Scalp treatments

Brittleness, dryness and hair loss – all these problems are familiar to modern people firsthand. This is due to poor environment, poor nutrition and constant stress.

Today, the most effective remedy for the above problems is scalp mesotherapy.

This article describes in detail the indications for the course, a description of the procedure and side effects.


A course of hair mesotherapy is recommended for the following problems:

  1. slow hair growth;
  2. focal or androgenic alopecia;
  3. seasonal hair loss;
  4. dry scalp;
  5. fragility and dryness of strands;
  6. split ends;
  7. dry scalp;
  8. early gray hair;
  9. ringworm;
  10. dandruff and itching.


Mesotherapy is not suitable for everyone and has a fairly extensive list of contraindications. These include:

  1. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  2. diabetes;
  3. allergy to the components of the drug;
  4. PMS and menstruation;
  5. increased sensitivity of the scalp;
  6. open wounds or inflammation on the scalp;
  7. poor blood clotting;
  8. oncological diseases;
  9. mental disorders.

Preparation rules

First, visit a trichologist, dermatologist or cosmetologist. The specialist will assess your health status and also give a referral for the following tests:

  1. general blood analysis;
  2. iron level analysis;
  3. analysis for hormones and vitamins.

If the research reveals no contraindications, the doctor selects injectable drugs and sets a date for the first procedure. A few days before the mesotherapy session, you need to adhere to some restrictions, for example:

  1. 7 days before the procedure, stop taking blood thinners such as aspirin, ibuprofen, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics.

Don't be alarmed by not taking analgesics. An hour before the injection, the doctor treats the patient's head with an anesthetic gel.

2 days before the procedure, stop drinking alcoholic beverages. Wash your hair before going to the clinic. There should be no traces of styling products, dust or sebum left on the scalp. And also comb your strands thoroughly and do not collect them in tight hairstyles.

How to do it: detailed description

  1. The doctor treats the injection area with an antiseptic. If the patient suffers from increased sensitivity of the head, the skin is treated with “freezing”.
  2. The work is carried out only on the problem area, and not over the entire head. The doctor can use a gun, mesoinjector or needles - the latter method is considered the most painless, since the needles are very thin.
  3. The specialist performs injections at a distance of 1.5 -2 cm from each other and to a depth of 0.5 - 2 mm. Before the injection, the doctor slightly stretches the skin between the fingers for greater accuracy and painlessness.
  4. At the end of the session, the doctor treats the affected area with chlorhexedine or another antiseptic and performs a light massage to ensure uniform absorption of the mesomedicine.

We invite you to watch a video about how the scalp mesotherapy procedure is performed:

Course duration

How many sessions do you need to do for the best effect?

An average course of mesotherapy consists of 1-12 sessions. The first 4 sessions are carried out with an interval of one week, the next 4 - with an interval of two weeks, then - 1 session every 3 weeks. Afterwards, the patient will only have to wait for preventative maintenance therapy.

The result manifests itself individually, depending on the specific clinical case, but usually the difference “before and after” is noticeable after 6–9 procedures. New hairs appear, hair loss is reduced, and the scalp becomes nourished and moisturized. The final result will be visible a month after completing the course.

How much does one session cost?

The final cost of the procedure will also depend on what problem the patient is struggling with. In accordance with the task, the doctor will select the necessary meso-cocktail and indicate the price. Average the price for 1 procedure varies from 1500 to 4500 rubles.

How often should I repeat?

Mesotherapy gives a lasting effect and a repeat course is not required. However, in order to maintain the achieved result, doctors recommend doing a preventive procedure once every six months (in some cases, once every 4 months).

What not to do after?

In the first days after mesotherapy, you need to adhere to certain restrictions, namely:

  1. Don't wash your hair. For the first two days, the meso-cocktail continues to be absorbed into the hair follicles and shampoo can significantly reduce their effect. And also do not wet your hair in the shower or in the bath.
  2. Do not go to the bathhouse, swimming pool or sauna and try to avoid high humidity.
  3. Do not scratch your head or touch your skin with a comb. This is necessary in order to protect the formed crusts from being torn off. With them the healing process will go much faster.

Side effects: in what cases should you consult a doctor?

If the patient ignored medical recommendations for skin care after mesotherapy, or the procedure was initially performed incorrectly (the doctor did not disinfect or reused the needles), side effects and complications may occur in the form of:

  1. chemical burn;
  2. scars on the scalp;
  3. tissue necrosis;
  4. infectious inflammations.

