Why are there pimples on my nipples?

Why do pimples appear on and around the nipples, is there a risk of infection, when is their appearance safe, and in what cases should you think about the presence of the disease?

The mammary glands are a vulnerable part of a woman’s body, where various dermatological disorders often occur. Some of them are dangerous, others are not. In order not to waste time, it is worth knowing about all the existing phenomena that occur on the nipples.


Variant of the norm

Some women - after a close examination of the mammary glands - begin to fear for their health. Examining the bumps, they suggest that this may be an inflammatory process or even a neoplasm.

However, every woman has glands in this area of ​​her body that form the so-called Montgomery tubercles.

Signs of anatomical formations:

  1. location strictly inside the areola;
  2. dry spots on the chest;
  3. lack of redness of the glands;
  4. itchy chest;
  5. matching the shade of the tubercles to the color of the nipple;
  6. nipples itch;
  7. nipples swell;
  8. absence of painful syndrome.

The average woman has nipple bumps ranging from 10 to 12, but sometimes this number increases to 30 or decreases to 5. The peak for bumps is during pregnancy.

The number of tubercles depends on the area of ​​the areola (in some women it reaches 10 cm in diameter). The larger it is, the more glands on its surface.

Mechanical irritation and other influences


Spontaneous scratching of the nipples during sleep leads to the appearance of wounds that cause the appearance of points similar to tubercles. Excessive friction, as well as exposure to synthetic substances, also increases the risk of developing Montgomery tubercles.

Powders, body creams, clothing, and tight bras are possible causes of allergic dermatitis. If dots appear near the nipples, then it is worth considering the option of insect bites, including bedbugs. Neglect of hygiene rules also leads to blockage of the ducts and swelling of the tubercles.

During puberty


In teenage girls, lumps appear suddenly, so they are also interested in the nuance associated with why pimples appear on the nipples at a young age. The phenomenon develops before the first menstruation, which indicates the girl’s emerging ability to bear children.

After the cycle normalizes, Montgomery's tubercles decrease, while the first menstruation sometimes causes them to become very swollen and red. Occasionally, nipple problems are observed throughout the entire period of hormonal changes.

Inflamed bumps that release white contents are often acne. It usually disappears after puberty ends. Acne also disappears on other parts of the body.

Changes during pregnancy


Fertilization is the initial stage of preparing the body to feed the unborn baby. An additional purpose of the glands is to increase the child’s appetite, which is caused by the secretion of a special secretion.

By acting on the tubercles, hormones lead to an increase in their number. After the end of the feeding period, the tubercles become noticeably smaller. In the presented photos you can see how the size of the tubercles changes during gestation.

The reason for the thickening of the pimples is a protective mechanism invented by nature. It prevents infection from entering the nipple and reduces damage during breastfeeding.



The appearance of a skin area in which there is an area of ​​small white rashes is a sign of herpetic infection. A common location of the lesion is the area near the nipple (usually under it).

The pimples have moist content inside, so they burst within a week after they appear. Damage to the capsule leads to micro-wounds, which increase the risk of infection.

A nipple affected by herpes comes into contact with the baby's mouth, which will certainly become infected during breastfeeding. It is recommended to express milk to reduce the risk of infection, or even switch to artificial feeding.

Pathological conditions





Some pimples around and inside the nipple of the breast are a consequence of the development of pathology.

  1. Eczema. A complicated form of allergy, the result of excessive friction or hormonal imbalance.
  2. Neurodermatitis. An allergic reaction develops after nervous stress and mental disorders.
  3. Atheroma. A subcutaneous clot of adipose tissue forms not only on the dermis, but also on the nipples. Blockage of the duct leads to the accumulation of secretions, which leads to the formation of a wen. The symptom is the presence of a rolling ball inside.
  4. Telit. Redness of the entire surface of the nipple is called by this medical term.
  5. Mastitis. The inflammation is located inside the mammary gland and spreads to the nipple and areola (blood is often released from them).

White pimples that appear around the nipples in women are a sign of furunculosis. Entering the epidermis through wounds, pathogenic microflora causes inflammation, often transforming into a purulent process.

If they appear, then urgent treatment is needed: some nodules lead to necrotic processes and abscesses. Doctors recommend opening pustules, but only under the supervision of a specialist.

