Recipes for masks with coconut oil

Updated: April 7, 2019

In their quest for perfection, modern women are ready to use various cosmetics for hair care, but lately they have been giving preference to natural ingredients that can work real miracles. They also paid attention to coconut oil, which contains a lot of useful substances necessary to improve the condition of the skin and hair.

This plant extract, as well as masks prepared on its basis, can make your curls healthy and truly luxurious. The main thing is to follow the recipe and not violate the rules of application.

The healing properties of coconut oil for hair

Natural coconut oil It is distinguished by its unique composition, which includes vitamins, saturated fatty acids and other substances that have a complex effect on the hair structure and scalp. The use of such a tool helps solve the following problems:

  1. split ends, dry and brittle hair;
  2. dull and lifeless strands;
  3. damaged hair (after dyeing and perm);
  4. excessive hair loss;
  5. premature appearance of gray hair;
  6. appearance of dandruff, itching.

The main feature of the oil is that, due to its dense consistency, it is perfectly absorbed into the hair structure and envelops it with an invisible protective film, thereby protecting them from various negative factors.

It is worth noting that you can find two types of oil on sale - liquid (refined) and solid (unrefined). The former is best for the scalp and hair, however it will provide slightly less benefits as some of the valuable elements are destroyed during the cleansing of the product.

How to apply masks correctly?

Many people are accustomed to the fact that hair masks are usually applied for about 30 minutes, but there are products that can act for 8 hours while a person sleeps, because during this time the body is restored. So why not use this time for extra care? When deciding to apply a mask overnight, you should follow a number of the following rules and recommendations:

  1. You should not apply a completely new, untested composition for a long time due to the risk of adverse reactions. Initially, you need to conduct a simple test by smearing the product on a small area of ​​skin (wrist). If redness or itching occurs, you must immediately rinse everything off with plenty of water and stop using the mixture;
  2. It is strictly forbidden to apply masks for a long period of time that contain aggressive components (mustard, hot pepper), otherwise you can get a skin burn;
  3. for oily hair types, oil is applied to the roots in smaller quantities;
  4. It is best to use the products 30 minutes before going to bed, when the body is already relaxed and ready to absorb nutrients;
  5. you need to take into account the fact that coconut oil must be washed off thoroughly, so you will have to wake up early to be on time for work, etc.

IMPORTANT: Hair mask recipes often indicate the amount of ingredients calculated for medium-length strands. For short curls, you need to reduce the volume, and for long curls, increase it.

Before use, coconut oil must be heated in a water bath to a temperature no higher than 30-40 degrees. In addition, it heats up easily in your hands - just rub it between your palms. To preserve all the beneficial components included in the oil, do not heat it in the microwave.

Experts advise applying coconut extract mainly to the ends and middle of your hair. Do not rub a copious amount of product into the scalp and roots, otherwise it will be difficult to wash off and the strands will become heavy. To distribute evenly, you can use a wide-toothed comb or soft bristles, and rub in the oil using hand massage movements for 20 minutes. At the very end of the procedure, the strands are braided, and the head is necessarily wrapped in a plastic bag, after which it is wrapped in a terry towel or insulated with a special warming cap.

IMPORTANT: When starting therapeutic and preventive procedures, try to avoid getting the oil on your clothes, since stains from it are almost impossible to wash off.

Coconut oil is applied before washing your hair - on dry hair 1-2 times a week and only occasionally on wet hair; moreover, it can have a beneficial effect on any type of hair.

To treat brittle and dry curls with split ends, it is recommended to apply an oily substance to the entire length daily. The best effect can be achieved by adding a few drops of lavender essential oil to the product. This will make the hair structure elastic. If the problem does not affect the entire length of the strands, then rub a small amount of coconut oil only into the ends. The procedure is done after washing your hair, on wet or dry hair, before going to bed.

People with mixed hair types should use the oil especially carefully. To improve the condition of such hair, the product is applied according to the following scheme:

  1. on the ends - generously and regularly (every day);
  2. on the scalp and roots - less abundantly, 1 time per week.

Considering the fact that natural coconut oil It has a greasy consistency and needs to be washed off properly. You should not try to rinse your hair with water right away, otherwise the task will become much more complicated. Initially, shampoo is poured into the palm of your hand and gently foamed on the hair, after which everything is rinsed with warm water. Then you need to do the procedure again, applying shampoo to wet hair.

