Why does the forehead peel in adults?


Why does skin dry?

The following symptoms indicate excessive dry skin: peeling, tightness, itching. Particularly often, unpleasant sensations occur in the forehead area - here the skin is especially susceptible to drying out. Therefore, proper care using special cosmetics (ready-made and homemade) is of great importance. Perform regular moisturizing treatments and over time you will be able to achieve excellent results. The skin will stop drying, become fresher and look attractive.

To make the fight against dry skin more effective, it is necessary to fully understand the causes of this annoying cosmetic problem. And they can be very different:

  1. Incorrect care. Remember that regular soap dries out your skin. Too hot water is no less harmful. Therefore, choose special soft products and wash with warm or cool water.
  2. Frequent facial peeling.
  3. Impact of heaters in the cold season.
  4. Adverse weather factors (bright summer sun, cold, wind). Sudden climate changes are especially dangerous for the skin. If you moved to another country, you should not be surprised that your skin condition has deteriorated sharply.
  5. Regular use of decorative cosmetics. Foundation and powder have a pronounced drying effect, which manifests itself primarily in winter.

Medical problems leading to dry skin

Sometimes, even with proper care and favorable climatic conditions, the skin begins to dry out. This may be a sign of serious problems in the body, so it is advisable to consult a medical specialist. Let's talk about the most common diseases that can affect the condition of the skin.

  1. Lack of vitamins

If the skin on your forehead has become too dry and moisturizers aren't helping, consider making changes to your daily diet. It is possible that the problem is due to a lack of vitamin B2. In this case, fermented milk products, meat, and liver will help. Also, try to eat more greens.

If dryness is combined with inflammation, you have reason to suspect a lack of vitamin A. With a severe deficiency of this substance, night blindness sometimes develops. Try not to bring yourself to this state, eat a varied diet and do not forget to include foods containing vitamin A (liver, carrots, eggs) in your diet.

  1. Hormonal disorders

The health of the entire body depends on the correct balance of hormones. An imbalance of these substances manifests itself in many unpleasant symptoms. And one of them is dry skin. It becomes less elastic, loses its natural tone and undergoes peeling.

Changes in hormonal levels can also be natural - when women reach menopause. Estrogen in the body decreases significantly, causing the skin condition to suffer. It dries out, loses elasticity, and wrinkles and age spots appear on it. If conventional skin care does not produce noticeable results, it is advisable to consult an endocrinologist.

  1. Dermatological diseases

Dry skin in the forehead area may be a sign of a dermatological disease (seborrhea, dermatitis, psoriasis, fungus, various allergic reactions). Diseases are manifested not only by dryness and a feeling of tightness. The skin begins to peel, turns red and itches. In this case, dryness is accompanied by inflammation and irritation.

If such symptoms appear, do not delay visiting your doctor. The disease will be much easier to cure in the initial stage. A dermatologist will prescribe the necessary examinations, make a correct diagnosis and help eliminate not only external manifestations, but also the causes of dry skin.

Moisturizing the skin on the forehead

For many people, the skin on the forehead is very sensitive and, under the influence of certain factors, begins to dry out and peel. If the problem is not related to a dermatological disease, then you can try to eliminate it using traditional methods and proper care. It is very important to adhere to these recommendations:

  1. Drink more water (we are talking about pure water, not other drinks, even healthy ones). The daily norm is 2 liters per day. This will help maintain normal water balance and prevent excessive dryness of the skin.
  2. Tap water with high chlorine content is very harmful to the skin. Therefore, it is advisable to settle the water for washing, or even better, filter it.
  3. The face reacts very sensitively to exposure to cold or heat. Therefore, it is advisable to wash your face with water at room temperature.
  4. Avoid lotions that contain alcohol. Such products dry out the skin greatly. Always choose high-quality soft cosmetics.
  5. When drying your face, it is better to use a soft towel and not make intense movements.
  6. After each wash, moisturizing tonics are recommended.
  7. Don't forget about regular care with high-quality nourishing creams and oils.
  8. Once a week, pamper your skin with a moisturizing mask made from natural ingredients; you will find 15 of the best recipes in this article.
  9. Buy a humidifier and use it at home.
  10. Add vitamins A and E to cosmetic products. They effectively help cope with dry skin.

