Natural oils for stretch marks during pregnancy

Many women have at least once encountered an unpleasant phenomenon called stretch marks. They can appear suddenly or as a result of pregnancy or sudden weight loss. Getting rid of them is not easy; moreover, they spoil the aesthetic appearance of the body and can look intimidating. However, there are cosmetic and medical preparations that, when used systematically, can eliminate this defect and prevent its reappearance.


The mechanism of stretch marks appearance

Stretch marks (the trivial name is stretch marks) are an atrophic change in the skin caused by prolonged mechanical impact on it. As a rule, these are scars in the form of wide or thin stripes. They can appear in girls and women of any age; no one is immune from their occurrence both in youth and in old age.

What causes stretch marks to appear?

Stretch marks can occur for a number of reasons:

  1. sudden weight loss;
  2. pregnancy;
  3. rapid human growth accompanied by slow tissue growth;
  4. playing sports and regular physical activity;
  5. wearing clothes that don't fit properly.

What types of stretch marks are there?

Striae come in several types: some are white, others are blue-violet. It depends on what caused them and how long ago they appeared. Your doctor can determine the exact time at which stretch marks occur.

Where do stretch marks most often appear?

Most often, stretch marks appear on the body in the following places:

How to get rid of stretch marks?

There are several ways to get rid of stretch marks:

  1. use of cosmetics or medications;
  2. laser resurfacing of problem areas;
  3. the use of compresses or mud baths;
  4. massage with special essential oils;
  5. cold and hot shower.

What measures are taken to prevent stretch marks?

Dermatologists strongly recommend using a set of measures to increase skin elasticity and prevent the appearance of stretch marks for people at risk (nursing and pregnant women, teenagers and athletes).

  1. A daily contrast shower increases skin elasticity and normalizes blood circulation.
  2. Exfoliation with a hard fiber washcloth and subsequent application of nourishing or moisturizing products will keep the skin smooth, improve blood circulation and increase tissue elasticity.

How to choose a remedy for stretch marks?

When choosing an effective remedy for stretch marks, you need to focus on 5 parameters.


If we are talking about cream, then it should be moderately thick and moderately liquid. In the first case, it will be difficult to rub it over the skin, in the second, the nutrients will not affect problem areas due to the low concentration and spreading of the product. Oil is always in an ethereal-liquid consistency, and it must be dosed wisely so that its functionality is fully revealed.


This point especially applies to pregnant women and nursing mothers who want to get rid of stretch marks. Strong odors with strong chemical ingredients can make a potential mother feel worse, worsen toxicosis, or negatively affect the central nervous system of any person. The aroma should be light, not cloying or harsh. Also, it should not eat into the skin and subsequently into clothing. In general, the product should not “remind” itself in any way.


There are creams that are designed specifically to eliminate stretch marks caused by childbearing. There are also remedies on the market for stretch marks of any type, be it stretch marks that appear during sports or during puberty. Some dermatologists say this is just a marketing ploy. Indeed, this point of view cannot be refuted - all remedies for stretch marks are aimed at eliminating them. But it’s better to find out the purpose of the cream in order to be sure of its effectiveness on a subconscious level.


By the way, the aroma almost directly reflects the composition. It is important that the ingredients are natural products, and preservatives are used in extreme cases. If the composition contains many chemical components, allergic reactions may occur, worsening dermatological problems and exacerbation of individual intolerance to the substances present.

Manufacturing company

This point especially applies to creams. It is important that the company producing it is known at least within one country. This guarantees its efficiency and reliability. Girls from Russia and the CIS countries were able to identify 2 manufacturing companies that were on the “black list” - Avon and RoC. This choice is based on the personal experience of each woman and the subsequent reaction of the body.

Why shouldn't Avon and RoC be taken?

The chemical composition of anti-stretch mark products from these manufacturers almost always causes allergic reactions on the skin. A pungent odor spoils the well-being of women. Stretch marks do not go away, no matter how much the product is used. Thus, stretch mark creams from these two companies are just a marketing ploy that you should be wary of.

10 best remedies for stretch marks in 2019

Women can afford to get rid of unpleasant stretch marks with the help of medical and cosmetic products. Oils and creams are ideal allies to achieve this goal.

5 best oils for stretch marks


Coconut oil is a natural remedy for preventing and eliminating stretch marks. It is most often used during pregnancy or puberty - moments when the skin is maximally exposed to mechanical stress. The advantage of this product is that it is natural and contains no chemical compounds.

