Papillomas on the body: causes of appearance and methods of treatment

Papillomas on the body

The content of the article:
  1. What do papillomas look like on the body?
  2. Reasons for appearance
  3. Treatment of papillomas on the body
    1. Medicines
    2. Folk remedies
    3. Removal of papillomas

Papillomas on the body are formations caused by the activity of HPV. When they appear in a single copy, they do not represent any kind of disease, but if they grow over the skin, there is reason to diagnose “papillomatosis.” This conclusion should only be made by a dermatologist after consultation with an oncologist and virologist.

What do papillomas look like on the body?

What do papillomas look like on the body?

Photo of papillomas on the body

Papilloma is a benign neoplasm that very rarely degenerates into malignant. It is a small growth from beige to red, covered with a kind of scales. Its dimensions are 0.3-0.5 cm, sometimes a larger diameter is found, depending on the location. Its shape is uneven, its surface is rough.

A papilloma on the body can rise above the skin, connecting to it through a stalk, or be closely adjacent to the tissues. In the latter case, the formation looks like a small birthmark or flat wart. It stands out sharply against the background of the skin in color and structure.

Papillomas can appear all over the body, but most often they can be seen on the neck, chest, back, and under the arms. They are rarely grouped, a maximum of 2-5 small growths are combined in one place, but in most cases the formations are scattered over the skin in a chaotic manner.

Redness often appears around the papilloma on the body, which is associated with the active activity of the virus, scratching of this area and the negative impact of the sun, poor-quality water, and care products containing harmful chemicals. This is sometimes accompanied by irritation and itching of the skin surrounding the formation.

Since papillomas on the body often itch very much, it may be necessary to satisfy this desire. In this case, there will be a possibility of violating the integrity of the formation and causing minor bleeding. As a result, favorable conditions will be created for the spread of HPV throughout the body and its infection with other viruses.

  1. Read also what hanging papillomas under the arms look like

Causes of papillomas on the body

HPV 3d model

A healthy person who is not a carrier of HPV cannot experience such tumors. They appear only in those people whose cells are affected by this virus. Skin papillomas do not appear immediately after this, but only after several weeks or years. The specific period depends on the protective properties of the body and the state of the immune system. If it is strong enough, then the growths may never form at all.

The following problems contribute to the formation of papillomas on the body:

  1. Taking medications. First of all, antibiotics pose a threat to health, which negatively affects the intestinal microflora. Prolonged and uncontrolled use of them sooner or later starts the process of destroying not only pathogenic, but also beneficial bacteria. They, in turn, are needed to protect the body from HPV, which, seeing no obstacles, multiplies freely and causes the growth of papillomas on the skin.
  2. Poor nutrition. Refusal of meat, fish, dairy products and reluctance to replace them with vitamin and mineral complexes leads a vegetarian to a state of vitamin deficiency and anemia. In this situation, it is difficult for the body to resist the effects of viruses, including papilloma, and it becomes defenseless against it.
  3. Poor environmental conditions. The situation remains difficult for those people who live in polluted cities where a large number of industrial enterprises are located. Paint and varnish plants, oil refineries, and nuclear power plants are considered especially dangerous. In such places there is a high level of radiation, which suppresses immune responses, which causes the formation of papillomas on the skin.
  4. Hormonal imbalances. This applies mainly to women, and the older she is, the more likely she is to be at risk. Teenage girls and older adults should also be included. Peaks of papillomas rashes occur just at the end of the menstrual period, that is, menopause. The formation of papilloma on the body is also facilitated by disturbances in the production of hormones by the thyroid gland and kidneys.
  5. Various diseases. People with fatty hepatosis, pyelonephritis, gastritis and colitis in the acute stage have a high risk of forming such growths on the body. They are also likely to occur in people with obesity, stomach and intestinal ulcers, anemia and HIV. You should especially be wary of skin papillomas with otolaryngological diseases - sore throat, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis and common colds.
  6. Stressful situations. Depression, neuroses, emotional instability - all this negatively affects the functioning of the immune system. The situation is aggravated by constant lack of sleep, quarrels in the family and conflicts at work, and lack of rest.

When answering the question of why papillomas appear on the body, it is necessary to mention the possibility of contracting the virus both sexually and through household contact. You can become a carrier of HPV during unprotected coitus, while swimming in a pool, or visiting a sauna or bathhouse. It can enter the body of children in kindergarten or when sharing toys with an infected child if he has cuts on his body. Direct transmission of the virus from mother to baby during delivery is also possible.

  1. See also the causes of threadlike papillomas

Treatment of papillomas on the body

Treatment of papilloma on the body does not depend on the cause of its appearance, and there are 3 options: the use of medications and folk remedies, and physiotherapeutic procedures. The first two are therapeutic, and the last is radical, but at the same time minimally invasive. It is chosen if other methods are irrelevant and do not give the desired results.

Medicines for the treatment of papillomas on the body

Medicines for the treatment of papillomas on the body

Photos of drugs for the treatment of papillomas on the body

The essence of such treatment comes down to suppressing the activity of the virus and at the same time drying out the growth, and then eliminating it naturally. Its goal is to create optimal conditions for resorption and self-removal of tumors without pain at home. Regardless of what causes papillomas to appear on the body, they usually take various tablets and capsules, give injections, use external agents in the form of ointments, solutions, lotions, etc.

