Face wash device

Facial cleansing brush - an effective life hack for clean skin

One popular cleansing device is a facial cleansing brush.

For the beauty of the skin and its youth, it is important to cleanse the pores on the face. And for this you don’t have to go for professional procedures.

At home, you can also eliminate dead skin cells, get rid of clogged pores and significantly improve your appearance. And, for example, a special brush can help with this.

#5 Benefits of Brushing Your Skin

Pores are openings of the sebaceous glands located on the skin surface.

In normal volumes, fat secretion is necessary because it protects cells from negative factors, nourishes and has a softening effect. But exceeding the norm has a negative impact on skin health.

Excess fat leads to the formation of sebaceous plugs, enlarged pores, which consist of dirt and dead cells. They cause acne, comedones and other imperfections.

And as statistics show, the fair sex spends up to 30 seconds on cleansing their facial skin. And this is catastrophically small.

In addition, such a quick cleansing does not bring the desired effect.

A facial brush will help get rid of all problems. Before you clean your pores, you should get acquainted with the main advantages of this procedure:

  1. Restoration of metabolism in the epidermis, which stimulates the delivery of water and oxygen.
  2. Elimination of enlarged pores. If you get rid of dirt, the pores will still look unattractive, but a brush will help narrow them down.
  3. Fighting pathogens. Clogged pores act as a source of proliferation of fungi and bacteria. Exfoliation blocks the spread of pathogenic microflora, reducing inflammation.
  4. Stimulation of elastin and collagen synthesis. The procedure helps strengthen the skin fibers and increases resistance to negative factors.
  5. Normalizes blood microcirculation and gives a healthy tone.

You can clean the pores on your face both in the salon and at home. For this purpose, ready-made compounds or special brushes are used.

There are some disadvantages to this brush:

  1. If you have dry skin then you will need to be careful. The fact is that often application can provoke even greater dryness.
  2. If there is a vascular network close to the skin, it is better not to use brushes.
  3. It is recommended to avoid papillomas and warts, as you can damage them, and this will not bring any benefit.

Contraindications (6 prohibitions)

Many people know how to clean clogged pores on their face, but using brushes will not be the solution to all dermatological problems.

Products must be used correctly. In addition, before using this technique, it is important to make sure that there are no contraindications to the procedure. These include:


  1. Irritation, acne, the presence of a large number of rashes. People who suffer from serious skin pathologies are strictly prohibited from using brushes. This can make the rash worse, leaving deep damage and scars.
  2. Acne exacerbation stage. The procedure causes a lot of discomfort and promotes the spread of rashes to healthy tissue.
  3. Increased sensitivity or excessive dryness. The dermis is susceptible to mechanical damage, so susceptibility may increase due to exposure to bristles and removal of the top layer of skin.
  4. Signs of rosacea. If blood vessels are visible on the face, cleaning may make the situation worse.
  5. The presence of neoplasms: papillomas or moles.
  6. Viral diseases: herpes and others.

Before you start cleansing clogged pores on your face, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications listed above. Then the procedure will not cause harm and will be truly useful.

#3 types of face brushes

There are several types of brushes that help both clean and tighten pores on the face: mechanical, electric, and ultrasonic.

Each variety has special advantages and disadvantages.

Mechanical models

Used while washing. First, the skin is steamed, then a gel or foam cleanser is applied and a brush is used to clean the face.

Due to vibrations, all contaminants are removed. After the session, you will need to use masks or cream with a nourishing effect.

The advantages of mechanical cleaning include:

  1. not repeating procedures too often;
  2. no preparatory manipulations or difficult care are required;
  3. epidermal cells are renewed more actively, and the effect of the use of nutritional compositions and care products is enhanced.

When choosing how to cleanse the pores on your face at home, it is important to clarify all the nuances of the procedure. The disadvantages of mechanical brushes include:

  1. Scrubbing will be superficial, so the active substances do not penetrate into the deep layers of the skin.
  2. Bristles made from natural materials quickly fail.