Coconut oil contains natural antioxidants and vitamin E. They moisturize the skin and protect cell membranes from oxidation and destruction. Other important components are hyaluronic and lauric acid. They disinfect the skin and make it more elastic. Coconut oil also contains palmitic, capric and oleic acids.

Coconut oil is not a medical product and can be used very often, the risk of an allergic reaction is minimized. It nourishes the skin, moisturizes it and starts regeneration processes.

Coconut oil is used to eliminate stretch marks as follows:

  1. in the shower, apply the scrub to the body, massage the skin for 5 minutes;
  2. apply enough coconut oil to cleansed skin;
  3. after 10 minutes, rinse it off, pat the skin lightly with a towel, an invisible nourishing film will remain on it.
  1. pleasant aroma;
  2. effective removal of stretch marks;
  3. suitable for use during pregnancy;
  4. multifunctional nutritional complex;
  5. low price of coconut oil;
  6. minimal allergic reactions.
  1. It is necessary to rinse thoroughly so that no greasy film remains.

Average price: 250 rubles.


Argan oil comes from Morocco - it was in this country that women first began to use it for skin care. They saturated the skin with moisture, nourished the hair, making it shiny, and improved the growth of eyebrows. That's why Moroccan women are so beautiful and attractive.

The tradition of using argan oil for personal care has survived to this day: many pregnant women and athletes use it to improve skin elasticity and get rid of stretch marks. Argan oil contains a whole complex of substances that have a nourishing and moisturizing effect on the skin and hair.

Argan oil is not used alone; it is used in conjunction with other additional ingredients. There are a huge number of recipes for getting rid of stretch marks of different types.

  1. For stretch marks on the stomach.
    It is possible to prepare two types of nutritional mixtures:
    - mix 1 tablespoon of argan oil with 5 drops of neroli ether;
    - mix 1 tablespoon of argan oil with 3 drops of tangerine and lemon oil.
    Rub the mixture into problem areas several times a day with light massage movements.
  2. For stretch marks on the chest.
    You can prepare two types of mixtures:
    - mix 10 milliliters of argan oil and 30 milliliters of rosehip ether with 3 drops of tea tree and geranium oil, adding 2 drops of dried flowers;
    - Mix 10 milliliters of cocoa and argan butter with 60 milliliters of hazelnut ether, diluting with 20 milliliters of rosehip oil and a few drops of tangerine oil.
    The mixture should be used 2 times a day, rubbing in a circular motion into problem areas. This procedure is contraindicated for women during lactation.
  3. From old stretch marks.
    Two types of mixtures are prepared:
    - 4 tablespoons of argan oil mixed with 15 drops of coriander ether and 20 drops of grapefruit oil;
    - 6 tablespoons of argan oil mixed with 25 drops of aloe vera.
    The mixtures are applied with massage movements to the skin twice a day and left on it until completely absorbed.
  1. effective against stretch marks of various types;
  2. time-tested remedy;
  3. nutritional complex included;
  4. quick effect;
  5. affordable price.
  1. contraindicated for nursing mothers;
  2. must be used together with other essential oils.

Average price: 200 rubles.


Shea butter is a time-tested component that has excellent regenerating, restorative, nourishing and moisturizing properties. Shea butter has a delicate creamy aroma, it melts on the palms from the emanating heat.

Shea butter is used during pregnancy to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, as well as to increase the elasticity of the skin throughout the body. Shea butter saturates the skin with moisture, softens it, eliminates dryness, and tightens it. Stretch marks become less noticeable after using shea butter.

Use shea butter to eliminate stretch marks as follows:

  1. Rub into problem areas with massage movements before going to bed.
  1. pleasant aroma;
  2. delicate consistency;
  3. guaranteed result;
  4. Suitable for all skin types.
  1. Oil is greasy, it is necessary to protect clothes and bedding from getting it.

Average price: 200 rubles.


The component that is added to chocolate and coffee has strong nutritional, regenerating and moisturizing properties. Cocoa butter contains vitamin E, stearic, palmitoleic and oleic acids. This complex of beneficial substances guarantees quick removal of stretch marks and restoration of skin elasticity.

Cocoa butter is used to get rid of stretch marks as follows:

  1. Rub into problem areas with light circular movements; unabsorbed oil is removed by blotting with napkins.
  1. the strongest nutritional properties;
  2. the enchanting aroma of chocolate and coffee;
  3. universal application;
  4. economical consumption;
  5. quick relief from stretch marks.
  1. not a low price at all;
  2. texture is too oily.

