Contraindications to hyaluronic acid injections into wrinkles


The skin around the lips is very delicate and sensitive, therefore, the first wrinkles appear in this area of ​​the face.

Injections of hyaluronic acid smooth out even deep nasolabial folds, moisturize and even out the skin.

This is the most modern and fastest way to rejuvenate the face without surgery.

The content of the article:

Reasons for education

There are several factors that can trigger the appearance of nasolabial folds, namely:

  1. bad habits;
  2. rapid weight loss;
  3. hereditary predisposition;
  4. muscle spasms in the area of ​​the lips, nose, cheekbones;
  5. age-related or traumatic deformation of facial muscles;
  6. bad ecology;
  7. dental problems.

This happens because in the absence of molars, the facial muscles weaken, losing their elasticity.

Effect of the drug


Skin renewal and healthy functioning require a lot of fluid. Until a certain age, the body produces its own hyaluronic acid.

But, over time, it becomes less, as a result of which the skin dries out and wrinkles appear. Artificial HA will help solve this problem.

Injections are administered under the skin of the problem area. Having penetrated the body, the substance accumulates and binds water molecules, therefore, the skin is noticeably moisturized.

Due to the fact that hyaluronic acid under the skin turns into a gel, wrinkles are smoothed out, the facial contour is evened out, and the production of collagen and elastin is activated.

In the video, experts talk about the composition and action of hyaluronic acid.


Main indications for HA injections:

  1. age-related changes;
  2. sagging and dry skin;
  3. previous facial surgeries;
  4. superficial or deep wrinkles, scars.


To achieve a better result, it is necessary to do several more some time after the first procedure. But the interval between them must be at least one week.


Despite the fact that hyaluronic acid is a safe and easily tolerated substance, there are a number of contraindications. You should check in advance whether there is any individual intolerance to HA.

You cannot undergo the procedure in the following cases:

  1. If you are under 18 years of age.
  2. If you have infectious or viral skin diseases.
  3. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  4. Poor blood clotting.
  5. Predisposition to the development of keloid scars.
  6. Increased blood sugar levels.
  7. Oncological pathologies, cardiovascular diseases.

The side effects that are most often observed after the procedure include pain in the treated area and small bruises.

As a rule, these effects disappear after a few days. Very rarely, swelling goes away after a few weeks, even months.

Sometimes complications arise as a result of non-compliance with hygiene rules and procedure techniques. For example, if a low-quality drug is used or an infection gets into the wound, this is fraught with allergic manifestations, inflammatory processes, and migration of the injected gel.

To avoid undesirable consequences, it is necessary to carry out the procedure in a reputable clinic with reliable specialists.


The price of injections with hyaluronic acid into the nasolabial folds primarily depends on the drug used and the amount of active substance in it.

Let's look at a few of the drugs that are popular today.

Juvederm ultra


This French gel filler comes in three types:

  1. Juvederm ultra 2. Injected only into the superficial layers of the skin, eliminates fine wrinkles. The duration of the effect is 5-7 months. Price from 1200 rub. (1 ml).
  2. Juvederm ultra 3. Used for contouring and eliminating medium-sized wrinkles. The effect lasts up to 10 months. Price from 18,000 rub.
  3. Juvederm ultra 4. Used to correct deep nasolabial folds. The action continues for more than a year. Price from 19,000 rub.


A line of some of the most effective products that not only eliminate imperfections, but also significantly moisturize the skin.

Price for 1 ml within 15,000 rubles.


These gel fillers belong to the Restylane line of drugs. Manufacturer: Swedish company Q-med. The effect lasts for more than a year.

Price from 14,000 rub.

IAL system


The manufacturer of this line of drugs is the famous Italian company FIDIA FARMACEUTICI s.p.a.

European and Russian certificates confirm the high level of quality of IAL system products. The duration of the effect is 3 months.

Price from 6000 rub.


Stylege gel fillers are manufactured using innovative technologies using modern equipment.

Manufacturer: French company Laboratoire Vivacy. The effect of biorevitalization with this drug lasts 6-12 months.

