at night). Also, during treatment it is better not to use foundation, powder and other cosmetics.

Healing properties of the drug for the body

The back and shoulder area often suffers from acne as much as the face. The problem is associated with excessive secretion of subcutaneous fat, which clogs the pores. As a result, comedones appear. The accumulation of fat leads to the formation of inflammatory foci. Since a significant number of a person's sebaceous glands are concentrated on the back and shoulder area, these areas are most susceptible to breakouts.


Our body does not breathe under clothes, constant friction occurs, as a result of which the skin is exposed to bacteria, which cause acne.

And here calendula tincture for acne can also come in handy. Reviews about the use on the body have become the reason for the frequent use of the drug. Cosmetologists recommend lubricating problem areas with a tincture solution at least two to three times a day. The herbal preparation can be used in combination with other products.

Acne treatment at home

The medicinal tincture can be purchased at the pharmacy, or you can prepare it yourself. How to prepare calendula tincture at home?


There are several ways to prepare it, which are important to share.

In the first case, you need to pour two tablespoons of fresh flower petals into a glass container and pour half a glass of alcohol or vodka over them. Then the dishes are covered and placed in a dark place for at least a week. After time, the tincture is filtered and it is ready for use.

In another case, calendula is poured with a forty percent solution of alcohol or vodka, then twenty milliliters of water and a little cologne are added. The prepared solution must be placed in a dark place for seven days. After this, five grams of a five percent alcohol solution of boric acid and a few drops of glycerin should be added to it. Now the calendula tincture is ready! Using the resulting product on the face means wiping problem areas with a cotton swab dipped in a diluted solution of an infused medicinal plant.

Other remedies with calendula tincture to combat acne

You can also prepare a mash containing alcohol tincture. Before using the product, you should consult a dermatologist, since it has a pronounced aggressive effect and is not suitable for use if the skin is sensitive or dry. For preparation you will need the following ingredients: calendula tincture, salicylic alcohol in the amount of 50 ml, 30 ml of boric acid, 5 g of medical sulfur, a couple of crushed tablets of the drug "Levomycytin". All ingredients are mixed in a container and stored in the refrigerator. Problem areas should be lubricated with a cotton swab, and the procedure must be repeated several times a day.


For greater effect, you can add a few drops of tea tree oil to the calendula tincture. Application should be done pointwise. This product will help get rid of not only acne, but also scars.

Daily cosmetics based on calendula tincture

Cosmetologists also advise using calendula lotion. The value of this product lies in the fact that the components of the lotion allow you to carefully cleanse the skin without drying it out or causing irritation. To prepare it yourself at home, you will need one glass of warm water, one tablespoon of tincture and a spoon of honey. Next, all components are mixed until the honey is completely dissolved. The resulting lotion is used to wipe the face or make compresses from it. You can use this product after removing makeup.

Calendula tincture contains special substances - aromatic retinoids. Their effect on the skin is that they normalize the process of sebum secretion. This is why calendula tincture is so effective for acne. Application: the tincture should be diluted with water, maintaining a ratio of one to forty, and washed several times a day. The result is not achieved immediately, but after three weeks, but it lasts for a long time, and the wait will be justified.

Correct application is the key to success

It is also important to know how calendula tincture is used for acne. The instructions for its use are very simple. The drug can be used in different ways: to cauterize pimples with the solution, make compresses from it, or simply wipe the face.

To use, the tincture must be diluted in a ratio of one to three and treated problem areas. The solution should be applied pointwise using a cotton swab.

Calendula has a regenerating effect on the skin and helps get rid of even stubborn spots left by deep acne. Calendula stimulates active blood circulation and promotes rapid tissue restoration. But there is one "but"! Alcohol slightly dries out the skin, so you should not apply the tincture to the skin too often.

Calendula tincture is an acne helper. Popular opinion

In folk medicine, calendula tincture is widely used for acne. Reviews from people have become proof of the beneficial effects of the plant on the skin. As practice shows, using a tincture of this plant, amazing in nature, gives a quick effect. In addition, its price is affordable for everyone.

In most cases, the use of calendula tincture has received positive reviews, and only in some cases there are negative characteristics associated with misuse or overdose of the drug. Not in all cases, calendula tincture for acne helps achieve the desired result. There are also reviews of side effects, but this is most likely due to incorrect dosage or the presence of contraindications. As a result, dry skin and allergic reactions may occur.

However, side effects are rare. And the healing properties of the plant and the products created on its basis are a real value.