
Know that they often think that a person has a kidney, but in fact he has ulcers in the rectum or higher. This needs to be sorted out. Kidney, according to the well-known method of division, is divided into warty - and this is the most malignant - into grape and mulberry. With verrucous renal infection, the bumps look like small warts; with grape they are wide, round, the color of arguvan or with a hint of arguvan, and with mulberry they are flabby and bloody. Sometimes there are bumps that look like blisters. The kidney is often divided according to another criterion: protruding and hidden. The latter is the most malignant, especially if the lumps are adjacent to the penis; sometimes they block the urine, causing swelling. Protruding, visible bumps belong to one of the three mentioned types, and hidden ones can be bloody or non-bloody. The kidney is divided into opening, flowing - sometimes a lot of discharge flows out, since many vessels open - and into blind, blind, in which nothing flows. Most often, kidney disease originates from black bile and black bile blood, and rarely from mucus; originating from mucus, it appears similar to blisters or a bubble in the stomach of a fish. The warty kidney is closer in origin to pure black bile, the mulberry kidney is closer to blood, and the grape kidney is between them.

The kidney cannot arise without the opening of the anal vessels, according to what Galen says. Therefore, it often occurs with southern winds and in southern countries. When the kidney opens and flows, you should not hold back the flowing blood until the bleeding leads to weakness, relaxation of the knees and a strong heartbeat and the blood does not appear black in color. It is best when the blood oozes out little by little and not all at once. If in women the renal blood is diverted in the uterus and comes out with menstruation, this is beneficial for them. You should even do it artificially and induce menstruation. Most sick people have a special, characteristic complexion - yellow with a green tint. Often patients with kidney disease begin to bleed from the nose, and the kidney disease stops.

Treatment. First of all, you should improve the general condition of the body and remove bad blood by bleeding from the venous vein and the vein located behind the tendon of the heel. Bleeding from a vein in the bend of the knee is more powerful than these two. The cups between the thighs are useful for kidney stones and remove the black gall juices that generate it; the spleen and liver are also treated, if necessary, to correct the bad blood arising in them. Then, in the absence of pain, swelling and severe swelling of the cones, there is no great need to treat the kidney, because its treatment sometimes causes fistulas and cracks; further, you should try to soften the nature so that the hardness of the feces does not irritate the anus and aggravate the disease. The ones that work best are laxatives and emollients from among the medicines useful for kidney problems, such as, for example, bdelium pills, lycium pills, pills from St. John's wort seeds and other pills that we will mention later.

You should try to open the blind kidney and release as much blood as possible until the patient becomes weak or pure red blood without blackness begins to come out. If all this does not help, then the remedy is to separate the lump, which is forced to fall off by cutting, drying or cauterizing with the help of means acting in this way.

Know that bleeding from the kidney cones and anus protects against gangrene, insanity, melancholy, epilepsy caused by black bile, erysipelas, cenchria, cancer, peeling of the skin, jarab, lichen, leprosy, pleurisy, pneumonia and sarsam. If you delay the renal discharge, which has become habitual, you can be afraid of any of these diseases or dropsy, since dangerous tumors and hardenings appear in the liver and its nature deteriorates, as well as consumption and pain in the lungs, to which bad blood rushes. If the bleeding has led to fainting, you should take barley oatmeal with bamboo nodules and Armenian clay and drink it little by little while hot.

Medicines for kidney stones include those that open the lump, make it wither, stop excessive bleeding, stop it and soothe the pain. These are either medicines for drinking, or suppositories, or ointments and medicinal bandages, or healing mud, or powders, or fumigations, or waters in which the patient is placed, or hemostatic substances. All of them are either simple or complex. Know that bdelium pills help with periodic kidney rash with visible bumps, but with constant non-periodic kidney rash they are not very useful. If, along with the kidney, there are cracks and tumors, treat them first, and then kidney. Apricot oil, in which bdellia has blossomed, helps with both kidney and cracks.