Price from 7500 rub.


The line of drugs is characterized by a high level of biocompatibility, which guarantees effective and long-term results lasting up to a year.

Price from 13,000 rub.



The drug was created using modern 3D Hyaluronic Acid Matrix technology. The filler completely fills sunken areas of the skin, making it perfectly smooth. The effect lasts up to a year.

Manufacturer: French company Corneal. Price from 9,500.


Premium quality gel fillers developed by the Austrian company Croma.

Biorevitalization with PRINCESS preparations gives a natural, stable, long-lasting result (6-12 months). Suitable for young skin.

Price about 4000 rubles.


Biorevitalization using Italian Jalupro gel fillers provides hydration and also stimulates collagen synthesis. The effect lasts for six months.

Price from 14,000 rub.

Let's discuss here whether it is possible to remove moles on the face with celandine.

Pricing factors

The cost of hyaluronic acid injections is not cheap. It matters how many injections are given at a time and how much of the substance is administered. Depending on the condition of the skin, the course of biorevitalization ranges from 3 to 6 procedures.

In addition, the price is influenced by the following factors:

  1. severity of nasolabial folds;
  2. duration of effect;
  3. condition of the skin.

The total cost of a service in a reliable clinic using high-quality drugs averages 13,000–16,000 rubles. The procedure lasts no more than an hour.

Carrying out the procedure


First of all, the doctor talks with the client and asks to fill out a medical questionnaire to find out if there are any contraindications, after which he prescribes the optimal course of injections and determines the choice of drug. The amount of substance varies from 0.5 to 2 ml.

Only a plastic surgeon or cosmetologist can give injections with hyaluronic acid.

The procedure takes place in the following sequence:

  1. The specialist cleans the skin, then applies a cream with an anesthetic, the effect of which is aimed at reducing possible pain in the client.
  2. The face is covered with a special film for half an hour so that the anesthetic begins to act.
  3. The places where hyaluronic acid injections need to be given are marked.
  4. The doctor unseals the package with the substance in the presence of the client.
  5. The drug is administered using disposable syringes with thin needles.
  6. After this, a light massage is performed to evenly distribute the gel.
  7. The skin is treated with anti-inflammatory and soothing agents.

This “operation” is performed on an outpatient basis and does not require additional hospital stay.



Compared to Botox, hyaluronic acid is a non-animal substance, so it is better accepted by the body.

The undeniable benefits of such “beauty injections” include:

  1. rejuvenating, healing effect without disrupting the natural processes of the body;
  2. impact on deep subcutaneous layers;
  3. skin tightening, wrinkle elimination without surgery;
  4. stimulating the skin to the regeneration process;
  5. absence of serious contraindications and allergic reactions;
  6. instant visible effect;
  7. short session duration;
  8. safety - over time, the substance is easily removed from the body.

In this article we will tell you how you can remove expression wrinkles on the forehead.

Follow the link if you are interested in what devices are used for microcurrent facial therapy.


Despite all the advantages of hyaluronic acid injections, there are some disadvantages, namely:

  1. high price;
  2. discomfort during the “operation”;
  3. retention of results from 6 to 12 months;
  4. swelling for several days;
  5. addiction – the artificial introduction of hyaloronic acid helps to reduce the production of one’s own “hyaloronic acid”.

Possible complications


After biorevitalization, the following side effects and complications may be observed:

  1. pallor or local redness;
  2. hematomas, mild or moderate edema;
  3. pain at injection sites;
  4. the formation of dense fibrous capsules (in the case of an incorrectly selected drug and its quantity);
  5. hyperpigmentation;
  6. gel migration or formation of small nodular bumps;
  7. blockage of blood vessels (sometimes occurs with deep injection of low-viscosity fillers);
  8. inflammatory processes (if sanitation rules are not followed or the doctor’s recommendations are not followed after biorevitalization).

If after three days the unwanted changes do not disappear, you should consult a specialist.


Do not be alarmed if swelling and redness appear after the procedure. If you follow simple skin care recommendations, unwanted effects will quickly disappear.

