Should I squeeze out pimples?

Purulent acne on the face is a serious aesthetic defect that brings a lot of discomfort to a person. Unwanted rashes can become inflamed, painful, itchy, and red. They are difficult to disguise, but can be treated or squeezed out. Acne appears on the face especially in adolescence in girls and boys. For some they may be isolated, but for others they may spread not only over the entire face, but also to other parts of the body. In fact, acne is a disease that needs to be treated by a dermatologist and treated according to the doctor's instructions and recommendations.

Is it worth squeezing white pimples, blackheads, comedones, and blackheads? Experts unanimously say that this should not be done, because you can encounter very unpleasant complications - infection, traces of post-acne. In addition, today there are many different cosmetics and folk remedies that will help you quickly cope with this unpleasant aesthetic problem. If a person has severe acne, it is necessary to contact a specialist to prescribe therapy. Some pimples can still be squeezed out, but only if there is no inflammatory process.

Why can't you squeeze pimples?

Inflamed pimples appear on the surface of the skin due to partial or complete blockage of the pores. Acne, purulent pimples are painful, turn red, and significantly spoil a person’s appearance. It would seem that the easiest way to get rid of them is to squeeze out the contents. However, this is not true: dermatologists allow it only in extreme cases, and then very carefully and accurately. After such manipulations, the following complications may occur:

  1. redness of the skin around the pimple;
  2. development of the inflammatory process;
  3. spread of acne to new areas;
  4. introduction of infection.

In addition, after squeezing, scars and scars may remain, which are almost impossible to get rid of. After removing the pus, the skin remains damaged, and pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate through a small wound, which leads to the addition of an infectious process. The most dangerous complication after squeezing pimples is blood poisoning.

If you squeeze out a pimple in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, where the vessels through which blood enters the brain are located, the infection can penetrate this vital organ, which can lead to the development of meningitis.

What pimples can be squeezed out?

The answer to the question of whether it is possible to squeeze a pimple will depend on the type of rash. It is strictly forbidden to squeeze out those in which the inflammatory process is occurring. They can be identified by the following signs: pain, redness, visible pus. It is allowed to press on non-inflamed rashes. These are non-painful white pimples or blackheads. The reason for the formation of such comedones is the clogging of pores with sebum and dead cells. If the pore is clogged from the inside, a milium appears - a small bump with white contents. You should not squeeze out such rashes yourself.

You can also get rid of acne with inflammation. Such a pimple should be squeezed out very carefully and only if there is a white core, the contents are clearly visible through the skin, and there is no redness. You should not squeeze large, red pimples on the nose or other parts of the face and body on your own. They are also called nodes. They are very painful, and the pus can go deep under the skin. In severe and advanced stages of acne, when there are a lot of blackheads and small pimples, you should also not press, so as not to cause an infection.

Rules for squeezing pimples

So, you can squeeze out mature pimples, non-inflamed comedones, and blackheads. However, even after removing such imperfections, an open wound remains on the skin, through which infection can enter. To prevent any complications associated with squeezing out rashes, you should follow certain rules and recommendations.

  1. Before the procedure, you need to steam the skin well, preferably using decoctions of medicinal plants, or placing a towel on your face, generously moistened with hot water.
  2. If you plan to remove pimples, apply ichthyol ointment at night, then the skin will become very soft and it will be much easier to squeeze out the pus.
  3. Be sure to wash your hands with soap and treat the skin where the pimple is located with an antiseptic and disinfectant.
  4. Pimples should be squeezed carefully so that the purulent contents do not remain under the skin, otherwise an inflammatory process may develop or worsen.
  5. Afterwards, the wound should be treated with hydrogen peroxide, and a cotton swab moistened with boric or salicylic acid should be applied for several minutes.
  6. After removing blackheads and purulent pimples, you should not use decorative cosmetics.
  7. Acne suppressants are very helpful - Uno spoon, cosmetic loop.

To avoid complications that may arise after improperly removing pimples, you should do this in a salon. Mechanical facial cleansing is a safe procedure during which a cosmetologist removes comedones, blackheads, and white pimples. After just one session, the skin becomes fresher, cleaner and more well-groomed.

