Dryness around the eyes in a child

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The skin under the eyes is red and peeling: what to do?

Peeling skin on the face around the eyes is an unpleasant phenomenon that can greatly upset every person. It spoils the appearance and has a number of unpleasant symptoms, including swelling, itching and pain. Today we will look at why the skin under the eyes peels in women, men and children, and how to deal with the disorder?

Why does the skin around the eyes peel?

Peeling of the skin under the eyes has various causes, and one of the most popular is improper or irregular care, but it can also be due to health problems. In most cases, when the skin around the eyes peels, people turn to ophthalmologists, who carry out diagnostics or immediately refer the patient to another specialist.

When the skin around the eye peels and redness occurs, eyelash mites cannot be ruled out. It is able to exist on healthy skin without obvious lesions. To detect a violation, special hardware diagnostics are required.

The skin around the eyes in men and women may begin to peel due to a lack of vitamins in the body. In this regard, it is necessary to constantly monitor your diet, as sometimes the problem is provoked by fatty foods. In addition, itching and dryness occur as a result of insufficient fluid intake. Read more about what vitamins are needed for dry skin in a separate article.

Such subtle reasons as:

  1. insufficient sleep;
  2. constant stress;
  3. dirty environment;
  4. climate (strong wind, frost, strong sun).

Dry skin under the eyes of a child can have quite different causes, but the most common among them are demodicosis, various infections and bacteria (staphylococcus). To treat redness, dryness and peeling in the eye area in children, it is better to consult a doctor immediately.

We figured out why the skin under the eyes peels, and now let’s look at ways to combat the disorder.

How to get rid of peeling skin around the eyes

When the skin under the eyes dries and peels, try folk remedies, if the problem is not serious. Lotions made from the following herbs give a good effect:

  1. mother and stepmother, the beneficial properties of which are due to the rich vitamin composition of the plant;
  2. chamomile, which relieves inflammation;
  3. a series, the use of which for irritated skin is even indicated for bathing infants.

To eliminate flaking and dry skin in the eye area, start moisturizing it and try to avoid contact with allergens. Be sure to use mild moisturizers, including cream or special milk.

Additionally, we advise you to remember and adhere to the simplest rules, including:

  1. good sleep;
  2. varied and nutritious diet;
  3. regular walks in the air;
  4. breaks when working at the computer;
  5. using good cosmetics;
  6. Do not use decorative cosmetics one day a week, giving your skin a rest.

If peeling of the skin under your eyes does not go away for a long time, it is better to entrust treatment to a doctor. Start with an ophthalmologist or primary care physician, who will refer you to another specialist if necessary.

Folk remedies against peeling under the eyes

Now let’s look at when the skin under the eye peels, what should you apply to improve the condition of the epithelial layers? Start making olive oil masks regularly, preferably before bed. Almond and pumpkin oils have a good effect, which quickly relieve irritation.

It is not difficult to remove peeling skin around the eyes using folk remedies if you know what to use. Try steaming oatmeal with milk until it reaches a mushy consistency. Cool, add a small amount of softened butter and apply to the skin in the eye area for 10-15 minutes. You can try a mask of grated carrots and banana.

When the skin peels under the eyes due to demodicosis, oils and masks are not recommended. You need to start by disinfecting the affected area. In this case, try the following:

  1. wash your face with tar soap and use sulfur ointment to lubricate your eyelids;
  2. make compresses from linden decoction;
  3. alternately apply cold and hot compresses;
  4. wash yourself with a decoction of oak bark and make compresses from cabbage juice.

When the skin under the eye peels and treatment doesn’t help, go to the doctor and don’t waste time.

Peeling of the eyelids in a child

Peeling of the eyelids in a child

The delicate and thin skin of a baby is very vulnerable, so it is easily exposed to various negative factors - both external and internal. This also applies to the area around the eyes. The causes of peeling of the eyelids in a child are very diverse, and the origins of this phenomenon are often difficult to detect.

Unfortunately, many parents consider this a minor local problem and begin to treat it on their own, without seeking help from a doctor. At the same time, what caused it often goes unnoticed. But until the original source of this unpleasant phenomenon is discovered and eliminated, all efforts to eliminate it remain in vain, and it only progresses. That is why timely examination by a qualified ophthalmologist and accurate diagnosis are so important here.

