Aptos threads reviews photos

To return your facial contour to normal, you should use Aptos threads for a facelift, reviews of which clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the procedure. A thread lift can replace plastic surgery: it helps get rid of severe sagging skin in the area of ​​the chin and cheeks, eliminate deep wrinkles, restore elasticity, well-groomed and youthful appearance to the skin.

The technique is based on the use of a special material: threads made from it are implanted under the skin and tighten sagging areas of the face. It is this effect that helps tighten the skin, eliminating wrinkles, double chin and other age-related defects. Thread lifting is used when hardware and injection procedures become useless, but you don’t want to do plastic surgery yet.

Indications and contraindications

The main indication for thread lifting is sagging soft tissues of the face. Thread lifting helps return sagging areas to their place, relieving the patient of a double chin, sagging cheeks and blurred facial contours. The procedure is also used to get rid of deep age wrinkles and sagging eyebrows.

The procedure also has contraindications. Avoid thread lifting in the following cases:

  1. viral diseases, infections;
  2. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  3. inflammatory and purulent elements on the face;
  4. liver and kidney diseases;
  5. diabetes mellitus, oncology;
  6. heart pathologies;
  7. allergy to anesthetic.

Also, you should not perform a thread lift if there is severe sagging of the muscles and soft tissues of the face: with late age-related changes that occur after 45-50 years, gentle procedures become useless, and only plastic surgery will come to the rescue.

Attention! Before performing a facelift with Aptos threads, it is worth considering all the positive and negative aspects of the procedure. Thread lifting has many contraindications, and if the practitioner is inexperienced, it can lead to serious complications. If you decide to undergo the procedure, contact only trusted specialists!

Types of threads

Thread lifts are performed using different types of threads. The specialist selects the appropriate ones depending on the degree of tissue sagging and the severity of wrinkles, as well as on the wishes for the final result. As usual, four types of threads are used in cosmetology for lifting: mesothreads, Tissulift, Aptos and Silhouette Soft.


Thin, absorbable threads inserted into the skin layers using a blunt cannula. The most gentle version of thread lifting, the effect of which lasts for six months. It is used for early wrinkles and sagging, as well as as a preventive measure. It practically does not injure the skin, so it can be performed in beauty salons by cosmetologists, not surgeons.


These are smooth threads that do not absorb and are inserted into the deep layers of the skin, but are fixed to the bone. To perform a lift with Tissulift threads, incisions are required, so such lifting is a rather traumatic and dangerous procedure. However, the result after it is decent: Tissulift threads can correct even severe sagging.


Aptos threads have special serrations that help them to be fixed in tissues and have a longer tightening effect. They are inserted under the skin to a depth of 5 mm using small punctures, so they practically do not injure the face. There are several types of these threads: they are divided by area of ​​application, as well as by the duration of the effect. Absorbable ones tighten the face within 2 years, and non-absorbable ones - for 4 years.

We recommend reading: biorevitalization of the face - what is it on the link.

Silhouette Soft

The threads contain knots and cones, thanks to which they reliably fix sagging fabrics. The threads themselves do not dissolve in the skin, but the nodules and cones dissolve over time. This is for the best: bumps appear in the places where they are attached, so at first they have to be masked with hair and cosmetics.

How is the procedure done?

A facelift with threads does not take much time: it usually lasts for half an hour. Depending on the severity of the sagging and the desired result, this period may increase or decrease.

The procedure begins with cleansing and disinfecting the skin. All makeup is washed off the patient, then the face is wiped with a special antiseptic. Then the use of anesthesia begins: an anesthetic drug is injected locally, into the sites of future punctures for threads.

After the anesthetic drug has taken effect, the introduction of threads into the skin begins. For a more precise distribution of threads, the master can draw the injection sites on the face. The threads are inserted using punctures with a special thin needle.

When all the threads are inserted under the skin, it is again treated with an antiseptic drug. At the end of the procedure, the specialist can apply a bandage, if necessary. Afterwards, the patient receives post-procedure recommendations and can be free.

A facelift with threads proceeds as follows:

Rehabilitation period

Rehabilitation after the procedure lasts from two weeks to a month. The exact period depends on the individual characteristics of the individual patient’s body, as well as the age, proper care and skill of the surgeon who performed the lift.

During the first three weeks, you should not massage the treated area; you should also refrain from hardware and manual procedures that can further injure the skin. You should wash your face only two days after the procedure; before this, the skin is cleansed using a cotton pad soaked in Chlorhexidine.