Treatment and prevention of acne

If you can’t decide whether to squeeze acne or treat it, give preference to the latter option, it will not only be safer, but also effective. Properly selected products for the treatment of acne will help you quickly cope with this cosmetic defect without the risk of complications. Dermatologists recommend pharmaceutical preparations. The following are considered the most popular:

  1. Klindovit cream;
  2. Differin;
  3. Salicylic ointment;
  4. Zinc ointment;
  5. Ichthyol ointment;
  6. Metrogyl gel;
  7. Zinerit lotion;
  8. Skinoren gel and others.

Such medications have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, relieve inflammation, redness, and have an antimicrobial, soothing, and analgesic effect. As a result of using such products, pimples on the nose, forehead, chin, cheeks and other parts of the body can be removed within two to three days. By comparison, if you press on the rashes, small wounds, red marks, and even scars remain on the skin much longer.

Traditional medicine is considered effective in the treatment of acne. Purulent pimples, inflammation, blackheads can be eliminated with the help of decoctions of medicinal plants (dandelion, stinging nettle, calendula). Masks with essential oils (tea tree, grapefruit) help well against white pimples.

Pimples often appear due to disruption of the sebaceous glands, which can be caused by poor diet. Excess fatty, fried foods affect not only your figure, but also the condition of your skin. Those who suffer from acne are advised to replace unhealthy foods with cereals, fruits and vegetables.

Few of us, passing by the mirror, resist the temptation to touch problem areas of the face. We suggest considering whether it is possible to squeeze pimples on the face, nose, forehead and chin, and also why the squeezing process is dangerous during pregnancy.

Why do pimples crush?

During adolescence (up to 14 years) and simply with problematic facial skin, pimples, blackheads and comedones (purulent wounds) periodically appear on the epidermis. These formations represent a clogged pore, which due to the large amount of sebum, dirt and oil begins to become inflamed.


Is it possible to squeeze pimples?

Next, a specific area is infected. At the site of the injury, redness, itching, inflammation appears, and pus begins to actively secrete. After this, the process enters the active stage, when abscess formations penetrate deep into the skin. Depending on your immunity, the condition of your face, and your lifestyle, the process of cleansing pus lasts from one day to a week. It is during this period that we begin to crush ripened pimples.

Why is it dangerous to squeeze pimples?

This activity is dangerous to engage in not only during pregnancy, but also in the normal state of the body:

  1. If the pressure is incorrect and the vessels are close together, you can block the blood flow, which can create additional suppuration;
  2. If you squeeze pimples with unwashed hands, there is a very high risk of infection. Many “experts” squeeze out the pus until it bleeds, in which case you can become infected with a truly dangerous disease;
  3. The biggest problem after squeezing out pimples is the formation of scars, this is especially noticeable in places where the skin is thin and delicate (under the eyes, on the lips, temples). To avoid this, use special devices for squeezing pimples and work only with clean hands.

Many experts, when asked whether it is possible to squeeze out pimples, answer that it is possible, especially pustules on the back and face. This is not only unaesthetic, but also dangerous; it can break out at an unexpected moment, putting your health in danger. But before starting the process, make sure that acne is not a signal of a serious disease of the internal organs.

Video: how to treat acne

How to squeeze pimples correctly

Let's look at the basic rules of dermatologists on how to squeeze out pimples:

  1. Wash your face, treat your entire face with degreasing tonics, wait until they dry;
  2. Disinfect your hands. Many cosmetologists work with sterile gloves and cotton wool - it’s more convenient and safer;
  3. Gently press on the pimple. You should see a small pore point, this means that the “problem” has matured;
  4. Place your fingers as close to the pimple as possible and press on it. Do not press on the outer part, but rather inward, trying to squeeze out the root;
  5. When you clean the pore, clean skin should be visible; if a piece of white matter is visible, then the root remains inside and soon the pimple will recur;
  6. After completing the procedure, wipe your face with toner again. Refrain from using creams, foundations and powders so as not to clog the cleansed areas; let the pores breathe.