What causes peeling on the eyelids of a child?

Peeling of the eyelids in a child is accompanied by many diseases, most of them come from one of three sources:

  1. allergenic
  2. bacterial (various staphylococci)
  3. viral (for example, herpes virus)

In some cases, it is caused by allergic factors. Thin and sensitive skin in the eyelid area quickly reacts to irritation:

  1. ingress of microparticles of dust, plant pollen, water and even sunlight
  2. exposure to cosmetics, such as baby creams and ointments

An allergy in the form of peeling on the eyelids of a child's eyes occurs due to allergens entering the body, for example, with food or medications, or becomes a side effect of other dermatological diseases, for example, dermatitis.

Another common root cause of peeling eyelids in a child is blepharitis - inflammation of the ciliary edge. Its insidiousness is that at first its signs are not obvious, hardly noticeable and are often confused with other diseases.

The inflammatory process in this area can be caused by:

  1. bacteria (primarily Staphylococcus aureus)
  2. Demodex mite (demodecosis)
  3. various infections. The likelihood of getting sick increases if there is a chronic infection, for example, in untreated teeth with caries.

It often has other unpleasant manifestations:

  1. edema, swelling
  2. severe itching or burning
  3. formation of ulcers and crusts along the ciliary edge
  4. sticking and loss of eyelashes in a baby

Peeling skin is a common symptom conjunctivitis - inflammation of the ocular conjunctiva. This disease in children has other characteristic features:

  1. pain, feeling of “sand”
  2. red, swollen eyes
  3. incessant tearing
  4. purulent discharge
  5. photophobia
  6. increased moodiness, poor sleep
  7. blurred vision

The eyelids also peel when:

  1. hypovitaminosis, especially with a lack of vitamins A and B2
  2. gastrointestinal problems
  3. hormonal disorders
  4. blood diseases
  5. stress, etc.

Which treatment is most effective?

Methods of dealing with peeling on the eyelids of a child’s eyes depend on the cause that caused it. So, if you have an allergic origin, you will probably need to do allergy tests and consult with an allergist before starting treatment. The effectiveness of the latter will be largely determined by the success of identifying the “culprits” of such an organism reaction and the possibilities of eliminating them from the patient’s life. Among the medications, antihistamines will help here.

In case of blepharitis, the Fzntesi doctor will prescribe various antimicrobial agents or antibiotics for the baby, in the form of drugs used both internally and locally (for example, antibiotic ointments or antimicrobial solutions for instillation). If affected by demodex mites, alcohol solutions can also be useful, which can be used to carefully treat the edges of the cilia.

For conjunctivitis, the doctor will prescribe rinses, and they must be done carefully so as not to transfer the infection from the diseased eye to the healthy eye, disinfectant eye drops, as well as drugs to combat the source of infection - for example, antibacterial drugs.

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The skin around the eyes peels in adults and children - reasons and what to do at home

When the skin around the eyes turns red and peels, and severe itching occurs, this may be a symptom of an allergic reaction of the body, inflammation, or another skin disease. After diagnosis, the dermatologist prescribes treatment, which consists of external treatment of the irritation and taking medications internally. Along with pharmaceutical medications, folk remedies are used.

Causes of peeling around the eyes

To determine the reason why peeling around the eyes appeared, the doctor must interview the patient in detail and find out when the unpleasant symptoms arose. During a visual examination, the shape of the spots, their severity and location near the eyes are determined. If after this it is not possible to make an accurate diagnosis, additional tests are prescribed. There are internal and external reasons that cause redness and peeling around the eyes.

Environmental influences include:

  1. sitting for a long time at a computer monitor;
  2. insect bites;
  3. infections;
  4. climate change;
  5. eye injuries;
  6. wearing lenses;
  7. chapping of the skin;
  8. allergies to cosmetics, animal hair, pollen, household chemicals.