For reference: After using the oil, it is better not to use conditioner so as not to weigh down your hair.

Coconut oil improves the condition of hair and treats it, but most often it is mixed with other ingredients to enhance the effect. It combines well with foods, essential oils and even herbal ingredients. In order not to harm your hair and not be disappointed in the results, cosmetologists advise not to violate the recipe when preparing mixtures.

It is worth noting that masks are made only in glass or enamel containers. They do not last long, so it is better not to mix a large number of components.

Hair strengthening recipe

For the remedy you will need the following kit:

  1. coconut oil – 15 ml;
  2. honey – 5 ml;
  3. ylang-ylang oil – 2-3 drops.

The main component is heated to the required temperature and mixed with the other ingredients until a homogeneous consistency. The resulting mass is distributed over the scalp and the entire length of the hair, and is washed off no earlier than after 30 minutes. The procedure is done once a week.

You can also beat 20 ml of coconut oil with 1 egg yolk and apply everything to dry strands. This mask is washed off after 2 hours only with cool water!

Nourishing mask

Weakened hair can be pampered with a nourishing mask made from the following products:

  1. melted coconut oil – 100 g;
  2. dried hibiscus flowers – 15 g.

All components are mixed and applied to the strands daily. You can also use 2 tbsp. l. oil add 1 overripe banana or avocado (previously crushed to puree). The mixture is spread on wet hair and distributed over the entire length using a comb. The product is washed off after 40 minutes. Multiplicity of application of the nourishing mask:

  1. dry hair type - 2-3 times a week;
  2. normal and oily hair – once a week.

To eliminate brittleness

The following composition will make fragile hair elastic:

  1. 1 tsp. unrefined coconut oil;
  2. 5 drops of myrrh oil.

You need to mix everything and then apply it to the ends of your hair using a special brush or brush. The healing agent can be left overnight and then washed off. The procedure is carried out weekly, and the result will be noticeable after 5 sessions.

To prevent dandruff

You can protect your skin from peeling using a product containing the following ingredients:

  1. coconut oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  2. honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  3. kefir – 25 ml.

Oil and honey are preheated in a water bath, then kefir (room temperature) is introduced into them in a thin stream. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the scalp and roots. The mask exposure time is unlimited. The effect will be noticeable after 5-6 procedures.

To add shine

Dull hair will look better after using a mixture of the following components:

  1. coconut oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  2. rose oil – 2 drops.

The mask is carefully distributed from top to bottom throughout the curls and washed off after 1-1.5 hours. You can also safely leave the product overnight. If you apply this mask once a week, the effect will be noticeable within a month. In particularly advanced cases, it is allowed to apply the medicinal mixture once every 3 days.

For hair growth

To speed up hair growth you will need:

  1. fat sour cream – 15 ml;
  2. half a banana;
  3. coconut oil – 30 ml.

The banana is pureed and mixed with the remaining (warmed) ingredients. The resulting slurry is applied mainly to the root zone for 30 minutes. You will need to do the procedure 10 times, once a week.

For oily hair

Hair prone to oiliness needs special care and a 2 tbsp mask is perfect for them. l. coconut oil and the same amount of sea salt. The components are mixed and placed in a water bath. The mass should be heated with constant stirring until the salt crystals are completely dissolved. Apply the product for 30-50 minutes.

Note: the composition should not get on the roots, otherwise the curls will take on an unkempt appearance.

For weakened hair

To make weakened strands healthy, you will need:

  1. natural yogurt – 15 ml;
  2. coconut oil – 15 ml.

The components are mixed and then applied for about 1 hour. Thin and weakened curls will look better after just a few procedures.

For hair restoration

It is recommended to treat damaged strands with a mask made from the following products:

  1. oatmeal (ground) – 2 tbsp. l.;
  2. coconut oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  3. 1 raw yolk.

Oatmeal is added to the heated oil, after which the mixture must be set aside for 20 minutes so that the flakes swell. Then the yolk is added to the mixture, and the resulting mask is applied to dry hair for about 1-2 hours. If desired, you can leave it on until the morning.

How to use coconut oil in combination with other oils?

