Thiogamma instructions for use in cosmetology

The drug Thiogamma is involved in the metabolic processes of the human body, as described in the instructions for use. By following step-by-step recipes for preparing facial care products, you can get a rejuvenating effect.

Release forms and price

The drug Thiogamma is available in two forms:

1. Thiogamma-Turbo solution for intravenous drip infusions:

  1. 50 ml – 1.2% of the main substance;
  2. the solution is packaged in a glass bottle with a metal cap;
  3. the bottle is placed in a box made of thick paper;
  4. the cost of the drug ranges from 200 rubles. up to 260 rub.

Thiogamma-Turbo solution for intravenous drip infusions:

  1. 20 ml – 3% of the main substance;
  2. the product is available in ampoule packaging;
  3. in a box made of thick paper – 5 pcs;
  4. the price of the solution varies from 500 rubles. up to 560 rub.


2. Tablet form of Thiogamma:

  1. drug for oral use;
  2. 1 tablet – 600 mg, has a dry dense coating;
  3. in one plate there are 10 tablets;
  4. in a box of thick paper, 3 plates and 6 plates;
  5. the price for a tablet drug ranges from 870 rubles. up to 1600 rub.


All forms of the drug Thiogamma contain the organosulfur compound thioctocid:

1. Thiogamma-Turbo:

  1. the main component in 50 ml is 0.6 g of thioctocide;
  2. medical liquid;
  3. ethylene glycol polymer.

2. Thiogamma-Turbo in ampoules:

  1. the main component in 20 ml is 0.6 g of thioctocide;
  2. medical water;
  3. polyethylene glycol.

3. Tablet form of Thiogamma:

  1. main substance in 1 tablet. – 0.6 g thioctocide;
  2. silicon oxide;
  3. natural polymer;
  4. fatty powder;
  5. milk carbohydrate;
  6. methylhydroxypropylcellulose.

Medical purpose of the drug

Thiogamma (the instructions for use provide detailed information about the purpose of the drug) is used for diabetic disorders of the sensitivity of the skin, polyneuropathy.


The organosulfur compound thioctocid controls the metabolic processes of carbon hydrate and triacyglycerides, has a good effect on the metabolic process of polycyclic lipophilic alcohol, protects the liver, improves the performance of liver enzymes, and has a restorative capacity for tissues and internal organs of the body.

The effect of the organosulfur compound thioctocid on the human body has a restorative effect on cellular metabolism.

Benefits for facial skin

Thiogamma (the instructions for use do not describe the benefits of the drug in cosmetology) can benefit the skin of the face when used correctly.


  1. the use of the drug inhibits the destruction of alpha helices;
  2. promotes a process that prevents sugar and protein molecules from sticking together, which manifests itself in the form of a reduction in wrinkles;
  3. restores the strength, softness and flexibility of the skin;
  4. helps in the process of cellular regeneration;
  5. promotes exfoliation of dead cells of the upper stratum corneum of the skin;
  6. accelerates the formation of young epidermal cells;
  7. frees facial pores from stagnation;
  8. relieves inflammatory processes in the epidermis;
  9. improves microcirculation in the skin.

Contraindications in cosmetology

The instructions for use of the drug Tiogamma do not describe contraindications related to cosmetology.

But it is important to consider that any medicine has limitations in use:

  1. intolerance to the main substance of the drug – the organosulfur compound thioctocid, which is a fairly strong allergic agent;
  2. age of children under 12 years old;
  3. pregnancy;
  4. lactation period;
  5. renal failure;
  6. liver pathologies;


According to the instructions for use, Thiogamma is prohibited during exacerbations of hepatitis A

history of Botkin's disease; heart diseases; pathologies of the respiratory system in the acute stage; increased sugar in diabetes; history of hematological diseases; thrombocytopenia; disturbed water-salt balance in the body; alcohol addiction; history of lacticidemia; dehydration of the body; dismetabolic and dyscirculatory encephalopathy in the acute stage.

Possible side effects

Tiagamma (instructions for use describe the undesirable effects of the drug due to improper use or personal intolerance) – medicinal a drug whose use may cause side effects:

  1. in some cases, painful muscle spasms may occur;
  2. taste disturbance;
  3. dissociated hypogeusia;
  4. allergic vasculitis;
  5. hemorrhagic rashes;
  6. inflammation of the venous walls with accumulation of blood clots;
  7. Quincke's edema;
  8. anaphylaxis;
  9. the appearance of eczematous itchy ulcers;
  10. nettle rash at the site of Tiagamma application;
  11. allergic dermatitis;
  12. digestive disorders with loose stools;
  13. severe insufficiency of pulmonary ventilation;
  14. intracranial hypertension;
  15. drop in serum glucose levels;
  16. feeling of heat in the body;
  17. loss of balance;
  18. hyperhidrosis;


  19. nausea;
  20. double vision;
  21. disturbance of heart rhythm in the direction of increasing heart rate;
  22. migraine headaches;

Using tablets for the face

The active use of Thiogamma tablets is observed among those who want to have tightened facial skin. Although the drug was originally intended by the pharmaceutical industry for other purposes.