Electrical Products

Such devices become an excellent alternative to professional cleaning. The bristles are often made of nylon, and the smooth, rounded tip does not cause damage to the skin.

Manufacturers claim that electric facial brushes provide good exfoliation, but you can use them 2 times a day.

Most devices are made from materials that are not afraid of moisture, so you can use them in the bathroom. The advantages of electric models include:

  1. with proper use, it is possible to eliminate impurities, as well as smooth out the skin texture, narrow pores, and get rid of small skin folds;
  2. help in the fight against acne, but before use you must consult a dermatologist;
  3. relieves excess dryness, flaking, unhealthy color;
  4. increases the impact of caring masks and creams;
  5. if all instructions are followed, it is suitable for treating sensitive epidermis.

Despite the large number of advantages, electric devices also have disadvantages:

  1. If the attachments and speed are not selected correctly, stretch marks will form on the skin.
  2. You cannot use the device if there are manifestations of herpes or papilloma on your face.
  3. People with dry skin should consult a specialist to avoid damaging the dermis.

Ultrasonic brushes

Products are more expensive than mechanical and electrical analogues. The manipulations will be gentle, without compromising the integrity of the skin.

During the session, light pressing movements are performed using a nozzle made of metal.

The results obtained will be less pronounced compared to mechanical action. Main advantages:

  1. thorough cleansing of the epidermis;
  2. improvement of blood microcirculation;
  3. activation of the cell restoration process;
  4. smoothing out wrinkles;
  5. improvement of complexion.

Ultrasonic devices allow you to quickly clean the pores on your face at home, both from dirt and dead tissue.

If the procedure is performed correctly, no marks remain on the skin, but if the technology is violated or the device malfunctions, you can get a burn.

Question answer

How often should you use this brush?

What product is used with the brush?

Can I use a brush if I have rashes?

Top 10 Facial Brushes

All types of products are popular, let’s look at the most popular models


Among mechanical accessories, the Medolla facial cleansing brush is popular, which has a dual effect: it cleanses the epidermis and produces massage movements.

Used in tandem with cleansers and scrubs. Cream is used for massage.

As a result, the skin is brightened and smoothed, and care products penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis.

Reviews of the Medolla facial cleansing brush indicate the high effectiveness of the product. A light massage heals the skin and helps smooth out shallow wrinkles.

Foreo Luna 2

Electric facial cleansing brush Foreo Luna 2 is a modern device that has 8 intensity levels.

Gentle bristles made of silicone carefully remove dead skin cells and tighten pores. With regular use, the device smoothes out shallow wrinkles.

The brush has several variations suitable for different skin types. The materials used in the production of the product are of high quality and do not cause allergic reactions.

Tender Beauty AMG 106SA

Electric brush for cleansing and caring for facial skin Tender Beauty AMG 106SA from Gezatone eliminates impurities and performs toning massage movements.

The device is not afraid of water, operates on a pair of batteries, is equipped with 2 modes and 3 nozzles.

The brush effectively scrubs the dermis, reduces pores, smoothes out unevenness, and evens out facial tone.


Pobling's innovative ultrasonic facial cleansing brush can be used every day.

The device removes 6 times more impurities than with regular washing and helps reduce pores.

The product operates on batteries, is not afraid of high humidity, and in addition emits up to 1000 vibrations per minute. Suitable for treating thin skin, including the area under the eyes.

It is enough to buy a Pobling ultrasonic facial cleansing brush in Minsk, Moscow or another city to get rid of clogged pores, toxic substances, and comedones.

During the session, not only skin folds are eliminated, but dead cells are exfoliated and a beneficial massage is performed.

Facila Cleanser Geneli

It is an ultrasonic device for daily cleansing of the skin. Effectively removes sebum and dirt, has a beneficial effect on the condition of pores.

The device cleanses skin cells of toxins, eliminates blackheads and facial wrinkles, stimulates lymph circulation and produces a toning massage.

Reviews of the Facila Cleanser Geneli ultrasonic facial cleansing brush indicate that after just 14 days of use, the complexion becomes attractive, and the effectiveness of care products increases significantly.