Average price: 400 rubles.


Macadamia oil is a unique remedy for getting rid of stretch marks and preventing them. Its peculiarity is that the absence of allergic reactions is guaranteed. In addition, it is quickly absorbed, saturating the skin with moisture.

Macadamia oil contains vitamins B and PP, as well as linolenic, linoleic, oleic and palmitoleic acids. They have a powerful restorative effect on the skin. The product makes it elastic and resistant to mechanical stress.

Use macadamia nut oil to get rid of stretch marks as follows:


Many women during pregnancy face the problem of stretch marks appearing in the abdomen, chest and hips. If you do not want to be one of them, you need to choose an effective remedy that will help prevent the occurrence of stretch marks. The most popular and effective way is to use special oils. Which oil to use for stretch marks during pregnancy?

Oils suitable for an expectant mother

It turns out that our grandmothers tried to prevent the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy. To do this, they used natural vegetable oils, among which are:

  1. sunflower;
  2. linen; olive;
  3. corn.

Today, the pharmaceutical industry has met young mothers halfway and offered them a wide selection of different skin care products.

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes significant changes. An increase in the volume of the abdomen, breasts, a powerful hormonal surge - all this does not have the best effect on the condition of the skin. As a result of this, if you do not take proper care of it, unattractive stripes may appear - stretch marks.


The problem is that not every remedy can be used during this period. In order not to harm either the mother or the baby, it must not only be effective, but also safe.

Oil for stretch marks during pregnancy is an excellent way to moisturize the skin, which helps prevent the occurrence of stretch marks at any stage. In addition, it is natural, which means it is safe. Read about other methods in the article: Prevention and treatment of stretch marks during pregnancy>>>.

Use of natural oils

Various natural oils have been used to prevent stretch marks on the skin for many centuries. Most often, expectant mothers choose:

  1. Olive oil for stretch marks during pregnancy. Thanks to its high oleic acid content, it is recognized as an ideal product that penetrates deep into the skin and nourishes cells with vitamins and minerals. In addition to rubbing the oil into the skin of those places where stretch marks most often appear, it is recommended to take it orally;

Olive oil is an excellent salad dressing. And the vitamin E it contains makes the skin smooth, elastic and elastic.

  1. Sea buckthorn oil is a record holder for the content of carotene, linoleic and linolenic fatty acids, vitamins, amino acids and vegetable fats, which give the skin elasticity and help avoid stretch marks;
  2. Almond oil for stretch marks during pregnancy. The vitamins A, E, F and group B included in its composition promote the production of collagen and elastane, which makes the skin smooth and elastic. Its regular use will not only strengthen the skin, but also restore the water-lipid balance, which is often disturbed due to the action of pregnancy hormones;

To get enough vitamins, you need to eat right. How to do this is written in detail in our book: Secrets of proper nutrition for an expectant mother>>>

  1. Coconut oil for stretch marks during pregnancy not only helps prevent stretch marks from occurring, but also fights existing skin defects. Vitamin E contained in it protects cells from damage, due to which the skin texture becomes smooth;
  2. Apricot oil has tonic and regenerating properties. It is absolutely safe and can be used for newborns and pregnant women, regardless of their skin type.

The product stimulates the skin's natural hydration, maintaining its elasticity. For its production, apricot kernels are used, which contain vitamins A, C and F, so this oil is often used in cosmetology, as a base for balms and creams.

Use of cosmetic oils

The cosmetics industry today has learned to extract beneficial substances from plant materials that effectively and safely care for the skin. In pharmacies today you can find a huge amount of all kinds of cosmetics (creams, lotions, oils) that promise maximum effect in the fight against stretch marks. We recommend choosing oils, since their composition is as close to natural as possible.

"Weleda" oil for stretch marks during pregnancy

  1. It effectively nourishes the skin, toning it and preparing it for the stress associated with natural changes in the body during pregnancy;
  2. The product is based on plant components obtained from wheat germ, almonds and arnica flowers;
  3. Its substances quickly penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and restore natural metabolism in cells. The drug fights various skin defects and can be used at any stage of pregnancy.

Johnson's Baby oil for stretch marks during pregnancy

  1. The product has a powerful stimulating and tonic effect;
  2. With regular use, the skin becomes smooth and elastic;
  3. It can be combined with other natural vegetable fats, for which they are mixed in equal proportions.

