Papilloma on the tongue in the throat: symptoms and treatment

Papilloma on the tongue in the throat

The content of the article:
  1. Why do they appear?
  2. Signs of papillomas on the tongue in the throat
  3. Diagnostic methods
  4. Treatment methods
    1. Removal
    2. Medicines
    3. Folk remedies

Papillomas on the uvula in the throat are viral growths with a rough surface that affect the mucous membrane. They can be single or grouped, creating a large affected area. Typically painless, but can be dangerous if they grow and block the airways.

Why do papillomas appear on the tongue in the throat?

HPV 3d model

The reason for the appearance of papillomas on the human body, including mucous membranes, is the penetration of papillomavirus into tissues and blood. Typically, infection occurs through unprotected sexual contact, as well as in everyday life when sharing objects with an infected person. The easiest way for the virus to enter the body is through damaged skin or mucous membranes. It penetrates into the DNA structure and begins to affect the process of cell division. This is how characteristic benign growths appear.

Most often, neoplasms on the mucous membrane of the mouth, throat, including the tongue, appear due to oral sexual contact in adults or through the use of contaminated hygiene items and utensils among children. Also, sometimes the virus can be transmitted from mother to baby during childbirth. However, it is worth noting that papillomas on the uvula in the throat are quite rare, since this organ is difficult to injure and is well protected. However, with an increase in the viral load on the body and the growth of papillomas in the oral cavity or throat, tonsils, growths can also affect the tongue.

The causes of papillomas on the tongue in the throat are common: decreased immunity, chronic diseases, poor diet, hypothermia, nervous strain, overwork, bad habits. All these factors contribute to the activation of HPV and an increase in the number of viral tumors on the mucous membranes.

  1. See also the causes of papillomas in the throat

Signs of papillomas on the tongue in the throat

What do papillomas look like on the uvula in the throat?

Photo of papillomas on the tongue in the throat

For a long time this pathology does not manifest itself. It can be difficult to notice the growths because it is a difficult place to reach. In addition, papillomas on the throat and tongue are painless and often do not cause any discomfort. Also, sometimes they are covered with healthy mucosa, and it is almost impossible to visualize them with the naked eye.

Most papillomas are small growths with a rough, uneven surface. They can blend in color with the healthy mucous membrane or be lighter. Sometimes they are covered with a whitish coating.

Usually, papillomas on the tongue in the throat are discovered during preventive examinations, and also when the patient experiences noticeable discomfort.

Unpleasant sensations in this area can be presented in the form of the following symptoms:

  1. Difficulty chewing and swallowing;
  2. Sensation of a foreign object in the throat;
  3. Changing the sound of the voice;
  4. Difficulty breathing, wheezing, coughing for no apparent reason.

In some advanced cases, a cough appears mixed with blood, but without copious sputum. This happens when growths are injured, as well as during malignant degeneration of tumors.

The larger the area covered by papillomas on the throat and tongue, the more dull and hoarse the voice becomes. Any movement in the larynx area is accompanied by a feeling of the presence of a foreign object.

As a rule, papillomas, in addition to the uvula, also affect neighboring tissue areas - tonsils, soft palate, arches, tongue, larynx, and side walls of the pharynx. They often have a creeping character.

Despite the fact that papilloma is a painless growth, it can carry a certain danger. Firstly, papillomas on the throat and tongue caused by oncogenic viruses can become malignant and lead to the development of cancer. If such tumors become malignant, they quickly progress and metastasize. Treatment of such malignant neoplasms is complex and not always successful.

Papilloma can develop into an oncological tumor as a result of accidental injury, for example, when eating solid food.

Also, papillomas on the uvula in the throat can disrupt the process of eating, cause discomfort, and impair voice formation. In extreme cases, these neoplasms cause airway obstruction and lead to chronic hypoxia.

  1. Read also what papillomas on the vocal cords look like

Methods for diagnosing papillomas on the tongue in the throat

Diagnosis of papillomas on the tongue in the throat

The throat and uvula area can be examined without special equipment. This is done by otolaryngologists at the appointment. A laryngeal mirror can also be used to visualize papillomas. If the neoplasms are covered with healthy mucosa, then diagnosis can be complicated.

Indirect laryngoscopy can detect a group of papillomas in the throat. Also, if cancer is suspected, the doctor will prescribe a biopsy of the growth. The seized biological material will be sent for histological examination. This analysis will determine the benignity of the papilloma on the uvula in the throat.

Modern autofluorescence research allows us to determine the boundaries of the throat and larynx affected by papillomas. The doctor may also prescribe computed tomography and macrolaryngostroboscopy to clarify the diagnosis.

In addition, a blood test - PCR - will help determine the presence of papillomavirus in the body. This is a labor-intensive test that detects the nucleic acids of the pathogen. However, despite the fact that this study reveals the presence of the virus in the blood, this is not proof that the tumors in the throat are papillomas.