All this is a good reason to seek help from a doctor. Slight redness of the scalp, bruising and discomfort when touched are all a normal skin reaction to injections of this kind, which will go away in a few days.

Mesotherapy is a modern effective way to get rid of many diseases of the hair and scalp. After a therapeutic course, curls become noticeably healthier and stronger. Before making an appointment with a specialist, be sure to read reviews about him and the clinicwhere he practices.

A procedure that helps restore the strength and healthy appearance of the scalp is called peeling. After all, in order for your hair to look silky, strong and healthy, it is not enough to just take care of it. It is also necessary to care for the skin of the scalp by performing a peeling procedure.

This material is entirely devoted to this procedure, the order of its implementation, the types and means used in the process.

What is peeling?

A set of cosmetic procedures applied to the scalp is peeling. Its main task is cleansing the skin of various contaminants: dead skin particles (dandruff), excess sebum produced by the sebaceous glands.

Peeling process

The means by which this procedure is performed is called a scrub. Before applying the scrub, find out if you have an allergic reaction or individual intolerance to one of the components included in its composition.

Do not use the scrub if there is mechanical damage to the skin: abrasions, wounds, scratches, cuts, etc. Its use is also prohibited in the presence of an inflammatory process in the epidermis layer.

Before using the scrub Be sure to wash your hair thoroughly. Then apply the scrub to the scalp with light massage movements using the phalanges of your fingers, in the directions of the massage lines. The massage process time depends on which scrub you use and may vary from 10 to 30 minutes.

After the main procedure, the scrub must be washed off with soap or shampoo that improves the structure of the hair. It is also recommended to use a hair mask, which will relieve possible skin irritation.


Are there any benefits from peeling?

The main property that the scrub provides during the peeling procedure is improving the health of the hair. But this procedure also has a number of useful properties, provided to the skin and scalp:

  1. Eliminates unpleasant itching.
  2. Improves blood flow in the epidermis layer of the head, which allows blood cells to deliver more nutrients to the hair follicles.
  3. Normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands of the skin, thereby helping to get rid of oily shine or excessive dryness and brittle hair.
  4. Prevents dandruff.
  5. Accelerates the process of regeneration of skin cells.
  6. Removes particles of various cosmetics (hair dye remaining on the skin, gels, mousses, varnishes, etc.).
  7. Promotes the flow of oxygen to the cells of the scalp.

Based on this, we can conclude: peeling perfectly strengthens hair follicles, helps in the fight against skin problems, and also takes care of the condition of the hair, stimulating its growth.

Types of procedure

Peeling of the scalp can be of three types (based on the methodology of the procedure): mechanical, chemical and gas-liquid.


The mechanical method of carrying out the procedure is cleaning the skin using various scrubs that contain abrasive particles that can cleanse the epidermis.

In addition, such scrubs contain various nutrients, vitamins and microelements.

Mode of application:

  1. Before application, it is necessary to moisten your hair with water, as the applied product adheres better to damp hair.
  2. The scrub is applied, evenly distributed over the entire surface of the epidermis of the scalp.
  3. A massage is performed in the areas where the scrub is applied. It is usually performed with varying intensities: from lightly tangential movements to intense massage movements. The time required depends on the skin type and the composition of the scrub, and varies from 15 to 30 minutes.
  4. The hair is thoroughly washed with a special, gently cleansing shampoo.
  5. At the end of the main procedure, a mask is applied to the scalp, which will soothe the epidermis and saturate it with vitamins and nutrients. Maintain her order 10-15 minutes.
  6. Wash off the mask and rinse your hair with warm water.

Mechanical peeling takes about 60-70 minutes and can be carried out once every 10 days.


  1. Manifestation of dandruff.
  2. Excessive secretion of oil by the sebaceous glands.
  3. Excessive thickening of the stratum corneum of the scalp.
  4. Preventive procedure to cleanse the skin.


  1. Severe hair loss.
  2. Inflammation of the epidermis.
  3. Skin damage (wounds, scratches, cuts, etc.).
  4. Excessive dryness of the epidermis.
  5. Increased sensitivity of the skin.
  6. Allergy to components included in the peeling scrub.


The chemical method of cleansing the skin involves dissolving the upper layer of the dermis with solutions of various acids and enzymes. The result of this impact is normalization of skin oiliness, improvement of nutrition and metabolism, hair follicles are strengthened and various microbes and parasitic microorganisms are destroyed. Chemical peeling also strengthens hair and promotes its growth.