Gezatone AMG 199 Bio Sonic

The massager brush removes residual makeup, produces peeling, and improves the elasticity and quality of the skin.

The package includes several attachments with different levels of hardness, which allows for deep cleaning on different areas of the face. Along with this, the device produces a roller massage that is beneficial for the epidermis.

Reviews of the Gezatone AMG 199 Bio Sonic facial cleansing massager-brush confirm the merits of the product.

With regular use, blackheads, age-related changes, oily shine and other skin problems disappear.

Ella by Beuer FCE60

The electric device provides the skin with complete gentle care. Using various attachments, deep cleaning is performed, blood circulation is activated, and the elasticity of the skin increases.

The hard nozzle exfoliates dead cells, while the soft nozzle is indispensable for daily washing.

The Ella by Beuer FCE60 facial cleansing brush has a two-stage vibration massage function. Changing attachments is quick and the power source is a built-in battery.

Braun brush

Its special feature is the presence of 4 attachments, which makes it stand out among other brushes. All of them are designed for specific tasks:

  1. peeling brush;
  2. a nozzle with softer bristles;
  3. pore cleaning brush;
  4. special sponge that can be used for application
  5. cream, serum, which helps the product to be absorbed deeply.

Such a brush costs about 5 thousand rubles.

Clinique Sonic System

This is an electrical device. It comes with one attachment, but additional attachments can be purchased.

This is a good brush that gently cleanses without stretching the skin. It can be used even on very sensitive skin.

The brush has a slight angle, which makes it easier to use. But it is quite expensive, as it costs about 9,000-10,000 rubles.

Clarisonic Mia 2

This is a compact device. It can be used even if pimples appear on the skin.

Here you can not only control the speed, but also set a timer so that the brush stops working at a certain time.

The villi themselves do not spin in a circle, but move in different directions. You can even use such a device in the shower, where the humidity is high. Its price reaches 9 thousand rubles.

#5 rules of use

How to use such a brush? The main nuances of cleaning depend on the type of device, but in general the procedure is approximately the same:

  1. Decorative cosmetics are removed in any convenient way.
  2. The face is moistened with running water.
  3. Apply a small amount of gel or foam to the brush.
  4. The products are spread over the surface of the face with gentle circular movements without pressure.
  5. Each zone is given no more than 30 seconds.

Before using brushes, you must carefully study the instructions. Many products are not suitable for treating the area around the eyes, since the skin in these areas is very thin and sensitive to any influence.

For the very first procedure, select a soft nozzle and use the slow mode, increasing the power if necessary.

When treating the face, special attention should be paid to the chin, forehead and nose, since it is in these places that skin imperfections most often appear.

Common application errors (7 tips)

To reap the benefits of a facial brush, you need to learn how to use it correctly. That’s why let’s look at the most common mistakes in using this device:

  1. You don't take your skin type into account. It is worth understanding that care for different skins is slightly different.
  2. Rare change of attachments. Experts advise buying a new nozzle after 3 months.
  3. Too much pressure. When using such a brush, you should try not to put too much pressure on your face.
  4. Use little gel for washing. By the way, it is better not to use scrubs together with a brush, since it already removes dead cells well without the need for additional products.
  5. Fast start. You should not immediately choose the highest speed and hard nozzles. Start gradually.
  6. Give your brush to a friend. This is an attribute of personal hygiene and should not be shared with loved ones.
  7. Poor cleansing. It is important to clean the device; you can use shampoo or gel.

By the way, if after using such a brush you experience inflammation, do not stop using the device.

The fact is that in this method there is an enhanced cleansing of the pores, so there is a rise in bacteria to the top, which provokes the occurrence of acne.

Just do this cleansing once a day, after a while the inflammation will disappear and will appear very rarely. You can completely get rid of this problem.

We recommend looking at the review about purchasing an electric facial brush from Aliexpress:

Expert opinion

Irina Dorofeeva

practicing cosmetologist

Every woman and girl should remember that they need to cleanse their face every day, because dirt and dust accumulate on it during the day. And often representatives of the fair sex do not fully remove all impurities. This is why I recommend using a cosmetological achievement - a special brush. It will help remove not only dirt, but also cosmetics, cleanse pores, and help the skin breathe normally. Many cosmetologists respond positively to this device, as evidenced by reviews.