Essential oils

You cannot use essential oils in their pure form, as they can cause burns, and some of them are completely contraindicated during pregnancy. But a few drops of this product mixed with a cream or body lotion increase the effectiveness of the latter. To do this, 2-5 drops of the essential oil of your choice will be enough for 1 tablespoon of base.

You can also use kefir, natural yogurt or honey as a basis, if you are not allergic to it. By adding it to seaweed or clay, you can get an excellent mask.

To prevent the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy, it is recommended to use the following essential oils:

  1. Orange – vitamins A, B and C included in its composition stimulate cell restoration;
  2. Ylang-ylang – promotes cell regeneration;
  3. Anise – restores normal skin balance;
  4. Pink – has a moisturizing effect and reduces the appearance of stretch marks;
  5. Sandalwood – eliminates sagging skin, increasing its elasticity;
  6. Juniper – stimulates blood circulation, tones skin cells and reduces the appearance of stretch marks.

What to avoid for expectant mothers

In addition to chemical burns at the site of application, some types of essential oils can have negative effects on a woman and her unborn child. For example, they can lead to contraction of the muscles of the uterus and contribute to premature birth or miscarriage (article on the topic: Uterine tone>>>). To prevent this from happening, avoid using the following oils:

The most effective oils for stretch marks during pregnancy

There are a lot of natural remedies to combat stretch marks, but we still recommend that you pay attention to the following:

  1. Almond. It not only prevents the appearance of new ones, but effectively combats existing defects. Suitable for use alone or for making mixtures (ideally combined with lavender);
  2. Calendula. Perfect for use as a base product. It has a softening and regenerating effect on skin cells. To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, it is recommended to use it from the very beginning of pregnancy. Goes well with almond;
  3. Cocoa beans. Due to the fact that it contains a large amount of amino acids and triglycerides, it perfectly restores damaged skin. And fatty and essential acids maintain it in normal condition. This remedy is so effective for stretch marks that it does not require the use of additional components.
  4. Melissa. Evens out skin tone, prevents the appearance of stretch marks and relieves itching, which can appear as a result of damage to skin fibers (Related article: Itchy belly during pregnancy>>>). For those who suffer from toxicosis of pregnancy, lemon balm oil will help get rid of ailments (also, read the current article on toxicosis: Nausea during pregnancy>>>);
  5. Thyme. The product stimulates blood circulation, tones and restores skin structure;
  6. Myrrh. Increases blood circulation in tissues, preventing fiber injury. If stretch marks have already appeared, myrrh oil will help reduce them. And the linalol it contains activates metabolism in cells.


Victoria, 32 years old

I was very afraid of the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy. After having children, my mother and sister developed these unsightly stripes on their chests and stomachs. Therefore, I decided not to wait for their appearance and as soon as I found out about my situation, I went to the pharmacy for some remedy for this problem.

They advised me to buy Weleda oil. I used it twice a day after a shower to lubricate problem areas where stretch marks most often appear. As a result, despite the significant weight gain, I have perfect skin. Now I recommend it to all my friends.

I heard a lot of terrible stories about stretch marks from my friends. Therefore, when I learned about pregnancy, I began to study information on the Internet. In the end, I decided to make one product that the girls really praised. To do this, I added 2 drops of orange and ylang-ylang essential oils to a regular baby cream (I took about 1 large spoon). Mixed everything well and rubbed into the skin after a shower.

I don’t know if it helped so much or if I was just naturally lucky, but I didn’t get a single stretch mark the whole time.

Christina, 25 years old

I would like to recommend cocoa butter to everyone. I used it during pregnancy. I just smeared it exclusively on my stomach, but somehow I didn’t think about my chest. As a result, there was not a single stripe on my stomach, despite the fact that before giving birth it was huge. But there are huge and purple stretch marks on the chest! And why didn’t anyone advise me to lubricate there too? (Read the current article on the topic: Beautiful breasts after childbirth: is it real?>>>)

The choice, as always, is yours. I’d be glad to know what products you use to protect your skin from stretch marks?

Most women, and even some men, have encountered such a problem as stretch marks or stretch marks. They can appear on the body for a variety of reasons, sometimes suddenly, and sometimes due to sudden weight loss or pregnancy and childbirth. They can seriously spoil the appearance of the body, and it is extremely difficult to fight them. Modern medicine and cosmetology suggests trying oils for stretch marks, which are available in an assortment on the shelves of specialized stores. Let's figure out what this remedy is, what effect it has and whether it is really worth using it.