If the area around the eyes has become dry and flaky due to vitamin deficiency, the body’s individual reaction to the use of medications, poor-quality products or diseases of the digestive tract, then it is customary to talk about an internal cause of irritation. In some cases, redness and peeling near the eyes indicate a person’s emotional overstrain, which manifests itself in an unusual way.

A microorganism called demodex, or eyelash mite, lives in the subcutaneous layer even in healthy people, without showing itself for years. The dimensions of the parasite are tenths of a millimeter, so it is impossible to examine it without special equipment. The mite is transmitted from one person to another and affects areas of the body where the skin is thinner.

It often leads to the skin around the eyes flaking, dryness and redness, and eyelashes sticking together. In order to accurately establish or exclude the presence of eyelash mites, it is necessary to take a scraping from the affected area. The analysis is carried out in the laboratory under a microscope. After identifying the parasite, the doctor prescribes treatment. Modern ointments for demodicosis help to paralyze, destroy the tick, and relieve inflammation.

Allergic reactions

People suffering from allergies are often unaware of their illness. It can manifest itself in adults and children as cough, runny nose, cracks in the corners of the eyes, allergic peeling of the skin. If such symptoms appear, it is recommended to immediately consult an allergist. The most difficult thing in this situation is to identify the allergen that caused the reaction. To do this, a full examination is prescribed, including blood and urine tests.

However, even before the results of the examination are ready, it is necessary to exclude all possible reasons why the skin around the eyes is dry. Factors influencing allergies may include:

  1. low-quality cosmetics;
  2. medications;
  3. plant pollen;
  4. reaction to food;
  5. temperature changes.

Infectious diseases

Often, such symptoms are associated with viral diseases that are transmitted from one person to another. They lead to the fact that the entire body is affected, the complication spreading to the eyes and the skin around them. This list includes:

After these diseases go away, dryness around the eyes also disappears, so doctors advise identifying the source of the problem and eliminating it. If peeling began due to an eye infection, then you should urgently consult an ophthalmologist so that the inflammation does not become chronic and lead to blindness. Infectious eye diseases include:

When bacteria become the cause of an illness, you need to look for the source to avoid re-infection. A person can become infected through contact with other people and animals. Blepharitis and stye are caused by Staphylococcus aureus, which is present on the skin in a latent form. People with weak immune systems and poor eye hygiene are at risk of infection.

Intestinal diseases

Symptoms such as peeling of the eyelids often indicate that serious disturbances have occurred in the gastrointestinal tract. The following diseases of the digestive system can be the cause:

  1. gastritis;
  2. intestinal dysbiosis;
  3. chronic constipation;
  4. impaired absorption of food.

A factor influencing the formation of dry skin and redness around the eyes is poor nutrition, when a person abuses fatty and fried foods, eats food prepared in fast food. In this case, harmful carcinogens and toxins enter the body. They release toxic substances into the blood that cause skin allergies. The same manifestations are worrying if the diet lacks vitamins B and A, as well as due to dehydration.

Peeling skin on eyelids

Peeling of the eyelids in the lower and upper parts near the eyes often occurs in women who do not take care of the hygiene of the skin around the eyes before bed. Dermatologists advise using a special makeup remover and moisturizer that softens the skin and removes shadow and mascara particles without damaging the eyes. If this is the reason, then the irritation quickly passes. In other cases, when, in addition to slight peeling, severe itching and swelling appears, you should seek help from a clinic.

The skin under the eyes is peeling

The most common reason for flaking under the eyes is failure to follow a daily routine. After a sleepless night, the lower eyelids swell; gradually the swelling begins to subside, returning to normal. The thin epidermis near the eyes cracks, itches and peels. If the skin under the eyes is flaky and red, and small blisters have formed on it, then most likely it is blepharitis or atopic dermatitis. To confirm the disease, you should contact a dermatologist.

Treatment for peeling around the eyes

It is possible to determine what causes peeling of the skin around the eyes and begin treatment only after examination by a doctor and diagnosis. If you do not adhere to this rule, then instead of healing and solving the problem, the skin will begin to peel off more, and new complications will appear. What is suitable for one type of disease cannot be used to treat another. Antibiotics used during a staph infection can trigger allergies.

