Papillomas on the eyes: causes, symptoms and treatment

Papillomas on the eyes

The content of the article:
  1. Why do they appear?
  2. Symptoms of papillomas in the eyes
  3. How to get rid
    1. Removal of papillomas in front of the eyes
    2. Medicines
    3. Folk remedies

Papilloma on the eye is a benign growth, the appearance of which is caused by HPV. In most cases, this formation does not cause discomfort to the person, but sometimes it can grow and cause a lot of problems for the patient. Therefore, it is recommended to remove these tumors in a timely manner so as not to aggravate the pathology.

Why do papillomas appear before the eyes?

HPV 3d model

Infection with papillomavirus is the only cause of the appearance of papillomas on the human body. The pathogen is transmitted in various ways, but most often through household contact or sexual contact. If you are interested in why papillomas appear in front of people, then you should remember that getting infected with HPV can be much easier than it seems. To do this, sometimes it is enough to touch the stair railing with your hand and then rub your eye.

For a long time, patients are unaware of the virus in the body. Activation of the pathogen occurs under the influence of various factors. They can be:

  1. Nervous strain and shock;
  2. Increased physical activity;
  3. Hormonal fluctuations, for example due to pregnancy, menopause, taking birth control medications;
  4. Taking antibiotics for a long time;
  5. Chronic infectious diseases;
  6. Weakening of the immune system, vitamin deficiency;
  7. Frequent exposure to direct ultraviolet rays without protective equipment.

The above factors are the main causes of papillomas in the eyes. However, the viral agent can also infect other organs and parts of the body.

As a rule, papillomas on the eye grow if the organ of vision is handled carelessly. For this reason, it is important to protect your eyelids from injury. Try to wash your face carefully, do not rub your eyes excessively, and prevent the formation of scratches and abrasions on the mucous membranes and around the eyelids.

  1. Read also: why warts grow on the eye

Symptoms of papillomas in the eyes

What do papillomas look like before the eyes?

Photo of papillomas on the eyes

Papillomas can affect different parts of the eye. Most often they are found on the eyelids (lower and upper), mucous membrane, and conjunctiva. These growths take the form of small tumors and can cause discomfort to a person - both aesthetic and physiological.

Papilloma on the mucous membrane of the eye and eyelids may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Feeling of a foreign object in the eye;
  2. Difficulty blinking;
  3. Inflammation in the eyeball area;
  4. Increased tear production;
  5. Redness of the eyes and mucous membranes;
  6. Chronic conjunctivitis.

The growths have a loose structure and are not painful in themselves. They cause discomfort due to constant contact with the eye and can sometimes become inflamed.

Currently, several types of papillomas are detected in the eyes. Most often they are diagnosed in older people. But sometimes it can affect young people and children.

Types of papillomas on the mucous membrane of the eye:

  1. Keratopapilloma. They look like a group of small papillae. Only the top layer of the epidermis is affected. The growths are located on thin stalks that are prone to mild trauma. These tumors are the most common.
  2. Fibropapilloma. Such neoplasms affect the deep layers of the dermis and are penetrated by a network of blood vessels. Therefore, they can easily grow and affect new areas of the skin.
  3. Flat papilloma. These growths are least common in cases of eye damage. They look like small nodules protruding above the epidermis.

Also, papillomas on the mucous membrane of the eye can be single or multiple. They differ from each other in size, shape, shade.

According to another classification, these neoplasms can be divided according to the level of cancer risk into low-oncology and high-oncology. Growths with low oncological activity grow slowly and do not pose any particular danger unless they are injured. Neoplasms with high oncological activity grow and affect new areas of the skin or mucous membrane quickly and can degenerate into malignant tumors. They require urgent treatment with consultation with an oncologist.
  1. Read also what papillomas look like on the eyelids

How to get rid of papillomas on the eyes?

First of all, the patient who has discovered this disease is interested in how to get rid of papillomas in the eyes. It should be remembered that self-medication in this case is unacceptable. It is necessary to consult a doctor so that he can establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct therapy. As a rule, treatment for HPV is complex and includes removal of growths, combating the pathogen and eliminating factors that contribute to the progression of the disease.