How to choose the right oil

Natural oils bring great benefits to the skin. They soften and moisturize it, saturate it with useful components and restore elasticity over time. For dry skin, cosmetologists recommend using kernel oil (peach and apricot), as well as almond oil. These natural remedies do not cause allergic reactions or irritation. Therefore, they are ideal even for very sensitive skin.

Another great option for dry skin is jojoba oil. It is in great demand in home cosmetology due to its many useful qualities. This lightweight oil can be used regularly without fear of clogging pores and causing an oily sheen. If necessary, feel free to treat your skin with it several times a day.

Olive, flaxseed and argan oils are also very useful. In addition, there are solid oils (butters) that can be used for cosmetic purposes. First of all, we are talking about shea, cocoa, mango and coconut butters. But when using batters, you need to be careful, because they can clog pores and lead to comedones. Do not treat your entire face with them, but only those areas that require moisturizing.

You can apply a thin layer of oils every day. But oil compresses are not suitable for daily use. They are advised to do no more than once every 3-4 days.

Olive oil

The benefits of this product for the skin are worth mentioning separately. It quickly helps smooth out cosmetic defects and saturates the tissues with many useful substances. Preference should be given to a quality product, it is very good if it is Extra Virgen.

Olive oil does an excellent job of caring for dry skin. It contains a large number of antioxidants and vitamins, which make the skin more elastic, improve blood circulation and local metabolism. And the fatty acids contained in the oil increase skin protection from aggressive environmental factors. The oil can be used in different ways. Here are the main ones:

  1. Apply in its pure form (the oil needs to be warmed up a little first).
  2. Adding to cosmetic cream (just a couple of drops is enough for one serving).
  3. Lotions and compresses.

Bee honey for dry skin

Natural honey is used in many home cosmetology recipes. It contains a whole complex of active substances that have a beneficial effect on the skin. Its only drawback is the likelihood of allergic reactions. Therefore, it is advisable to test the product on a small area of ​​skin before use.

If the skin on your forehead often dries out, we recommend trying a recipe with the following ingredients:

Both products are combined and mixed thoroughly. The resulting mixture is applied to the entire face, except for the areas around the eyes. After a quarter of an hour, the nourishing mask is washed off with warm (but not hot!) water.

Another effective moisturizing recipe is a honey-oat mixture. It cooks very quickly. A tablespoon of oatmeal is mixed with two teaspoons of bee product. The resulting mixture is applied to the face and kept for 15 minutes. This mask not only perfectly nourishes dry skin, but also has a slight whitening effect.

Dry skin in the forehead area is a phenomenon that causes a lot of discomfort. But don’t rush to buy expensive cosmetics right away. Very often the problem can be solved at home using inexpensive natural products.

Women carefully monitor their appearance. But often the following problem arises: the forehead peels off. There are many reasons why this happens. This problem needs to be dealt with somehow. This article will talk about the reasons why peeling occurs. An explanation will also be given of what to do with flaky skin.



There are several signs that you can tell if you have dry skin:

The most delicate and sensitive area on our face is the forehead. It takes the brunt of the blow, so the first place you can see these signs is on the forehead, since this area is susceptible to drying out. In order to prevent peeling of the skin in this area, it is worth using special skin care products. It is necessary to purchase moisturizing cosmetics to prevent these three unpleasant signs of dry skin in the near future.


But in order to completely remove this problem from life, it is still worth understanding the problem. Why does the skin on my forehead peel? The reasons are as follows:

  1. The first and most important point is that soap dries out the skin. You should wash your face only with warm or cool water, as very hot water will harm your facial skin.
  2. Use a facial peel. This is a good and effective procedure that is used by a large number of women.
  3. If you like to use a heater in the cold season, then you should remember one important thing: it also leads to oxygen starvation of your body, or rather the skin of your face.
  4. Sudden climate changes are especially dangerous for the skin. In cold weather, try to use special cosmetics for the care and resuscitation of the skin, as the skin also tends to dry out and crack. At this time of year, use less decorative cosmetics, and it is better to completely remove them from your winter cosmetics bag.


Even if you do a full range of facial skin care and take into account every little detail, you must not forget about the problems of the body itself. Diseases of internal organs can affect a person’s appearance. There are a number of reasons why dry skin may occur in women and men at different ages.