There are folk methods used for skin care, relieving inflammation, dryness, swelling, redness:

  1. chamomile decoction;
  2. decoction of string;
  3. calendula decoction;
  4. aloe juice;
  5. egg yolk;
  6. vegetable oil – sea buckthorn, flaxseed, pumpkin, sesame or olive.

The disadvantage of these products is that they help if the skin peels slightly, the manifestations are temporary. It is useless to use them in the fight against bacterial infections, skin mites, and allergic irritations. Each disease has its own treatment strategy:

  1. Demodex is treated with sulfur ointment, which cannot damage the eyes, unlike sprays.
  2. Infectious diseases - antibiotic drugs.
  3. Allergy – elimination of the irritant, antihistamines.
  4. Intestinal diseases - taking probiotics, increasing the daily volume of fluid consumed.
  5. Hyperemia - by moisturizing the skin, prescribing medications that help normalize blood circulation.

Video: getting rid of dry facial skin

I started itching a month ago after using expensive cosmetics. I never thought that this could happen. The dermatologist at the clinic explained why the eyelids were peeling, advised me to throw away the eyelid cream, and prescribed an emollient anti-allergenic ointment. The peeling became less, but the redness went away only after a week.

When the skin under my eyes turned red, I initially thought it was a reaction to the cold weather. I tried to fight it by applying moisturizing baby cream, but the irritation did not go away. I went to the clinic to see a dermatologist. They took a test that showed that I have eyelash mites. She treated with sulfur ointment with antibiotics.

After my family and I moved to the north, I suffered from allergies to cold. Every winter, my eyes hurt, water, and the skin around them peels. I save myself by simple rubbing with chamomile, compresses and masks with sea buckthorn oil. I do it in the morning, it lasts all day. I consulted with the doctor, he advised me to add antihistamines.

Photo of peeling around the eyes

The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

Peeling of the eyelids in a child

The delicate and thin skin of a baby is very vulnerable, so it is easily exposed to various negative factors - both external and internal. This also applies to the area around the eyes. The causes of peeling of the eyelids in a child are very diverse, and the origins of this phenomenon are often difficult to detect.

Unfortunately, many parents consider this a minor local problem and begin to treat it on their own, without seeking help from a doctor. At the same time, what caused it often goes unnoticed. But until the original source of this unpleasant phenomenon is discovered and eliminated, all efforts to eliminate it remain in vain, and it only progresses. That is why timely examination by a qualified ophthalmologist and accurate diagnosis are so important here.

What causes peeling on the eyelids of a child?

Peeling of the eyelids in a child is accompanied by many diseases, most of them come from one of three sources:

  1. allergenic
  2. bacterial (various staphylococci)
  3. viral (for example, herpes virus)

In some cases, it is caused by allergic factors. Thin and sensitive skin in the eyelid area quickly reacts to irritation:

  1. ingress of microparticles of dust, plant pollen, water and even sunlight
  2. exposure to cosmetics, such as baby creams and ointments

An allergy in the form of peeling on the eyelids of a child's eyes occurs due to allergens entering the body, for example, with food or medications, or becomes a side effect of other dermatological diseases, for example, dermatitis.

Another common root cause of peeling eyelids in a child is blepharitis - inflammation of the ciliary edge. Its insidiousness is that at first its signs are not obvious, hardly noticeable and are often confused with other diseases.

The inflammatory process in this area can be caused by:

  1. bacteria (primarily Staphylococcus aureus)
  2. Demodex mite (demodecosis)
  3. various infections. The likelihood of getting sick increases if there is a chronic infection, for example, in untreated teeth with caries.

It often has other unpleasant manifestations:

  1. edema, swelling
  2. severe itching or burning
  3. formation of ulcers and crusts along the ciliary edge
  4. sticking and loss of eyelashes in a baby

Peeling skin is a common symptom conjunctivitis - inflammation of the ocular conjunctiva. How does this manifest itself in children:

  1. pain, feeling of “sand”
  2. red, swollen eyes
  3. incessant tearing
  4. purulent discharge
  5. photophobia
  6. increased moodiness, poor sleep
  7. blurred vision

The eyelids also peel when:

  1. hypovitaminosis, especially with a lack of vitamins A and B2
  2. gastrointestinal problems
  3. hormonal disorders
  4. blood diseases
  5. stress, etc.