Proper and effective hair care involves the competent use of a variety of natural products containing substances necessary for health. And in order to apply as many beneficial components as possible to the skin and strands at the same time, cosmetologists advise combining coconut oil with other types of oils. It is important to first familiarize yourself with the beneficial properties of each product and monitor the body’s reaction.

Thus, combinations with citrus essential oils (grapefruit, lemon, orange) will enhance hair growth, and a few drops of tea tree will help get rid of unpleasant itching and dandruff. An additional ingredient such as olive oil can enhance the moisturizing effect. Adding unrefined almond oil will help restore the natural vitality of your hair, while castor oil will prevent hair loss, activate growth, and is also ideal for oily hair. It goes well with coconut and burdock oil, which will restore the deep layers of strands of any type.

Knowing how to properly use natural coconut oil at home, you can achieve incredible success in an extremely short time and become the owner of thick and healthy hair.


An indispensable assistant in your home cosmetics bag is a hair mask with coconut oil. There are many folk recipes based on it, it is easy to prepare and has virtually no contraindications.

What are the benefits of coconut oil for hair?

The choice of cosmetics to maintain the beauty of hair today is so wide that it can sometimes be difficult to decide. But natural products always come first. It is a fair opinion that the gifts of nature are the best that a woman who takes care of herself can use. Therefore, natural cosmetics are highly valued among beauty connoisseurs.

Coconut oil is a real storehouse of nutrients. Queen Cleopatra of Egypt was the first to discover its unique properties. She possessed secrets and magical recipes and produced an unimaginable effect on men. Among the products she used regularly was coconut oil. She added it to milk baths, and her hair always looked healthy, thick and well-groomed.

Coconut oil is similar to olive oil in that it has a light texture and affects both hair and skin. It has moisturizing properties, a nourishing effect, helps to heal hair, gives it shine and elasticity. This is a universal product that is suitable for all types of curls. It is indispensable for owners of porous, curly and unruly strands.

The effect after proper use of the mask can be seen in the photo with the naked eye:


The secret of coconut is its rich composition. It includes:

  1. triglycerides and saturated fatty acids;
  2. lauric and capric acids;
  3. vitamins A and E;
  4. hyaluronic acid.

Thanks to this, it is well absorbed and has a restorative and antibacterial effect, stimulates growth, and also protects strands from harmful environmental influences. Coconut nourishes hair from roots to ends, restores brittle and damaged curls. It is useful for those women who often use a hair dryer, straightener, styling products, and coloring. The product minimizes the consequences of this exposure.

The most convenient way to use is in the form of a mask. It allows you to deeply deliver the ingredients of the product into the hair structure and consolidate the result for a long time.

How to make a mask at home?

The positive effect of using a mask with coconut oil is visible immediately after the first procedure. With regular use, curls change beyond recognition.

Many recipes come to us from Thailand, where coconut masks are very common. In the constant heat, Thais are accustomed to taking care of their hair.


You can easily prepare a high-quality mask at home. To do this, you need to follow a certain sequence:

  1. choosing coconut oil or making it yourself;
  2. adding related ingredients to the mixture;
  3. control over the time the mask is on.

When choosing coconut oil, you need to pay attention to its smell, extraction method, cleaning process and packaging. So, natural oil smells like a nut, but the aroma should not be pronounced.

It is better to choose oil that has been cold pressed, which allows you to preserve as many beneficial substances as possible.

Unrefined oil is more effective; it has not undergone heat treatment. And you need to choose a product that comes in glass containers.

The oil can be made from regular coconut. The process is simple:

  1. You need to break the fruit in half, extract the pulp and mash it in a blender.
  2. Then pour in 400 ml of hot water and stir vigorously.
  3. Place in the refrigerator and keep there for a day.
  4. Liquid forms on top, which is what is needed to prepare the product.


If the oil is used some time after cooking, it will harden and the consistency will need to be preheated. You can do this in a water bath.

Additional ingredients will help enhance the results.

Instead of butter, you can use coconut milk or coconut cream. Chocolate lovers can add cocoa butter for flavor.

Recommendations for use

A mask with coconut oil can be applied for the standard 30 minutes or overnight while the body sleeps and recovers. But it is not recommended to do this for the first time - a new remedy should first be tried for a shorter time so that adverse reactions do not appear.

If itching or irritation occurs, the mixture should be washed off as soon as possible.

It is recommended to apply the mask half an hour before bedtime, when the body is already in the mood for rest, relaxed and better able to accept nutrients.


