Papiderm for papillomas: reviews, price, instructions

Papiderm for papillomas and warts

The content of the article:
  1. Description and composition of Papiderm
  2. Beneficial features
  3. Instructions for use
  4. Contraindications
  5. Results of use
  6. Reviews about the use of Papiderm

Papiderm is a complex remedy for the treatment of tumors caused by papillomavirus. Refers to a few drugs used not only externally, but also internally.

Description and composition of Papiderm

The drug Papiderm for papillomas

In the photo Papiderm for papillomas

Papiderm is a drug based on natural ingredients that not only fights tumors resulting from infection of cells by the human papillomavirus, but also aims to destroy the pathogen throughout the body. An integrated approach, consisting of simultaneous exposure to HPV from within the body through oral administration and treatment of epidermal growths using external applications, helps to achieve a lasting effect.

Application of Papiderm helps to cope with such neoplasms:

  1. simple warts;
  2. flat warts;
  3. filamentous papillomas;
  4. genital warts;
  5. spines.

Papiderm has positive reviews from doctors. An important role in this is played by the presence of natural components in the composition, which not only directly affect viruses and mutated cells, but also activate the body’s immune responses to these irritants.

Composition of Papiderma for papillomas

The composition of the product includes extracts and extracts of such plants and fruits:

  1. Black Walnut. It is rich in vitamin C, and also contains large quantities of silicon, magnesium, potassium, iron, selenium, manganese and B vitamins. The tannins contained in the fruits have an active effect on the epidermis, and the most valuable component is juglone. Its presence is indicated by the smell and taste of iodine in the product.
  2. Shiitake mushrooms. This tree mushroom is included in the list of the most grown mushrooms in the world. And not only due to its gastronomic features, but also due to its medicinal properties. It is rich in vitamin D and compounds that help remove toxins from the body, even radioactive ones.
  3. Maclura. This fruit is also known as Adam's apple. It is noteworthy that it is poisonous and is not eaten. But squeezing its milky juice is used in many recipes for both traditional and folk medicine. The juice contains a large amount of fatty acids, pectin components, and antioxidants.
  4. Canadian goldenseal. Also known as hydrastis. Its extract is rich in alkaloids, iron, silicon, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, vitamins A, C, E. A powerful antiviral and antibacterial drug, called a folk antibiotic. It has a strong hemostatic effect due to its thrombosing properties.
  5. Cordyceps. Despite the fact that it looks more like a dried root, it is actually a mushroom. Rich in vitamins B, D, PP. It contains many amino acids, antioxidants, enzymes, coenzymes and other active substances that have a strong effect on the epidermis and actively stimulate the body's production of substances that fight viruses.
  6. Potato shoots. They contain large amounts of solanine. In such quantities it is a poison, and in dosed doses it is a remedy for the treatment of skin imperfections, diseases of the oral cavity, wounds, and inflammatory processes.

The drug is a clear liquid with a yellowish tint and a characteristic herbaceous odor. Bottled in 10 ml bottles made of dark glass. Packaged in cardboard boxes with instructions.

The price of Papiderm is from 359 rubles in Russia (from 248 hryvnia in Ukraine).

There are no direct analogues of the drug; in terms of its effect on the body as a whole and the epidermis in particular, it is similar to Papilite and Papilovir.

Papiderm cannot be purchased at a pharmacy; this product is sold only on the websites of the manufacturer’s online representatives.
  1. See also the description and composition of Maxivart

Useful properties of Papiderm for papillomas

The drug Papiderm for papillomas and warts

Most of the biocomponents of the drug are produced abroad. This is due to the fact that the plants and fruits used for extraction are exotic for our latitudes. To preserve the maximum amount of useful components in them, it is necessary to extract the substances used in the medicine in a short time.

According to the composition and instructions of Papiderma, the drug has the following effects on the epidermis:

  1. Cauterizes the tumor. Despite the fact that the composition does not contain aggressive chemical components, acids or alkalis, it still has a fairly strong effect on the epidermis. In particular, it has a cauterizing effect, which leads to cell death. The epidermis at the site of application ceases to receive nutrition, which leads to necrosis of the treated area. It may acquire a yellowish tint, or it may become dry and black.
  2. Kills the virus. The strongest antiviral therapy is a distinctive feature of almost every component of the product. They not only act directly on the virus, but also help the body produce components that launch an independent fight against pathogens of dangerous diseases.
  3. Destroys pathogenic flora. Cauterization makes the epidermis vulnerable and susceptible to the harmful effects of many microorganisms, bacteria, and fungi. In this regard, the presence of antibiotic components of natural origin in the preparation is extremely appropriate. They actively fight pathogenic flora, reducing to almost zero the possibility of infection.
  4. Mummifies growth. The destruction of epidermal bonds in the neoplasm leads to the fact that the papilloma becomes non-viable. She has nowhere to get food and be saturated with oxygen at the intracellular level. Thus, its gradual mummification occurs. It shrinks, shrinks and turns into a scab, which is gradually preparing to detach.
  5. Peels off the neoplasm. The main thing in this matter is to wait for spontaneity. Additional manipulations that accelerate the removal of papilloma from the epidermis can only be performed with plantar warts that are highly keratinized. In other cases, this process should go through on its own. Otherwise, this can lead to the reappearance of the neoplasm, infection of the area, and the degeneration of the smallest remaining viable particles of papilloma into a malignant neoplasm.

As for the internal use of the product, it significantly increases immunity. This happens by saturating the body with vitamins and minerals contained in Papiderm for papillomas, removing waste, toxins and parasites. The general health of all systems and organs helps to quickly cope with the virus, strengthen the body and independently cope with the effects of viral pathogens in the future, by acquiring stable immunity to them.

In addition, the extracts included in Papiderm are actively used to combat malignant neoplasms. Therefore, as an additional bonus, you also receive cancer prevention.

  1. Read also about the benefits of Kerasal for papillomas

Instructions for use of Papiderm for papillomas

Instructions for Papiderma for papillomas

According to Papiderm reviews, it is quite easy to use, although it requires greater intensity of use than similar products.

Start with the preparatory stage. This is especially true for the removal of papillomas that have been on the epidermis for a long time.

In the event that old spines with extensive keratinization are to be removed, it is recommended to carry out a steaming procedure to remove dead cells. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the papilloma. It is also necessary to cut off the keratinized white ridge around the tumor as much as possible.

It is recommended to wash other papillomas with soap and blot with a soft cloth. In addition, although the product is not very aggressive, during applications it is better to avoid contact with healthy skin, and it is even better to treat the area around the tumor with any greasy cream. For these purposes, Vaseline or baby cream is usually used.

The instructions for Papiderma offer the following algorithm for external use of the product:

  1. Remove the bottle of medication from the box. Make sure it is sealed tightly and has not been opened prior to use.
  2. Apply the product to the new growth. Apply, allowing the medicine to be distributed evenly over the growth. If you see that there are untreated areas left, add another drop.
  3. Do not rub or massage the application area. The drug should be absorbed on its own.

Regimen for taking Papiderm orally:

  1. Pour some warm water into a tablespoon.
  2. Place 15 drops of the product into it.
  3. Drink the medicine in one gulp.
  4. Take the product with 50 ml of warm water.
External application of Papiderm should be done 3-4 times a day. The remedy is taken internally twice a day - morning and evening. The course of application is until the papillomas disappear.
  1. See also the instructions for use of the drug "Collomac"

Contraindications to the use of Papiderm for papillomas


As with any other remedy for tumors caused by HPV, treatment with Papiderm should begin with a consultation with a surgeon, oncologist or dermatologist to confirm the low oncogenicity of the papilloma.

But even if you are absolutely sure that the neoplasm is benign, you cannot start therapy if you have any dermatological diseases, wounds, abrasions, trophic ulcers, epidermal tears, rashes, itching.

Also, a contraindication to the external use of Papiderm is the location of inclusions on the scalp, areas with altered pigmentation, near moles and nevi. These restrictions do not apply to oral administration.

The manufacturer notes that the naturalness of the product reduces the risk of developing negative reactions when using Papiderm for papillomas. However, there are general recommendations to limit the use of all drugs against tumors caused by HPV. Let's take a closer look at them.

The use of Papiderm is contraindicated in the following patients:

  1. Those with sensitivity to the components of the product, allergy sufferers. Natural components are very active, which can lead to the development of an allergic reaction. Therefore you need to be careful. It is optimal to carry out the test using the minimum possible amount of the product during the first application and ingestion.
  2. For children. The use of products containing cauterizing components is strictly prohibited in the treatment of children under 3 years of age. Further, the use of such medications is permitted only under the strict supervision of the attending physician.
  3. Pregnant and lactating. Considering the fact that during pregnancy and breastfeeding a woman’s body is susceptible to more acute reactions to any drugs, it is better to avoid the use of this drug. The decision to use Papiderm can only be made by the gynecologist, obstetrician or pediatrician leading the pregnancy, having clearly weighed the benefit-risk ratio.