Which treatment is most effective?

Methods of dealing with peeling on the eyelids of a child’s eyes depend on the cause that caused it. So, if you have an allergic origin, you will probably need to do allergy tests and consult with an allergist before starting treatment. The effectiveness of the latter will be largely determined by the success of identifying the “culprits” of such an organism reaction and the possibilities of eliminating them from the patient’s life. Among the medications, antihistamines will help here.

In the case of blepharitis, the doctor will prescribe various antimicrobial agents or antibiotics for the baby (for example, antibiotic ointments or antimicrobial solutions for instillation). If affected by demodex mites, alcohol solutions can also be useful, which can be used to carefully treat the edges of the eyelashes.

For conjunctivitis, the doctor will prescribe rinses, and they must be done carefully so as not to transfer the infection from the diseased eye to the healthy eye, disinfectant eye drops, as well as drugs to combat the source of infection - for example, antibacterial drugs.


Fantasy specialists in pediatric ophthalmology

Bondar Vadim Andreevich - pediatric ophthalmologist. One of the best children's ophthalmologists in Moscow. Specialist in rare eye diseases. Diagnostics and treatment according to the principles of evidence-based medicine. The doctor has 16 years of experience in the treatment of eye diseases, a number of publications on ophthalmology, and active scientific activity in this direction.

Bogorad Maria Vladimirovna is a pediatric ophthalmologist. First category doctor. More than 17 years of experience (MC of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute of GB in the emergency department. In treating patients, he is guided by the principles of evidence-based medicine.

Tolmacheva (Ermoshkina) Klavdiya Georgievna - pediatric ophthalmologist. The doctor's specialization: routine examinations of children of all ages, correction of myopia, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Treatment for retinal pathology. Prevention of eye diseases in children. Diagnostics and treatment according to the principles of evidence-based medicine.


Dry skin causes excessive peeling in the visual area, since this area contains the most delicate and thin layer of the dermis. Dryness around the eyes can be caused by both internal damage or failure of organ function, as well as external environmental factors.

In a child, increased evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin leads to the appearance of cracks and possible secondary infection with pathogenic microflora.

Causes of peeling

Both external factors and internal causes can provoke peeling and redness of the skin around the visual apparatus. Increased dryness of the epidermis of adults and children is provoked by factors:

  1. hereditary predisposition;
  2. irritation;
  3. prolonged exposure to gadget monitors;
  4. sudden change in temperature;
  5. emotional stress;
  6. application of cosmetics;
  7. mosquito bites;
  8. allergic manifestations;
  9. ingress of dust microparticles;
  10. prolonged exposure to water;
  11. unbalanced diet;
  12. hormonal changes or disorders;
  13. dysbiosis.

To eliminate skin flaking, it is enough to reduce exposure to irritants and moisturize the dermis with emollients.

Pathological redness and peeling near the eyes

The presence of pathologically dry and hyperemic skin, which is provoked by pathologies, is indicated by additional symptoms:

  1. sensation of the presence of a foreign body in the organ of vision;
  2. active secretion of tear secretion;
  3. fear of bright radiation;
  4. purulent discharge;
  5. swelling of the area;
  6. intensely itchy areas;
  7. soreness;
  8. the appearance of crusts, ulcers or suppuration in the eyelash area.


In children, diseases of the visual system are accompanied by increased moodiness and deterioration of sleep. Among the pathologies that provoke the development of peeling in the area of ​​​​the corners of the eyes, there are:

  1. improper functionality of the endocrine system;
  2. disturbances in liver function;
  3. myocardial pathology;
  4. diseases of the visual apparatus;
  5. decreased immune response.

Diseases of the visual organs can also lead to dryness:


The development of the disease is caused by mites that live on the eyelash edge. The duration of the incubation period is unknown, but the development of the disease is long. Additional symptomatic manifestations of demodicosis are:

  1. purulent discharge;
  2. eyelash loss;
  3. feeling of tightness in the eyelids;
  4. peeling in the area of ​​the affected organ of vision.