Masks containing pepper, mustard or vinegar should never be left on any area overnight. This can cause significant harm.

To treat strands, you can add colorless henna to the mask. Avocado in the composition will help fight split ends.

  1. If your hair is of oily type, then you need to apply the product to the roots in a small amount, otherwise it will be difficult to rinse.
  2. Coconut oil is quite greasy, so you need to leave enough time to wash it off. This especially needs to be taken into account in the morning, when you need to rush about business.
  3. It is better to apply the mask to the ends and middle of the hair. You should not rub it into the scalp in large quantities. It will be difficult to wash off the product; it will weigh down your curls and make them look dirty.
  4. A comb will help to distribute the mixture evenly. After this, you can rub the mask in with your hands and massage.
  5. Finally, you need to wrap your hair in a bun or braid it, put on a cosmetic cap and wrap it in a towel. This is necessary to create a warming and steaming effect.

Coconut oil is very difficult to remove, so it is important to make sure that it does not get on your clothes.

The procedure is carried out before washing your hair on both dry and wet hair. After washing off the mask, gently lather the shampoo and rinse your hair.


You need to use coconut masks at least once a week.

Traditional recipes for coconut hair masks

Folk recipes contain the wisdom of generations, their observations and many years of experience. You can choose one for every taste and for any task. The main rule: the number of components is designed for medium hair; it needs to be increased or decreased depending on the length of the curls.

All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed to obtain a homogeneous mass.

Honey and coconut oil

To prepare the mixture, you need to take 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and 1 teaspoon of honey, preferably fresh. For greater benefits and a pleasant aroma, you can add aromatic oil, such as ylang-ylang, lavender or rosemary.

To improve the nutritional properties of the mask, you can add softened banana pieces.

Moisturizing blend of burdock and coconut oils

Burdock oil will restore metabolism, improve blood circulation, and strengthen roots. Hair will grow faster and fall out less.

You can add essential oil to the mixture of coconut and burdock oils. Other components are not suitable for this composition.

When preparing the mask, the oils are mixed in equal quantities.

Nourishing mask with egg

The nourishing properties of the mask will help hair recover in winter and cold autumn, making dull and damaged curls shiny and silky. The egg accelerates hair growth and prevents dryness.

Apply the mask to slightly damp hair. You can pre-dry them with a towel.

Protein is added to the mask for oily hair, yolk for dry hair. For normal hair, the whole egg is suitable.


For hair growth

Mix 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, 4 drops of bay oil and 1 tablespoon of castor oil in a glass container.

The composition can be applied to the entire length of the hair and to the scalp.

For oily hair

Add a little kefir and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil to the mask.


Kefir contains bacteria and lactic acid fungi, which is very beneficial for the body as a whole. It strengthens hair, prevents hair loss, and promotes volume and shine.

With castor oil for hair loss

Castor and coconut oils can be used without adding additional ingredients. They are mixed in equal proportions.

Castor oil is based on ricinoleic acid. She struggles with hormonal problems that can cause her hair to fall out.

With kefir for dry hair

Kefir is also an excellent remedy for dry hair. It moisturizes them and restores their attractiveness.

To prepare the mask, you must use kefir of maximum fat content. You need to warm it up a little first.

With aloe

This mask prevents dandruff, degreases the scalp, and strengthens hair.

To prepare the mixture, you need to combine 4 teaspoons of aloe gel and 2 tablespoons of coconut oil.

With gelatin for shine and smoothness

The result is the same as after lamination.


Gelatin leaves a thin nourishing film on the hair. Their structure is restored, curly strands are straightened, volume, shine and smoothness are added.

Boiled water must first be cooled, then add 1 tablespoon of gelatin. Pour the mixture with 3 tablespoons of water at room temperature and stir.

To obtain a dense hair structure, you can add 1.5 tablespoons of citrus starch.

With sour cream for split ends

The mask penetrates deep inside the hair, nourishes it from the inside and to the very ends. The result is smooth, manageable curls and easy combing.

The recipe is quite simple: you need to mix 100 ml of sour cream, lemon juice and 50 ml of coconut oil. Keep for 30 minutes.

Contraindications to the use of masks

There are practically no restrictions on the use of coconut masks. You should be wary if:

  1. too oily scalp, masks with coconut oil will add greasiness and clog pores;
  2. there are skin diseases in the acute stage;
  3. individual intolerance, allergies.

