General discussion about expectoration

The best sputum, which is expectorated most quickly, easily and abundantly and, moreover, the most mature, is sputum that is white, smooth, homogeneous, not viscous, but, on the contrary, balanced in composition. Expectoration of sputum close to such maturity calms clouding of consciousness, if it has previously been observed, and eliminates insomnia or other bad manifestations of the disease. This is followed by sputum, first turning red, and also turning yellow, and then foamy; The reason for the foaminess is that the juice contains a liquid substance, to which a lot of air is mixed, and the mixture is very strong. However, foamy sputum is not so good, but on the contrary, rather bad; it is even worse if the sputum at the beginning is pure red or pure yellow, fiery in color. Very bad sputum includes white, viscous, round sputum, and the worst of all is black sputum, especially if it is foul-smelling. Yellow phlegm is better than black phlegm and better than round phlegm in the form of pellets, but such round phlegm is better than red, although in itself it is bad and indicates the thickness of the matter and the fact that the body has taken over the heat. She foretells that the illness will be long and will turn into consumption and thinness. Red phlegm is better than yellow, for such is the natural blood; red moderate mucous sputum is softer

yellow phlegm that corrodes and burns. Green sputum indicates that the matter has thickened and is strongly burnt; the ease of sputum release does not negate the judgment of the malignancy of its substance. Foul-smelling sputum is malignant. The expectoration of such malignant sputum occurs due to its abundance, but not due to maturity; Any expectoration that does not relieve the patient's suffering is not good.

Physicians usually call clear discharge, which is not mixed with any foreign, mature substance or any amount of blood, or yellow bile, or black bile, “spit” and do not call it sputum. If such expectoration lasts a long time and nothing is mixed with the discharge and there is no sign indicating that this juice is ripening, it indicates that the disease will drag on; if the juice is not ripe and is malignant, it is a sign of death.

Generally speaking, sputum gives indications by its color, its density (whether it is thick or thin), and also by its shape (whether it is rounded or not rounded); Its quantity is also indicative of its abundance or scarcity. Salty sputum indicates corrosive catarrh.

Sometimes the expectoration of thick juice or even pus is not due to ulcers in the lungs, but from purulent moisture seeping into the body of people who have passed thirty years and approached fifty and have neglected physical exercise. Purulent moisture accumulates in their chest cavity and is coughed up. In this case, purification occurs in a period of time from forty to sixty days, but there is no big problem here.