What you should and should not do in the first weeks after hyaluronic acid injections:

  1. Treat the treated area with care.
  2. Use sunscreen for two weeks.
  3. In the first days you should not wear makeup;
  4. Soothing masks to relieve swelling are desirable.
  5. Avoid visiting the solarium, sauna, and swimming pool.
  6. You should not wax your upper lip.
  7. In the first weeks, refrain from peeling, belongings, and facial massage.
  8. Avoid physical activity.
  9. Take medications containing vitamin K.
  10. Postpone your visit to the dentist for a few weeks.
  11. If herpes occurs, you can treat it with special ointments.

For details of the procedure, see the video.


According to many women, the positive effect of hyaluronic acid injections is noticeable after the first procedure. There is firmness, elasticity, and hydration of the skin.

You can share your feedback about biorevitalization in the comments to this article.

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The method of artificially introducing hyaluronic acid has recently found more and more adherents. But, having a structure similar to natural, there are still contraindications to the use of hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid is an invariable component of the human body, which is an indispensable participant in almost all physiological processes occurring in the human body. It is constantly synthesized and works in the epithelium, cartilage and connective tissues, and nerve endings. Its reserves are replenished daily. Even after receiving severe sunburn once, the process of reproduction of this “hyaluronic acid” in the epidermis practically stops. The skin becomes flabby, losing its protective properties.

[1], [2], [3], [4]

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Contraindications to hyaluronic acid injections

Instructions for the use of drugs based on Hyaluronic acid writes about their complete biological compatibility with the morphology and biology of the body. But in some cases, the human body reacts to the effects of “foreign” hyaluronic acid with complications:

  1. The body may react to this technique with facial asymmetry.
  2. Necrotic ulcers may form at the injection site.
  3. Allergic reactions to the administration of the drug are also common (if the patient has increased sensitivity to the components of the medication).
  4. Provoking autoimmune diseases.
  5. If you deviate from the instructions, or in the case of an immune blockade, dense nodes can form under the skin.

Therefore, contraindications to hyaluronic acid injections still exist.

  1. Any chronic disease in the acute stage.
  2. Oncology of any stage of diagnosis or suspicion of cancer.
  3. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  4. Progressive inflammatory process.
  5. Hematopoiesis problems, malfunctions in the blood clotting process.
  6. Trauma and hematoma at the site of the intended injection.
  7. Neoplasm (nevi, papillomas, etc.) at the injection site.
  8. Cosmetic techniques done the day before:
  1. Photorejuvenation.
  2. Laser resurfacing of epithelium.
  3. Deep peeling of any type of skin.
  4. And others.
Predisposition to allergies.

Hyaluronic acid injections are one of the simplest methods of skin rejuvenation; it is quite minimally invasive (low probability of infection by parasitic microorganisms). But this does not mean that this technique can be carried out in any beauty salon, trusting your body to a dubious specialist. A specialized clinic must have a license for this type of activity, and specialists must have the appropriate qualifications.

[5], [6], [7]

Contraindications to hyaluronic acid injections

Do not forget that Hyaluronic acid injections are associated with damage to the skin - this opens the “gate” for infection to enter the body. After the first injection, it is no longer possible to talk about the sterility of the procedure, since the needle no longer complies with the principle of asepsis. Even with local use, it is impossible to exclude the effect of the drug on other body systems and its response. Therefore, even such a simple procedure has its contraindications to hyaluronic acid injections.

You should not give injections if you have a history of:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  2. Dermatological diseases.
  3. Acute manifestation of chronic diseases.
  4. Inflammation of the skin at the injection site or a general inflammatory process in the human body.
  5. Autoimmune diseases.
  6. Pathology of connective tissues.
  7. Infectious tissue damage.
  8. In case of taking anticoagulants.
  9. Allergic predisposition.
  10. Cosmetic procedures were carried out (peeling, laser skin resurfacing, etc.). It is necessary for more than one month to pass after these techniques.
  11. Hypersensitivity of the skin.
  12. Problems with blood clotting.