In addition, coconut oil removes dark dyes and henna from your hair faster. Therefore, women with blond hair love it more.

With regular use of a coconut-based mask, your hair will become well-groomed, silky and healthy. And adding different ingredients will help solve certain problems in the condition of the hair.

Coconut oil is actively used in facial and body skin care; it is found in many cosmetic products. There are a lot of interesting culinary recipes with this ingredient. Adherents of a healthy diet prefer to cook food with it. The beneficial effects of coconut oil on hair are no less known. This unique product can rightfully be called a healer, savior and restorer.


  1. Indications for use and contraindications
  2. Features of the preparation and use of oil masks
  3. Homemade Coconut Mask Recipes


Indications for use and contraindications

Masks with coconut oil can be used on any type of hair, but the product is especially valued for its moisturizing and nourishing properties. It is ideal for dry ends prone to split ends and brittleness. It also has a beneficial effect on the scalp: soothes, relieves irritation, helps fight fungal diseases, and prevents their occurrence.

Benefits of coconut oil for hair:

  1. Restores hair damaged by chemical dyes, chlorinated water or sun.
  2. Has a conditioning and light laminating effect. Masks prevent tangling, give shine, and give a well-groomed appearance.
  3. Prevents dandruff, helps fight seborrhea, has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.
  4. Nourishes the scalp, is good for hair follicles, masks strengthen hair and accelerate growth.
  5. Helps smooth out frizzy hair, making it more manageable and easier to care for.

The only contraindication to using coconut oil on hair and scalp is individual intolerance. If it causes a rash, itching, redness or other manifestations of an allergic reaction, you should immediately stop using the product. There are cases when coconut oil simply does not work, that is, does not give any positive effect. This may be due to a specific product from a particular manufacturer, or the product may simply not be suitable.

On a note: Can't buy coconut oil? It can be easily made at home from walnut. You need to grind the pulp, add warm water, and leave for several hours. Then express the milk, cool and remove the frozen layer of finished oil from the surface.


Features of the preparation and use of oil masks

For cosmetic purposes, it is better to use natural unrefined oil. It retains as much useful substances as possible. They penetrate perfectly under the hair cuticle and into the skin if the product is warm. Before use, you can heat it in a water bath or rub a small amount with your palms. Keep at room temperature.

Features of using masks with coke oil for hair:

  1. Home remedies should only be applied to dirty hair before washing. Some coconut masks and natural oils can be left on overnight.
  2. To enhance the effect of the coconut mask, cover your head with a plastic cap and additionally put on an insulating cap. This could be an old hat or towel.
  3. The ends of the hair are usually drier than the root zone and length. Masks need to be applied to them in a thicker layer, smeared thoroughly, and rubbed in.
  4. Coconut masks are always washed off with shampoo. It is not necessary to use a balm, as the product has a conditioning effect, gives shine, and makes hair easy to comb.
  5. If the hair at the roots is oily, then coconut masks should be used only on the ends and along the length, retreating at least 10 cm from the roots.
  6. It is better to apply coconut oil with warm hands, carefully working through the strands and massaging the scalp.

Advice! Frequent heating will destroy and reduce the amount of nutrients in the product. Therefore, before preparing a home remedy, it is wiser to measure out the required amount of oil and work only with it. The main jar should be stored in the refrigerator.

Video: How to quickly restore hair with coconut oil

Homemade Coconut Mask Recipes

Multi-component masks with homemade coconut oil cannot be stored. They must be used within the first hours after combining the ingredients. The exception is oil mixtures. They are perfectly stored in a sealed dark glass container at a temperature not exceeding 15°C. Any other compositions, especially with eggs, sour cream, milk, juices and other perishable products, must be used immediately.

Evening mask with coconut oil, sour cream and lavender

Soothes the skin, eliminates damage caused by chemical dyes and hot styling devices. Dry type only.

Coconut oil – 1 tbsp. l.
Sour cream 15% – 2 tbsp. l.
Lavender oil – 3 drops

Take the coconut oil out into a warm place in advance and let it melt. You can place the bowl near the heating device. Add sour cream and a few drops of lavender essential oil. Stir and lubricate strands one at a time two hours before washing your hair. There is no need to additionally moisturize. This product is sufficient for medium length; if necessary, increase the amount of ingredients proportionally. Insulate your head and wash with shampoo after 2 hours.

