- Why do cancerous papillomas appear?
- Mechanism of malignant transformation
- What does it look like
- How to get rid of oncogenic papilloma
- Laser destruction
- Cryodestruction
- Electrocoagulation
- Radio wave excision
- Prevention of cancerous papillomas
Cancer papilloma is a neoplasm on the patient’s body of a malignant nature. The appearance of such growths is provoked by HPV of high carcinogenic risk. However, the presence of such a virus in the blood does not necessarily lead to cancer. A number of accompanying factors contribute to the development of oncogenic papillomas.
Why do cancerous papillomas appear?
High oncogenic risk HPV
The vast majority of human skin tumors are benign in nature. Papillomas can form on the epidermis and mucous membranes due to HPV infection.
The virus is very widespread throughout the planet. To date, scientists have identified over 100 types of this pathogen. Many of them are considered oncogenic. That is, the risk of the growth degenerating into a malignant formation is quite high.
Malignancy of papilloma is called malignancy. You can talk about this process when the first signs of a malignant disease appear.
There are a number of factors that provoke malignancy:
- Oncogenic human papillomaviruses. Papillomaviruses are divided into 3 groups according to the level of danger in terms of the degeneration of formations into cancer. High-risk viruses include HPV-16, 18, 36, 45. Moreover, the 16th and 18th strains are responsible for cancer of the cervix. Types 36 and 45 can cause skin cancer.
- External influence on papilloma - mechanical or chemical. Mechanical injury often occurs in the case of papillomas on the feet, genitals, and in places of close contact with clothing. Trauma to the tumor provokes rapid division of cells in the growth and leads to its malignancy. Also, working with chemicals without proper skin protection or trying to remove papillomas using folk or homemade remedies can increase the risk of malignancy.
- Infection of the neoplasm. Papillomas can become inflamed due to dermatological diseases, as well as due to mechanical damage with the introduction of harmful microorganisms. Infection can also be caused by unsuccessful attempts to remove tumors and failure to comply with hygiene rules.
- Features of human immunity. When the immune response is weakened due to chronic diseases or infectious diseases, papillomas can also degenerate into malignant ones.
Several or just one papilloma can undergo a pathological malignant process at once. Most often this happens on the epidermis or mucous membranes of the genitals.
The mechanism of malignant degeneration of papilloma
Initially, all papillomas are considered benign. Their malignancy occurs over time. This is a rather slow process that occurs in several stages:
- Initiation. Cells mutate under the influence of viral antigen. There are no signs of malignancy at this stage; it is impossible to identify the incipient disease. The initiation of the degeneration of papilloma into cancer occurs from time to time in different parts of the body at the cellular level. But, as a rule, the process is interrupted due to the death of mutated cells. If this does not happen, the second stage of malignancy begins.
- Promotion. Mutated cells actively multiply and replace healthy ones. Signs of the disease at this stage are also practically absent or barely noticeable. The first and second stages are reversible and regularly occur and are interrupted in the body under the influence of various factors.
- Formation of stem lines of poorly differentiated cells. Mutated cells evade immune surveillance and quickly divide uncontrollably. They lose their inherent functionality and do not have antigen receptors, by which the immune system is able to distinguish diseased cells from healthy ones. During this period, it is possible to identify histological signs of the process of degeneration of papilloma into malignant one.
- Tumor progress. This stage occurs when tumor cells begin to destroy neighboring healthy areas of the body. The symptoms of cancer at this stage are the most striking, with pronounced histological signs. The risk of metastases increases.
What does cancerous papilloma look like?
The photo shows a traumatized cancer papilloma
It is extremely important to diagnose malignant degeneration of tumors in a timely manner. In this case, the treatment started will bring a much greater chance of full recovery.
First of all, it should be remembered that Benign papillomas do not cause pain, they have a uniform bodily color. The sizes, shapes and modifications of the growths may vary, but they remain constant.
Important! Only a doctor can determine malignant papilloma after histological examination and tissue biopsy.Not every person undergoes preventive examination, which could help cure cancer at an early stage. Therefore, it is important to know what a cancerous papilloma looks like, so that at the slightest sign of degeneration of the growth, you can contact a specialist for testing.
The main signs of oncogenic papillomas:
- Painful tumor, itching, burning;
- The appearance of redness around the papilloma;
- Rapid growth in education;
- A change in the shade of the growth, the appearance of dots and spots on it - a clear sign of a malignant process is the combination of different shades on one papilloma;
- Arbitrary violation of the integrity of the neoplasm, which is accompanied by discharge of different colors - blood, pus;
- Formation of a rough dense crust on the papilloma.
Many patients are suspicious of papillomas from which hairs grow. In fact, this is a normal process and evidence that the neoplasm is harmless. A sign of papilloma degeneration into malignant will be hair loss in the affected area. This alarming symptom requires consultation with a doctor.
