Powder that does not emphasize wrinkles

1. Hydration is the key to success

Girls with dry and combination skin, take note that before starting any makeup, the first thing you should do is moisturize your skin. Otherwise, even the smallest wrinkles will smile sarcastically through any makeup. Ideally, choose a moisturizing foundation. Don't forget: the tone should match your skin tone. A color that is too dark will make you look older, and a color that is too light will make you look like one of the characters from the Twilight Saga.

2. Masking with tone

When choosing foundation, avoid oil-based products and choose something with a silky texture.
When applying, start from the cheekbones, then move to the nose, then the chin and forehead. This should be done with gentle movements of the fingertips. You should not apply the tone to the nasolabial folds, just tint the areas around the wrinkles. This will help make your skin smoother.

To remove excess cream, use a sponge to go over the skin, especially in places where wrinkles appear.

3. Should you use concealer?

Absolutely yes. This will help visually even out the skin texture and hide shallow wrinkles. Makeup artists say one of the advantages of concealer is its ability to absorb quickly and last a long time.

4. Eyes are the mirror of the soul

And our souls are always young! To ensure your eyes always sparkle with youth, avoid loose powder, because... it only emphasizes wrinkles. Under-eye circles are well disguised with a light concealer. But if you want to emphasize the beauty of your eyes, outline only the upper eyelid and do not paint over the lower eyelashes, so as not to draw attention to minor age-related imperfections.

Now let's move on to the shadows. To ensure that they last a long time and do not smear, first apply foundation to your eyelids. In shades, give preference to pastel tones, 1-2 shades darker than your skin color. And that is not all! Use a white or beige pencil to draw the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid. Did you do everything right? Then your look will surely shine and conquer all the men of this planet.

5. A smile is our calling card

Yes, yes, everyone knows about it, and we never cease to delight others with a sweet, charming, seductive smile. But what to do with the wrinkles that have formed in the corners of the lips? Don't worry, they can be easily hidden with a light concealer. Gloss will also help make your lips look younger. The shades don’t matter; you can choose the color of your dress, your partner’s tie, or your mood. Just remember to highlight the middle part of your lips with a lighter shade, which will give extra volume to your lips.

6. The role of blush

For anti-aging makeup, blush with a creamy texture that masks rather than emphasizes wrinkles is more suitable. Blush looks very impressive in a combination of two shades: pink - on the “apples”
cheeks and bronze ones - below the cheekbones. This technique will refresh the face, raise the cheekbones, and therefore make the face look younger.

7. Ten hard “no’s” for anti-aging makeup

•Say no to greasy foundation.
•Do not choose a foundation that is too light.
•Do not overuse concealer: apply it only to problem areas with a special brush.
• “Don’t over-powder”: in order not to dry out the skin on the cheeks and under the eyes, and therefore not emphasize wrinkles, apply powder only to the T-zone.
•Do not wear dark eyeliner on the lower eyelid. Otherwise, it will make your eyes look smaller and highlight the circles and wrinkles under your eyes.
•Forget about pearlescent shadows that emphasize facial wrinkles.
•A firm “no” to mascara on the lower eyelashes.
•Avoid greasy and liquid lipsticks, which spread and accumulate in wrinkles, making your face look several years older.
•Do not use dark shades of lipstick: it makes you look older.
•Throw away orange and brown blushes, which look unnatural and draw undue attention to wrinkles.

Follow these simple rules, dear girls! Always remain young, attractive and cheerful! Love yourself, with or without wrinkles!!



When deciding to powder yourself, you should consider the following points:

Powder is a foundation fixer, not an independent product. If you want to tame a shiny forehead or other parts of the face, mattifying wipes and special primers can help. Even a cheap one from Essence will take the gloss under control for several hours. Use p. only after foundation.

Never apply powder on top of a newly applied day cream if you decide to ignore the previous advice. Let it soak in (from half an hour to an hour depending on the oiliness of the skin). This way you will avoid clogging your pores with powder, because the cream, when absorbed, will pull along the stuck powder, but it cannot be absorbed, so it will remain where it cannot pass. The drain in a faucet or bathtub gets clogged according to the same principle.

If you listened to the first advice and decided to use foundation, try it under your cheekbone, choosing the tone (and not on the back of your hand, as some advise). If you can't find an exact matching shade, choose the lighter one and never the darker onebecause it will age you, adding years at any age.

You should not use pressed powder; It is difficult to apply it evenly and dose it in small doses, so there is a high chance that an unreasonably large amount of the product will end up exactly in the wrinkle area. Use loose powder. If you have already purchased compact powder, then you can still correct the situation if you do not make the following mistake.


  1. It's a bad idea to use a powder puff or sponge to apply. They cannot distribute the product evenly across the face. Use a special brush, preferably "kabuki".


If you take into account the above, then any product will look better on the face, but only personal search will lead to finding the ideal products for your skin.

girls, everything I’ve tried dries out, emphasizes wrinkles, even makes them much more noticeable. I haven’t used powders for a couple of years, but now I want to. It’s quick to apply, weightless on the face (relative to foundation, I even feel super light vibes on my face) I tried topical cream first, then powder- better, but still not the same. I’m 29 years old, I have combination skin. Maybe I don’t know good powders? Or is it closer to 30 that I only use creams? Tell me.