Sternum fracture

Sometimes a simple crack forms in the sternum, and sometimes a fracture occurs medially. The first damage is recognized by a crunching sound heard when palpating and listening, and sometimes a crack is detected by the separation of parts of the sternum and prolonged pain. As for the second injury, it is sometimes accompanied by bad symptoms - shortness of breath and a dry cough; often the patient spits up blood, and sometimes this causes rotting of the abdominal obstruction. These patients are treated in the same way as those who have the same injury in the shoulder are treated, and if the fracture is directed downwards, then the treatment prescribed for the shift of the clavicle, which is bent as a result of the fracture, is used.

If the fracture affects the ribs, then use a circular bandage made of wool over the bandages applied from below in a straight direction, then connect the ends of both bandages and tie them to each other - this prevents the circular bandages from coming undone.