Photo - Development of a pimple

It is worth remembering that not all pimples can be squeezed. For example, it is strictly forbidden to squeeze pimples from chickenpox. Firstly, it is useless, because... There are exactly the same ones inside the body. Secondly, if small watery blisters go away on their own, leaving no traces, then after squeezing you will be left with scars like scabies. Apply green paint to problem areas and breathe fresh air as much as possible, this will help.

It is not advisable to squeeze pimples on a healing tattoo. At this moment, this area is especially susceptible to infection, and inflammation from the paint may also occur. Be careful, treat pimples and blackheads with Bepanten, Panthenol, Rescuer.

The ugliest pimples with demodicosis are inflamed purulent formations that are very painful and itchy. It is almost impossible to fight them. You need to go to a dermatologist who will prescribe you chatterbox. If you doubt whether it is possible to squeeze white pimples on the face, it is better to ask at the clinic; it is quite possible that this is a sign of liver disease or gastritis.

Most people under the age of thirty are prone to acne breakouts. For some they are painful, for others they do not cause discomfort.

There are many different types of acne. But in any case, they all spoil a person’s appearance and cause harm. Therefore, many people prefer to remove them. Is it possible to squeeze pimples, and if so, how to properly perform this procedure?

Reasons for appearance

Acne can occur in people of any age. But young people are especially susceptible to them. Why do acne breakouts occur on the face and body?

This happens for several reasons:

  1. Makeup supplies are not washed or replaced on time. Then bacteria accumulate on them, which are applied to the face every time a product is applied (for example, powder or blush).
  2. Increased sweating. This happens, for example, due to playing sports. To protect yourself, it is better to exercise in loose clothing made from natural materials.
  3. Genetic predisposition. This cause predominates in eighty percent of the population suffering from acne.
  4. In women, active acne may be associated with the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, or hormonal imbalances.
  5. Tendency to rashes due to an allergic reaction.
  6. Changes in climatic conditions, for example a trip to the sea, etc.
  7. Stressful situations and lack of sleep lead to an increase in cortisol, which causes acne.
  8. Insufficient skin hygiene. To protect your body from infections and acne, you need to change your bed linen twice a month, clean your face daily with special products, remove makeup on time, disinfect your telephone handset, etc.
  9. Poor nutrition. The diet should be balanced. It is advisable to reduce the amount of caffeine, dairy products, sweets, soy, peanuts, etc.

What do the doctor's say

Experts rarely recommend squeezing pimples. However, they do not categorically prohibit doing this. The thing is that there are different types of pimples: some can be squeezed, others cannot.

In addition, all parts of the body react differently to such a procedure. You also need to know the general rules on how to squeeze out acne correctly.

First of all, you need to figure out which pimples can be safely squeezed out.

There are two types of comedones that are not in an inflamed form:

  1. Closed. Inside the duct, a formation appears in the pore, which does not have direct contact with air, and therefore does not become inflamed. It does not cause pain while it is in this state. It takes a long time for the formation to mature. Throughout this period, the pimple will look like a bulge on the surface of the skin, without a white head or inflammation. Such pimples should not be squeezed. This will not lead to success, but may cause inflammation.
  2. Open. When the formation has moved towards the exit of the duct, it comes into contact with air. During the oxidation process, a black dot is formed. This pimple matures faster and gets rid of pus. The pain also goes away quickly. It can be squeezed out, but only by following all the rules.

Inflamed acne comes in the following types:

  1. Superficial type papule. This red or pink pimple without a white head reaches half a centimeter. It is a consequence of unsuccessful extrusion or inflammation of a closed comedon. After healing, it leaves no scars.
  2. Deep type papule (also called nodular). Its size starts from half a centimeter. They reach a depth of up to three centimeters. They cause severe pain and are very visible. It is impossible to squeeze them out mechanically. Trying to squeeze out such a pimple can create even more inflammation.
  3. Cystic formations. They are located in the deep subcutaneous layer. Acne cannot be removed using cosmetic methods. Mechanical removal leaves scars.
  4. Pustules are called purulent acne. Their size and shape may vary, but their distinctive feature is a white head with pus. Their shallow location and purulent filling is the reason why it is possible to squeeze out such pimples, but using the correct method.

