One-day fever due to hardening of the skin from constricting water

Those who bathe in contracting water, for example, in that in which the power of alum and vitriol predominates, sometimes the outer pores are strongly compressed and the vapors are blocked, and what happens to them is what we have spoken about many times. This often leads to rotting.

Signs. This is indicated by the presence of a corresponding cause and obvious dryness of the skin, which seems dried or tanned, as if you were touching skin soaked in vitriol. With regard to the increase in warmth of the skin some time after touching the hand, the situation is the same as with other fevers resulting from blockage of the pores; the pulse is weaker, smaller and faster, and the urine is whiter and thinner than usual, like the urine of a sheep. The body of such patients is not emaciated and the eyes are not sunken.

Treatment. They should be treated in ways similar to the treatment of the previously mentioned patients, but they are not given wine before they are convinced that the pores are greatly enlarged, unless the hardening of the skin is slight - then the wine often opens the pores. Their diet should be easier, their exposure to air baths and bathing in hot water should be longer, and rubbing with oil should be postponed for a longer time.