About wine, removing blockages and massage for the advanced in age

The best for them is old red wine, because it drives urine and at the same time warms the body. They should abstain from young and white wine. But if after eating they wash themselves in the bathhouse and want to drink, then they can be given low-nutritive light white wine, because it will replace their water. They should abstain from sweet and clotting drinks.

If they develop blockages, and the mildest blockages form from drinking wine, then it is necessary to remove them with the help of fudanaj and falafili, and pepper is sprinkled into the wine. If they have become a habit of eating garlic and onions, then let them eat them. Teryak is very useful for them, especially when blockages appear. Atanasiya and amrusiya are also useful. However, after them you need to moisturize the body with a bath, rubbing with oil and eating foods such as meat broth with spelled and barley.

Drinking honey wine is also useful, because if, from the moment the sensation of blockage appears in any organ or from the moment the ability of a given organ to become blocked, you add special remedies to this drink, such as for the urinary organs - celery seeds and root, then this The drink will protect against blockages and joint pain.

In cases where the blockages are caused by stones, you need to boil a stronger remedy such as mountain parsley in honey wine. If a blockage forms in the lungs, then you need to use such remedies as Venus hair, hyssop, Ceylon cinnamon and the like.

It is necessary that the massage be moderate in quality and quantity, and in no way should it touch weak organs or the bladder. If rubbing is constant, then let it be done each time using a rough cloth or bare hands. Indeed, it is beneficial for them and prevents them from suffering from diseases of the organs.