Causes, symptoms and treatment of papilloma in the urethra

Papillomas in the urethra

The content of the article:
  1. Reasons for appearance
  2. Symptoms of papillomas in the urethra
  3. Treatment options
    1. Medicines
    2. Folk remedies
    3. Removal of papilloma in the urethra

Urethral papilloma is a benign formation on the mucous membrane of the urethra. It can affect the entire surface and occurs in both men and women, and at completely different ages. You will learn about what causes its appearance, what symptoms indicate this and how to properly treat these growths from this article.

Causes of papilloma in the urethra

HPV 3d model

The appearance of urethral papilloma is always associated with damage to the body by the virus of the same name. Infection can occur both through household contact and sexual contact. This becomes possible during a kiss with a sick person, during unprotected sexual contact with an HPV carrier and using common things with him - soap, toothbrushes, razors, etc.

Infection can also be caused by visiting doctors if the latter use poorly sterilized instruments. Most often this concerns an ENT specialist, a gastroenterologist, a dentist, a proctologist, and a cosmetologist. Also, the possibility of the pathogen entering the body occurs when a surgeon performs operations.

The occurrence of papilloma in the urethra is caused by the activation of the virus of the same name. Usually 3-6 months pass until this moment, but sometimes it happens that HPV manifests itself much later than this period. This happens with strong immunity, which can successfully fight the pathogen. If it is bad, then the body’s protective properties deteriorate, which increases the risk of formation in the urethra.

Those most susceptible to developing papilloma in the urethra are those who are nervous a lot. This also becomes possible in people who are poorly nourished, when the diet lacks vitamins, micro- and macroelements, and various acids. First of all, this applies to ascorbic and folic acid, to iron, which help maintain immunity at a normal level.

Also, papillomas in the urethra can appear in those who live in unfavorable environmental conditions. This applies mainly to urban residents if there are many chemical plants with hazardous production in the locality. Various oil and coal processing plants that pollute the air also pose a danger.

Prolonged use of antibiotics due to disruption of the intestinal microflora can also provoke the appearance of papilloma in the urethra in men. Hypothermia, alcohol abuse, and prolonged infectious diseases can also lead to this.

  1. See also the reasons for the appearance of papillomas on the penis

Symptoms of papillomas in the urethra

What do papillomas in the urethra look like?

The photo shows papillomas in the urethra

Both flat and pointed papillomas can appear in the urethra. In the first case, they are very similar to warts, since they have the same rounded shape, small sizes up to 0.3-0.6 cm and do not rise above the mucous membranes. The second type of formation is a growth with a diameter of up to 1 cm, which usually stands out against the background of the surface, as if hanging over it.

The color of papilloma in the urethra in men is most often pink, but the older they are, the darker the shade. Their surface is rarely smooth, being covered with papules and small tubercles. The boundaries of such formations are not clearly defined, which is why they appear slightly deformed in appearance.

Difficulty urinating due to papillomas in the urethra

Symptoms of the appearance of papillomas in the urethra include the following:

  1. Difficulty urinating. When trying to do it, problems arise in this case, which is why it is necessary to strain the bladder. But this usually does not lead to the desired results, and after emptying, a person is left with the feeling of an incompletely completed process. This leads to the re-emergence of the need to visit the restroom literally a few minutes or hours after the last procedure.
  2. Feeling of discomfort during bowel movements. This symptom of urethral papilloma occurs when an attempt is made to clear the intestines of feces, and a sensation of a foreign body appears in the urethra. The situation becomes especially acute when chronic constipation is a concern. As a result, such problems sooner or later prevent normal bowel movements, which causes difficulties with bowel function.
  3. Painful sensations. They can bother you either constantly or periodically, either weakening or intensifying. The problem usually worsens when attempting to have a bowel movement, urination, or sexual intercourse. It becomes especially acute if sexual contact is very active.

Such symptoms of urethral papilloma may include a burning sensation in the bladder, strange discharge from the urethra, and a strong unpleasant odor from the genitals. Because of this, there is a need to perform hygiene procedures more often.

  1. Read also what genital warts look like

Methods for treating papillomas in the urethra

There are several ways to eliminate formation: the use of folk remedies, mainly external, and the use of special medications. If possible, these two methods can be combined, which will improve results and speed up the process of treating papilloma in the urethra in men and women.

Medicines for the treatment of papilloma in the urethra

Drugs for the treatment of papilloma in the urethra

The photo shows drugs for the treatment of papillomas in the urethra

First, care must be taken to suppress the activity of the papilloma virus. For this purpose, you can take the drug Kagocel or Likopid, which can replace each other. The first one costs about 500 rubles. (220 UAH), the second - about 600 rubles. (270 UAH). These tablets should be taken for 3-7 days, depending on the recommendations of the attending physician. If such drugs are not suitable for removing papilloma in the urethra, you can choose Tsitovir-3. It is sold both in capsule and syrup form, its price is 880 rubles. (400 UAH).

In addition to anti-inflammatory drugs, you also need to take a course of immunostimulants. On average, they are recommended to be taken for 2-4 weeks, which will strengthen the body and successfully resist the negative effects of HPV on it. Immunal, made on a natural basis and containing Echinacea purpurea, copes well with this. Its cost is about 200 rubles. (90 UAH).

You can replace Immunal with Lymphomyosot, which is a homeopathic medicine. To remove papilloma in the urethra, it is recommended to drink 30-40 drops per day, preferably in the morning. The duration of the course of treatment should be at least 2 weeks, otherwise the desired effect will not follow. It costs about 500 rubles. (230 UAH).