Also, in the near future you should avoid steaming your skin, saunas, steam baths, solariums, beaches and other hot places that can increase blood flow to your face. You can’t take a hot shower or bath; you need to make do with medium or cool temperatures.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to sleep: do not sleep in a horizontal position in the next two to three days, so as not to provoke the occurrence of severe bruises and swelling, as well as to reduce existing ones. You should also not sleep on your stomach or side: your face should not touch the pillow.

Complications after a facelift

After thread lifting, consequences and complications may be observed. This occurs for various reasons: they can appear as a result of the specialist’s inexperience, inaccurate adherence to recommendations after the procedure, and also as an individual reaction of the body.

After a thread lift, there may be the following consequences:

  1. swelling and hematomas;
  2. facial asymmetry;
  3. tissue necrosis;
  4. unnatural appearance;
  5. allergy to anesthetic.

Hematomas and swelling will disappear over time on their own, and they do not require medical intervention. But for other consequences, you should contact the clinic where you had the procedure: these defects and problems must be corrected as soon as possible.

The effect of the procedures

The effect of the Aptos lift is comparable to plastic surgery: it returns the oval of the face to a beautiful and correct shape, eliminates wrinkles, and helps you look well-groomed, young and attractive. Threads can be used to tighten the double chin and cheeks, lift overhanging eyebrows and the upper eyelid, and eliminate jowls.

Also, thread lifting can cope with wrinkles: both small and quite deep. It can reduce the severity of nasolabial folds, increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin, and give it a healthier and more youthful appearance.

Expert advice

To prevent a facelift using Aptos threads from turning into a disaster, you should listen to the opinions of specialists who are well acquainted with this procedure.

Here are the most important tips from surgeons working with thread lifting:

  1. Choose a specialist based not only on his education, but also on reviews from other clients. If there are people dissatisfied with his technique, do not contact this specialist.
  2. Don't ignore contraindications. Before the procedure, tell the specialist about all chronic diseases and current conditions to make sure that you can have a facelift.
  3. Follow the instructions. The surgeon prohibits you from certain things during rehabilitation for a reason: by violating his recommendations, you jeopardize the result of the procedure. Is it worth spending that kind of money only to have no effect?
  4. Try not to grimace in the first two to three weeks. Not only will it be painful and unpleasant, active facial expressions can ruin the symmetry of the face after lifting. By the way, you shouldn’t smile widely either!
  5. Go to bed in a semi-sitting position. This will relieve you of the temptation to roll over and lie face down in the pillow, and will also help the swelling resolve faster.
  6. Wipe your skin with Chlorhexedine and pieces of ice: this will help disinfect your face, as well as reduce swelling and bruises if they appear.

Use these tips to achieve better results after the procedure. A beautiful lifting result occurs not only thanks to the surgeon: your adherence to his instructions helps him in many ways.


The price of the procedure greatly depends on the city, clinic and specific plastic surgeon: an appointment with more experienced and eminent specialists will cost one and a half to two times more than with beginners. Such an overpayment is completely justified: it is better to give more money and be confident in the result than to risk your face.

Approximate prices for the procedure may be as follows:

  1. Area around the mouth: from 12 to 18 thousand.
  2. Eye area: from 15 to 21 thousand.
  3. Upper third of the face: from 43 to 50 thousand.
  4. Middle third of the face: from 41 to 47 thousand.
  5. Lower third of the face: from 45 to 53 thousand.
  6. Full face: from 110 to 160 thousand.
  7. Neck: from 112 to 153 thousand.

These are the average market prices for facial contour lifting using Aptos threads. Actual prices may be higher or lower than these, and they depend on the skill of the surgeon and the level of the clinic you contact.

Photos before and after procedures

To ensure the effectiveness of the Aptos lift, you should familiarize yourself with the photos before and after this procedure. Looking at them, you can be convinced of the impressive effect of thread lifting: the face is transformed and rejuvenated, becoming well-groomed, toned and beautiful.

Patient reviews

Galina, 42 years old, Murmansk

“I decided to have a thread lift because of my age. Mesotherapy no longer helps to keep the face normal; the chin has begun to sag significantly. I chose Aptos on the advice of friends, they also recommended a cosmetologist. The face really tightened up, the result is almost like after an operation. At my age, this is the most wonderful remedy.”

Daria, 41 years old, Zvenigorod

“A friend recommended a thread lift to me - the oval of my face had long since floated, it was time to correct the situation. The specialist suggested Aptos and assured me that these were the most effective and optimal threads in my situation. In general, he turned out to be right: my cheeks and chin no longer sag, but I’m not sure I would like to repeat the procedure again. Very painful and took too long to recover.”

