Milk in bodybuilding. Milk is the most important product in the diet of a real athlete

The best source of calories For athletes is nothing more than milk. In bodybuilding and fitness, it is considered a magical product. Anabolic properties milk are confirmed by the experience of many generations of bodybuilders, weightlifters, powerlifters, in other words, all those who are interested in “pulling iron”.

But not all people can drink liters of milk. For some it's difficult to digest product. Therefore, many people believe that this product is contraindicated for them. However, these are hasty conclusions. The main thing is to be patient and, without going to artificial food additives, which in turn are prepared on the basis of the same milk powder, find exactly your own approach to taking natural product. In order to avoid digestive problems, try drinking milk on a full stomach, reduce the dose, but increase the number of doses, in the end there is completely skimmed milk.

If these listed methods do not help you normalize the work of your body, then buy it at the pharmacy enzymes in tablets. They will likely help your body cope better. lactose, contained in milk and causing intestinal disorders.
Remember that you need to look for an approach to your body, try to deceive it by using natural milk. Some people learn better this way rather than pasteurized. If possible, try drinking doubles milk.

Even if you have tried all the variety of options described above and, alas, none of them suited you, do not despair. There is still a chance to become a bodybuilder. You just need to look for another option for getting additional calories. For those who do not need to greatly increase their caloric intake, you can simply slightly increase your intake of “solid foods.” But for the average person, and especially a teenager, who has not yet mastered milk, but is in dire need of a significant increase in calories, we advise that in addition to “solid food”, look for and alternative "liquid". This type of nutrition has a high absorption rate, making it much easier to fill your stomach with hundreds of calories without overeating or risking stomach upset. But due to “solid food” it is almost impossible to gain the same 4000 calories. Such food may include highly nutritious dairy products, yoghurts or self-prepared protein shakes (from 5-6 egg whites). Don’t be afraid to try and experiment, only thanks to this you will definitely find an alternative to milk and be even closer to achieving your “body building” goal.

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