
*Pharma*copho*bia is an anxiety disorder characterized by extreme fears about taking medication. People with this condition may fear that they will experience side effects, feel dizzy or fatigued, become addicted, lose control over their lives, or even experience suicidal thoughts.*

*People with фармакофобией may often avoid taking some or all of their prescribed medications. They may try to purchase concomitant medicines, see doctors on their own, and confine their interactions with medical practitioners to the need for extra vigilance or interaction to support their medication management. Pharmaceutical related worries often extend to obtaining specific medications from their prescriber, visiting drugstores as "sneakers," and seeking unconventional or high-risk practices through vendors whom they "know" or who are connected with their friends or loved ones.* *The more common terms pharmacophobe and phobophile represent opposing approaches to people who engage in pharmacological behaviors and preferences. While a