Nature of the lungs, methods for determining them and signs of their condition

We say: as for the hot nature, it is indicated by a wide chest, deep breathing, sometimes becoming “double”, strong exhalation, a voice if it is low, as well as low sensitivity to cold air and greater sensitivity to hot air. The feeling of thirst is then often calmed by a cold breeze, without drinking; With a hot nature, there is often a burning sensation and a cough. A cold nature is indicated by small size and narrowness of the chest, tightness of breathing, voice if it is high, as well as sensitivity to everything cold and frequent formation of mucus in the lungs. In this case, breathing often “doubles” and shortness of breath and cough occur. A damp nature is indicated by an abundance of excess, hoarseness of the voice, snoring, especially if matter accumulates and the matter tends upward, the inability to raise the voice, regardless of the weakness of the body. As for the dry nature, it is indicated by the smallness of excess, the sharpness of the voice and its similarity to the voice of a crane; Often there is shortness of breath due to strong thickening of the matter.

Each of these natures can be natural in the lungs, and sometimes it can also be secondary; in relation to some of the mentioned characteristics they are similar, in relation to others they differ. Similar signs are the signs mentioned above, with the exception of what will be said later; As for the differences, there are two. One is that if the nature is natural, then this characteristic exists by nature, and if it is secondary, then its characteristic is also secondary and accidental, unless it is one of those characteristics that exists only by nature and serves as an indication of natural nature; An example of this is large or small breast size.

Know that breathing most definitely indicates the condition of the chest and lungs when it is hot, cold, deep, shallow, light, labored, fetid or with a pleasant odor or other qualities. The voice in such cases is also indicative. For example, a choked voice indicates that the damage occurred in the dilatator muscles, and a hoarse voice indicates that it occurred in the constrictor muscles, unless the damage occurred specifically in the muscles.

Other signs are cough, hemoptysis and pulse. It is already clear to you what the conclusions are about breathing, what are the conclusions about voice, what are the conclusions about coughing and what are the conclusions about hemoptysis; As for the pulse and what is determined by it depending on various natures and diseases, you have already learned about this too. The lungs are adjacent to the heart, and the conclusion about them based on the state of the heart is most thorough. The pulse more accurately indicates the condition of the area adjacent to the branch of the pulmonary tube; cough more accurately indicates the condition of the area adjacent to the tube and the fleshy parts of the lungs. A feeling of heaviness is a special sign that matter is in the lungs, a burning and tingling feeling is a special sign that matter is in the membrane and muscles. If hemoptysis occurs with a slight cough, it means that matter has accumulated near the upper parts of the tube and adjacent areas; if hemoptysis occurs only with a strong cough, it means that the matter is deep and far away. Sometimes damage to the chest organs is accompanied by symptoms emanating from distant organs; such, for example, is dizziness with tumors of the abdominal barrier and blush on the cheeks with tumors in the lungs.