There are three answers to the question of which doctor you should see. When there is a suspicion that the activity of the mammary gland is impaired, then go to a mammologist, or a skin specialist - a dermatologist. If you suspect the development of a neoplasm, it is better to visit an oncologist.

Paget's disease is a malignant disease that is accompanied by the appearance of ulcers and pain. In most patients, the pathology is localized on the nipple, less often - near the areola.


Suddenly appearing pimples on the nipples in women are mainly related to anatomical formations, but there are also manifestations that are caused by diseases.

Doctors warn! Shocking statistics - it has been established that more than 74% of skin diseases are a sign of parasite infection (Accarida, Giardia, Toxocara). Worms cause enormous harm to the body, and the first to suffer is our immune system, which should protect the body from various diseases. The head of the Institute of Parasitology shared the secret of how to quickly get rid of them and cleanse your skin, it turns out that’s enough. Read more .

White bumps are the consequences of the effects of herpes on the body, and doctors can only eliminate them with medication. Purulent processes are also dangerous, so they should be neutralized as soon as possible.

A woman’s pride is not only her figure and face, but also her breasts. She should be seductive, attractive, and disgusting white pimples have no place on her. However, any woman can face this problem, and this cannot be ignored. It is worth finding out where the white pimples on the nipples come from, why they appeared, and how to treat them.

What causes acne on nipples?

Nature has given women smooth and clean skin, and rashes on it indicate some kind of disturbance in the processes of the body. Rashes in the form of acne and pimples on the nipples can cause a lot of inconvenience for women. Firstly, it spoils the appearance and looks quite unaesthetic. They can become inflamed, itchy and painful.


Secondly, white pimples on the chest can instill in a woman uncertainty about her own beauty, lower self-esteem and force her to constantly look into the neckline of her blouse, checking to see if anyone sees acne on her chest. The presence of small pimples around the juices negatively affects the female psyche, which is significantly different from the male one and is very shaky and sensitive to any troubles of this kind.

Thirdly, acne may be evidence of functional disorders of the female body or malfunctions of the endocrine system, which is responsible for the production of hormones.

Acne on the chest can appear due to serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract, such as stomach ulcers, intestinal ulcers, gastritis and others.

Causes of white pimples near the nipples

Pimples can be caused by many factors. Here are some of them:

  1. hormonal imbalances, that is, some changes have occurred in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  2. gastrointestinal diseases;
  3. due to the beginning of the aging process, the cells of the upper integument of the skin die off;
  4. allergies caused by skin reactions to clothing or cosmetics.

Endocrine system disorders

Most often they occur when the female body begins to rebuild. For example, when physiological maturation occurs in teenage girls or during pregnancy. In both cases, the body will need a large amount of energy to cope with the load. Processes regulated by hormones, such as the development of reproductive organs in women, a sharp growth spurt, and the birth of a fetus, can cause various disorders that are normal during this period of life.


A large number of hormones begin to be secreted by the glands, this provokes an increase in the amount of sebum secretions, which accumulates and can clog open pores, and subsequently become inflamed due to bacteria. Such jumps can be observed not only in pregnant women or teenage girls - this is all a special case.

Hormonal imbalance can be congenital. A girl is born with some kind of abnormality in the organs of the reproductive system. Therefore, white pimples may also appear on the baby’s nipple. And in the future, the girl may not even have a menstrual cycle, or it may come, but quite late. This will affect the condition of the skin of the face, chest, nail plates, and hair.

After experiencing a number of illnesses, such as colds and sore throats, a woman’s immunity may decrease, which will cause disturbances in the endocrine system. Poor nutrition, unhealthy lifestyle, poor sleep - all this also affects the condition of the female body and its hormones. All kinds of stressful situations can also find a response, if not in a woman’s mind, then certainly in her endocrine system.

All kinds of diseases of various glands and female genital organs also lead to disorders. In any case, if pimples on or around the nipples cause concern, you should immediately consult a specialist. With the help of tests, it will be possible to identify any disorders occurring in the endocrine system. The main diagnostic method is a blood test aimed at studying hormones.