Contraindications to hyaluronic acid tablets

No one can bet on the importance of hyaluronic acid for the normal functioning of the body. The modern pharmaceutical market and the field of cosmetology are ready to offer their customers a huge selection of drugs created on the basis of Hyaluronic acid. There is a wide choice of them in tablet form. The action of the tablets is based on the same principles as when administering a liquid drug. The main thing is that the product is easily digestible and, therefore, low molecular weight.

It is only necessary to note that when taken orally in the form of tablets, hyaluronic acid cannot act purposefully and spreads its effect to all human systems and organs. Hence the not so obvious and quick effect of their use. After all, primarily, the acid replenishes its deficiency in connective tissues, joints, and only after that begins to work to improve the health of the skin. It is possible to get the expected effect from taking the pills two to three months after starting to take them.

Based on the principle of action, this method of administration also has its contraindications to hyaluronic acid in tablets.

  1. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  2. Inflammatory process in the body, especially in the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. You should not take the drug during pregnancy or lactation.
  4. It is also contraindicated if you have recently undergone other cosmetic procedures, such as cleansing and resurfacing of the skin and some others.
  5. History of increased blood clotting.
  6. Autoimmune diseases.
  7. Gastritis and peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.
  8. Acute forms of inflammatory and infectious diseases.

Therefore, before deciding on a “rejuvenating” procedure using Hyaluronic acid, you should consult your local doctor. Only he, knowing the health characteristics of his ward, can recommend or not such an effect on the body.

[9], [10], [11]

Contraindications to hyaluronic acid for the face

The human dermis is 70% water, which corresponds to 15–18% of the total water volume of the human body. Over time, as the aging process begins, the skin begins to dehydrate: the skin becomes flabby, dry, and loses firmness and elasticity. The presence of a sufficient amount of Hyaluronic acid (its hygroscopic molecules) in the epidermis allows for better water retention in the skin and subcutaneous layers of the body. Especially relevant for women is the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.

But, before deciding on “rejuvenation,” it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the question of what are the contraindications to hyaluronic acid for the face.

  1. Allergic predisposition.
  2. Autoimmune diseases, such as:
  1. Endocrine system:
  1. Diabetes.
  2. Graves' disease.
  3. Thyroid cancer.
Blood diseases. Diseases of a neuralgic nature - multiple sclerosis, Hyena-Barre syndrome... Gastrointestinal tract, liver: Pancreatitis of an autoimmune nature. Biliary cirrhosis of the liver. Celiac disease is a digestive system disorder caused by damage to the villi of the small intestine by certain foods. Autoimmune hepatitis. Ulcerative colitis. Skin diseases: Psoriasis. Vitiligo. Lupus erythematosus. Erysipelas of the epidermis. Chronic urticaria. Kidney diseases. Heart disease: Some types of myocarditis. Rheumatoid fever. Lung diseases: Sarcoma. Fibrosing alveolitis. And many others. Injuries, cuts, hematomas in the area that is planned to be subjected to the technique.

This method of rapid “rejuvenation” is becoming increasingly popular all over the world, but in order not to cause more harm to your body in the pursuit of beauty, it is better, first, to consult with qualified specialists and, if necessary, undergo examination and treatment.

[12], [13]

Contraindications to biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid

Biorevitalization (“natural revitalization”) is an innovative method of preventing aging, removing defects and correcting skin imperfections, thanks to the saturation of the superficial and deep layers of the epidermis with Hyaluronic acid.

The substance in question is a hydrocolloid, which is a component of the intercellular space. Hyaluronic acid is directly involved in the processes of nutrition and cell reproduction. Without it, the synthesis of elastin and collagen and normal water filling of the epidermal layers are impossible.

Like any medical cosmetic procedures, this technique also has contraindications to biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid.

