
Palpation is an important examination method that allows you to determine the condition of tissues and organs through various manipulations using your fingers. It can be used in various fields of medicine, including general medicine, gynecology, urology, neurology, cardiology and others.

The main purpose of palpation is to determine the characteristics of tissues and organs, such as size, shape, consistency, temperature, tenderness and other physical parameters. Data obtained during palpation can help the doctor make a diagnosis, determine the severity of the disease, and also choose the most effective treatment method.

One of the most commonly used palpation methods is palpation of the lymph nodes. The doctor can check for enlarged nodes, which may indicate possible infectious diseases or cancer.

Another important use of palpation is to assess the condition of the abdominal organs. The doctor may palpate the patient's abdomen to determine the presence of tumors, fluctuations, and also feel organs such as the liver, spleen, and kidneys.

Palpation is also a necessary method for determining the position of the fetus in the uterus. The doctor may perform a cast to determine how far the fetus has descended, as well as determine its position and direction.

Overall, palpation is an important examination method that can help the doctor obtain valuable information about the condition of the patient's tissues and organs. It is a safe and non-invasive procedure that can be performed at a clinic, hospital or any other medical facility.

Palpation (lat. palpatio - palpation) is a method of medical examination in which the doctor, using his fingertips, feels (palpates) the patient’s organs to assess their shape and consistency, and also detects the presence of areas of compaction and pain, which allows him to make a preliminary diagnosis . In some cases, palpation can determine the consistency of the tumor (it is solid or a cyst) and the position of the fetus.

Greetings to all! Today I want to tell you about Palpation. Palpation is the examination of a part of the body using the fingers. This examination can be useful in identifying various conditions and diseases, such as the presence of tumors, determining their consistency (solid or cyst) or the position of the fetus inside the uterus.

Palpation is one of the most common methods of medical diagnosis, especially in the field of gynecology and obstetrics. When performing palpation, the specialist uses his fingers to feel various changes in the structure of the tissues. For example, when identifying a cyst, the doctor may feel a soft sac on the surface of the organ. Using your fingers you can also evaluate the hardness or softness of the tumor.

In addition, palpation is used to determine the position of the fetus during pregnancy. To do this, it is necessary to carry out vertical palpation of the uterus, which will help determine the position of the child relative to the mother’s birth canal and his readiness for childbirth. In general, Palpation is a medical technique used to accurately determine the condition of certain body tissues through finger sensation. This method is especially important as an initial screening step before further examination and diagnosis is used.