Gastrointestinal disease as a cause

Gastritis and ulcers, disorder - all this is associated with poor nutrition. Quite often it is not possible to have a hearty breakfast or a hearty lunch. In our rhythm of life, it’s not even worth saying that you need to eat at least 5 times a day. Women and girls often snack on chocolates, buns, and fast food on the run during the day, but in the evening they have a late dinner with a lot of food. Eating this kind of food leads to an imbalance in the acid balance in the stomach cavity, which, in turn, leads to its constant illness and related problems. And everything that happens inside us immediately comes out in the form of skin problems.

Death of the outer layer of skin

Closer to 35 years, the cells of the epidermis begin to age and then slowly die, because of this the skin becomes wrinkled, stretched and decrepit. However, keratinized cells cannot fall behind on their own, since new elastic cells do not appear in their place or do so very slowly. When the ducts of the Montgomery glands become clogged with dead cells, the sebum and lubricant secreted to lubricate the nipples, for example during lactation, accumulate over time and cause inflammation, causing small pimples to form in the décolleté area and around the nipples.


Allergic reactions of the body to new cosmetics and low-quality synthetic underwear are also one of the main causes of white pimples on the nipples. Women do not often pay attention to what is written on the label, since they are most often interested in the smell, appearance and color of the bottle. In fact, the composition is very important and cannot be ignored. Contraindications for use are also often prescribed there.

The choice of linen must be approached very responsibly. Acne on the nipples can be caused by low-quality bras made of synthetic fibers and materials. Rough lace or, conversely, too fine lace can rub the skin and thereby cause an allergic reaction.


What to do if pimples appear on your chest

If white pimples appear on your chest, you should immediately consult a specialist, a dermatologist. They will undergo the necessary examination, study tests and identify the reasons for the appearance of white pimples on the nipples. He will then prescribe medication.


In order to get rid of pimples on the nipples, it is necessary to eliminate the cause itself. If the cause is the endocrine system, the doctor will prescribe the necessary hormones based on the results of blood tests. If the problem is related to a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, medications will also be prescribed to improve the functioning of the entire system.

You should not self-medicate, especially in cases where the pimples are very inflamed. To avoid infection in the wound, it is forbidden to squeeze them out. The use of folk remedies can also aggravate the situation. In this case, it would be unwise to self-medicate, since many cosmetic preparations that are aimed at eliminating acne and other inflammations will only visually hide defects and mask blisters, but will not eliminate the main causes of their occurrence. In this case, the likelihood of a repeated inflammatory process is very high.



To prevent the appearance of pimples around the nipples, you must follow some rules:

  1. Watch your diet. During the day you need to eat at least five times a day, but in small portions. The menu can be developed individually, using the Internet, or you can seek help from a specialist, a nutritionist.
  2. You need to visit a gynecologist every six months and take hormone tests.


White pimples in children

The problem may not only affect adults. If the baby has small white pimples on the nipples, this is a reason for parents to worry. Since such rashes can be either harmless or indicate quite serious diseases.


Pimples that appear in the first days of a baby’s life are most likely associated with hormonal changes occurring in his body. Formations of this kind are harmless and will soon disappear on their own, without a trace.

Reasons for the appearance of white pimples in babies:

  1. the hormone estriol, which enters the baby’s blood in excess quantities while still in the womb;
  2. restructuring the baby’s body and adapting it to the environment;
  3. the sebaceous glands of the skin have not yet fully formed;
  4. a nursing mother ate a product that caused an allergic reaction.


What conclusions can be drawn?

  1. During the period when a woman becomes a mother or is just preparing to become one, she should not worry about why white pimples appeared on her nipples, because this is absolutely normal.
  2. The main reasons for the appearance of pimples on the nipples are: allergies, skin problems, clogged pores, hormonal imbalance. As a rule, in such cases, acne is part of the general symptomatology; it affects not only the chest.
  3. Timely prevention is the best way to protect yourself from chest acne. We are talking about personal hygiene and proper nutrition.
  4. Most often, the appearance of pimples on the nipples of infants is a sign that hormonal changes are occurring in their body.

Pimples on nipples and breasts provoked by blockage of the sebaceous ducts. In most cases, they only cause aesthetic inconvenience. But their appearance, especially for women, should not be ignored. This can lead to more serious consequences.

Why do skin rashes appear on the mammary glands?

Often on the breast, nipples or around them you can find rashes in the form of acne or white inflamed acne. Their appearance can be triggered by various factors on which further treatment depends.