  1. Infectious and inflammatory processes affecting the area of ​​intended treatment. Injections into such infiltrates can stimulate the spread of infection or bacterial diseases throughout the patient's body. Therefore, first of all, it is worth curing the existing pathology, and then proceeding to rejuvenation.
  2. Taking antibiotics.
  3. Pregnancy and lactation. Due to the fact that there is no data from clinical studies of the effects of Hyaluronic ac >The above contraindications to biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid are not absolute. That is, only a doctor can recommend or not recommend a technique. Therefore, when you have a consultation with him, you need to explain in detail everything about your health. After all, there are rare diseases for which such procedures are not desirable, but they are not included in the prohibition list. This step will make it possible to obtain the greatest “rejuvenating” effect, reducing the risk of negative consequences to a minimum.

[14], [15]

Contraindications to laser biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid

Laser biorevitalization is an innovative medical and cosmetological technique carried out using a light laser (which does not cause significant tissue heating), delivering Hyaluronic acid through microchannels in the epidermis to the deep layers of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

There are contraindications to laser biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid, as with any cosmetic “operation” of a medical nature.

  1. The presence of skin diseases of bacterial, fungal or viral origin in the areas of suspected exposure.
  2. Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.
  3. Tendency to epileptic seizures.
  4. Differentiation of cancerous tumors in the body.
  5. Increased production of thyroid secretions.
  6. Allergic reaction to hyaluronic acid.
  7. Tuberculosis of the lungs.
  8. Systemic blood diseases.
  9. Skin defects in the form of scratches, wounds, cuts, bruises.
  10. Advanced cerebral atherosclerosis.
  11. Rapid depletion of the body due to illness.
  12. Decompensated diabetes mellitus.
  13. Hypertension III degree.
  14. Chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  15. Psychoses that provoke outbreaks of hysteria and psychomotor agitation.
  16. Hypersensitivity to laser beams.
  17. A significant number of moles and birthmarks in the area of ​​influence.
  18. Age up to 25 years.
  19. Taking photosensitizing drugs that stimulate increased sensitivity of the human epidermis to light.
  20. An infectious lesion of the body, accompanied by fever, chills, and high temperature.
  21. Presence of piercings and tattoos at the site of intended impact.

[16], [17], [18]

Contraindications for lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid

Anyone who wants to get Angelina Jolie's plump lips should not forget that there are contraindications to lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid.

  1. You should not resort to anti-aging procedures during the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding. Since there are no clinical studies on the effect of “hyaluronic acid” on the child’s body and the health of the mother herself.
  2. There is no need to take risks if you have problems with blood clotting.
  3. It is better to wait for complete recovery in the case of acute phases of chronic diseases or inflammatory processes in the patient’s body.
  4. If a woman has a history of autoimmune diseases, the use of Hyaluronic acid is contraindicated.
  5. Skin infection.
  6. If not even a month has passed since such cosmetic methods as deep facial peeling, laser resurfacing.
  7. The use of hyaluronic acid is strictly contraindicated if the patient has a history of connective tissue diseases.
  8. Individual intolerance to the drug.
  9. You cannot perform a “rejuvenation procedure” while taking anticoagulants.
  10. There is also an age limit - 18 years.


Contraindications to facial mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid

In most cases, representatives of the fair sex begin to notice the first signs of aging already at the age of twenty-five. They try to compensate for the loss with various creams, scrubs, gels, but they cannot completely replenish the “lost youth”. Hyaluronic acid is a miracle remedy that can solve this problem.

Mesotherapy is one of the most effective methods of rejuvenation today. But there are also contraindications to facial mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid.

  1. Blood clotting disorder.
  2. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  3. Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  4. Tendency to allergic reactions.
  5. Damages to the area of ​​skin intended for treatment, wounds, bruises, hematomas, scratches.
  6. Presence of neoplasms: nevi, papillomas, birthmarks.
  7. Fear of injections (panic fear of injections).
  8. Oncological diseases.
  9. Severe form of diabetes mellitus.

Therefore, before deciding on a rejuvenation technique, it is worth consulting with licensed doctors who, after examining the patient’s medical history, will give informed recommendations regarding the rejuvenation procedure.