Removal of papillomas in front of the eyes

Radiosurgical removal of papillomas in front of a man’s eyes

Removal of tumors is the most radical and most effective way to combat papillomas on the eye. Currently, there are several methods for painless and safe removal of growths on the eyelids, mucous membranes or under the eyes:

  1. Laser coagulation. A laser beam is used directly at the site of papilloma formation. During the operation, local anesthesia is prescribed. The procedure itself lasts several minutes. The regeneration process depends on the location of the tumor. The closer to the mucous membrane, the longer the wound will heal. Laser removal of papilloma on the eye does not leave noticeable scars or marks. The cost of the procedure is 1250-2400 rubles in Russia and 350-670 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  2. Electrocoagulation. Impact on papilloma with electric current. Allows you to eliminate not only benign, but also malignant tumors. A rather painful procedure that requires anesthesia. Rarely leaves behind scars. The price of electrocoagulation of papillomas on the eyes is 1250-2300 rubles in Russia and 320-650 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  3. Radiosurgical removal. The method is based on radiofrequency treatment of papilloma. It does not allow excessive bleeding and affects only the place where the tumor attaches to the skin. The cost of the procedure for radiofrequency removal of papilloma on the eye is 2000-3100 rubles in Russia and 650-1250 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  4. Surgical removal. It is considered the traditional and simplest method of treating papillomas. But in the eye area this method of removal is used extremely rarely. This area requires a special approach and “jewelry” precision of work. Achieving such quality is not easy. The price of surgical removal of papilloma on the eye is 500-900 rubles in Russia and 160-290 hryvnia in Ukraine.

It is also highly recommended not to use various aggressive chemical substances in the eye area, which can cause burns to the skin and mucous membranes. This is especially true for self-medication at home. This can cause irreparable damage to the eyeball, cornea, eyelids and mucous membranes. This is fraught not only with cosmetic defects, but also with deterioration of vision, up to complete blindness.

Whatever method you use to remove papilloma from the eye, there are certain rules for postoperative care for the damaged area of ​​skin. First of all, you should avoid getting water into the surgical site. In addition, it is not allowed to remove crusts from wounds until they are completely exfoliated on your own.

Treatment of papillomas in the eyes with medications

Preparations for the treatment of papillomas on the eyes

In the photo there are drugs for papillomas on the eyes

Before removing a papilloma on the eye, the doctor may recommend that the patient undergo a course of medication. It is necessary for people with immunodeficiency conditions, for those infected with highly oncogenic strains of the papilloma virus, as well as for patients prone to relapses of removed papillomas.

For HPV, the following types of drugs are used:

  1. Antiviral. These include agents that have a pronounced effect against viral pathogens, suppress their activity and reduce the concentration of viruses in the blood. For papillomas on the eye, the doctor may recommend the following drugs: Roferon (about 900 rubles), Altevir (about 1,300 rubles) and their analogues Panavir (from 350 rubles), Isoprinosine (from 700 rubles).
  2. Immunomodulatory. Many of them contain animal interferon and help strengthen the human body's immune response. They also provide assistance in the fight against viral agents. Cycloferon (from 300 rubles), Polyoxidonium (about 900 rubles) and their analogues Lykopid (350-500 rubles), Derinat (from 400 rubles) have proven themselves well.

A specialist can also prescribe vitamins and multivitamin complexes if tests reveal a deficiency of certain substances in the body. All these drugs for papillomas on the eye will help the body effectively fight the causative agent of the disease and prevent recurrence of papillomas after their elimination.

Folk remedies against papillomas on the eyes

Dry rose hips for preparing an infusion for papillomas on the eyes

It is strictly not recommended to treat papillomas on the upper and lower eyelids and mucous membranes on your own without consulting a doctor. The impact of remedies from the arsenal of traditional medicine should also be as gentle and careful as possible.

Thus, popular recipes based on celandine or garlic juice, as well as various acids, cannot be used on the eyelids, as it can easily injure the delicate skin around the eyeball and even the conjunctiva.

If you are thinking about the causes and treatment of papillomas on the eyes, the optimal solution would be to take a course of immunomodulatory decoctions or infusions with natural ingredients.

Pay attention to these recipes:

  1. Take plantain herbs, lemon balm, nettle, horsetail, and dandelion root in equal proportions. Mix the raw materials and add warm water. Place in a water bath for 15 minutes. Leave to infuse for several hours. Strain the infusion and take 3 tablespoons three times a day before eating for 7 days.
  2. Using the above scheme, you can also prepare an infusion of wormwood, clover, violet, St. John's wort, dill, plantain, and calamus root. Take in the same way as the previous infusion.
  3. An infusion of dry rose hips also perfectly stimulates the body's immune forces. You should drink a glass a day after meals.
  4. At the pharmacy you can buy tincture of echinacea or eleutherococcus. Add 5-7 drops of the product to a glass of water and take daily on an empty stomach in the morning.
Remember that any traditional medicine can be used as an additional treatment for papilloma in the eyes. The latter should be prescribed by a specialist.
  1. See also recipes for folk remedies for removing papillomas on the eyelids

How to get rid of papillomas in front of your eyes - watch the video:

Papillomas in the eyes most often occur in mature people with reduced immunity. However, sometimes they can appear in younger patients. In rare cases, growths can develop into malignant tumors. Treatment of this disease should be combined and include physical destruction of tumors and medicinal effects on the causative agent of the pathology.

  1. Related article: Which doctor removes papillomas on the eyelid