Gastrointestinal and hormonal disorders

The inflammatory process of the digestive organs in all cases leads to an overly excited state of the central nervous system and, as a consequence, disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system. As a result, a large number of bacteria accumulate in the sebaceous ducts, which the skin does not have time to fight. They become clogged with lard and form red papules with purulent top.

Acne on the female breast most often appears during the lactation period, gestation, or a few days before the start of the menstrual cycle. This is due to changes in hormonal levels. The concentration of female hormones (estrogen and progesterone) decreases, and testosterone, a male hormone, leads to the release of large amounts of thick sebum. As a result, the ducts become clogged, causing acne.

Allergic causes of acne

Daily wearing of synthetic or woolen clothing leads to the formation of acne on the female mammary glands. If the cause of this is an allergic reaction, the skin will constantly itch, peel, and the irritation will spread to neighboring areas of the body. If left untreated, small, watery pimples appear on the chest over time.

Causes of acne on nipples in men

Rashes in males are often caused by blockage of the sebaceous and sweat glands. They are distinguished by their small size and white tint.

The most common reasons include:

  1. an allergic reaction caused by poor-quality perfume, insect bites or food;
  2. constant wearing of warm or tight-fitting clothes that interfere with the thermoregulation of the skin;
  3. infectious disease;
  4. increased blood sugar;
  5. personal hygiene deficiencies.

According to experts, the most common causes of acne are stress and constant nervous tension. In this case, the rash appears not only on the chest, but also on the back.

What is a pimple on the nipple?

Pimples on the nipples of the mammary gland differ in appearance from rashes on other parts of the body. Most women are mistaken when they associate them with acne.

Acne can occur with or without inflammation. It depends on the cause that provokes their appearance. For example, acne, accompanied by swelling and redness, is a consequence of an infectious process on the surface of the skin. With hormonal imbalance, the nipples hurt, the pimples are white. Rashes that occur with constant itching are caused by an allergic reaction to an external irritant.

The dangers of chest acne

The structure of the mammary glands contains fatty and glandular tissues, so most often acne rashes are accompanied by swelling. In the absence of proper treatment, ulcers or acne on the surface of the nipple or areola can penetrate into the deep layers of the gland, provoking the development of internal purulent inflammation. Mastitis is most dangerous during the lactation period.

When there is a hormonal imbalance, a rapid blockage of the sebaceous ducts of the breast occurs. This can lead to the formation of atheroma. The formation is benign and represents a subcutaneous capsule.

A lump on the chest can increase in size and become inflamed. Often, atheroma becomes a focus of chronic infection.

What to do if a pimple appears on your nipple or breast?

If you detect a suspicious rash on the mammary glands, you should seek specialist advice. Self-medication, especially squeezing out acne, in this case can lead to serious consequences.

Before visiting a specialist, the use of cosmetic or medicinal, especially hormonal, drugs is strictly prohibited. It is also not recommended to treat the surface of the breast and nipple with any alcohol solutions, salicylic acid-based products or antibacterial ointments. Their use will lead to cracks on the surface of the skin, which will aggravate the disease and complicate treatment.

If acne is accompanied by severe itching and redness, and there is no opportunity to see a dermatologist in the near future, you can use lotions or baths based on chamomile or calendula.

The specialist determines the exact diagnosis and cause of acne on the chest using anamnesis, examination and test results. The first stage of treatment is the elimination of unfavorable factors. These include unhealthy foods, synthetic or tight clothing. In case of an allergic reaction, the doctor prescribes antihistamines.

How to reduce the risk of chest acne?

The appearance of rashes on the mammary glands can be prevented. But for this it is necessary to adhere to a number of preventive measures:

  1. Maintaining personal hygiene rules using high-quality and hypoallergenic shower gels.
  2. Using only high-quality perfumes.
  3. Partial avoidance of salty, sweet foods, spices, coffee and fats, which lead to increased secretion of sebum.
  4. Adding foods rich in minerals and vitamins to your daily diet.
  5. Try to avoid mechanical damage to the surface of the chest (rubbing with bra straps, seams on underwear, injury from sharp edges of jewelry, etc.).

Pimples on the chest or nipples can appear for many reasons. But in most cases, the patient simply needs to change his lifestyle and get rid of the irritant. Acne itself is not considered a serious disease, but it can lead to complications that only highly qualified specialists can handle.