For many centuries, a woman has wanted to be young and beautiful. To meet it, medicine and cosmetology are progressively introducing more and more new methods of “rejuvenation”, but this problem has not been completely solved. The use of procedures with Hyaluronic acid is the latest stage in cosmetology, but in the race for beauty one should not forget about health. Who needs painful youth? Therefore, in order to minimize the possible occurrence of side effects, it is necessary to know the contraindications to the use of hyaluronic acid and resort to the services of only highly qualified specialists. This is the key to obtaining the desired result. Take care of yourself, listen to the advice of doctors and be healthy, beautiful and young!

[20], [21]

The appearance of wrinkles on the face is associated with an age-related decrease in the body's production of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid. They provide elasticity, plasticity and healthy skin color. Modern cosmetology allows you to combat these problems in the early stages and with noticeable changes through injections, dietary supplements, etc.

Anti-wrinkle injections: indications, contraindications and recommendations

Injections allow you to cope with such aesthetic skin defects as:

  1. expression wrinkles;
  2. crow's feet around the eyes;
  3. skin folds on the forehead and between the eyebrows;
  4. wrinkles in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.

They also resort to beauty injections to correct the sagging oval of the face and eliminate signs of aging skin in the neck and décolleté.

Video: how wrinkles form


The main indications for beauty injections are:

  1. presence of signs of aging skin;
  2. dryness and flaking of the skin;
  3. the appearance of facial wrinkles;
  4. decreased skin elasticity.



Specialists do not perform beauty injections if patients have:

  1. chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  2. various dermatological problems;
  3. acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, elevated body temperature;
  4. individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  5. keloid scars;
  6. herpes in the acute stage;
  7. insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;
  8. poor blood clotting;
  9. recently undergone plastic surgery;
  10. menses.

Also, similar procedures are not performed on women during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Preparation for injections

Since injection methods of rejuvenation involve puncture of the skin and a subsequent period of recovery after the intervention, it is necessary:

  1. a few days before the procedure, stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
  2. during the day before the administration of the drug, do not take vitamin E, Ibuprofen, Aspirin and other medications that lead to dilation of blood vessels.

Beauty injections are carried out with disposable syringes with thin needles. Before the puncture, the skin must be treated with antiseptics, and then an anesthetic gel based on lidocaine is applied to it.


After the administration of drugs, the skin needs time to recover. The duration of the period will depend on the method and drugs used.

For 1–2 weeks after beauty injections you should not:

  1. use decorative cosmetics;
  2. visit the bathhouse, sauna;
  3. use hot compresses;
  4. drinking alcohol;
  5. sunbathe in the sun and visit the solarium.

Complications are also possible:

  1. the appearance of itching, bruises, pain and small seals in the area of ​​skin puncture;
  2. swelling on the face;
  3. headache.

Normally, all of these symptoms disappear within a few days. If such symptoms appear, you must report them to a specialist.

Beauty injections: list

Among injection methods for combating wrinkles, there are several types of procedures.


Fillers are preparations with a gel consistency that are injected under the skin to smooth its surface, eliminate wrinkles and add volume to the cheekbones, nose, etc.


Today the following are used as fillers:

  1. Purified silicone. The drug is not a popular one; it is banned in Europe and the USA due to many side effects.
  2. Hyaluronic acid. Natural component for the human body.
  3. Collagen. A synthesized human or animal component is used.
  4. The patient's own adipose tissue. They are collected during liposuction, after which there is a complex process of processing them, followed by the introduction of the resulting drug under the skin. This is the most expensive filler option, which has the lowest percentage of complications and the longest lasting effect. The first results are visible 4–6 months after administration.

The consistency of the preparations may vary; the denser the gel, the faster the result is visible. It is more difficult for specialists to work with such fillers. Proper distribution of a dense gel under the skin without the formation of tubercles and other irregularities in the future requires a specialist to have extensive experience.

Fillers do not affect muscle tissue in any way and do not interfere with their work, facial expressions are preserved.

Preparations that are less dense in consistency apply smoothly. The effect after their administration can be assessed a day after the procedure. The result obtained remains unchanged for 6–12 months.