Sunanda Chew


With the help of brushes, you can cleanse your skin much better, eliminate blackheads, and carry out complete exfoliation, since it is important to get rid of dead cells. As a result, the skin is renewed and aging slows down.

For those with oily skin, the procedure can be performed every day, for normal skin – every other day. For sensitive or dry types, 2–3 sessions per week are sufficient. After each procedure, the attachments are cleaned and regularly updated.

By following these simple rules, you can achieve excellent results. If you regularly carry out such cleansing, your skin condition will noticeably improve.

Facial cleansing is the main daily procedure that allows you to rid your skin of accumulated impurities and dust, restore a healthy appearance and relieve fatigue. Manual methods have long been familiar to everyone, but it is much more effective to use a new achievement of technological progress - electric cleaning brushes.

These are special devices that allow you to quickly and effectively get rid of makeup and impurities, cleanse pores and give your skin the opportunity to breathe freely. The rating of high-quality electric brushes for cleaning and massaging the face includes models that have already won recognition and love among buyers.

What is it and how does it work

Special washing brushes are designed to deeply cleanse pores of impurities. Used in combination with cleansing gels and scrubs. Electric brushes have nylon bristles at their core. Using vibrating movements, the brush thoroughly removes blackheads and excess sebum, and also stimulates blood circulation with massage movements.

Brushes differ from each other in a number of parameters:

  1. case size;
  2. the presence of removable attachments included;
  3. length and thickness of the pile;
  4. number of speed modes.

The electric device has an automatic timer built into it that turns off the brush after the procedure is completed. This function avoids damage to the skin and reduces the risk of injury. The main attachment of any brush is round, with medium-hard bristles. This is a standard option that is used to remove makeup, cleanse dirt, and massage.

Acting on the deep layers of the epidermis, the brush removes the dead layer of skin, copes with acne, massaging movements prevent the appearance of wrinkles, increase tone and elasticity. It is enough just to move it across the face, moving from one zone to another, the vibration is carried out automatically.

After using the brush, creams, tonics, and vitamins that are applied to the skin are better absorbed.

  1. deep cleansing of pores without much effort, unlike conventional brushes;
  2. effective massage and restoration of regeneration;
  3. the ability to remove makeup more thoroughly than with your hands;
  4. increased perception of nourishing creams and active ingredients, vitamins;
  5. Constant use allows you to even out your complexion tone and get rid of oily shine, as well as prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Review of some models

The review rating of high-quality electric brushes includes popular models that attract with their affordable prices and are equipped with all the necessary functions.


One of the most effective and progressive electric brushes. Charges from the USB cable included in the kit.

Its convenience lies in the proper distribution of zones on the bristles - the upper part consists of green bristles, denser, suitable for working on the nose and forehead, the lower white part consists of soft bristles for massaging the cheeks and cheekbones. The device is very compact, fits comfortably in your hand, and is easy to move around your face.

When using a cleansing gel of the same brand, you can get a quick and amazing effect - small wrinkles are smoothed out, facial tone is evened out, even the most severe impurities are removed.

  1. separate zones for different zones;
  2. compactness;
  3. USB charging.

The average price is 6,000 rubles.

The Phillips brand has always listened to consumer needs, so the release of its own line of pore cleaning products was a great gift, VisaPure gained popularity in the shortest possible time. This is an effective device that provides improved cleansing compared to the usual way of washing.


During operation, the nozzle vibrates in different directions - from top to bottom, from right to left, and in the opposite direction. It only takes a minute to work on the entire face - 20 seconds for each zone. The timer warns with a signal about the need to move to another zone, which is very convenient. It is better to follow the instructions and not increase the cleansing time, as this can injure the skin.

The device is waterproof, so you can use it in the shower. Suitable for combination with gel or scrub or used separately from additional products.