Hormonal disorder of the body

It leads to a number of health problems in women. In addition to cycle disruptions, depression, nervous breakdowns, today’s topic (dry skin) also joins this list of troubles. Due to a lack of hormones in the body, the skin becomes less elastic, loses its tone and flakes. But this problem can also arise with age during menopause. Estrogen in our body decreases critically, as a result of which the body suffers greatly and endures great stress. At such moments, wrinkles and age spots begin to appear on the skin, and it loses its elasticity.

Lack of vitamins

The human body contains such an essential vitamin B2, which helps the skin remain firm and elastic. With its normal amount, dryness is out of the question. But if you still have the problem of dry skin on your forehead, then you should reconsider your diet and add foods containing this vitamin. This could be liver, meat, dairy products. But eating greens will be indispensable on the menu.

Skin diseases

There are various diseases that will help you understand why dry forehead appears. These are pathologies such as allergic reactions, fungus, psoriasis, seborrhea, dermatitis. In these cases, the skin not only peels off, it turns red, itches, and rashes may also appear, which may have a different etiology. If you are concerned about these symptoms, do not delay visiting a dermatologist. At the initial stage, it will be easier for him to understand what happened and what is the reason. If you consult a specialist in a timely manner, there is a chance for a quick recovery.


What skin changes occur in adulthood?

Peeling skin on the forehead is more often a problem for women than men. One of the reasons for peeling skin lies in the fact that the structure of a woman’s internal body changes, and, as mentioned above, changes occur. There is only one conclusion: you need to take care of your skin from adolescence. Perhaps this way you can avoid a number of reasons why problems with the skin on the forehead arise, and not only.

If you use cosmetics correctly, you can avoid a lot of discomfort on your face. This means that you first need to learn how to use scrubs and lotions. If you do everything at random and do not follow the rules, this can lead to the following problems:

  1. Peeling of forehead skin.
  2. Hyperemic areas of skin appear on the face. This indicates that some cosmetic product was carefully rubbed into the face.
  3. Peeling may go away, but for a short period, after a while it appears again.

One of the factors may be that you use low-quality cosmetics. In this case, try replacing it. If this does not help, then it is best to contact a dermatologist so that he can help identify the cause of the problem in the early stages.


Proper skin care

In most cases, people's skin has its own individual structure, and can react differently to each drug. If your forehead is red and flaky, you should consult a dermatologist about the best drug to take. It could also be some kind of additives. But if visiting a dermatologist is a last resort for you, try using regular folk remedies for facial skin care.

  1. To prevent dry skin from disturbing your peace, you should drink at least two liters of clean water a day.
  2. Before washing your face, fill a mug with water and let it sit for a while, as tap water is chlorinated and also dries out your skin.
  3. Water should definitely be at room temperature, since too hot or too cold irritates the epidermis, which affects the result of washing.
  4. Choose cosmetics for yourself that do not contain alcohol.
  5. The face towel should be soft and should not rub your face like sandpaper. This causes harm to your skin.
  6. Buy yourself a moisturizing toner and use it every time after washing your face.
  7. It also doesn’t hurt to use creams or oils to moisturize the skin.
  8. Make face masks only from natural products and only on your own.
  9. You can buy vitamins A and E separately at the pharmacy; they will help you keep your skin in good condition. These vitamins can be added to the cream.

Important! To relieve your skin from itching and irritation, you should use aloe vera juice. Use it as a lotion, it will quickly help get rid of unpleasant sensations. Chamomile and calendula can also be included in this first aid arsenal.


What are the benefits of oils for the epidermis?

It is best to use natural oils, as they give maximum firmness and elasticity to your skin, help moisturize it and give it freshness for every day. But it is important to know which oil is best for you, since they can also harm your skin if you do not know and understand how to use the products correctly.

Apricot and peach

Cosmetologists recommend using apricot or peach kernel oil for dry skin. Almond oil is also good in this case. Thanks to these products, the epidermis is moisturized and nourished with beneficial microelements. You don’t have to worry about a possible allergic reaction or itching and irritation on the skin. These types of oils are suitable for any skin type, even the most sensitive.

Jojoba and other remedies

What to do if your forehead is flaky and itchy? You should use jojoba oil; it can be used most often, as it contains a large number of beneficial microelements, and you don’t have to worry about oily facial skin and clogged pores. These problems will be avoided. You can also use flaxseed oil, olive oil and argan oil, but in small quantities.