What are the benefits of cosmetic oils for expectant mothers?

Since the problem is most pressing for women expecting a baby, it’s worth first understanding how oils for stretch marks can affect their body. Expectant mothers first of all have to take care of the baby, that what they do does not harm him. But I also don’t want to forget about myself, because ugly brownish-bluish stretch marks really look ugly, and sometimes even somewhat frightening. Therefore, it makes sense to go to the store and buy a special product - cream, oil or something similar.

It doesn’t hurt to think about the fact that high-quality products have a very high cost, and not every expectant mother can afford them. Cheap analogues may not only be ineffective, but also dangerous for the organisms of the mother and child. Therefore, it is better not to be fooled by cheap prices, and if you have a small income, it is better to use alternative remedies - natural essential oils and other products for stretch marks.

Benefits of natural options

Scientists claim that only with the help of natural ingredients, extracts from plant materials, it is possible not only to hide traces of stretch marks, but also to prevent their occurrence. Moreover, they work no worse, and often better, than expensive creams from famous world brands. These are environmentally friendly, completely safe products that do not contain foreign impurities. Such cosmetics can only bring benefits not only in terms of eliminating a cosmetic defect, but also for the entire body of the mother and her unborn child.

  1. Enrichment of skin cells with useful, necessary vitamins B, A, E. They directly affect the smoothness, elasticity, tone of the skin, and its resistance to natural aging processes.
  2. Recovery processes (regeneration) are launched in skin cells.
  3. The production of elastin and collagen is stimulated in the skin. These substances prevent premature wrinkles from occurring.
  4. Moisturizing, nutrition, natural protection, softening, strengthening the fibers of the epidermis.
  5. Improving blood circulation in the upper layers of the skin, and at the same time saturating it with oxygen, which is beneficial for all tissues.

The beneficial substances contained in natural remedies for stretch marks can be absorbed through the pores of the skin, and then spread through the blood throughout the body. They also apply to the baby, which is very useful. But it is optimal to use such products long before unsightly stretch marks and scars appear on the surface of your skin. Prevention works best here. The sooner a pregnant woman begins to lubricate the most likely places where stretch marks will occur, the greater the chance that they will not appear at all.

Differences between fatty natural oils and essential oils

Often people confuse natural base (oily) with essential ones, not fully understanding what we are talking about. Therefore, it becomes completely vague and incomprehensible about which of them should be used for stretch marks.


Essentially, these are aromatic substances found in different parts of plants. They are liquid and quite volatile, that is, they tend to evaporate quickly. They are extracted using different methods, but most often using distillation, cold pressing or conventional filtration. In fact, according to classical criteria, these substances are only conventionally called oils, and it is not recommended to use them directly on open skin.

The most popular in the world are lavender, ginger, tea tree, citrus, ylang-ylang and mint. They are also used in the production of perfumes, creams and other cosmetics. Most of the esters have persistent antiseptic qualities. Therefore, they are often used for disinfection purposes. For example, a similar action can be performed on every corner in Thailand: nail technicians soak their tools in them. How expedient this is and whether such disinfection is suitable for you, everyone can decide individually.


In other words, they are called fatty, transport, or simply basics. They are very different from essential oils, and are most often obtained by direct or reverse pressing. They can be safely (in most cases) applied directly to exposed skin or hair. In this case, cosmetology uses base oils to dissolve essential oils in them.

In terms of consistency, they can be liquid or thick, which are called batters. These are those types of plant materials that remain thick not only in the refrigerator, but even at room temperature. For example, argan, almond and grape are liquid, they are always easy to pour, even when the thermometer is below zero. But cocoa butter or mango butter is more often found in the form of butters.

There are also absolutes or specifics. This is the name for products that are thicker than essential oils and obtained exclusively by the extraction method of a particular plant. Such substances usually contain essential oils, fats and wax-like components. They are dropped into alcohol and then shaken well to clean. This is the most expensive production procedure, and they themselves are of high quality, which is why their cost on the market is very high. Their aroma is much more powerful than ordinary esters. Most often they are used in industrial perfumery; they are rarely used at home.

Esters that should not be used during pregnancy and lactation

While expecting a baby, and then during breastfeeding, women have to be more careful in choosing any product they use. It is especially important what you eat or rub into the skin, especially in the abdominal area, where stretch marks are mainly concentrated. At the same time, one should not forget about application precautions, and any ether should first be diluted with the base product. However, some options are more unsuitable for pregnant women than others.