Maria, 42 years old, Ryazan

“Age makes itself felt, the contour of the face is no longer as clear as in youth. Initially I came for a consultation about plastic surgery, but the surgeon persuaded me to try magic threads. They promised the same effect as after surgery, but cheaper and less traumatic. And what is the result? The face tightened up a little, but the skin remained flabby and inelastic, the wrinkles almost disappeared. What is the Photoshop effect? And what kind of quick rehabilitation are we talking about if I walked around with bruises for another month? It would be better if I went for plastic surgery - I would pay a little more, but the result would be appropriate. Threads are money down the drain.”

Tatyana, 34 years old, Rostov-on-Don

“I have always had an unclear oval face for as long as I can remember. I did injections, massage, exercises - all to no avail. But in recent years the situation has become even worse; at 34, I looked 10 years older. What's the point of beautiful makeup and eyelash extensions if your face looks flabby and old? I doubted for a long time whether to try threads, but there were simply no other options. Overall, I am satisfied; I have never had such a neat and clear relief! Although the recovery period is confusing - the doctor promised that I would recover in a week, but in fact the bruises did not go away for all three.”

Natalya, 38 years old, Kemerovo

“Today I had a lift with Aptos threads. I was given 10 pieces on each side. Recently I began to notice that the oval of the face was becoming fuzzy and saggy, so I decided to correct the situation. I turned to the best surgeon I found in the city, but was still terrified of the procedure - the reviews scared me. In fact, everything turned out to be not so scary: they numbed me with cream, they fussed with me for half an hour and let me go. The swelling is noticeable, but it's not as bad as I expected. Let’s see what happens after rehabilitation – so far I like everything.”

Aptos threads are an effective method for lifting the contours of the face, helping you look younger and more attractive. When deciding on a thread lift, you should pay special attention to the choice of the clinic and the surgeon performing the operation: despite the fact that this is a low-traumatic intervention, you should not trust it to a non-professional.

In contrast to the full-fledged plastic surgery “classic facelift” with its indispensable attributes: deep surgical intervention, skin excision and a long rehabilitation period, today there is the most gentle procedure for thread skin tightening.

One of the most common on the domestic market is the lifting technique using certified Aptos threads. Reviews about this procedure are very different: from admiring to negative. Is there a “golden mean”?

Aptos threads - negative reviews

Domestic cosmetologists and plastic surgeons have been using the Aptos thread lift method for skin rejuvenation for about 20 years. Despite the large number of reviews from grateful clients, quite often you can find cautious or even angry comments from people who are dissatisfied with the result of the operation or suffer from complications. What is this connected with?

The authors of the Aptos method, Georgy Marlenovich Sulamanidze and Marlen Andreevich, conduct training and issue certificates only to dermatologists who have a higher education document. Therefore, when contacting a clinic, you need to make sure not only of the doctor’s competence, but also that he has a certificate that allows him to perform thread bioreinforcement or skin tightening with Aptos threads.

Masterly use of cannulas (blunt-pointed needles made of high-quality surgical steel to which Aptos threads are attached) does not guarantee highly qualified medical care. Sometimes girls complain that they are bothered by significant swelling after surgery with a bluish tint.

  1. facial asymmetry, surface roughness, hematomas or even subcutaneous inflammation

– this is not a complete list of troubles associated with the doctor’s unprofessionalism. In girls with very thin, fair skin, the threads themselves may be noticeable.

Another important factor in the appearance of negative reviews about Aptos threads is the low quality of unregistered samples of suture material, which does not have an official certificate from Roszdravnadzor.

The third factor in the occurrence of various side effects can be considered the individual characteristics of individual patients. If the doctor is not informed about the presence of allergies, the reactions of which he can prevent by prescribing antihistamines, as well as a number of other diseases, then the consequences of even a low-traumatic surgical intervention can be complicated.

However, you shouldn’t be afraid of all the possible side effects, you just need to take into account 3 factors:

  1. the solidity of the clinic and the experience of the doctor, the high quality of Aptos threads, exclude contraindications, and also notify the doctor about diseases and medications taken (if any).

Facelift with Aptos threads - is the effect possible?

According to the authors of the technique, face lifting with Aptos threads can be performed with both absorbable (polylactic) and non-absorbable (polypropylene) threads.

