One-day fever from fatigue

Fatigue sometimes heats up the pneuma so much that a fever arises, disrupting a person’s action; Most of all, it damages and burdens animal and mental strength.

Signs. Signs of fatigue fever are previous fatigue, greater heat in the joints than other organs, a feeling of exhaustion and dryness in the body. Often, at the end of a fever, moisture appears on the body if the fatigue was moderate and there was no drying heat or cold that prevented perspiration. If the fatigue was excessive, then hydration and perspiration were scanty. Often the fever is accompanied by a dry cough due to the involvement of the lungs, and the patient’s pulse is small and weak; sometimes it gets a little hard. Urine is pungent, hot due to the movement of the pneuma and liquid due to its dispersion.

Treatment. Treatment for such patients is rest and bathing in a bath or bath, and after that, rubbing oil, especially into the joints. It also helps to eat food that gives good chyme and moisturizes, such as chicken and goat meat or fish from a rocky river in an amount that patients can digest. Since the strength of such patients is weak, they should expect that they will digest not as much as they digested in a healthy state, but less; Therefore, they should be fed with dishes, a small amount of which provides abundant nutrition, such as those we have mentioned, or, for example, soft-boiled egg yolks. Cock orchils are also good.

Some people argue that those suffering from exhaustion should be given a lighter regimen than other fever patients, but this is completely wrong. They should eat fresh fruits and drink very diluted wine if they are used to it, or julab and the like if they are not used to wine. It is appropriate for them to rub oil more than it is rubbed on others, in order to moisturize their withered limbs and joints, and also to relax the tension that has arisen in them. Violet oil is one of the best oils for such patients; rubbing it should cover the entire body, especially the head, neck and vertebrae of the spine, as well as all joints; Rubbing in after bathing is most beneficial. The bed of such patients should be flat and their clothes and room should be refreshed with incense; if it is necessary to repeat bathing in the bathhouse due to residual illness, then everything that was prescribed is repeated.