Stages of the procedure:

  1. Washing your hair and dividing it into partings, for more convenient application of the solution to the skin.
  2. Treat the skin with a product that normalizes acidity and has a disinfecting effect.
  3. The chemical solution is applied to the scalp. For convenience, it is best to use a cosmetic brush. Depending on the composition, it is left on the skin from 10 to 20 minutes.
  4. Then the solution is washed off using plain water or a special composition that neutralizes its effect (it all depends on what product will be used for the procedure).
  5. Afterwards, the epidermis layer is nourished and moisturized by applying a mask or hair serum. You can also use balm or nourishing oil.
  6. At the end of the procedure, the hair is thoroughly washed.

Use a hair dryer to dry your hair after the procedure. highly undesirable.


  1. Manifestation of dandruff.
  2. Thickening of the stratum corneum of the skin.
  3. Hair loss.
  4. Demodicosis (damage to the skin by the mite that causes this disease).
  5. As a preventive measure that eliminates various skin impurities.


  1. Excessively sensitive scalp.
  2. Damage to the scalp.
  3. Lesions caused by fungal diseases.
  4. Allergy to components of the composition.
  5. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  6. Inflammation of the epidermis.

IN composition of the product, chemical peeling may include the following acids of organic origin: tartaric, citric, malic, almond and lactic. Or inorganic acids: phytic, retinoic and salicylic.


This type of procedure combines the use of drugs with gas (a mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide). The epidermis layer is cleansed by exposing it to this medicinal gas mixture, is saturated with oxygen and nutrients.

  1. Can be used for any age category of patients.
  2. Painless procedure.
  3. Does not come into contact with the skin.
  4. Practically does not cause allergies.
  5. Nutrients and vitamins enter the epidermis without compromising its integrity.
  6. A very quick, visual result that everyone will notice.


  1. Poor blood circulation in the brain.
  2. Skin diseases of an infectious nature.
  3. Mental disorders.
  4. Hypertension.

The best products for the peeling procedure

Of the variety of peeling products presented in cosmetics stores, we can highlight three of the best of them (based on the ratio: price + quality):

“Sea buckthorn scalp scrub” from Natura Siberica

Average price in Russia: 550 rubles.

Compound: vitamins “C”, “A”, “E”; raspberry seed; argan oils, Altai sea buckthorn; extracts of juniper, geranium, nettle, sorrel, burdock, calendula, wild Siberian mint.

This product is a mechanical type of peeling and has a triple effect: improves blood circulation, deeply cleanses the skin and prevents hair loss. It normalizes the production of oil by the sebaceous glands and prevents dandruff.

The nutrients and vitamins that make up the scrub perfectly nourish the skin and saturate it with essential microelements.

The scrub can be used for all hair types.

Application: The scrub is distributed in a thin layer, evenly, over the entire scalp, which should be washed before using the product. Then massage with light rubbing movements. within 10-15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. After the scrub, it is recommended to use a nourishing and soothing product (oil, mask or balm).

Contraindications: allergic reaction to the components of the composition, mechanical damage to the skin (abrasions, cuts, scratches, etc.), inflammation of the skin, excessive dryness of the epidermis.

Peeling DSD “De Luxe 1.3” deep cleansing

Average price in Russia: 490 rubles.

Compound: lactic, phosphoric, tartaric, salicylic, glycolic and malic acids; extracts of chili pepper, yeast; menthol; apricot kernel.

This product is a chemical type of peeling. Perfectly removes various impurities, nourishes the skin with beneficial microelements and moisturizes the skin.

Application: the hair must be washed and parted, then using a cosmetic brush, apply the product to the skin in a thin layer and wait 10-15 minutes, then rinse (preferably a couple of times) using shampoo or soap.

Contraindications: skin inflammation, pregnancy, allergic reaction to the components of the composition, fungal diseases of the epidermis, mechanical damage to the skin, overly sensitive skin.

Peeling shampoo “Deep Cleansing Shampoo” from a French manufacturer

Average price in Russia: 240 rubles.

This product is a mechanical peeling and produces a deep and gentle cleansing. Takes care of hair follicles, strengthening growing ones and awakening dormant ones. Works great against dandruff. Suitable for all hair types.