Ages 25-35, depending on the condition of the skin, plastic surgeons recommend bioreinforcement of the soft tissues of the face with a slight lifting effect with absorbable Aptos threads, which

  1. prevents sagging (ptosis) of tissues
slightly will tighten and rejuvenate the contours and skin of the face.

At 35-45 years old You can combine these 2 types of threads:

  1. Apply polymilk threads in the middle and upper parts of the face, and polypropylene threads in the lower third.

After 50 years

  1. pronounced “bulldog cheeks” or jowls, drooping double chin with a lot of soft tissue

will require non-absorbable threads to maintain the oval contour of the face.

Effect from absorbable Aptos threads, as a rule, lasts about 2 years, non-absorbable – 5.

Many negative reviews are also associated with high expectations: if I put on Aptos threads I will become 20 years younger or stay young forever. Judging by an interview with Sulamanidze M.A., the woman who, at the age of 42, had her first facelift with Aptos threads, repeated this facelift procedure three times over 10 years with different types of threads, adding them to different areas of her “calling card.”

In addition, after 2-2.5 months she received botulinum toxin injections and contouring (leveling the surface of the face with fillers with hyaluronic acid).

How is Aptos thread installed?

Bio-reinforcement of the face with Aptos threads takes 10-30 minutes, face lifting in several areas (ptosis in the eyebrows, cheekbones, medial (middle) third of the face, “young oval” area) can last up to 1.5-2.5 hours. Pain relief is most often applied locally (as at the dentist).

During the procedure itself, cannulas (blunt needles with fixed suture surgical material) are inserted into micropunctures (or small incisions if Needle threads are used - non-absorbable) into the intradermal space. This material has notches that, when opened, create a frame. The body subsequently builds up additional collagen fibers on it, which thicken the skin.

After installation, Aptos threads provide fixation of ptosis tissues. Micro-punctures and incisions are made in the scalp area and therefore remain invisible. The result of a facelift is visible immediately, the maximum lifting effect is achieved within a month and lasts from 2 (with absorbable aptos threads) to 3-5 years (with non-absorbable threads).

More about contouring on “Cosmetology for Dummies”:

How are Restylane drugs used for rejuvenation?

Read here why fillers are needed.

Aptos threads: complications after the procedure

Despite the fact that facial skin tightening with aptos threads is low-traumatic, complications are also possible after this procedure:

  1. The ends of the threads have to be removed as they become exposed; Thread breaks (if the doctor’s recommendations are not followed); Swelling, hematomas and subcutaneous hemorrhages; Infection; Quite severe post-operative pain; Loose threads that require correction. Additional tightening is performed after 3 months.

Aptos threads - rehabilitation period

If after the procedure of bioreinforcement with Aptos threads you can go to work almost immediately, then after lifting you will need several days to recover. In rare cases, this period extends to 1.5 weeks. At this time it is observed:

  1. Some “gathering” of the skin, which gradually straightens out and the visual tubercles along the threads disappear; Small hematomas (especially in women who smoke due to the fragility of the vessel walls). They also pass within a few days; Pain that can be relieved with prescribed medications; Feeling of skin tightness.

How to fix errors?

Is it possible to do something if the threads are placed incorrectly?

The most radical way to correct errors in this case is to remove threads. However. experienced surgeons can find an alternative if required:

  1. Trim the nodules (become visible); Tighten the threads (they have begun to sag); The face has lost weight and tissue ptosis has increased.

For absorbable Aptos threads, doctors can prescribe physiotherapy procedures that promote rapid biodegradation of the threads.

Perhaps a dermatocosmetologist will recommend additional botulinum therapy or contouring procedures to visually correct the skin texture.

Indications and contraindications

You can think about the possibility of installing Aptos threads if you have:

  1. Ptosis (drooping) of the outer edge of the eyebrows; Gravitational drooping of the face oval, jowls; Deep nasolabial folds, creases; Nasolacrimal grooves and labiomental folds; Wrinkles on the face, neck, as well as on the chest and buttocks.

Aptos threads are contraindicated for people with:

  1. Skin diseases in the intended area of ​​thread insertion; Infectious diseases in the acute stage: influenza, ARVI, herpes, etc.; Oncology, including benign; Blood diseases associated with increased thrombus formation.

Protect yourself from the possibility of ending up with unprofessional or unscrupulous doctors, look at the doctors’ work in reality and in photos. This will significantly reduce the risk of side complications and make the operation successful!