Treatment methods for papillomas on the tongue in the throat

Treatment of papillomas on the tongue in the throat should be carried out exclusively by a specialist. This is a difficult-to-reach area; in addition, the growths can grow deep into the esophagus or larynx, and it is not possible to remove them yourself without risk to health. The main method of treatment is the physical destruction of papillomas on the tongue in the throat. Doctors can also include antiviral and immunomodulatory therapy.

Removal of papillomas on the tongue

Laser removal of papillomas on the tongue

The localization features of the growths do not allow the use of all existing methods of physical removal of papillomas. The cryodestruction and electrocoagulation techniques are practically not used. Firstly, in these cases it is quite difficult to control the depth of penetration of liquid nitrogen or electric current, and therefore there is a risk of causing serious damage to the reed. Secondly, after such removal it is impossible to remove biological material for a biopsy to determine the malignancy of the growth.

If you are interested in how to remove papilloma on the uvula of the larynx, then pay attention to laser coagulation. This is the optimal way to destroy a tumor. The laser allows you to accurately measure the depth of penetration into tissue. In addition, during the removal process there is no severe bleeding, since the laser beam cauterizes the vessels. The risk of relapse after such treatment is minimal, and the recovery period is short. The price of laser removal of papillomas on the tongue in the throat is 1200-2600 rubles in Russia and 340-670 hryvnia in Ukraine.

Radiosurgical removal of growths is also often prescribed for the treatment of papillomatosis in the throat. This is the most modern and low-traumatic method of destroying tumors. A radio knife or radio loop affects only diseased tissues without affecting adjacent healthy ones. This method of destruction also does not cause blood loss and does not leave scars. The mucous membrane is quickly restored. The price of radiosurgical removal of papillomas on the throat and tongue is 1900-3100 rubles in Russia and 600-1200 hryvnia in Ukraine.

In some cases, papillomas in the throat and mouth can be removed using a regular scalpel or surgical loop. However, this technique is used less and less often, since this operation is traumatic and requires high skill of the surgeon. After such a surgical intervention, complications often develop in the form of severe bleeding, scar formation, and a long rehabilitation period. The cost of surgical excision of papillomas in the throat is 650-1450 rubles in Russia and 180-470 hryvnia in Ukraine.

Treatment of papillomas in the throat on the tongue with medications

Preparations for the treatment of papillomas in the throat on the tongue

Photos of medications for papillomas on the tongue in the throat

In the treatment of papillomatosis, medications are often prescribed. The main groups of medications used in this case are antiviral and immunomodulatory. The main goal of such drug therapy is to strengthen the body’s protective functions and force the immune system to fight the pathogen that causes papillomas on the uvula in the throat.

Immunomodulators increase the production of interferon in the body, which fights pathogens. In most cases, doctors prescribe immunomodulators in tablet form. Sometimes injections of drugs may be prescribed. There are also immunomodulatory medications in the form of sprays for irrigating the mouth and throat. Amiksin (from 600 rubles), Likopid (from 400 rubles) and their analogues - IRS-19 (about 600 rubles), Derinat (from 400 rubles) are popular.

For papillomas on the throat and tongue, antiviral drugs that suppress HPV in the body can also be prescribed. They block the activity of the pathogen, reduce the viral load on the body and help avoid relapses after the destruction of tumors on the uvula in the throat. The following medications showed positive results: Panavir (1600-2100 rubles), Allokin-Alpha (3400-4000 rubles) and their analogs - Cycloferon (from 300 rubles) and Viferon (from 400 rubles).

Aggressive chemicals that have a cauterizing effect on papillomas are practically not used to treat growths in the throat and tongue. When using them, it is difficult to control the depth of penetration into the tissue and serious damage to the mucosa can occur.

Treatment of papillomas on the tongue in the throat with folk remedies

Water with honey for papillomas on the tongue

It is worth remembering that self-medication of papillomas on the tongue in the throat is contraindicated. You will not be able to completely remove the growth on your own. In addition, improper treatment can lead to malignancy of the tumor.

You can use traditional medicine recipes as additional therapy. They will help boost immunity and strengthen the body's defenses. This will be a good prevention of HPV relapses. But traditional methods cannot be used as the main methods for treating papillomas.

The following recipes for papillomas on the tongue and throat have proven themselves to be effective:

  1. Dilute a teaspoon of honey in a cup of clean warm water and drink once a day on an empty stomach (if you are not allergic to bee products).
  2. Grind the horseradish root and mix 1 tablespoon with a teaspoon of honey. Use this mixture once a day.
  3. Mix crushed leaves of oregano, coltsfoot, raspberry, plantain, thyme, black currant, and licorice root. Pour the collection with hot water and leave in a thermos for several hours. Take the infusion several times a day for 30 days.

The above remedies will help strengthen the immune system and give the body the strength to fight infection. These recipes are effective if used regularly.

Photos of papillomas on the tongue in the throat can be found on the Internet, but this is not a reason to diagnose yourself. If growths are detected on the mucous membranes, it is recommended to consult a professional to undergo all the necessary tests and rule out cancer. Only a doctor can prescribe the correct treatment.

  1. Article on the topic: Visiting an otolaryngologist with papilloma in the mouth