Modeling body massage

Modeling massage is a procedure that will effectively eliminate problem areas in a short time and model a feminine, sophisticated silhouette. During the massage, various massage oils and cosmetics are used, which simultaneously care for the skin. The skin becomes firm, toned and elastic.

The essence of modeling massage

For a long time, this procedure has not lost its popularity and has enjoyed great success. In a short period of time, the figure acquires a refined silhouette, the outlines become more toned and feminine.

The main feature of modeling massage is a special technique that is aimed at problem areas and the elimination of excess fat deposits.

The indications are:

  1. completeness;
  2. swelling;
  3. decreased immunity;
  4. stress;
  5. overwork.

One course of the procedure will help you get rid of several centimeters in the waist, hips and other problem areas, remove cellulite and stretch marks, and also improve your figure after childbirth.

One of the main advantages is the fast and effective result. Due to the fact that blood circulation and lymph flow are normalized, metabolic processes are launched in the body. The result is a fit and slender figure.

Modeling massage

The body will gain a refined silhouette

Impact on the body

Massage has different effects on the body. Let's consider which parts of the body and systems in the body are most affected.

Through massage techniques, the skin receives a fair impact on all layers: these are blood vessels, muscles, the subcutaneous fat layer, and the nervous system. Nothing is left unattended. What can be achieved as a final result:

  1. cleansing the skin of keratinized epidermal scales and other foreign particles;
  2. improving the functioning of the sweat glands;
  3. improving the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  4. activation of lymph and blood circulation, elimination of venous stagnation, improvement of skin nutrition;
  5. increasing skin and muscle tone of the skin;
  6. improvement of metabolism.

The effect on metabolism directly affects adipose tissue. How this happens: by improving metabolic processes, the removal of fat from the so-called fat “depots” increases. As a result, we get the so-called “burning” of fats that are in excess mass.

If you want to achieve effective results, you need to conduct at least 15 sessions. The best option would be a combination of massage with wraps and physical exercise.

Muscles benefit more from massage. What changes can be observed:

  1. elastic muscle fibers;
  2. improvement of contractile function;
  3. improved muscle performance;
  4. muscle recovery function after increased physical activity noticeably improves.

Even if you massage for 5 minutes, it will restore the function of tired muscles 5 times better than during rest.

The nervous system is one of the first to perceive the effects of massage. This happens because there are quite a lot of nerve endings on the skin. Depending on the strength and intensity of movements, nervous excitability will increase or decrease.

Also, through massage, lost reflexes can restore their activity. The functioning of internal organs is noticeably improved.

In particular, I would like to note the special effect on the peripheral nervous system, with the help of which it is possible to reduce pain, improve nerve conduction, and improve the regeneration process. If you perform slow stroking, the excitability of the massaged tissues decreases, which has a calming effect on the nervous system. At a faster pace, tissue irritability increases.

Modeling massage

Kneading is the main technique of this massage.

Types of modeling massage

This procedure can be divided into two types:

  1. local;
  2. general.

If you want to work on a specific area of ​​the body, you need to massage with more intense emphasis in the desired area. But experts recommend massage on other parts of the body. Professional creams, serums and gels that are used during the procedure also contribute to rapid weight loss.

As a rule, one session lasts from half an hour to one and a half. The time depends on the scale of the problem area. Before the procedure, it is necessary to prepare the body - cleanse it with peeling.


  1. benign or malignant tumor;
  2. infectious diseases;
  3. any damage to the skin;
  4. high blood pressure;
  5. immune diseases;
  6. tuberculosis;
  7. pregnancy;
  8. diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Basic Techniques

The massage begins with stroking. The massage ends with the same technique. It is also recommended to perform it between alternating other techniques. The brush should glide easily and calmly over the surface of the body.

Next, the massage therapist performs rubbing. At the same time, body temperature rises, the skin becomes more elastic and stretchable. Rubbing is carried out along the following trajectories:

  1. straight;
  2. circular;
  3. spiral.

Then the massage therapist begins the main technique - kneading. Using this technique, you can influence the deep layer of muscles, which can be easily stretched. Longitudinal and transverse kneading is performed.

It is recommended to end the session with light strokes.

If you are in doubt about a massage procedure or have any doubts, consult a doctor who can resolve your concerns about massage. The beauty of your body depends only on your decision.