Video: correction of nasolabial sweet spots with fillers

The procedure is recommended for patients aged 35–50 years. It makes no sense to introduce fillers earlier, since age-related changes are not yet so invisible. After 50 years, this method of facial skin correction no longer has such an effect and is only an auxiliary method of maintaining the freshness and elasticity of the skin, subject to intervention by plastic surgeons.

Botulinum toxin injections

The main component of the drugs is neurotoxin type A, used in low concentrations. Botulinum toxin effectively eliminates facial wrinkles by blocking muscle nerve impulses.


After the injection, over the course of several weeks, the skin gradually becomes smoother, wrinkles smooth out and become less noticeable. The effect lasts for 6–12 months, which depends on the depth of wrinkles and the individual reaction of the body.

After administration of botulinum toxin, patients are required to follow the following recommendations:

  1. Do not take a horizontal position for 4 hours;
  2. Do not massage the skin in the injection area for a week;
  3. Do not drink alcohol for 2 weeks;
  4. Physical activity and antibiotics based on aminoglycosides and tetracycline should be avoided.

During the day you need to monitor your facial expressions. The movements of the facial muscles should not be too active.

The result after the injection of botulinum toxin does not appear immediately; changes on the face become noticeable by the end of the first week, the maximum effect is achieved 2 weeks after the procedure. The results obtained last for 6–12 months.

Video: face before and after Botox injection

Currently, there are three main drugs based on botulinum toxin:

  1. Botox (USA);
  2. Dysport (France);
  3. Xeomin (Germany).


Botox is a purified neurotoxin. It has been used within this procedure for about 18 years. This is a studied, tested and proven drug.

Xeomin is a neurotoxin in its pure form, it does not contain third-party proteins, thereby the drug causes a lower percentage of allergic reactions in patients. The drug is new to the market.

The active component of Dysport is the same botulinum toxin, but its concentration is 3 times less than in Botox. The composition is distinguished by high penetrating ability and the absence of protein complexes.

Three drugs are recommended for use starting from the age of 30.


The procedure allows you to fight wrinkles at an early stage of manifestation. The drugs used during it are vitamin cocktails that are injected under the skin to a depth of about 4 mm.


Mesotherapy is carried out in courses. The break between procedures is 2–3 weeks. One course includes 4–6 procedures.

The frequency of repetition depends on the condition of the skin and can be done every six months.

The effect of mesotherapy can be seen about a week after the administration of the cocktail. During this time, swelling goes away, the skin is restored, nutrients enter the cells.

This procedure is also carried out at an early age, starting from the age of 20, but only after examining the skin. In addition to problems with shallow wrinkles, the mesotherapy procedure allows you to restore the integument, eliminate age spots, acne, etc.

Vitamin compositions are introduced:

  1. manually;
  2. hardware method;
  3. laser;
  4. special massage rollers.

During the hardware and laser method of drug administration, a larger volume is consumed than during manual administration.

Mesotherapy at home

Having a mesoscooter, you can carry out the skin nourishing procedure yourself. To do this, you need to purchase at the pharmacy:

  1. meso cocktail (Revitalize, BioLift);
  2. soothing mask;
  3. nutritious cream;
  4. antiseptic (Chlorhexidine);
  5. anesthetic gel based on lidocaine (Emla).


  1. Remove makeup.
  2. Treat the mesoscooter with alcohol.
  3. Wipe the skin with an antiseptic.
  4. Apply anesthetic gel to your face and follow with a meso cocktail.
  5. Pass the mesoscooter over the desired areas of the face for 3-5 minutes. The procedure is painful.
  6. Apply a soothing pharmaceutical mask to your face and leave for half an hour.
  7. Treat the mesoscooter with an antiseptic.
  8. Wash off the mask and pat your face dry with a clean towel. Apply nourishing cream.
  9. Repeating the mesotherapy procedure is not allowed earlier than 2 weeks after the first.


During biorevitalization, hyaluronic acid-based compounds are injected into the deep layers of the skin. Plant extracts, peptides, etc. can be added to the main component.