The set includes 2 replaceable heads - one standard with medium-hard bristles and one for sensitive skin. The attachments must be changed every 3-4 months and cleaned thoroughly after the procedure.

  1. waterproof case;
  2. timer;
  3. changing the directions of the nozzle in different directions.
  1. accelerated mode creates a lot of noise.

The average price is 4000 rubles.


A new model from a Chinese manufacturer, which can be ordered on sites such as Aliexpress. Made of high quality plastic. With active use, it can significantly improve the condition of the skin, even out the color and get rid of rashes.

Medium-hard bristles do not injure the skin, but the massage time should not exceed 30 seconds for each area.

The design in a minimalist style, an attractive shape and a set of functions suitable for complete care allowed this model to be included in the rating of high-quality electric brushes for cleansing the face.

  1. standard nozzle of moderate hardness;
  2. wide range of equipment.
  1. waiting for the order.

The average price is 3000 rubles.

A model with a unique system developed using ultrasonic technology. This procedure is usually carried out in a salon, but modern cosmetic companies have been able to adapt the development for daily use.


But before you start actively using an ultrasonic cleansing brush, you need to check how your skin reacts to it. Individual intolerance can cause rosacea, irritation, and acne. This is a powerful technology that gives 10 times more effect than a regular brush.

With proper use of an ultrasonic brush, you can get rid of problems such as uneven tone, age spots, blackheads, rashes, and fine wrinkles. The brush adapts to a specific face and its features.

The brush runs on a battery and is charged using a USB cable. Also included is a charging base, three replacement attachments and a special cleansing gel.

  1. salon procedure at home;
  2. effective removal of skin imperfections;
  3. USB charging;
  4. wide range of equipment.
  1. Possibility of problems due to improper use.

The average price is 3000 rubles.


Powerful brush with the ability to rotate up to 400 rpm. The speed is adjusted with one button on the side of the case. Resistant to water. Nylon bristles with a rounded top can be used without distinction by skin type - both normal and sensitive.

Regular daily use allows you to even out your complexion, restore radiance, and effectively narrow pores.

Like all Mary Kay products, the electric brush has been clinically tested and confirmed to be effective and safe - it gives you smooth skin without irritation or dryness.

  1. effectiveness proven by clinical trials;
  2. Suitable for all skin types;
  3. high speed brush.

The average price is 3000 rubles.

Video review of using the brush:

The German device for cleansing facial skin is a professional device. This is an excellent alternative to salon cleansing and massage procedures.


The main difference between the brush is the presence of a two-stage massager. Replaceable attachments and several massage modes increase blood circulation, increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin, and ensure reliable access of the care product to the deepest layers of the epidermis.

The set includes three attachments: for peeling, for active massage, and for cleaning.

The device holds a charge for a long time, as it is equipped with a powerful 22 W battery. When the battery is low, it is notified by changing the backlight. Waterproof.

  1. powerful battery;
  2. several massage modes;
  3. salon procedure at home.

The average price is 2700 rubles.


The manufacturer of this brush promises complete renewal and cleansing of the skin after the first use. And there are really a lot of positive reviews about it.

In addition to the brush and bright case, the kit also includes an attachment for delicate skin and a body attachment. The standard nozzle is quite rigid, this must be taken into account with increased sensitivity. Two speed modes make it possible to regulate the degree of impact on the epidermis. It is not recommended to wet the device, only apply a cleanser to the bristles.

To polish and renew cells, it is recommended to use a hard attachment no more than once a week. During the procedure, the brush removes dead cells and allows the product to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin to give softness and radiance.

Cleaning can be done every day, no more than 1 minute for the entire face.

  1. polishing and cleaning;
  2. two speed modes;
  3. bright case;
  4. body scrub attachment.
  1. not resistant to water.

The average price is 2300 rubles.

Another company that has proven itself in the cosmetic products market. The Olay brand has released its own electric brush for deep cleansing pores, which is popular both in Russia and abroad.


The inexpensive device has a convenient shape and fits well in the hand. The kit also includes a special cream-gel that actively penetrates the epidermis, softens the skin and saturates it with beneficial elements. Can be used with water; it is better to wet the fibers before cleansing to soften them.