There is a list of solid oils that are used in cosmetology, but they must be used very carefully, as they can contaminate the pores and make your already unhealthy skin even worse. These are coconut, mango, shea and cocoa butters. They should be applied only to those parts that need to be moisturized, but under no circumstances to the entire face.


Peeling of the forehead in a child

Do babies' foreheads get very flaky? This happens quite often, but to eliminate the problem, a different approach is needed, since the child does not require cosmetic facial care products (masks, scrubs, lotions, creams). Parents most often perceive this behavior of the child’s body as normal. The main role is played by environmental factors:

  1. You should not expose your child to ultraviolet radiation frequently.
  2. Go for a walk, but do not forget about the effect of the wind on your baby's skin. In winter, a baby can get frostbite very quickly, so avoid long walks.
  3. Diseases, such as seborrheic dermatitis, fungus, chickenpox, and scarlet fever, can also affect a child’s skin. Be vigilant about your baby's health.
  4. Peeling of the skin also depends on the condition of the liver and intestines.
  5. At a very young age, a baby is susceptible to allergic reactions, which also affect his skin. The forehead peels off especially often in such cases. Consult your pediatrician to see if you should eliminate something from your diet.

Do not relieve yourself of responsibility, since child care is very important, and hygiene procedures should be carried out with him as intended. If you do not maintain your baby’s hygiene, then perhaps you will soon see detached particles on the skin.


Preparations for the treatment of peeling skin

What to do if the skin on your forehead is peeling? This question often arises among women. In addition to oils, you can turn to medications.

"Geoxyzon" is a broad-spectrum ointment. Its properties are applied to problems such as peeling of the skin, purulent boils, dermatitis, sunburn, and insect bites. Apply to problem areas of the skin at least three times a day. This ointment also has contraindications: it is contraindicated for pregnant women, breastfeeding women and people with skin cancer.

"Mikozoral" is an ointment for peeling the skin. Apply at least twice a day. The effectiveness of the drug is visible from the first dose. After a course of taking this ointment, the skin becomes smooth and elastic. Contraindicated for people with allergic reactions to any component of the composition.

The face is extremely sensitive to external influences, insufficient care, hard water and changes occurring in the body itself. Why does the skin on the forehead and eyebrows peel off? After all, this seemingly insignificant symptom not only causes aesthetic discomfort, but can also signal illness.


Who is most likely to have peeling skin under the eyebrows?

Women who actively use artificial cosmetics and do not properly care for their skin suffer more from peeling. However, similar problems also arise among males. Men rarely pay attention to facial dandruff, so advanced or long-term untreated forms of peeling are more common among them.

Infants and small children are also at risk due to their individual physiological characteristics and age.

Peeling skin on the eyebrows - what happens


Peeling of the skin is a special process that has certain characteristics:

  1. Damage to the surface layer.
  2. Rejection of it in certain areas.
  3. Localization of exfoliating scales is mainly around the hair follicles.
  4. It is because of the growing hair that the unpleasant peeling remains for a longer period than in any other place.
  5. The severity of the process depends on the stage and neglect of the disease.

Only the skin of the eyebrow area, only the forehead, or all together, extending to the scalp, can be affected.

But do not despair, because regeneration of the epidermis is an extremely fast process that, when eliminating the pathological factor causing peeling, can completely restore the normal functional state of the epidermis, even without the help of auxiliary drugs.

Of course, if the cause of peeling is pathogenic microbes or problems with the internal systems of the body (intestines, blood vessels), then additional methods of therapy will be required.

Why does the skin on the eyebrows peel?


Peeling of dying cells of the surface layer of the skin - the epidermis, in most cases occurs due to several influencing factors:

  1. Innervation disorders.
  2. Blood supply disorders.
  3. Traumatic injuries.
  4. Stress.
  5. Metabolic pathologies.
  6. Gastrointestinal diseases.
  7. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  8. Inflammatory and bacterial skin lesions.
  9. Hypo- and avitaminosis.
  10. Contact with chemical reagents.

It often requires the influence of several factors on the human body for pathology to occur in the form of peeling of the face. With the complex influence of negative agents, “dandruff” of varying severity is ultimately formed.