The composition nourishes tissue cells, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. The skin becomes elastic, its surface is smoothed, small wrinkles disappear.

The primary course consists of 3 procedures. The break between each is 14–20 days. In the future, 1 procedure every 3–4 months is sufficient.


Chains of amino acids connected by peptide bonds are widely used in cosmetology. These drugs, in combination with vitamins, are used as part of mesotherapy, and with the addition of hyaluronic acid - in biorevitalization.

According to the principle of action against wrinkles, drugs can be divided into several groups:

  1. stimulating the synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  2. paralyzing facial expressions and acting as analogues of botulinum toxin injections.

Non-injection methods for eliminating wrinkles

If small wrinkles appear on your face, you can try to cope with them without resorting to injections. For this purpose, there are vitamins and dietary supplements that improve skin condition.

A nicotinic acid

Nicotinic acid is a remedy that helps fight the first signs of skin aging and a fine network of wrinkles. It is a vitamin PP, which is necessarily present in the human body.


The result of its lack are:

  1. changes in hormonal levels;
  2. deterioration of skin condition;
  3. indigestion, etc.

Nicotinic acid is available in ampoules and tablets. Used externally and consumed internally.

Plastic surgeons recommend taking it in preparation for plastic surgery and during the recovery period after. Nicotinic acid promotes accelerated skin restoration and rapid healing.

The usual course of taking nicotinic acid is as follows: 10 days before the start of a new menstrual cycle, women are recommended to drink the drug at a dosage of 50 mg. One pill is taken per day and divided into three doses. Drink plenty of water after meals. When menstruation begins, taking the pills stops.

The next two stages of the course repeat the described cycle.

In liquid form, nicotinic acid is used to prepare masks and as an additive to nourishing or moisturizing cream.

A side effect of using the drug is facial redness within an hour after taking the pill. This is caused by the dilation of blood vessels.


Glucosamine is available in the form of injection solution and tablets. Joint diseases are treated with injections, dietary supplements are taken orally to combat age-related changes in the skin. Glucosamine helps restore tissue turgor, restore a healthy complexion, and eliminate fine wrinkles.


The daily concentration of the drug for an adult is 1500 mg. Glucosamine is taken orally, 1 tablet per day. The duration of the course is one month.

The action of the drug in the body is aimed at stimulating collagen production. As part of the fight against wrinkles, taking Glucosamine will be effective at the age of 25–35 years.


First, I rushed out of the office and was impressed that no one was looking at me with curiosity on the subway; I forgot about the procedure. The next day and for another two weeks, I had a terrible headache, I could feel the filler, and my cheek also hurt. I’ll have to come to terms with this, I took painkillers, but it didn’t help much. It hurt to move my head. Now the photo is after some time, when there is already an effect, the folds on the forehead have become smaller, but I honestly expected more, and the nasolabial folds have gone away altogether.”


“The effect of Dysport is really longer - about six months, Botox usually disappears from my face after 1-3 months, facial expressions are preserved, my face does not look like a lifeless mask. Without a doubt, I recommend “beauty injections”, since this procedure is available to everyone.”


Once I underwent injection mesotherapy from a cosmetologist. A cocktail with hyaluronic acid and vitamins was introduced. Well what can I say. Firstly, it’s not cheap, and secondly, it’s a little painful. The cosmetologist gives intradermal injections with a thin needle. At first they offered me pain relief with Emla cream, I decided to be patient. In principle, the procedure is not so scary. There is also a theory that after a series of injections the body begins to block the passage of nerve signals, as if it were anesthetizing itself. Therefore, the procedure is tolerable even without pain relief. Result: it really exists. The skin looks healthier and tightens. But the effect is not endless, the cosmetologist recommended repeating it at least a couple of times a year, well, in general, recommendations are individual.

Good spring

In the fight against wrinkles, it is important to find a good clinic that uses only certified drugs and has qualified cosmetologists on staff. Only a specialist will be able to choose an effective method of rejuvenation, recommend suitable medications, determine the dosage of the selected composition and not cause harm during the procedure.