Having chosen from two modes - fast and for hypersensitive skin, rub over the face for no more than 1 minute, avoiding the areas around the eyes. Gets rid of deep blackheads even in hard-to-reach places, exfoliates the dead layer of skin.

The compact model is easy to carry with you when traveling and does not take up much space. Powered by 2 batteries.

  1. waterproof;
  2. cleans hard-to-reach places;
  3. There is a mode for very sensitive skin;
  4. price.
  1. cannot be used with oils;
  2. splashes water around a lot.

The average price is 1500 rubles.


The slogan of the Swedish company’s products is “Flawless skin in just 1 minute.” This is a great device for saving time and improving skin condition. Deeply exfoliates, cleanses, massages.

The device comes with several replaceable attachments: for normal skin, for sensitive skin, with soft bristles for gentle massage, and an attachment for deep weekly cleansing.

A fairly convenient and mobile accessory, for which there is also a travel case.

  1. compactness;
  2. travel case included;
  3. several replaceable nozzles.
  1. nozzles get dirty too quickly.

The average price is 1000 rubles.


One of the most recommended products in the review. Affordability, effective cleaning, ease of use - all these characteristics distinguish the Nivea electric brush from other similar devices.

The bristles are of acceptable hardness for all skin types, the attachment is securely attached to the body and can be easily removed if necessary. But a replacement nozzle is not included in the kit; you will have to buy it separately.

The device has several rotation speeds, but, as customers note, the difference between them is not too noticeable.

The set includes a cleansing gel for normal or sensitive skin along with the brush.

  1. you can choose a cleansing gel;
  2. low price;
  3. ease of use.
  1. no replaceable nozzles;
  2. speeds do not differ from each other.

The average price is 800 rubles.

Criterias of choice

How to choose an electric facial cleansing brush that will suit your individual needs and is suitable for regular use without harming the skin?

When choosing which model is best to purchase, you need to pay attention to a number of parameters:

  1. Pile hardness. For sensitive skin, it is better to choose a model with a soft nozzle, which is included in the basic configuration or sold separately. You cannot massage your face if you are not sure of the skin’s reaction - it is advisable to test the lint on a small area of ​​your hand.
  2. Number of replaceable nozzles. It is best if there are three attachments - a standard one for cleaning, a knot one for massage, and a soft one for sensitive skin. The attachments must be cleaned after each use and changed at least 2 times a month.
  3. Water resistance. An important factor on which the safety of use depends. It is better to immediately think about which model is more suitable - a waterproof one for use in the shower, in conditions where contact with water cannot be avoided, or a regular model that only accepts a lint-based cleaner. This determines how much the device costs and how convenient it is.
  4. Additional functionality. Auto-timer that triggers after the possible period for massage has expired; speed modes; battery charge indicator light, etc.

Video about how to choose a product and care for it:

The content of the article:


The basics of hardware cleansing or why cosmetics alone are not enough for clear skin.

Cleansing is the very first and perhaps the simplest stage of skin care. You've probably heard that for beauty and youth you need to regularly (or better yet, twice a day) wash your face with foam to remove dirt and makeup. And use the scrub a couple of times a week – and then you’ll be a total beauty! This is all correct and reasonable, but is this enough for our skin?

It turns out that no. Cosmetics for regular cleansing remove only superficial impurities and skin flakes, but not completely. As a result, a layer of “dirt” grows, which cannot but affect the appearance. And the skin becomes dull, receives less and less oxygen, and absorbs cosmetics worse and worse. Dont be upset! You can help your skin, and for this you can use facial cleansing devices at home.


  1. It is not advisable to use a home facial cleanser during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Hardware methods of facial cleansing - types and recommendations for use


A cleansing technique using brushes that remove dirt and dead skin from the surface of the skin. The device for cleansing facial skin refreshes the skin, while massaging and preparing the skin for applying cosmetics.