  1. Cinnamon.
  2. Cypress.
  3. Cedar.
  4. Sage.
  5. Juniper.
  6. Hyssopovaya.
  7. Dill.
  8. Thyme.
  9. Thyme.
  10. Nightshade.
  11. Peppermint.
  12. Basil.
  13. Rosemary.
  14. Marjoram.
  15. Oregano.
  16. Nutmeg.
  17. Cypress.

The list of such non-recommended products is quite extensive. But even if the product you choose is not included in it, it still makes sense to conduct an allergy test. To do this, spread a little on the inside of your wrist or on the inside of your elbow. If after a day there are no unpleasant sensations, itching, redness, swelling or rash, then most likely everything is in order and you can use it for stretch marks.

The most effective natural oils for stretch marks during pregnancy

The main six oils, which are rightfully considered the leading oils in use in the world, are completely safe for expectant mothers.

  1. Tangerine. This oil significantly improves mood, relieves fatigue, causes a surge of strength and vigor. In addition, it refreshes the tense skin of the abdomen and prevents the occurrence of stretch marks. That is, it is better to use it in a complex of preventive procedures for stretch marks.
  2. Petitgrain and neroli. It is obtained from the leaves and flowers of bitter orange and has a distinct citrus scent. This oil is quite effective against stretch marks and has a general strengthening and rejuvenating effect.
  3. Ginger. It warms you up and at the same time stimulates your immune system. Works optimally when applied topically to smooth out scars. It is better not to use it for taking a bath; it can cause an allergic reaction due to the large area of ​​exposure.
  4. Olive oil for stretch marks on the stomach and other parts of the body does a good job of moisturizing the skin and nourishing it. The collagen fibers themselves are strengthened, and the production of this substance is stimulated.
  5. Linen. This oil contains a record amount of different fatty acids. They help the skin become softer, stretch and contract better. This also has a beneficial effect on the reduction of stretch marks.
  6. Coconut. A lot has been said and written about the benefits of such oil. Coconut oil helps against stretch marks, because it nourishes, moisturizes and smoothes the skin.
  7. Cocoa. This oil has revolutionary anti-aging properties due to the large amount of antioxidants in its composition. It is so effective that it can even cope with fairly deep stretch marks.

It is difficult to say exactly which of the presented options is better in terms of eliminating unsightly scars or stretch marks on the skin. Cosmetologists say that each of them is effective in its own way if you use it during pregnancy according to all the rules, without overdoing it, but also not forgetting about the procedures with them.

Use of cosmetic oils: impromptu rating

In addition to ordinary oils, which can not only be purchased at a pharmacy, but sometimes even made with your own hands, there are also industrial cosmetic products of a similar nature. For convenience, we will make a small rating, according to the ratings given by those who have already used such a useful and effective product.

Weleda preventive oil for stretch marks

Rating 9.9 out of 10

This special oil for stretch marks is offered by the German company of the same name, which has already had its place in the domestic market for several years. It contains only natural ingredients, mainly oils: sweet almond, wheat germ, jojoba, arnica extract. This product contains no synthetic ingredients, no preservatives, or dyes.

It is recommended to apply this oil immediately, in the very early stages of pregnancy, in order to completely eliminate the possibility of the appearance of stretch marks. It is rubbed in with massage movements; you can continue to use it not only until the very end of pregnancy, but also for several months after it. True, the oil is produced in small bottles, the main disadvantage of which is its high cost. The manufacturer positions it as a prophylactic agent.

The price of one bottle of Weleda oil for the prevention of stretch marks in pregnant women and not only will be about 1.2-1.3 thousand rubles per 100 grams.

Emulsion "Bepantol" from Bayer

Rating 9.8 out of 10

You can also call this product an oil, because an emulsion is a liquid (usually water) saturated with tiny insoluble particles of another substance. In our case we are talking about natural oils. It is also intended for preventive lubrication in the early stages of pregnancy, when the tummy is just beginning to grow. The emulsion makes the skin much more elastic, silky, pleasant to the touch and healthier, saturates with vitamins, nourishes and moisturizes. This product does not contain any artificial components, it does not contain dyes, emulsifiers or preservatives, it completely eliminates the possibility of an allergic reaction, therefore it can be used even by people with special sensitivity.

