Papilloma in a child’s mouth: what to do and how to treat?

Papilloma in the mouth

The content of the article:
  1. Why do they arise?
  2. What do papillomas look like in a child’s mouth?
  3. Treatment methods
    1. Oral health
    2. Removal
    3. Medicines

Papilloma in a child’s mouth is a very unpleasant disease for both the baby and his parents, because the little patient becomes restless, refuses his usual food, and complains of discomfort. The appearance of a growth in the oral cavity is difficult to miss; it causes discomfort and even pain. The formation must be immediately shown to the dentist, as well as a dermatologist, otherwise the pain will intensify, the likelihood of injury to the structure and, accordingly, worsening of the condition will increase. The consequence of ignoring the problem can be bleeding and even oncological transformation of the formation. Early diagnosis of the disease will make it possible to quickly eliminate the symptoms of the pathology that are unpleasant for the child and localize the causative agent of the disease.

Why do papillomas occur in a child’s mouth?

HPV 3d model

Papillomas appear when the human papillomavirus is activated in the body. About 70% of all inhabitants of the planet are infected with this virus. Children become infected mainly through household means - through the use of other people's hygiene products (for example, toothbrushes), failure to maintain personal cleanliness. Less common, but still possible, are cases of vertical infection, that is, from mother to baby.

There are several hundred different strains of the virus, but oral papillomas in children are most often caused by genotypes 6, 13 and 32.

Once infected, a person may not suspect that he has a pathology for a long time, since HPV manifests itself only under favorable conditions:

  1. decreased immunity;
  2. inflammatory processes in the body;
  3. infectious diseases;
  4. a decrease in the body’s protective functions due to long-term drug treatment;
  5. stress;
  6. hormonal changes.

Considering the intense rhythm of modern youth, schoolchildren are at risk: papilloma in the mouth in children 7-12 years old is a fairly common occurrence. The situation can be complicated due to the specific localization of the formation - a humid and warm environment, which contributes to the rapid growth of papillomas. Accordingly, the sooner the problem is identified, the easier it will be to solve it.

  1. See also the reasons for the appearance of warts in a child’s mouth

What do papillomas look like in a child’s mouth?

What do papillomas look like in a child’s mouth?

The photo shows papillomas in the mouth of children

Formations can appear in various parts of the oral cavity:

  1. On the tongue. These are small single or small groups of structures that are felt as an unnatural roughness on the tongue. Such papillomas are often located in a child’s mouth (photos are easy to find on the Internet) on the tip and sides of the tongue; very rarely, formations are found under the tongue and practically do not affect its root. The color of the papilloma is flesh-colored, indistinguishable from the mucous membrane.
  2. In the throat. It is quite difficult to detect such pathogenic structures; initially they do not cause discomfort, and the child may only complain of soreness; after growth, the growth interferes with the normal swallowing process. Examination of the oral cavity for papilloma in a child’s mouth may reveal a small whitish bump on the tonsil, the surface of the formation is rough.
  3. In the larynx. When such a papilloma grows, it can worsen the child’s breathing, but there are no other visible signs of such a formation.
  4. On the lips. The growth begins its development as a small epithelial compaction; it is diagnosed quite quickly due to its open localization; pronounced symptoms are not required in this case.
  5. On the gum. It does not manifest itself for a long time; such papilloma in children’s mouths does not hurt; as a rule, it is discovered during a routine visit to the dentist.
In very young patients, the disease can manifest as disturbances in the growth of baby teeth and the pronunciation of various sounds. An implicit symptom is a child’s constantly open mouth due to breathing complicated by growths.

Photos of papilloma in a child’s mouth frighten many parents, but such materials allow one to suspect the disease in time. However, only a doctor can make a final diagnosis. You should not self-medicate. Pathology is diagnosed during an examination of the patient, anamnesis and a series of tests. First of all, histology will be prescribed, a PCR test will be performed to determine the strain of the virus. If a tumor is suspected of transforming into malignant, the patient is referred to an oncologist for a detailed examination.

  1. Read also what papillomas on the tonsils look like in children

Methods for treating oral papilloma in children

Papilloma in a child’s mouth requires immediate treatment. Depending on the location of the growth, the consequences can be extremely severe. So, if an adult feels discomfort with an illness, then for a child it is severe pain, since a large number of nerve endings are located in the oral cavity. Growths in the throat can lead to problems with speech activity, and a papilloma on the palate of a child is most likely injured when chewing solid food. Injury to a growth on the mucous membrane is fraught with bleeding, which is difficult to stop, and secondary infection of the wound. In infants, tumors in the mouth can cause breathing problems. Treatment of papilloma in a child’s mouth takes place in several stages: improvement of the oral cavity, destruction of the formation, and drug therapy.