How to carry out the procedure:

  1. Makeup remover foam is applied to damp facial skin; the peeling effect can be enhanced by using a scrub 1-2 times a week.
  2. The Gezatone facial cleansing device moves gently along the massage lines, without excessive pressure.
  3. After the procedure, you need to wash your face and apply cream, and 1-2 times a week a mask according to your skin type. Brushing can be done with mild rosacea; with intense vascular network, the procedure is not performed.

This type of cleansing is suitable for both young and mature skin. An ideal solution for regular cleansing of men's skin - brushing tones, removes impurities and prevents ingrown hairs after shaving!


Deep cleansing of pores using a special device. The vacuum sucks out impurities while providing lymphatic drainage massage. As a result, a vacuum device for facial cleansing not only removes accumulated sebaceous secretions, but also improves blood circulation and lymph flow, and prevents the appearance of scars and post-acne spots.

How to carry out the procedure:

  1. Before vacuum cleaning, the skin must be steamed - a steam sauna is perfect for this.
  2. Cleansing is carried out on dry or slightly moistened skin, using makeup remover foam or peeling gel.
  3. After vacuum cleaning, it is recommended to apply a soothing or regulating mask.

Vacuum cleansing is optimal for young skin – from 14-40 years old. This cleansing method is absolutely not suitable for skin with rosacea! A vacuum device for facial cleansing at home is a safe and atraumatic alternative to manual cleansing.


Technology of skin cleansing using weak direct currents (galvanotherapy). When exposed to current, a saponification reaction occurs, and impurities, as well as sebaceous secretions, are deeply removed from the pores.

How to carry out the procedure:

  1. Remove makeup and apply a special alkaline disinfectant lotion to cleansed skin.
  2. Carry out the procedure using the device, working along the massage lines.
  3. After cleansing, wash thoroughly to remove any remaining disinfectant lotion that has absorbed impurities and sebum.

Disincrustation is a very gentle cleansing method that is suitable for any skin type, even especially sensitive ones with rosacea.
Galvanic currents not only cleanse, but also normalize pore diameter. Cleansing using galvanic currents restores the natural processes of removing impurities from the skin.


A method of cleansing and peeling the skin based on the action of high-frequency sound vibrations. A professional device for ultrasonic facial cleansing interacts with cosmetics and literally pushes out all impurities, dead skin cells, and lightens age spots from the face.

How to carry out the procedure:

  1. Before peeling, remove makeup and jewelry.
  2. Apply a special gel for ultrasonic skin cleansing.
  3. Carry out the peeling procedure, holding the spatula at an angle of 45° and moving against the massage lines.
  4. Wash to remove any remaining gel and apply cream.
  5. If desired, you can complete the treatment with an ultrasonic massage using special serums.

An ultrasonic device for cleaning facial skin at home is an alternative to going to the salon. The device works in several directions at once: it cleanses pores, exfoliates scales, lightens age spots and even smoothes out wrinkles.
In the initial stages of rosacea, ultrasound peeling can be performed at low power levels, but not in cases of intense vascular network. Ultrasound cleansing is perfect for young and mature skin.


Exfoliation of the upper layers of skin using abrasive materials (diamond or sapphire tips). A device for cleansing facial skin removes the top layer, visibly lightens age spots, and helps smooth out scars.

How to carry out the procedure:

  1. Before the procedure, remove makeup and wash thoroughly.
  2. Apply dermabrasion to dry skin using smooth movements along the massage lines.
  3. After the procedure, apply a soothing or restorative mask.
  4. Be sure to use sunscreen between treatments.

Microdermabrasion is an excellent at-home method for skin whitening and resurfacing.

  1. Reduction of pore diameter
  2. Reduction of pigmentation
  3. Alignment of tone and microrelief
  4. Smoothing out small wrinkles and reducing the depth of large ones
  5. Prevention of inflammation and rashes
  6. Excellent complexion and appearance
  7. Smoothing scars and post-acne scars

Which facial cleansing device to choose?

So, you have seriously decided to purchase a device for cleansing your facial skin. Hooray! We have prepared an infographic for you that will make choosing a device easier than ever.