Recipes for anti-aging home remedies with Thiogamma tablets:

1. Mask for the care of aging skin with the organosulfur compound thioctocid:

  1. you need to purchase Thiogamma in tablets, Acetylsalicylic acid in tablets and sea salt at the pharmacy;
  2. Lightly grind the salt in a coffee grinder until it is finely ground;
  3. sea ​​salt must be slightly moistened with water, it is better if it is a prematurely prepared decoction of chamomile;
  4. Apply the resulting product to all folds on the face, lightly pressing in with massage movements;
  5. it is necessary to make a mixture of Thiogamma and Acetylsalicylic acid tablets;
  6. the resulting fine powder should be applied over the sea salt, lightly rubbing in with gentle massage movements so as not to damage the skin;
  7. After a couple of minutes, the scrub mask should be washed off the face using a suitable cleanser for your skin type;
  8. for enlarged pores, the skin can be wiped with a piece of pre-prepared ice;
  9. for dry skin, apply moisturizer;
  10. a combination mask with Thiogamma should be used no more than once every 14 days.

2. Mask with Tiogamma against shine on the face:

  1. you should take 1 tablet of the drug Tiogamma, 1 tbsp. l. honey melted in a steam bath, unrefined extra virgin olive oil or flaxseed oil - 1 tbsp. l. and 1 tbsp. l. juice of a three-year-old aloe plant;


  2. the tablet must be ground into a fine powder and combined with all components;
  3. Apply the resulting composition to a cleansed and steamed face;
  4. duration of the procedure – 30 minutes;
  5. to get the effect of therapy, you need to do the mask 3 times a week;
  6. In total, up to 14 procedures should be done.

3. Mask using Thiogamma for dry skin:

  1. you need to take 40 g of everyday facial moisturizer and heat it a little in a steam bath;
  2. Grind 2 tablets of the drug Thiogamma into powder;
  3. take 15 ml of pharmaceutical rose oil and mix all the ingredients thoroughly;
  4. Add 3 drops of retinol and tocopherol to the resulting mixture;
  5. apply the product to prematurely cleansed facial skin;


  6. Duration of the procedure is up to 30 minutes;
  7. You should make combined masks with Thiogamma no more than 2 times a week.

4. Combined recipe with Tiogamma tablets for rejuvenation:

  1. you should take 6 Thiogamma tablets and crush them into powder;
  2. the resulting medicinal powder must be dissolved in salicylic alcohol - 2 tbsp. l.;
  3. add 4 ml of Caffeine-Sodium Benzoate to the product made from tablets and salicylic alcohol and mix thoroughly;


  4. Apply the resulting mask to a previously cleansed face for 30-40 minutes;
  5. Next, the product should be washed off and lubricated with a moisturizer;
  6. The procedure must be done once every 7 days.

Application of the solution

Tiagamma (the instructions for use of the product do not describe the cosmetic use of the drug in cosmetology) in the form of a solution for intravenous drip injections is used in the form of lotions and tonic, in different versions.

Recipe and method of use:

1. For quick facial skin rejuvenation:

  1. you should take 50 ml of Thiogamma solution;
  2. you need to add 10 drops of tocopherol to the medicine;
  3. shake thoroughly;
  4. Wipe your face with the resulting product at night (on cleansed skin);
  5. The procedure should be done daily for at least 1 month;
  6. the result will be visible after the first procedures;
  7. the product can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 14 days;
  8. The mixture must be shaken before use.

2. Lotion with Thiogamma solution:

  1. take the drug Thiogamma for injection in a volume of 50 ml;


  2. mix the liquid with a bottle of Retinol acetate purchased at the pharmacy;
  3. the resulting lotion should be poured into a colored glass bottle;
  4. It is recommended to wipe your face with the product in the morning and at night;
  5. the lotion can be used as a base for makeup;
  6. use the product for a month and take a break for 3 months;
  7. repeat courses if necessary;
  8. The lotion should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 1 month.

3. Wiping the face with pure Thiogamma medicinal solution:

  1. take a bottle of Thiogamma 50 ml;
  2. cleanse your face before going to bed;
  3. take a cotton swab and moisten it with a solution of the drug Thiogamma;
  4. Apply the product to the skin with gentle movements along the lines of the face;
  5. It should be remembered that the drug Thiogamma in undiluted form can provoke an allergic reaction, so you should definitely do a test by spreading the product on the back of your hand before use and wait about 30 minutes;
  6. if there are no negative manifestations, you can use the drug;
  7. The product should not be washed off;
  8. on top of the dried Thiogamma you need to apply a night cream suitable for your skin type;
  9. This procedure should be done within 1 month – 2 times a year.