Compound: tartaric, malic, glycolic and lactic acids; menthol; chamomile extract.

Application: shampoo is applied to damp hair, foamed and rinsed off. Then reapply, foam and leave on hair for 5 minutes. Then it is washed off with water. After use, it is recommended to apply a nourishing balm or oil.

Contraindications: allergies to components of the composition, mechanical damage to the skin, dryness and inflammation of the skin.


When choosing a peeling product, it would not be superfluous to consult a cosmetologist about the use of this or that product. If you have no contraindications, you can easily find a remedy that is right for you. When using scrubs and peeling solutions, follow the instructions and do not exceed the exposure time in order to avoid negative consequences.

Head peeling – healthy hair and skin (#recommended)

Peeling the head cleanses the upper layer of the skin and improves the condition of the epidermis.

The procedure is used for preventive and therapeutic purposes to improve the health of the scalp, because silky, healthy and strong hair is the dream of all women.

And only constant care will allow you to have excellent-looking hair. By exfoliating the head in a salon or at home, owners of thick hair remove dead skin particles from the skin.

The renewed epidermis is saturated with oxygen and breathes, providing the strands with intensive growth and elasticity.

Head peeling (benefits for hair)

Head peeling is a useful procedure for every person. Its beneficial effect is based on the mechanical or chemical action of the agents used. The mixtures delicately remove dead particles from the skin.

At the same time, impurities, traces of remaining cosmetic compositions, sebaceous and sweat secretions are removed from the skin.

This action increases blood circulation, which has a positive effect on the saturation of the hair roots with the necessary substances.

In addition, after this procedure the tone improves, the follicles receive excellent nutrition. All this accelerates hair growth, and its condition noticeably improves.

Head peeling is carried out in a salon or at home. For the procedure, products from stores and pharmacies or formulations prepared at home are used.

The frequency of manipulation is determined based on hair type:

  1. the tendency of the scalp to become oily requires health measures at least once a week;
  2. sensitive and dry epidermis needs peeling 2 times a month;
  3. Recent hair dyeing or lamination is a reason to temporarily abandon the procedure.

It would be correct to refrain from manipulation if there are wounds or rashes on the scalp. You will also have to wait a bit with peeling if there is increased hair loss.

Types of scalp peeling

There are health procedures that tend to work in a certain direction:

  1. Peeling for hair growth. Solves the problems of those who are concerned about the slow lengthening of strands. With the help of ongoing cosmetic measures, they achieve the activation of cellular metabolism with the help of an accelerated flow of beneficial ingredients and oxygen to the hair growth area. As a result, the “sleeping” hair follicles “wake up” and hair growth resumes. Strands also grow faster under the influence of a peeling mask, rich in microelements, vitamins, and plant extracts.
  2. Cleansing scalp peeling. With its help, skin is cleansed, languishing from excessive secretion of fat from the sebaceous glands. The scrub normalizes the functioning of fat secretion, eliminates unaesthetic gloss in the root part of the hairline and untidiness of strands. The hair takes on a fresh and clean look for a longer time.
  3. Regenerating peeling. Indicated for healing hair damaged by negative factors. These are, for example, UV radiation, hard water, depigmentation, etc. The curls dry out, the epidermis on the head peels. The procedure with a restorative effect achieves cleansing of dry scalp, in-depth nutrition and hydration with the ingredients contained in the mixtures.
  4. Anti-dandruff peeling. Helps get rid of oily or dry seborrhea and prevent it from returning again. Effective ones include a salt-based scalp procedure. Adding antifungal ingredients to the composition will provide stunning results.

The named types of peeling are also a preparatory stage for the increasing effect of medicinal preparations and cosmetic compositions on the epidermis of the head. These special agents are absorbed and absorbed by the epidermis more effectively.

Experts also advise paying attention to procedures such as hair plasma lifting, special fillers, Honma Tokyo Botox, etc.