I would like to recommend Aptos threads, I used them. The doctor is great, she showed and told me everything, warned me about everything, answered all my questions. I lay under her arms for about an hour and Hello OP! I’m a beauty again, no nasal lips, no jowls, it’s just a fairy tale, I’m happy! I will recommend this procedure to everyone, it is the most effective in my opinion!

Until I was 40, I didn’t go to a cosmetologist at all. But one morning I looked in the mirror and realized it was time. My problem was receding cheekbones and sagging cheeks. A friend recommended a cosmetologist and came for a consultation. A whole plan was drawn up to return me to an attractive appearance. One of the items was the installation of aptos threads to tighten the skin and restore its elasticity. To be honest, it took me a long time to decide on the thread, it was very scary, but I still took this step and now I regret that I didn’t do it earlier. It was not painful at all, everything took place under local anesthesia and a special needle. Cheeks and cheekbones were lifted in less than an hour. There was swelling, but not for long. And the full effect manifested itself probably after a couple of weeks. Very pleased!

I had loose skin in the neck area, it runs in our family, the neck is a weak spot. I decided on Aptos thread lifting and did not regret it. The procedure does not take much time and is not very painful, which is very pleasing. I was very afraid of injuring my skin. There are no scars or scars after the manipulations, I recovered quickly, in about a week. The skin noticeably tightened and became more elastic. I am very pleased, and most importantly, without plastic surgery!

I installed it at a clinic in Perm and didn’t regret it! It was 5 years ago, they gave me a total of 1.5 meters. The result is good, the nasolabial and marionette wrinkles are gone, the jowls are tightened! I delivered more this year. In March I'll go get my chin stitched. It was unpleasant only when they made a hole to insert threads, everything else was tolerable. I recommend Aptos and their analogues to everyone. Previously I made 3D threads - complete nonsense. Although I have about 30 of them.

I was given Aptos threads at the Nova Clinic in Ivanovo by doctor Svetlana Kopysheva. Unfortunately, I can't attach photos, I have

holes in the places where the threads were inserted, creases on the temples that began to form wrinkles in places where there were none before, on the forehead one of the threads is “trying to get out.”

I have already cut it once at my cosmetologist, but the thread continues to come out. With every movement of the forehead, it digs inside.
The doctor refused to return the money, claiming that she did everything correctly, does that mean the problem is with the Aptos threads?

I have been dreaming of getting threads for 2 years, but now I can’t wait for them to dissolve and I hope that my face will at least return to its previous appearance. It's a pity there is no way to add photos for clarity.

Think seriously before deciding to install.
If you decide, go to a trusted doctor and immediately negotiate a refund if they do something bad and how they can fix it.

Hello Anastasia. How is your face now?

My experience in installing Aptos threads did not please me; I feel sorry for the money spent. I put 2 threads on each side. There were no bruises or swelling at all. On the 3rd day after the procedure, everything returned to its place before - my jowls are with me again. It's a shame! Although I’m only 37, the sagging has just started, but the effect is nothing, so don’t raise your expectations too high.

I am 44 years old. For 10 years I have been actively doing biorevitalization, mesotherapy, Botox, and contouring.
Two days ago I placed absorbable threads, 3 on each cheek and two on the neck. The procedure lasted 1.5 hours. Sometimes there was pinpoint pain, but this pain is something I can easily endure. I trust my cosmetologist, so I didn’t worry about anything. She just let me know when pain appeared. It's no more painful than biorevitalization.
The swelling went away quickly. I saw the effect immediately. Today I went outside. No one looked back.😀
My doctor didn't leave a single bruise. Thanks to her for her golden hands. There is also pain in some places. Tightness in the neck area, folds around the ears have not smoothed out. But there is still more to come. I already like myself! I'm already ready to go to the next procedure. And I'm sure I will go.
Thanks to the VRP developers for an accessible and non-traumatic procedure.

Hello, you had the procedure done in Moscow, can I have the doctor’s contact information?

Hello! I am 39 years old. Today is the 5th day after installing Aptos Excellence Visage threads. I put 10 threads, 5 on each side. The face is still swollen, but the result is already clearly visible. The oval of the face tightened and the corners of sadness disappeared from the lips. Regarding the procedure: during the procedure I didn’t feel any pain at all, it’s just not pleasant when they pick at your face, especially during the procedure, an unpleasant crunching sound is heard from time to time. During anesthesia it stung a little, was tolerable and not painful at all. My doctor dilutes the anesthetic with saline so that it doesn’t hurt, even though it’s completely frozen. It started hurting after the freeze lifted and I took painkillers for 2 days. The mouth really doesn’t open wide, I hope it goes away soon. On the 7th day I will go to the doctor, she will look at the result and, if necessary, she will tighten my threads. So don’t be afraid, it doesn’t hurt to insert threads, the main thing is to find a good doctor. Cost 44,000 rub.