Here is a list of effective drugs and remedies from which you can safely choose absolutely anything:

  1. Immunomodulators. If we talk about syrups, then the best choice would be “Tsitovir-3”. It is sold in a 50 ml glass bottle with dark walls, the cost of the drug is 420 rubles. (200 UAH). You can drink it 2-12 ml per day for 5 days. Arbidol based on umifenovir hydrochloride can be a good replacement. It must be taken 2 tablets 4 times a day, treatment should be carried out for 5-7 days. The list of effective dietary supplements includes Lymphomyosot, made from natural ingredients. It must be diluted with water according to the instructions or washed down with it, taking 2-3 times a day. Before getting rid of papillomas on the body, you need to complete a 2-4 week course.
  2. Antiviral drugs. Among external products, it is necessary to highlight Aldara cream, which costs about 450 rubles. (210 UAH). It needs to be applied to the formation 1-2 times a day. Also a good option is Oxolinic and Salicylic ointment, which, in addition to cleansing the growth, also dries it, promoting the formation of a crust. If you need drugs for oral administration, then it is better to focus your attention on Kagocel. It is enough to take 1-2 of these tablets. per day with water, preferably before meals. Their cost is 250 rubles. for 10 pcs. and 430 rub. for 20 pcs. Of the injection solutions, Derinat has proven itself to be excellent; in one course you will need to give 7 injections, regardless of the reason for the formation of papilloma on the body.
  3. Vitamins. To successfully combat papillomas on the body, you need to undergo a course of treatment 2-3 times a year with vitamin and mineral complexes containing ascorbic and folic acid, iron, zinc and a number of other useful substances. The biologically active food supplement “Vitrum” has excellent reviews, the average cost of which is 500 rubles. (220 UAH). She has equally effective alternatives - Complivit asset, Multi-Tabs, Perfectil. Usually they take 1-3 tablets with water, half an hour before meals.
Note! Having learned in advance the reason for the formation of papilloma on the body, you can use CryoPharma, Ferezol, Verrukacid, Condilin to cauterize it.

Folk remedies against papilloma on the body

Aloe leaf for papillomas on the body

Such products can be used both externally and internally, depending on the specific recipe. Ideally, it would be good to combine them within one course of therapy to speed up the desired effect. For this purpose, it is recommended to use herbal infusions, oils, and juices of medicinal plants. It is allowed to prepare baths, solutions, and compresses.

Here's what and how to treat papillomas on the body:

  1. With oils. Heat sea buckthorn oil in a radiator or water bath, soak a cotton pad in it and apply it to the papilloma. After 20 minutes, remove the compress, repeat this procedure once every day, preferably in the evening. For greater effectiveness, you can add a few drops of lemon juice to it.
  2. With plants. Cut an aloe leaf from a young plant, wipe with a sponge and apply to the formation. To keep it here, secure it on top with a bandage and plaster. Walk around with the bandage on all the time, if possible, changing it in the evening. Treatment requires an average of 1-2 weeks. Instead of aloe leaf, you can take plantain leaf.
  3. With juices. Having found out the reasons for the appearance of papillomas on the body, soak gauze folded in half with potato juice and hold it on the formation for about 30 minutes. Carry out this procedure every day. You can also wipe the growth with this product. If necessary, it can be replaced with lemon, celandine or aloe juice.
  4. With gruel. The most effective is considered to be a mixture of garlic and onions, grated, combined in equal proportions and seasoned with a small amount of honey. The finished composition should be stirred well and rubbed into the surface of the papilloma with your fingers without injuring it. This remedy for papilloma on the human body should be left on the growth for 15 minutes. The optimal number of procedures per day is 2, the recommended duration of treatment is at least two weeks.

Read also how to remove papillomas with celandine at home.

Removal of papillomas on the body

Removal of papillomas on the body

If you cannot get rid of the formation with folk remedies and medications, then you can always turn to physiotherapists. These specialists remove papillomas using electric current, laser exposure, radio wave radiation and liquid nitrogen.

Here are the ways to remove papillomas on the body:

  1. Cryodestruction. At the beginning of the session, liquid nitrogen is applied to the formation, which is intended to freeze the growth. It is left for 30-40 minutes, after which it is removed. As a result, a crust appears at the site of the papilloma, which falls off after a few weeks, and no scar remains in this area. One visit to the doctor takes 20-40 minutes and does not require anesthesia. The destruction of the build-up occurs due to exposure to low temperatures. The price of cryodestruction reaches 360 rubles. (150 UAH).
  2. Electrocoagulation. As the name suggests, this technique is based on the use of electric current, which allows you to destroy the papilloma to the ground. It burns it out without damaging healthy tissue, which eliminates the appearance of scars and pain. The session can last from 10 to 30 minutes. To remove papillomas on the body, one visit to a specialist is usually enough. The price of electrocoagulation is 590 rubles. (250 UAH).
  3. Laser therapy. To carry out this procedure, a laser unit with a tip emitting a beam of a certain length is used. It is sent for education, and under the influence of heat the papilloma is destroyed. On average, this takes from 10 to 40 minutes. To avoid unpleasant sensations, the patient is given local anesthesia, from which the patient quickly recovers after the operation is completed. The price of laser therapy is 2900 rubles. (1300 UAH).
  4. Radiosurgical removal. To perform this operation, you need a radio knife, which emits radio waves of different frequencies and powers. They excise papilloma on the body without affecting the surrounding tissue and, accordingly, leaving no traces. The procedure lasts about 40 minutes and is performed both in the hospital and in the outpatient clinic. The main condition is general or local anesthesia. The price of radiosurgical removal reaches 3000 rubles. (1200 UAH).

Read also about wound care after surgical removal of papilloma.

How to get rid of papillomas on the body - watch the video:

A doctor should tell you how to treat papillomas on the body, so before doing this, it is recommended to undergo an examination with a dermatologist. It is necessary to confirm the benign quality of the formation and select the optimal medications.

  1. Related article: Laser removal of papillomas: consequences and reviews