A general word about wound treatment

A wound on meat is necessarily either a simple rupture, straight, round or polygonal, or a rupture with the loss of part of the meat; sometimes it is hidden in the depths, penetrating far, and sometimes open. Each of them has its own method of treatment, but what is common to all is the retention of flowing blood, and we have dedicated a separate paragraph for this. Sometimes the emission of a moderate amount of blood is beneficial to the wound, as it prevents swelling, pimples, or fever from occurring. After all, it is most worthy to take care in case of wounds to prevent a tumor, because if a tumor does not form, then the wound can be healed, but if there is a tumor or crushing or rupture has occurred, and in the spaces between the tissues due to the wound blood has accumulated, which is going to give rise to a tumor or fester , then the wound cannot be cured without taking measures against it and without curing the tumors. And when blood is retained in crushed tissues, it is necessary for it to quickly resolve, if its quantity is significant and it causes tension, and for this purpose the blood is turned into pus and forced to resolve, using all sorts of hot and emollient means from among those already known . That is why it is necessary to promote the flow of blood if it is not sufficient.

If the incision is simple, longitudinal and nothing is lost, then for treatment it is enough to tighten and bandage the wound, do not give anything oily or wet access to it, and do not allow anything to get into the wound - a hair or anything else. something. At the same time, you protect the nature of the organ from disorder and try to ensure that nothing is attracted to it except natural blood. If the wound is large and its edges do not meet, because it is round, wide or irregular in shape, or there is a small piece of meat missing, then it is treated by suturing and preventing the accumulation of moisture in it, using drying, distracting medications and using adhesives , which we will talk about later. If the wound is deep, then the dressing often also forces it to close and does not have to be exposed, although sometimes, as we will explain later, it is necessary, if possible, to expose the wound; this is done in cases where the application of a fastening bandage does not help, especially if the wound cannot be well bandaged to the bottom of the depression and juices flow into it due to organ weakness or pain, or due to the circumstances that we talk about in the paragraph on ulcers.

When it is necessary to expose a wound, it is necessary to apply a piece of cotton paper or something similar to its mouth to dry it, especially if, as we have already said, the bandage does not reach the bottom of the recess or its position is such that malignant matter cannot be removed. it is leaking, or there is bone in the wound, or it has become cranial and turned into a fistula and there is a very bad liquid in it. In this case, it is considered as an ulcer, and not as a wound.

The scientist says that the wound only needs a dressing connecting its edges when it is desirable that they grow together and come together. When it is necessary for meat to grow in the wound, then this is not necessary, and you should only bandage it once so that the bandage absorbs dirt from the mouth of the wound, and once apply a bandage of such a size that it holds the medicine on the wound.

He says: Try to ensure that there is a space at the mouth of the wound through which dirt can constantly flow out on its own, either make an additional incision there, or give the wound an appropriate position. I once healed a large wound, the bottom of which was near the knee, and the mouth on the thigh, without making a second hole below, under the knee. I gave the thigh a position in which the bottom of the wound was higher and the mouth lower, and the wound healed without a cut below. I also hung the forearm, hand and other organs in such a way that the mouth of the wound was always facing downwards.

These are the words of this scientist. We will say that sometimes the wound ends up in a place where it is necessary to completely cut off and remove the organ. If a lot of flesh is torn from the wound, then means that build up the meat are needed, and there are not enough drugs that dry it out and prevent the flow of matter. On the contrary, the drug that dries out and prevents this sometimes does harm by distracting the substance from which the meat grows. Often the depth of the wound and the lack of bone are such that the wound cannot heal completely and a depression remains, but it also happens that more meat grows than necessary and excess meat is formed. When it is desirable for meat to grow in a wound, the patient must be fed praiseworthy food that produces good chyme.

Sometimes the bulking medicine is such that it can build up the flesh, but the skin, if the whole skin is torn off, does not grow, and instead of it grows hard meat on which hair does not grow. As for the vessels, their branches often originate and grow again, like meat.

Among the wounds there are dangerous wounds, such as wounds located on nerves or at the ends of muscles, and we will talk about them in the paragraph on various conditions of nerves. Often such wounds are accompanied by bad symptoms, for example, with a wound at the ends of the muscles, the complexion changes and the pulse drops after a preliminary increase and decrease, and this leads to fainting and loss of strength, and sometimes such a wound is accompanied by spasms. The same is true for wounds on the front of the knee, above the cup they are also accompanied by bad phenomena and kill, and they are rarely gotten rid of. When spasms arise from such muscular wounds, and the wounds do not respond to treatment, in order to cure them, one has to cut the muscle crosswise and resign itself to the cessation of its action, but this should be postponed until the spasms and clouding of the mind can be treated in another way, somehow otherwise. Wounds like the one on the knee sometimes have to be exposed with a cross-shaped incision. In case of tumors, ulcers and wounds, for the sake of protection, they bleed at this place, cause relaxation and do not allow the wound to heal until the patient is thoroughly cleansed, and then it is healed.