Oil mask for growth

Restores normal levels of moisture, nourishes, and promotes growth. Can be applied to the scalp and along the entire length to the ends.

Coconut oil – 2 tbsp. l.
Bay oil – 4 drops
Castor oil – 1 tbsp. l.

Combine all the ingredients listed in a glass bowl. Place over a saucepan of hot water, melt and heat to a temperature of 38-40°C, that is, the composition should be slightly warmer than body temperature. Apply the coconut oil mixture to your hair and skin, rub in with your fingertips for better penetration of nutrients. Gather a bun on the top of your head, secure it with a hairpin, and insulate your head. The exposure time of the mask is at least 1 hour, the frequency of use is 2 times a week.


Vitamin coconut mask against hair loss

The product nourishes the skin and hair along the length, strengthens the hair follicles, and helps cope with hair loss.

Coconut oil – 15 g
Pyridoxine – 10 drops
Tocopherol – 10 drops

Heat the oil, add vitamins. Stir thoroughly. Using a comb, divide your hair into partings and rub the prepared mixture into the roots. Use a comb to distribute the residue along the length of your hair or rub it into dry ends with your fingers. Collect a bun, wrap your head with film and a towel. Wash off after 2 hours with warm water and shampoo.

Tropical mask “Incredible effect”

Instantly moisturizes and nourishes, creating the effect of well-groomed, shiny and beautiful hair after the first use. For all types.

Coconut oil – 2 tbsp. l.
Banana – 1 pc.
Lemon juice – 2 tsp.
Avocado – 0.5 pcs.

Avocados need to be ripe. Remove the pulp from half, place in a bowl, and remove the skin. Add the peeled banana and mash everything together with a fork or wooden pestle. Pour in coconut oil and fresh lemon juice. Stir the mask until smooth. Apply to hair and skin, rub in thoroughly. If necessary, use a wide-tooth comb. Remove all hair from the top of the head and pin it up. Wrap your head in a towel; you don’t need to use polyethylene. Wash off after 2 hours.

Mask with antifungal effect for the treatment and prevention of dandruff

Cleanses the scalp of scales and helps cope with dry and oily dandruff.

Coconut oil – 1 tbsp. l.
Kefir – 80 ml
Natural honey – 1 tbsp. l.
Ylang-ylang oil – 3 drops

Instead of ylang-ylang, you can use a similar amount of tea tree oil. Add it to kefir. Combine honey with coconut, heat together in a water bath until liquid, or put in the microwave for 15-20 minutes. But don't overheat. Combine with kefir at room temperature and stir. Thoroughly moisten the skin with the resulting product, smear the remainder along the length. Wrap in a towel for 2 hours, but the exposure time of the mask is not limited in any way.


Mask “Effective recovery” on yolks

Moisturizes, nourishes, fills pores and gives a well-groomed appearance. Suitable for thin, brittle, damaged hair of normal and dry type.

Coconut oil – 2 tbsp. l.
Fresh yolks – 3 pcs.
Honey – 1 tbsp. l.

You can add any essential oil to this mask to mask the egg scent. Combine butter and honey, place in a saucepan with hot water, let the ingredients melt. Place the egg yolks in a bowl and beat with a fork until lightly foamy. The mass should lighten. Add honey and oil to the yolks, any ether if desired, stir. Apply to damaged hair from ear level down to the ends. Lift up, collect a bunch, wrap in polyethylene. The exposure time of the mask is 60-90 minutes.

“Silk” mask with lamination effect

Gives smoothness, hair becomes slippery and manageable. Suitable for all types, especially porous and tangled hair.

Hair balm – 2 tbsp. l.
Coconut oil – 2 tbsp. l.
Yolk – 1 pc.

Combine oil and hair balm and heat to body temperature. Beat the yolk with a fork, add to the main mixture, stir. Lightly moisten hair with a spray bottle and comb thoroughly. Separate one strand, take a small amount of the mixture, lubricate along the length from the ear to the ends. Repeat the procedure with all other hair. Then connect all the strands, iron them together, and pin them on your head. Put on a cap and heat the mask with a hairdryer through polyethylene for 3-5 minutes. Leave for another 30 minutes, rinse.