Instead of Immunal and Lymphomyosot, you can use Immudon. Its cost in pharmacies is about 1200 rubles. (520 UAH). These are completely natural tablets, they should be taken with a break of 2-3 hours for 10-15 days. The maximum daily norm is 8 pcs.

In addition to antiviral and immunostimulating drugs, to remove papilloma in the urethra, it is worth drinking vitamin and mineral complexes. A good option is a dietary supplement from the Solgar brand called Biotin, which costs about 400 rubles. (170 UAH). As a replacement, you can purchase Vitabiotics from the Perfectil brand. Vitrum Life is also an excellent alternative. As an option, you can offer the Alphabet Classic supplement.

It is recommended to take vitamins to remove papilloma in the urethra for at least 2-4 weeks. The optimal duration of the break between doses is from 3 to 6 months, that is, it is best to repeat the course after the specified time. This will allow you to maintain your immunity at a normal level and successfully resist the active activity of the virus. In this way, reliable prevention will be provided against the reappearance of the growth.

Folk remedies against papilloma in the urethra

Chamomile infusion for papillomas in the urethra

The most effective remedy is considered to be chamomile infusion, which can be used to prepare baths. They should be taken over 10-15 minutes, completely immersing the pelvis in the liquid. Prepare a composition of 100 g of chamomile and 15 liters of water.

Here are other folk remedies for removing papilloma in the urethra:

  1. Buy calendula tincture at the pharmacy and dilute it with water in the proportions of 1 tbsp. l. for 1 glass. Take 15 ml of this remedy every day in the morning, after meals, but not immediately. The duration of treatment should be at least 2 weeks.
  2. Combine propolis tincture and water, following the proportions of 2 tbsp. l. for 50 ml. Then stir the mixture well with a spoon and drink 20 ml in small sips. Repeat these steps to remove papilloma in the urethra every day, preferably in the morning, for 10-14 days.
  3. Mix dried lemon balm (2 tsp) with nettle (1 tsp), dandelion flowers (0.5 cup) and crushed plantain leaves (1 tbsp). Then add boiled water (1 liter) into the mixture and leave it covered. After 20 minutes, strain the mixture and take the resulting liquid 30 ml every day. You need to drink it for at least 2 weeks, after which you can take a break for 1-2 months.
  4. Chop the stems of cat's paw grass (1 tablespoon) and the same number of leaves of this plant. Then fill them with one glass of warm water (250 ml) and keep it covered for about an hour. After this time, drain the liquid and take 30 ml once a day to remove papilloma in the urethra. For successful treatment, it is usually enough to do this for 2-3 weeks.
  5. Grind lavender flowers (3 tsp) and mix them with boiled water (2 cups). Bring the mixture to a boil and leave covered for 20 minutes. Next, strain the mixture and drink the resulting liquid 20 ml every day, dividing this dose by 2 times.
Important! You should not use more than 1-2 types of folk remedies to remove papilloma in the urethra within one course of treatment, as they may be incompatible, which can lead to deterioration of well-being. Also, to avoid allergies, it is necessary to check each composition for its absence, using it for the first time in small quantities.

Removal of papilloma in the urethra

Cryodestruction of papilloma in the urethra

This is worth thinking about only if therapeutic methods of treatment do not give the desired results for a long time. Also, removal of papilloma in the urethra becomes relevant when there is a high probability of the formation degenerating into malignant. The same applies to those situations in which a person experiences severe discomfort and pain due to such a growth.

Here are the methods used to remove papilloma in the urethra:

  1. Cryodestruction. This method is relevant if the growth is located outside and is accessible for applying liquid nitrogen. It is this that is used in this technique, which makes it possible to achieve destruction of the formation using low temperatures. This method is classified as non-invasive and safe for health. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, after which the patient is immediately sent home. The price of cryodestruction is 360 rubles (150 hryvnia).
  2. Thermocoagulation. The essence of this technique is to expose the papilloma to high temperature, causing damage to the formation and leading to the death of the growth. As a result, healthy tissue is not affected, which makes the procedure safe. Subsequently, there are no bruises, contusions or burns left on the treated area, so no recovery is required. One session lasts about 20 minutes. The price of thermocoagulation is 300 rubles. (120 UAH).
  3. Chemical destruction. This method of removing papilloma in the urethra involves applying a cauterizing drug to the formation, which allows a scab to form. Over time, this crust disappears, and along with it the formation is eliminated. As a result, there is no burn or scar left in the area. The procedure is relevant for shallow papilloma. The cost of chemical destruction is about 300 rubles. (120 UAH), depending on the chosen product.
  4. Laser destruction. This technique for removing papilloma in the urethra requires destruction of the papilloma with a beam of certain parameters, which penetrates to the required depth in the urethra. As a result, the impact falls, among other things, on the root of the growth, which makes it possible to exclude relapse. Since this is a minimally invasive procedure, general anesthesia is not needed; local anesthesia is sufficient. The price of laser therapy is 2900 rubles (1300 hryvnia).
  5. Radiosurgery. In this case, the removal of papilloma in the urethra is carried out using high-frequency radio waves. They destroy the formation without damaging healthy tissue, since the procedure is carried out without direct contact with the mucous membrane. It lasts on average 20-30 minutes, one session is usually enough to completely eliminate the tumor. The price of radiosurgical removal of the growth is 3,000 rubles (1,200 hryvnia).

How to get rid of urethral papillomas - watch the video:

Only a doctor can tell you exactly what to do for papilloma in the urethra. Find a good specialist and consult with him. He will prescribe effective treatments, and if this does not give the desired results, he will refer you to remove the growth using physiotherapeutic procedures.

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