On the face

The face is the first thing people pay attention to when they meet you. Therefore, the appearance of acne immediately attracts attention, so most often they try to remove it as quickly as possible. But is it possible to squeeze acne on the face?

If the comedone is open or the papule is superficial, it can be squeezed out.

However, there are areas of the face where mechanical removal of acne is prohibited, namely:

  1. Area of ​​nasolabial folds;
  2. Lip area.

This area has a different arrangement of blood vessels, so squeezing pimples can cause serious inflammation and scars.

With white head

A pimple with a white head usually has a black dot, which indicates that it is ripe for squeezing. To remove it correctly, you should keep your face and hands completely clean during the procedure and know a few more important rules.


If the purulent formation is superficial, it can be squeezed out while maintaining sterility. However, there is one peculiarity.

If more than five purulent pimples are concentrated in one area of ​​the body, their mechanical removal will not bring the desired result.

A large number of pimples indicates that there is extensive infection under the skin, which should be combated with medications and cosmetics.

On the nose

Pimples on the nose are often caused by clogged pores. They can also appear due to acne inflammation. To avoid the formation of pus, you need to take care of the cleanliness of your facial skin every day, and also use products to combat blackheads.

Acne on the cheeks, causes and treatment. More details here.


Cystic and deep purulent formations are prohibited from being removed mechanically. Their origin is internal, so treatment must also be more extensive.

To do this, you need to contact a dermatologist and follow his instructions, as well as maintain skin hygiene so as not to provoke inflammation and infection.

On the dick

The groin area of ​​the body is susceptible to acne inflammation in case of insufficient hygiene or after shaving. Squeezing acne on the penis and groin area is prohibited.

They can be treated with special anti-acne products. It is also necessary to increase personal hygiene. You can use a decoction of chamomile and calendula for washing.

On the chest


Acne in teenagers is usually widespread. Therefore, squeezing them out leads to even greater inflammation. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor for recommendations on local and internal treatment of teenage acne.

Video: Three reasons why squeezing pimples is dangerous

Can sepsis start?

If squeezing a pimple is unsuccessful, severe inflammation may occur. If an infection was introduced during the removal process, a tumor may appear. In this case, the help of a doctor is necessary. If the necessary measures are not taken, there is a risk of blood poisoning.

How to clean at home

Shallow and mature pimples can be removed independently.

There are several rules for how this is done:

  1. Before starting the procedure, the face must be cleaned of makeup and treated with tonic. Wait for the skin to dry.
  2. Hands must be washed and disinfected. It’s even better to work with gloves and cotton wool.
  3. You need to press close to the border of the pimple, pressing inward as much as possible, to remove the root of the formation.
  4. After squeezing out the internal contents, you need to look inside the pore: if there is white matter left in it, a relapse is inevitable. It is necessary to remove pus until clear skin is visible.
  5. Finally, you need to treat the inflamed area with a disinfectant or tonic.

In an office environment

The most popular method of eliminating acne in a beauty salon is a laser procedure. As a result of this treatment, about seventy percent of blackheads are eliminated.

In addition, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is brought back to normal, the rate of formation of subcutaneous fats decreases, and the pores become narrower.

This method is applicable in the case of acne and blackheads. It helps cleanse the skin of the face to prevent the formation of purulent formations.

In order to remove purulent acne, you can contact cosmetologists who perform their mechanical removal in accordance with complete sterility.

How to clean it yourself

To overcome deep purulent formations, you need to monitor your diet, maintain hygiene of the face and body, treat the face and areas of the skin prone to inflammation with special lotions and tonics with a cleansing effect.

Tools and treatments

To combat acne breakouts, you can use the following remedies:

  1. Masks made from honey, kefir, horseradish, tar soap.
  2. Tinctures of chamomile flowers, parsley juice, aloe, white lily.
  3. Peeling from coffee and sour cream, as well as cosmetics.

Photos before and after

Causes of acne on the forehead in women. Find out further.

Why do whiteheads appear on the nose? The answer is here.