Aptos threads were placed at the age of 46. Before this, I did Teosial filler once. I was happy for almost two years. Then my cheeks began to sag sharply; it was unpleasant to look at myself. I came to the threads. All procedures were done in the clinic. They gave me three threads on each side and two short ones in my nasolabial lips. The procedure was very painful, starting with painkilling injections in the face, then cannulas were inserted under the skin. On the left, the thread went wrong and immediately caught up wildly with the cheek. After the procedure, my face looked like a pumpkin, and there was also a hematoma. The first week it was almost impossible to open your mouth to brush your teeth and eat; it felt like the threads were tearing the fabric. Everything passed in almost a month. But then I began to reap the fruits of the torment - they began to call me a girl again. Now almost two years have passed, the results are still holding up. I am very pleased and ready to do it again. I wish all women beauty, health and courage! And of course, good luck with the doctor!

Wonderful article! And for today, June 9, 2016, are there any additions on this topic?...I am 51 years old, and I want to rejuvenate the lower part of my face to a greater extent. Surgeons in our city (Khabarovsk) are ready to undertake a circular lift... But in my childhood, when I was born, I had a cut on the facial nerve, now it doesn’t bother me at all - it doesn’t exist. Is there an option with threads?

Girls! Everything they write is not true. Aptos threads are terrible. Don't believe positive reviews. I am 56 years old. I put 7 threads on each side. 13 days have passed. ALL BRUISED, IT’S NOT CLEAR WHERE THE NEW ONE COME FROM. ALL IN PITCHES, THE FACE IS BUGGY, VERY TIGHT. THE PAIN IS NOT GOING TO GO. I WANT TO BACK WHAT HAPPENED Svetlana, how are you doing now?

Today is exactly 4 days after the installation of non-absorbable Aptos threads in the area of ​​the chin and cheeks: THE CONTOUR OF THE CHIN IS SMOOTH, I smear the hematomas on the neck with traumeel - the blackness subsides, but the face is still like a hamster's - swollen, there is a retraction near the corner of the mouth. But there is no horror! I am a really thinking person - I think everything will fall into place. I live in Tula, the threads were directed by Andrey Vitalievich Konovalov.

Girls. AU, everyone stopped installing aptos threads.

Hello! Today is 2 weeks after the installation of aptos threads, the swelling has not yet completely subsided, the chin is smooth without bruises, there are retractions of the threads along the cheekbones, but the doctor said (I was examined today) that in 2 weeks it will completely go away. In general, the view is not bad, so don’t be hysterical. And everything will work out for you. The only thing I would advise is to have as much patience as possible (since rehabilitation lasts at least a month and if you are planning to tighten up two areas, then do not do two at once, but one at a time - it will be easier to bear) and good luck to you.

The girls, also on the doctor’s advice, put aptos threads in the cheeks and under the eyes. The procedure is not for the faint of heart, of course there is no pain due to local anesthesia, but the feeling that they are sewing your face and pulling it in different directions is not pleasant. Okay, I passed this test. The next shock is that after the operation, and there is no other way to call it, one eye simply did not close for two hours, by the evening, thank God, it passed, the face looks like that of an alcoholic, and who was beaten in the face, with huge bruises under the eyes, for two weeks, It will take another month for the bruises to go away. At the slightest smile or laugh, and believe me, you will want to laugh often, because everyone around you will laugh at you)) there will be tingling sensations from the stretched threads sliding down, because they are notched like a dish brush. Two months pass, and miraculously, the wounds and bruises have healed, and my face has become smooth. half of the threads have fallen out of place, this is not noticeable but the effect is much less. And the saddest thing is that after another three months the threads dissolve, and the scar that should form around the thread is so thin and weak that it cannot hold your sagging tissue. So girls, start over, in a maximum of a year you need to put on new threads. This is the honest truth, I experienced it myself. While the thread has not dissolved, I scratched under the eye, the tip came out, a lump was visible, and as soon as the threads disappeared, the effect disappeared almost immediately. I think for the sake of three or four months of beauty there is no point in subjecting yourself to such tests and walking around like a ***** for two months. Don’t delay with Botox and fillers and everything will be fine, keep your skin youthful for a long time, the main thing is to find your doctor.