Peeling affecting the forehead and eyebrows can be localized in a certain way, which provides a clue in diagnosing the causes of the unpleasant symptom. So, if “dandruff” appears on the skin of the nose (i.e., between the eyebrows), most likely the cause is demodicosis. It's definitely worth checking your eyelashes. The “dust” found on them (which is actually small mites) speaks in favor of this disease. You should consult a doctor immediately.

If the lesion is located above or between the eyebrows (on the bridge of the nose)? The reasons here are much more varied. Traumatic injuries, insect bites, reactions to cosmetics and simple washing with soap. The most important thing is to stop the harmful factor and make nourishing masks. Sometimes this is quite enough.

But flaky skin around the eyebrows is a direct signal of damage associated with exposure to ultraviolet radiation, strong dry wind, frost or water with sea salt. Such impacts greatly weaken the protective surface, which affects the formation of pathological manifestations.

When only peeling of the eyebrows and forehead bothers you for a long time, you should think not only about your diet, but also about possible diseases. In this case, damage by bacterial or fungal flora is more likely. To clarify the diagnosis, you need to contact a specialist and undergo the necessary examination, usually including skin scraping.

Why does the skin on the forehead peel off in a baby?


Dry skin can bother not only an adult, but also a very young child. This is associated to a greater extent with the underdevelopment of the excretory systems in infants (low expression of the sebaceous glands). Due to the characteristics of the epidermis (it is extremely thin, easily damaged and dehydrated), microdamages occur that promote cell exfoliation.

This phenomenon is dangerous for a baby because microorganisms can penetrate through the cracks, causing a systemic reaction in infants. Therefore, you should carefully monitor the condition of the newborn’s skin.

The most common causes of flaking in babies are:

  1. A-, hypovitaminosis (vitamins A, E, B, PP).
  2. Dermatitis.
  3. Infestations of helminthic origin.
  4. Genetic and hereditary diseases (hyperkeratosis).
  5. Increased susceptibility to allergic reactions, bronchial asthma.
  6. Diseases of an endocrine nature - diabetes mellitus, thyroid hormone deficiency.

Parents should remember: if peeling skin in a child persists for 3-5 days or more, this can definitely indicate problems in the body. It is important to contact a specialist in a timely manner.

Peeling skin on eyebrows - how to treat


The first and simplest prevention and treatment for peeling of the eyebrows and forehead is to eliminate the cause. So, when the pathology is caused by errors in nutrition (non-compliance with the diet, excessive consumption of sweet, spicy, smoked and salty), it is worth giving up forbidden foods, sticking to the correct diet, and having a “fasting day”.

Was the peeling caused by stress? It is necessary to protect yourself from conflict situations at work and at home, take light herbal-based sedatives (tincture of valerian, motherwort).

Be sure to eliminate bad habits - alcohol and smoking. No opportunity?

In this case, you need to at least reduce the number of cigarettes consumed per day. It is important to remember that symptoms such as peeling may indicate that the body is no longer coping with toxins that enter the body along with alcohol and cigarette smoke.

The inflammatory process is most often characterized not only by peeling, but also by redness of the forehead and eyebrows. Usually, special ointments are prescribed that contain a glucocorticoid (hydrocortisone). In case of infectious lesions, a selection of therapy is required, which must be carried out by a doctor.

During treatment, you should avoid any cosmetic procedures that involve eyebrows. It is mandatory to avoid artificial cosmetics (mascara, eye shadow, foundation, highlighters, etc.), which dry out the skin even more. You shouldn’t neglect checking your care products - they could well have expired, which could have an impact on the epidermis.


To protect against ultraviolet radiation and climatic factors, it is allowed to apply a special cream with a protective spf filter.

“Dandruff” that occurs on the skin of the face is an unpleasant symptom that causes a person, at a minimum, aesthetic discomfort. The appearance of such symptoms is associated with improper care, poor diet, and abuse of bad habits (alcohol and smoking). But the skin on the forehead and eyebrows peels off often as a result of pathological processes that have arisen in the body.

To quickly get rid of unpleasant sensations, you should immediately begin treatment and seek help from a dermatologist. If adequate therapy is selected and the prescribed treatment is strictly followed, a person can forget about the unpleasant peeling forever.