Signs associated with the condition of the stomach, its mouth and respiratory organs

Hiccups in acute diseases are not good, especially after relief; it is also not good when, during feverish heat, the stomach burns and interruptions of gastric origin appear.

Cold breathing in acute illnesses is bad and indicates the death of innate warmth. Uneven breathing is also bad, as is breathing, similar to the intermittent breathing of a crying person who constantly draws in air. Breathing disorder resulting from mental confusion is malignant, and disorder due to tumors in the chest area is even worse. People to whom death has come have a swollen stomach, and they breathe intermittently and weakly, emitting heavy sighs.

Hippocrates says: When small veins rise on the forehead and near the eyelids and collarbones, this is bad.

Relaxation of the muscles of the body, incorrect position when lying down and weakness sometimes occur from an abundance of thick juices in the insides, sometimes from dryness of the body and great scarcity of juices, and sometimes due to extreme weakness of strength in the muscles. The distinctive sign here is not that the body is fat or thin, as some doctors think, for often the insides are filled with various moistures, while the body itself is skinny, and often the strength in the muscles weakens, and the patient’s body is fat. No, the signs are all those indications that are spoken of in other places.