The diagnosis can only be determined after instrumental diagnostics.

Seborrheic dermatitis

Pathology develops against the background of active proliferation of a yeast-like fungus. Those areas where there is increased secretion of sebaceous secretions are susceptible to disease. Dermatitis is accompanied by peeling and the formation of flakes on the surface of damaged skin.

Acute blepharitis

Pathology develops against the background of damage to the eyelids by bacterial or viral microflora. Additional signs of the disease include burning, itching and swelling. To eliminate the disease, it is necessary to identify the pathogen.



Atopic areas develop against the background of a decrease in the protective properties of the epidermis. Atopy can be triggered by unfavorable environmental factors. Young children are especially susceptible to peeling due to neurodermatitis.

To eliminate the symptom, it is necessary to use emollients. If additional symptoms appear, you should contact an ophthalmologist or dermatologist.


The disease is accompanied by redness and peeling around the eyes, which indicates the active proliferation of provoking microflora.

Redness and peeling under the eyes of a child

In childhood, dryness and redness are especially common, since the child’s skin has not yet fully formed. Predisposing factors to the appearance of dryness and redness are:

  1. excessive loss of moisture from the conjunctival membrane;
  2. instability of the conjunctiva to damage by infectious or bacterial microflora;
  3. watching TV for a long time;
  4. overstrain of the visual apparatus when working with small particles;
  5. frequent colds;
  6. foreign particles entering the membrane of the organs of vision.

It is important not to miss a symptom in infants, since the epidermis in this category is not fully formed. During early development, babies often develop allergic reactions, for example to foods.


Therapy is prescribed depending on the factors predisposing to the appearance of pathological areas:

  1. in case of demodicosis, ointments based on a sulfur component are prescribed;
  2. when fungal microflora is detected, antimycotic drugs are prescribed;
  3. allergic manifestations are eliminated with antihistamines;
  4. intestinal dysbiosis is treated with probiotics and increasing the daily volume of fluid consumed;
  5. in case of vitamin deficiency, it is necessary to balance the diet and take a course based on mineral and vitamin complexes.

The main goal of therapy is to eliminate the root causes of dry areas and restore the natural water balance.

Traditional methods

In the absence of health-related problems, it is possible to use traditional methods to restore the water balance of the skin:

  1. Mask based on gelatin component. To obtain the mixture, dissolve 50 grams of gelatin in warm water until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The mask is applied for up to 20 minutes, after which it is washed off.
  2. Mask with carrots. To prepare the mixture you need carrots, the yolk of 1 egg and potato flour. The ingredients are mixed and applied to the affected areas. The holding time of the mask is about 20 minutes. It is necessary to wash off with warm water.
  3. Parsley leaves. The ingredients are crushed until a homogeneous mass is obtained, which is applied to the pathological areas.

Traditional recipes can be used in combination with the main treatment, but the interval between medications should not be less than 2 hours.



To eliminate peeling, you can use cosmetic products. Dry areas will go away only if there are no diseases of the dermis that caused the dryness. For the children's category, hypoallergenic products are used.


For prevention purposes, the following restrictions must be observed:

  1. completely remove cosmetics from the epidermis before going to bed;
  2. It is recommended to use cotton pads rather than cotton wool for these purposes;
  3. in cosmetics, it is advisable to give preference to products without lanolin and neutral pH;
  4. complete rejection of cosmetics that have expired;
  5. a ban on the use of alcohol-containing preparations or cosmetics for the skin around the eyes;
  6. use clean brushes to apply makeup;
  7. It is prohibited to scrub or apply peeling to this area of ​​the dermis;
  8. choose cosmetics according to the required skin type;
  9. Before any procedures, clean your hands with antiseptics.

With proper care for the skin around the eyes, excessive dryness can be completely eliminated.

Useful video

Peeling around the visual apparatus is not always associated with pathological conditions. Particular attention should be paid to the skin around the eyes of a child, since the skin in this category is not yet fully formed. At the first flaky areas, you should contact a dermatologist or ophthalmologist to determine the root causes.

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