One of the main advantages of the product is not only its preventive effect, but also its healing effect. However, there is a large list of contraindications for which it cannot be used. For example, for skin damage, pregnancy pathologies, late toxicosis, pustular formations.

The cost of one bottle of such an emulsion will be 1-1.1 thousand rubles per 150 milliliters.

Johnson's Baby Stretch Mark Oil

Rating 9.6 out of 10

In order not to get hung up on one thing, the manufacturer came up with the idea of ​​producing not one, but six varieties of oils for babies, as well as their mothers. Initially, this product was intended to soften and care for children's skin, but over time, women also tried it on themselves. In the early stages, it has a strong preventive effect, reducing the risk of stretch marks by half. At the same time, while children can only rub it on dry skin, adults can also use it on wet skin.

There are no foreign harmful impurities in this product, it does not contain dyes or preservatives. However, some may experience individual intolerance. After all, the main component here is not vegetable oil, but a petroleum jelly derivative, that is, the oil is essentially mineral. But it is available to everyone due to its low cost.

The price of Johnson Baby oil, depending on the outlet, is only 220-250 rubles per 200 grams.

Bio-Oil® cosmetic oil for stretch marks

Rating 9.5 out of 10

This product is positioned as expert skin care that promotes not only nutrition and hydration. It is designed specifically to reduce the visibility of a variety of skin damage - scars, stretch marks, burns, uneven color and more. It is very quickly absorbed into the skin, saturating it with vitamins E and A, leaving absolutely no greasy film or trace on its surface. With proper, regular use, scars and even old stretch marks fade, fade, and then seem to disappear completely.

Many buyers noted that, contrary to the manufacturer’s words, their oil still leaves greasy marks, so it must be used with caution. At the same time, you can find many fakes on the market; you should be extremely careful when purchasing. But no one questions the effectiveness of a natural, original product. And his consumption is small.

The price of one bottle of Bio-Oil oil for stretch marks, with a capacity of 125 milliliters, will be about 1.1-1.3 thousand rubles.

Solid butter Oh Baby! Belly Butter for stretch marks and scars

Rating 9.2 out of 10

This product from Mambino organics is described as a means of eliminating stretch marks, as well as preventing their occurrence. That is, if you start using it in the early stages of pregnancy, you don’t have to worry. This is a completely natural product containing calendula oil, Chilean rose fruits, mango seeds, coconut, avocado, olive, sea buckthorn and much more. It contains a record percentage of tocopherol, which is also called the “female” vitamin.

It is easy to use despite its solid shape. Taking a little in your hand, you will immediately see how it melts from your warmth. At the same time, it will help eliminate not only stretch marks, but also some scars, the scars from which stubbornly refused to be smoothed out for many years.

The cost of one jar of oil from the United States called Oh Baby! Belly Butter is quite high, which is indicated by its main drawback. For just 57 grams you will have to pay 1.5-2.0 thousand rubles.

How to choose the right cosmetic oils for stretch marks

When choosing such a product, it is better to put aside your pedantry and economy. Natural products, as you can see, have a much higher cost than those that contain many unnecessary and sometimes harmful impurities.

  1. Manufacturers often indicate on the packaging that the oil is not natural, but naturalized; these are completely different things. This means that it was obtained artificially, following the example of its natural analogue. It is better not to buy this oil for stretch marks during pregnancy.
  2. The so-called “clean sheet” test will help to distinguish a “natural product” from a fake. Good oil that is dropped onto a piece of notebook paper will evaporate completely, leaving no greasy or coloring trace on the paper.
  3. Always try to read reviews on the Internet about a particular product before purchasing it. Sometimes you can learn a lot of useful things from them. Usually people openly share the effectiveness and secrets of using products, especially if the experience turned out to be negative. However, you cannot trust them too much either. This means that 65-70% positive marks will be enough to convince you of the quality of the product.
  4. Before buying, be sure to smell the oil; it should have a clean, pleasant, characteristic aroma, and not smell like everything. Moreover, the aroma should be exquisite, subtle, and not knock you off your feet as soon as you unscrew the cap of the bottle.
  5. Pay attention to the recommendations indicated on the packaging. The oil should be recommended for stretch marks or for their prevention. If nothing like that is written there, then it may be better to look for other options.

The manufacturer plays a huge role, although not everyone can afford to overpay for a brand. However, there is less chance that trusted companies and firms that have been widely known on the market for many years will cheat with their ingredients or actions.