Analogues of the drug

The pharmacological industry produces a large number of medicines with scientifically proven biological, pharmaceutical, and clinical similarities to the drug Thiogamma:

1. Octolipen tablets and capsules:

  1. The tablet preparation contains cyclic disulfide carboxylic acid, cellulose base, hypuric acid, disintegrant, silicon oxide, stearic acid with magnesium, opadry coating, methyloxypropylcellulose, ethylene glycol polymer, titanium white, silicate fatty powder, synthetic azo dye, a compound of iron and oxygen;


  2. the capsule form of the drug Thiogamma contains: fatty thioctic acid, calcium phosphate, mealy corn carbohydrate, polysorb, stearic acid with magnesium salt, titanium dioxide, yellow-green dye, food coloring, lemon-colored dye, collagen with antiseptic;
  3. both forms of the drug have a protective function regarding plasma membranes, stimulating the production of new liver cells, reduces the level of bad polycyclic alcohol, has an anti-atherosclerotic effect, restores normal blood glucose levels, restores nutrition to nerve tissue, and helps remove excess glucose from the body.

2. Lipoic acid – injection solution:

  1. the composition of the product includes a natural organosulfur compound of carboxylic acid, diaminoethane, Trilon B, sodium salt of hydrochloric acid, medical water;
  2. the drug has a positive effect on metabolic cellular processes and the body as a whole. Participates in the development of carbohydrate and triglyceride metabolism, helps normalize the amount of lipids and bad polycyclic alcohol, reduces the saturation of the liver with fat, binds and accelerates the elimination of harmful substances in the body.

3. Berlition 300 units – drug for injection:

  1. the composition of the medicinal liquid includes an organosulfur compound of lipoic acid, ethylenediamine, a fatty organic compound, a medical liquid;


  2. the drug functions as coenzymes, which accelerate many chemical reactions in the human body: relieves inflammation, has a decongestant effect, is an immunostimulant, improves capillary circulation, has the property of restoring the functions of damaged tissues and organs, and improves supply to nerve cells.

4. Alpha lipon – tablet preparation:

  1. one tablet contains 0.3 g or 0.6 g of thioctocide, milk sugar, natural polymer, sodium carboxyl methylcellulose, mealy corn carbohydrate, sodium dodecyl sulfate, silicon dioxide, stearic acid with magnesium, gel polymer, indtgocarmine, sulfonated food coloring, dioxide titanium;
  2. the drug has a restorative effect on flat cells of lymphatic and blood vessels. Which, in turn, expand and cleanse the affected arteries and veins from products of high sugar levels in the body and in the cardiovascular system. They help the local nervous system, reducing vascular hyperemia. They improve microcirculation in liver cells, which contributes to better functioning of the organ as the main filter of the body.

5. Dialipon in capsules:

  1. the drug contains an enantiomer of enzymatic complexes 0.3 g, milk disaccharide, natural polymer, methylhydroxypropylcellulose, silicon oxide, stearic acid with magnesium;


  2. the drug restores the vital activity of nerve cells in the peripheral system by improving the functioning of blood vessels. Helps relieve swelling, improves oxygen supply to tissues and organs of the body, and restores sensitivity in the limbs. Reduces pain that results from damaged blood vessels and nerve endings due to improper production of the hormone insulin. It is a drug that should be taken to prevent the negative effects of high blood sugar.

Results and reviews from cosmetologists

Any pharmacological drug is tested by time. From the reviews of cosmetologists, the conclusion is formed that the drug is not a panacea for age-related skin changes; if used incorrectly, it can cause harm to the body in the form of local allergic reactions.

The main pharmacological feature of the drug is aimed at treating the disease - diabetic polyneuropathy, and not wrinkles.

But the drug has also found application in cosmetology - dermatologists-cosmetologists note that constant, systematic, correct use of Tiogamma can help improve the external condition of facial skin, works with fine wrinkles - slows down the natural process of age-related changes.

Thiogamma tablets and solution are a medicine that the instructions for use describe as a strong antioxidant. By using the drug in the correct proportions, you can help your facial skin stay young and beautiful longer.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video about the drug Thiogamma

Is thiogamma really effective for the face?


Modern cosmetology uses drugs that were not originally intended to combat skin defects. One of these medicines is Thiogamma for the face. It is a solution for a dropper, which can be used as a daily lotion or used as part of a mask. Reviews from those who have already tried the product indicate that after a course of the drug, both barely noticeable and deep wrinkles are smoothed out, and skin aging slows down.