See also contraindications for the use of Solcoderm.

Results of using Papiderm for papillomas

Results of using Papiderm for papillomas

The photo shows the results of using Papiderm for papillomas

According to the data provided by the manufacturer on the official website for selling the product, in 2016, comprehensive studies of Papiderm were conducted for effectiveness. 850 people took part in them. In all subjects, as a result of using the product, the skin was completely cleared. Also, in 98% of patients, papillomas from internal organs disappeared. 88% of study participants increased their interferon status, which helped implement cancer prevention. In 64% of cases, concomitant infections were suppressed.

Treatment of small papillomas took 2-3 weeks. It took about a month to remove large, old growths with keratinization, sometimes a little more.

  1. See the results of removing papillomas and warts with Verrucacid

Real reviews about the use of Papiderm

Reviews about the use of Papiderm

Customer reviews about Papiderm are good. However, along with them, the Internet is replete with articles stating that this remedy is not effective, but is a well-developed deception scheme. It is difficult to judge how true this is. Therefore, we suggest that you read the real reviews about Papiderm left by people on the forums. They are predominantly positive, which indicates the effectiveness of this remedy.

Marina, 32 years old

I developed papillomas all over my body about 3 years ago. More precisely, they appeared earlier, but not in such numbers and not in such a large size. Before pregnancy, the gynecologist drew attention to my tumors and said that if I did not undergo the appropriate course of treatment, then there would be no talk of conception. Because during gestation, these tumors begin to actively grow, which can lead to cancer. Also, since a virus causes the appearance of warts, infection can occur from mother to child. After undergoing the appropriate tests, I was diagnosed with types 16 and 18 of the virus, which are highly oncogenic. I started to panic. I read a lot about papillomavirus, including scientific papers. I came across information about many drugs. We were interested in reviews about Papiderm on the forums. It was presented as a natural remedy for papillomas. I completed a month-long course of treatment, and as a result, after repeated tests, the papillomavirus was not detected again. I am very grateful to Papiderm for the calm course of my pregnancy and the confidence that I will not get a malignant tumor, and my child will not be infected with the virus from me.

Anna, 24 years old

I learned about the human papillomavirus after I developed condylomas on the skin near the labia. The gynecologist said that this is a virus that a condom cannot protect against, and it causes the development of cervical cancer. I became very scared, and I decided to start treating this disease. I was very scared to remove condylomas surgically or cauterize them with chemicals, so I began to look for alternative methods of therapy. I found information about a natural remedy that also prevents malignant neoplasms. I was unable to buy Papiderm in Moscow, so I ordered it on the Internet. I noticed that the prices for it are very different, so I spent a long time studying the sites. I found the official one and ordered the product there. The first week, despite the fairly high intensity of the treatments, I did not see any effect and was even disappointed and thought that this remedy would not help me. But she continued the treatment and already in the second week she noticed that the condylomas began to darken and then harden, and gradually they completely disappeared. Now I have absolutely no traces of their presence on the skin, and new lesions do not appear. Therefore, I am very pleased with the result and recommend this remedy for the treatment of these tumors. Be healthy.

Vladimir, 41 years old

I had papillomas for a long time, but since they were in the back and lower back, they did not cause me much discomfort. However, I came across information that they can cause serious harm to health, in particular, cause the development of cancerous tumors. I turned for help to a paid clinic, where I was prescribed expensive drugs to treat the virus that causes papillomas. The tumors themselves were cauterized for me. The old ones left, but new ones appeared in their place or nearby. Doctors told me that it is impossible to completely get rid of HPV, you can only reduce its activity. I read a lot of reviews about Papiderm and decided to buy it. Soon my growths began to disappear. After the full course of treatment, the virus was not detected in the blood. I believe that natural remedies are more effective than chemicals, since our ancestors studied the healing properties of plants and fruits for many centuries, used them and passed them on to us. I recommend.

  1. Read also real reviews about the use of Papilight

How to use Papiderm for papillomas - watch the video:


This drug is a modern means of combating HPV and benign neoplasms caused by it. Its advantages include high efficiency, ease of use and dual action (internal and external). Many consider the disadvantage to be the fact that Papiderm is not sold in pharmacies and a large number of negative materials have been written about it.

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