Improving the health of the oral cavity in case of papillomas in a child

Cholisal for improving the oral cavity for papillomas in a child

If papilloma is detected in a child in any part of the mouth and larynx, special attention must be paid to the hygiene of the area. The dentist should treat your teeth, get rid of gum inflammation, and have them professionally cleaned.

In the future, the oral cavity should be kept clean, and if it is difficult for the child to comply with the regime, parents should monitor the frequency of brushing and rinsing. Sanitation of the oral cavity must be maintained throughout the entire treatment and even after, because the mucous membrane is very delicate and is easily injured.

For inflammatory processes in the mouth, additional medications may be prescribed. hygiene ointments, such as Cholisal or its analogues Dentinox, Dicloran Denta gel. Cholisal promotes wound healing, eliminates pathogenic organisms, and reduces the feeling of itching and burning in the oral cavity. The cost of the ointment in Ukrainian pharmacies is 112 hryvnia, in Russia - 467 rubles (gel for children).

Please note that the drug should not be used in children under 3 years of age.
  1. See also ways to treat papillomas in the throat of a child

Removing papilloma in a child’s mouth

Laser removal of papillomas in a child’s mouth

Removal of papilloma in the mouth in children is prescribed if the formation has reached a large size, has been injured, and makes eating or breathing difficult.

Doctors have the following methods for removing formations in the oral cavity:

  1. Laser. The focused high-temperature beam removes the formation very precisely. The cost for removing one papilloma in the mouth starts from 500 rubles in Russian clinics and from 300 hryvnia in Ukrainian ones.
  2. Radio wave method. Considered the most innovative, papillomas are removed carefully, without scars, with minimal risk of infection. The procedure costs from 4,000 Russian rubles, but the price for complete removal, anesthesia and postoperative observation can reach 35,000 rubles, depending on the complexity of the manipulations. In the price lists of Ukrainian clinics, the price for the procedure starts from 1,700 hryvnia.

Popular methods of destruction of growths on other parts of the body (cryodestruction and electric current) are practically not used to remove papillomas in a child’s mouth. The reason is simple - the high sensitivity of this area. In addition, the laser and radio knife cauterize the wound at the moment of destruction, preventing further infection. Other methods are not as effective in minimizing the development of inflammatory processes.

Medicines for oral papillomas in children

Preparations for oral papillomas in children

The photo shows medications for oral papillomas in children

We should not forget that removing the growth is not a solution to the HPV problem. Treatment requires an integrated approach, therefore, when it comes to oral papillomas in children, special attention should be paid to antiviral and immunostimulating therapy.

For medicinal support of the child’s body, the following are prescribed:

  1. Groprinosin or its analogues Normomed (can be used by children over 3 years old), Amizon (for children over 6). Groprinosin is an excellent antiviral drug with an affordable price - 116 hryvnia in Ukraine and 589 rubles in Russia.
  2. Imunorix for children aged 3 years and older for local stimulation of the body's protective functions. The drug is quite expensive: in Ukraine it costs 835 hryvnia, and in Russia - 1055 rubles. In some cases, it can be replaced with Amiksin (for children over 7 years old).
  3. When treating papilloma in a child’s mouth, multivitamin complexes are also prescribed to strengthen the body. The most popular are Vitrum Junior or Vita-Supradin. The price of vitamins varies and starts from 170 hryvnia for 30 tablets in Ukraine and 470 rubles in Russia.

The drugs, their dosage and duration of use should be determined exclusively by the doctor, based on the overall clinical picture.

If parents want to use “grandmother’s” recipes to fight viruses, this must be done after the active phase of HPV has ended and only after consulting a doctor. Improper treatment or ignoring medical recommendations can provoke the appearance of new papillomas in the mouth of children. However, remember that papillomas in the mouth in children are fraught with serious consequences, including improper development of the speech apparatus, therefore it is highly not recommended to treat the disease with folk remedies; you should seek help only from experienced specialists.

Considering the high degree of infection of the population with various strains of viruses, when talking about disease prevention, we are talking about preventing the activation of the virus. In order to prevent papillomas from appearing in a child’s mouth, it is necessary to monitor oral hygiene, avoid using other people’s hygiene items, be attentive to injuries and inflammations in the oral cavity, and treat them in a timely manner. You should also normalize the child’s diet, add moderate physical activity, and avoid overwork and stress.

Watch a video about papillomas in children:

Despite their small size, papillomas in a child’s mouth are not at all as harmless as they might seem at first glance. Firstly, this is a signal about the child’s impaired health, changes in microflora, and secondly, the development of the disease in the absence of proper treatment can lead to problems with breathing, speech and even disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Parents should be attentive to any child’s complaints, especially if the oral cavity, an area with specific microflora, is affected. Fortunately, papilloma in the mouth in children is quickly removed using modern medicinal and instrumental methods. In the future, you will have to follow a set of preventive measures to prevent the formation of new papillomas.

  1. Related article: Consultation with a virologist for oral papilloma