Salon (health) scalp treatments

In a beauty salon or hairdresser, cosmetologists most often recommend choosing one of 4 types of peeling:

  1. Gas-liquid. It is carried out using a hardware method. Under pressure, a finely dispersed hydrooxygen stream is introduced into the device through the nozzle. Often the mixture contains water, liquid sodium chloride, whey containing vitamins, minerals, acids and plant extracts, etc. The doctor, assessing the skin and hair, creates a mixture of active ingredients and adjusts the flow pressure. The result of gas-liquid peeling of the head is: deep cleansing and healing of tissues, massaging the head, the influence of which extends to the human body.
  2. Galvanic hardware method. It works by combining galvanic current with medicinal and cosmetic products. The cosmetologist selects the compositions, guided by the condition of the epidermis on the head, hair type and problems that need to be solved. During the event, the peeling mixture is rubbed into the skin of the scalp. Then the master runs a comb with hollow teeth along the strands and skin surface; there are electrodes inside them (the strands are an excellent conductor of electrical impulses). This manipulation opens the skin pores, removes impurities from the inside, and saturates the epidermis with useful components.
  3. Chemical method. It involves applying fast-acting mixtures to the skin that soften and dissolve keratinized tissue along with impurities. Epidermal regeneration processes are synchronously enhanced, metabolic reactions are accelerated, and hair follicles are filled with life-giving ingredients. For this purpose, organic (malic, lactic, almond, tartaric, etc.) and inorganic (salicylic, retinoic, azelaic, etc.) acids are used. Healing acid peeling is especially effective for dandruff and hyperkeratosis of the scalp.
  4. Biological innovative method. It is carried out with compositions based on bioactive floristic enzymes. They contain ingredients with restorative, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory effects, etc. The substances have a gentle effect on the skin and eliminate dead cells without adversely affecting vital tissues. Therefore, this peeling procedure can also be used by those with sensitive scalp. The method also fruitfully combats sebaceous seborrhea, since enzymatic substances are endowed with a sebum-correcting effect.

When contacting beauty salons for a service to release the stratum corneum of the epidermis of the head, patients need to ask in detail about the procedure: what type of peeling and what drugs are used for clients. Then there will be no doubt about obtaining a positive result.

TOP 5 professional scalp peeling products

Specialists in salons use professional cosmetics. Manufacturers have made sure that such products provide deep cleansing and proper treatment of the scalp.

Here is a list of some popular professional peels:

  1. Nioxin. This product provides excellent nutrition and stimulates normal skin regeneration.
  2. Ollin. This is a shampoo with a peeling effect. It stands out for providing cells with important multivitamins.
  3. Schwarzkopf. It is also a shampoo that professionally cleanses hair and dermis.
  4. Lebel. With the help of this peeling, hair begins to grow faster. In addition, the product fights problem skin.
  5. Farmavita Amethyste Purify Peeling Mask. The mask helps to get rid of dandruff for a long time, remove excess fat and remaining impurities. Ideal for preparing the scalp and hair for medical procedures.

Also pay attention to peeling from the Spanish company DSD De Luxe, shampoo with peeling effect Deep-Cleansing Shampoo (France) and inexpensive scrub from Natura Siberica (with sea buckthorn extract).

There are other means. They are all similar, but also have certain differences.

The action of some is more aimed at restoring the PH of the skin, while others are aimed at cleansing the dermal layer.

Homemade peeling method

What is attractive about the procedure is that it is carried out at home using mixtures of natural products.

This method is a guarantee of safety, since the quality of the ingredients does not raise suspicions. But, in comparison with professional methods, peeling at home is not sufficiently effective.

The procedure begins by adhering to the following algorithm:

  1. the peeling mixture is applied to slightly moistened skin (washing your hair with shampoo the day before the procedure is not required);
  2. the strands are divided into partings, thereby preventing injury to the skin surface and tangling of curls;
  3. the composition is applied to the skin while simultaneously rubbing in with gentle massaging movements for 2-5 minutes (if necessary, the mixture is left on the epidermis for 10-15 minutes).

Peeling is recommended for both women and men with different hair types. But the cosmetic procedure is especially important to those who are bothered by dandruff.

Components used

For scalp peeling, ingredients are selected that take into account the particular condition of the hair and skin tissue and their need for treatment.

Often homemade exfoliating mixtures are prepared from products that have abrasive properties. A choice of healthy ingredients are added to them.

Peeling of the epidermis of the scalp with sea salt or coarsely ground salt, which is commonly used, is considered recognized and inexpensive to prevent damage to the skin.

Also used as an abrasive:

  1. sugar;
  2. clay;
  3. baking soda;
  4. ground coffee (suitable for short hair due to difficult rinsing).

The following are used as additional ones:

  1. olive, peach, almond oils, etc.;
  2. essential oils – tea tree, lavender, cedar, etc.;
  3. fermented milk products - kefir, sour cream;
  4. honey;
  5. aloe or lemon juice;
  6. glycerol;
  7. egg yolk.

