General discussion about headaches

A headache is a pain in the head. The cause of all pain is a sudden change in nature, or its opposite, or a break in continuity, or a combination of both. A change in nature can manifest itself in one of its sixteen known types; when the nature is wet, it does not cause pain, unless there is moving matter in the wetness that causes a break in continuity. What a discontinuity is is known; its varieties, depending on one reason or another, are also known. A combination of both causes of pain occurs with tumors, and tumors, as you know, have certain varieties, and there are four of these varieties. All of the above takes place in the substance of the brain itself or in the membrane surrounding it, or in both membranes, or in the vessels, or in the outer integuments of the skull, for there are connections between them that are known from the anatomy of the brain. Sometimes the phenomenon that causes suffering to any of these organs is rooted in the organ itself, and sometimes it arises due to the complicity of another organ. This can be either an organ connected to the organs of the head by branching nerves, such as the stomach, uterus, abdominal obstruction and other organs, if any, or an organ that is connected to the brain by branching blood vessels, that is, veins and arteries, such as, for example , heart, liver, spleen, or organ otherwise connected to the brain; Thus, the lungs, located below the brain, transmit their damage to the brain. Or is it an organ that, on the one hand, participates in the disease with some other organ, and on the other with the brain; This is, for example, the complicity of the brain with the kidneys during pain in them. Sometimes the headache occurs with the participation of the whole body, as happens during fevers. Headache due to the involvement of some organ occurs periodically, in attacks, according to the periods and attacks of manifestation of the cause inherent in the involved organ. This is, for example, a headache due to the complicity of the stomach, when the outpouring of bile or other matter into the stomach occurs periodically, or a headache that occurs during an increase in fever of various types.

Headache is also divided into types based on other symptoms. This includes a headache caused by some external cause, for example, a headache from a hangover, as long as it actually comes from the hangover and is not strengthened by a stronger cause generated by the hangover, or, for example, a headache from eating things with a hot quality, like garlic and the like, or a headache caused by a previous cause, which has reached the organ and strengthened there, so that because of it the headache also strengthens. Sometimes a headache first serves only as a symptom, and then becomes an independent disease; if it remains as an independent disease after acute fevers, it foreshadows a disease of the brain and indicates the inability of nature to completely expel matter through, for example, nosebleeds. It also foreshadows other diseases - hibernation, sleeplessness, insanity, relaxation or deafness - depending on the substance of matter and depending on its movement.

Headaches also vary depending on their location. Sometimes it happens in one half of the head; If such pain becomes common and constant, then it is called migraine. Sometimes the pain is felt in the front of the head, sometimes in the back of the head, and sometimes it covers the entire head; if such pain becomes common and constant, then it is called a helmet, similar to a military helmet that covers the entire head. There are also strong and weak headaches; This includes a headache of such strength that if it occurs in a child with soft bones of the crown, it splits the crown and tears the sutures. The headache can also be mild, as is mostly the case with lithargus. A mild headache can be constant, but it can also be intermittent. Headache from a mild cause occurs in some people but not in others. They occur in people with very sensitive brains and are not observed in those whose brains are less sensitive. In general, a person with a very sensitive brain is susceptible to headaches from any, even mild, cause of headache.

The brain is quickly exposed to the causes that cause headaches, either due to its weakness - or from. The general part already knows that the weakness of the brain depends on a disorder of nature, or due to great sensitivity, due to which the brain suffers from any reason, even if it is insignificant. Further, some headaches do not give any symptoms, others give symptoms hidden in the head area, when, for example, it, that is, a headache, causes a swelling in the head area due to severe suffering, and others give symptoms that spread to other organs , as for example, when suffering, damage and swelling of the brain passes to the roots of the nerves and causes spasm, or when part of these phenomena passes to the stomach and causes loss of appetite, hiccups, nausea, weakness of digestion, and the like. Know that a chronic headache occurs either from mucus, or from black bile, or from weakness of the head, or from a beginning hard tumor or from a hot, hardened tumor - this happens very often.

Headache and all diseases in general differ in this respect: a disease is either submissive, and a submissive disease is one in which there is no obstacle to appropriate treatment, or it is not at all submissive and has a companion that often interferes with appropriate treatment. When, for example, there is a headache and catarrh, the catarrh interferes with the proper treatment against the headache. Headaches also differ based on other symptoms. It sometimes occurs in healthy and free people, and sometimes in people with tumors and other ailments. There are people whose bodies are prone to headaches. These are people with a weak head and weak digestive organs, in which vapors form in their bodies, bile juices pour into their stomachs, and this causes headaches. Further, among what they eat, there are things that cause headaches, which have already been mentioned in the sections of simple medicines. All spices cause headaches, and especially Ceylon cinnamon, bush, saffron, Chinese cinnamon and amom. All substances that form vapors also cause headaches, whether they are of hot or cold quality. However, if you use them one after the other, then they protect each other, I mean, if you first use something that causes harm with the heat of its vapor, and this is followed by something that forms a cold vapor, or vice versa. However, if not only the quality of food is harmful, but also the quantity, then the consistent use of such things does not bring benefit, but, on the contrary, is harmful.

Cold headaches often occur due to the use of enemas in winter. When summer is northern and little rainy, and autumn is southern and rainy, then in winter headaches become more frequent. Often the cause of a headache is that the arteries carry bad fumes to the head.