How to get rid of oncogenic papilloma?
Papillomas that become malignant must be urgently treated under the supervision of an oncologist. As a rule, the therapeutic effect consists of removing tumors. Drug treatment along with chemotherapy is usually prescribed in the last stages of malignancy. It makes sense to resort to this when the tumor spreads to previously unaffected tissues and forms metastases.
Laser destruction of cancer papillomas
This method of removing malignant papillomas involves the use of a high-temperature medical laser. It generates thermal radiation and cauterizes the growth tissue. In this way, the vessels are cauterized and the affected area is disinfected. Thanks to the laser, the risk of severe bleeding and infection is reduced.
Under the influence of the high temperature of the laser, pathological cells instantly evaporate. With its help, you can remove a tumor accurately and quickly without severe pain. Also, the laser does not damage neighboring healthy areas of the body, and long-term rehabilitation is not required.
Note! The risk of complications when removing oncogenic papillomas with a laser is minimized.Laser destruction has a particular advantage, since it can be used in gynecology to remove malignant growths in the area of the external genitalia. After such manipulation there are no burns and no inflammation.
The price of laser removal of cancerous papillomas is 1000-2000 rubles in Russia (400-700 hryvnia in Ukraine).
Cryodestruction of malignant papillomas
This operation involves freezing the affected tissue with liquid nitrogen. The substance is applied to the growth with a special applicator. This method of eliminating oncogenic papillomas makes it possible to quickly and easily influence formations in the cervix, as well as the mucous membrane of the vagina and rectum.
After freezing, the mutated cells die and are rejected. The procedure leaves no scars and does not cause complications. It can also prevent the re-formation of papilloma.
The price for removing a malignant papilloma using cryodestruction is 800-1500 rubles in Russia (350-500 hryvnia in Ukraine).
Electrocoagulation of oncogenic papillomas
This method can eliminate papillomas in any part of the body. In this case, an electric current of variable frequency acts on the skin that is located around the malignant growth. This causes massive thermal damage to the tissue and destruction of the tumor structure. The area that was exposed to current becomes covered with a dry crust. After it is rejected, there are practically no traces of the procedure left.
This method can be used to treat oncogenic human papillomavirus, which manifests itself in the form of small and shallow skin lesions. The rehabilitation period after the procedure lasts about 7-10 days.
The price of electrocoagulation of oncological papillomas is 850-1500 rubles in Russia (350-550 hryvnia in Ukraine).
Radio wave excision of malignant papillomas
It is considered one of the safest and most innovative methods for removing any growths on the epidermis. This procedure involves the use of low-temperature, high-frequency radio streams. In this case, neither the doctor’s hands nor the instruments come into contact with the patient’s skin; all exposure is carried out at a distance.
Elimination of oncogenic papilloma is carried out at the site of its attachment to the epidermis. Healthy tissues are not affected.
After radio wave excision, a crust appears on the treated area of skin, which disappears on its own after a week. The advantages of this method of treatment are painlessness, absence of blood loss and scars, and speed.
The price of radio wave excision of malignant neoplasms is 1500-2300 rubles in Russia (500-800 hryvnia in Ukraine).
Prevention of cancerous papillomas
After the malignant papilloma is removed, the patient should remain under the oncologist's follow-up for several years. This is a necessary preventive measure that will allow the malignancy of other neoplasms to be detected at an early stage. This will also make it possible to diagnose tumor metastasis in a timely manner.
It is important for all patients with HPV, especially with oncogenic papilloma virus, to undergo regular drug treatment aimed at suppressing the pathogen. This is necessary so that it cannot be activated and lead to malignancy of papillomas. Existing skin tumors should be promptly removed, even if they do not pose a threat from the point of view of malignancy.
The most effective way to prevent HPV with subsequent degeneration of papillomas is vaccination, which protects against oncogenic types of the virus.
This vaccination is prescribed to girls aged about 12 years. This will help protect against the development of cervical cancer in an adult woman. You should also periodically undergo tests to identify the virus and determine its strains.
Please note that HPV is activated when the immune defense is weakened, hormonal imbalances, digestive problems, bad habits, uncontrolled use of medications, emotional and psychological stress, physical exhaustion, and poor nutrition. Monitor your lifestyle, eliminate harmful factors to avoid activation of the virus and malignancy of tumors.What is cancerous papilloma - watch the video:
Cancerous papillomas occur in the presence of HPV of high carcinogenic risk and associated factors. People who have dangerous strains of HPV in their blood need to monitor their body and know how to identify oncogenic papillomas in the early stages. Timely diagnosis and treatment can save the patient’s life.
![What does cancerous papilloma look like and what to do with it? (English)](/assets/images/psdpost/dmtlg/kak-vyglyadit-rakovaya-NbnABo.webp)