To prepare the gruel, you can use rice, wheat proteins, panthenol, vitamins, and seaweed extracts. Moreover, a specific recipe for a homemade scrub includes its own set of ingredients.

Recipe Ideas

In fact, there are many proposals for preparing peeling mixtures. The choice is made in accordance with the existing problems.

  1. Common - made from black bread. The recipe, which can be easily used at home, impresses with its simplicity and inexpensive price of the product. It is enough to pour boiling water over the crusts of black bread. The infused pasty mixture is rubbed into the scalp with massage movements. Wash it off without shampoo. Bread absorbs impurities and cleanses the skin.
  2. Salt composition for scalp prone to oiliness. You will need the following components: 4 tbsp. salt, 50 ml kefir, 3 drops of essential grapefruit oil. All components are the temperature of the living room. First, salt is poured into kefir, then ether is added. The product is applied to the skin using rubbing movements, left for 10-15 minutes and washed off with warm water.
  3. Peeling for dry skin and damaged hair. For him take: 4 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tsp. liquefied honey, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, 1 tsp. aloe juice, 3 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil. The components are mixed and rubbed onto the scalp. Wash off after 10-15 minutes.
  4. Warming exfoliation to enhance hair growth. Required: 4 tbsp. l. salt (sugar), 1 tbsp. l. chopped red hot pepper, 2 tbsp. l. – burdock and castor oil, 3 drops of lemon balm essential oil. The product is applied to the skin using rubbing movements. Wash off after 5 minutes.

Similar peelings for the scalp are done at home.

Exfoliating the scalp cleanses and helps open the skin pores. Therefore, after the procedure you need to use a suitable hair mask. The components, penetrating deep into the skin, will have a beneficial effect on it.

Question answer

Do you experience any burning or pain during a chemical scalp peel?

Is it possible to burn the scalp when using chemical peels?

I wash my hair every day because my hair gets oily too quickly and I also have dandruff. Will peeling benefit me?

The cost of head peeling in a salon is focused on the method of implementation, the qualifications of the cosmetologist and the cosmetic preparations used.

Thus, 1 chemical peeling procedure costs 1,500 rubles, mechanical peeling – 1,000 rubles. Hardware manipulation will cost 900 rubles.

On average, the price in the regions varies between 1000-3000 thousand rubles. There is also a budget option for 700 rubles. The home procedure is limited by the cost of the ingredients used in the recipe.



“I do a pleasant and useful peeling myself. For it I take salt, table or sea salt, and add clay. Instead of clay, egg yolk will do. I pour a few drops of burdock or rosemary oil into the mixture.”


“I prepare an exfoliant with sea salt. I mix it equally with olive oil. Without pressing on the skin, I rub the mixture in and wash it off after a few minutes. The frequency of peeling is 5 procedures every 2 weeks, the result is amazing. Don’t be lazy, try it for yourself.”


“Due to dry skin, hair often falls out. Saves skin peeling. It’s not always possible to go to a salon. Then the means at hand help. The preferred one is a mixture of salt and burdock oil. Hair loss stops immediately. And the skin turns back to normal, “forgetting” about recent dryness. Therefore, the procedure is not only for those with oily skin.”


“I know about this improvement of the scalp and hair from my grandmother. True, not all salons use folk remedies. And there are enough people who want peeling using natural products. But as a master, I do not advise you to get carried away with the procedure, so as not to have the opposite effect. Then the skin will intensively produce what it is deprived of.”

Expert opinion

Irina Dorofeeva

practicing cosmetologist

Exfoliating your head brings a lot of benefits. But to achieve maximum effect, it is worth conducting more than one session. For example, chemical peeling should be repeated about 5-10 times. Even if a person does a similar procedure at home, using gentle ingredients, there is no need to get carried away with such treatment. The fact is that frequent peelings can cause the hair to begin to become oily faster and the sensitivity of the skin to increase.
Ask a Question

Sunanda Chew


Although there are a variety of home peels, I do not recommend using them unsupervised. Initially, you should consult a trichologist regarding your problem. Sometimes homemade peels can make the problem worse. If the doctor approves the prescription, then you can begin their procedures. If your financial situation allows, it is better to go to the salon.

Peeling, carried out at home or in a salon, saves the scalp from oiliness, dryness and prevents hair loss. The procedure works if the recipe is selected correctly and the event is carried out regularly.