What is Thiogamma

A metabolic drug used to treat diabetes and alcoholism is called Thiogamma. When taken orally, the medicine regulates lipid and carbon metabolism. External use of the product helps fight deep and fine expression wrinkles and reduce their number during a course of procedures. The drug Thiogamma comes in the form of tablets, concentrate or solution for injection.

Active substance

The main component of the drug Thiogamma is thioctic (alpha-lipoic) acid, which has the properties of a powerful antioxidant that binds free radicals and protects cells from their destructive effects. The main actions of the active substance thioctic acid include:

  1. decreased insulin resistance of cells (impaired metabolic response of the body to the action of insulin);
  2. participation in lipid metabolism, cleansing the circulation of fats;
  3. has a detoxification effect (removing toxic substances from the body);
  4. for diabetes mellitus, it improves nerve trophism and prevents the development of diabetic polyneuropathy;
  5. similar to B vitamins.


Thiogamma in cosmetology

Thioctic acid in cosmetology is the main component of Thiogamma - it is an assistant not only for medical, but also for cosmetic purposes. Alpha lipoic acid for facial skin when used externally (lotions and masks) is used to relieve hypersensitivity of facial skin, narrow pores, reduce the depth of wrinkles, heal scars or acne. Lipoic acid in cosmetology helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and eliminate acne, and prevents premature aging of cells. Use as a lotion or mask.

Features of application

The medicinal product Thiogamma is used in cosmetology as a ready-made solution for droppers. Thiogamma for wrinkles is used instead of tonic. Cosmetologists choose a 1.2% solution that does not require additional dilution. If the concentration is exceeded, there is a risk of an allergic reaction, chemical burns and skin scars. In addition to tonic, Thiogamma is used in preparing a face mask with the addition of a retinol solution.

The peculiarity of the drug is its wide application for different skin types. In cosmetology, the medicine is suitable:

  1. For those with sensitive skin that reacts with redness to weather conditions, hard water, etc.
  2. Girls with dry skin that cracks and flakes at any time of the year, regardless of the weather and moisturizing creams.
  3. Skin on which wrinkles have formed or are just beginning to appear.
  4. Problem skin with acne, inflammation, rashes and their consequences.

Therapeutic effect

Thiogamma is recommended by doctors for diabetes and alcoholism. The active substance of the drug binds free radicals, which are dangerous due to changes in the structure of the body's cells. The use of the drug Thiogamma has a positive effect on a number of internal processes:

  1. increases glycogen content in the liver;
  2. reduces the concentration of glucose in the blood;
  3. participates in the regulation of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism;
  4. helps overcome insulin resistance;
  5. improves liver function;
  6. affects cholesterol metabolism;
  7. has hepatoprotective, hypolipidemic;
  8. has a detoxification effect during intoxication;
  9. improves endoneurial blood flow in diabetes mellitus;
  10. improves neuronal trophism;
  11. hypocholesterolemic and hypoglycemic effects;
  12. increases the content of glutathione to a physiological value, which leads to an improvement in the functional state of peripheral nerve fibers in diabetic polyneuropathy.


How to use Thiogamma for the face

Thiogamma for the face is used for cosmetic purposes as a lotion or mask. Their differences are that the drug as a solution for wiping the face is sold ready-made, but to prepare the mask you need additional components and following a complex recipe. The lotion only takes time to wipe, it is used daily, and the mask requires time after the scrub massage and before washing off, but you can do it a maximum of twice a week.

How to use as lotion

The medicine is suitable for normal, oily and combination skin, for dry skin it can be used as part of a mask. A weak solution (1.2%) should be used instead of lotion once or twice a day for 10 days. Before using the product, it is important to cleanse the skin on the face and neck in advance and apply the lotion to a cotton pad. You should wipe your face with the solution, not forgetting the skin around the eyes. After use, put the product in the refrigerator where it should be stored. The lotion has a shelf life of no more than a month, after which you need to make a new clean solution. Use the drug 1-2 times a day, morning and evening.

Mask for the face

Using a Thiogamma mask helps smooth out wrinkles and get rid of rashes or acne. There are several types of masks with the drug Thiogamma (using Korilip, powder «Grandma Agafya's recipes» etc.). To prepare one of the masks you will need:

  1. water – 1 tsp;
  2. Thiogamma – 1 tsp;
  3. 2 aspirin tablets;
  4. fine sea salt – 1 tsp;
  5. chamomile decoction – 1 tsp;
  6. 1 capsule of vitamin A for dry skin.

Sea salt is added to the water, the solution is stirred, and applied with a cotton swab to the wrinkle recesses. First you need to crush the aspirin and mix it with Thiogamma. Apply the resulting mask mixture over sea salt. You should massage your face for one minute, then rinse your skin with cool water. Soak a cotton pad with chamomile infusion and wipe your face after washing. If the skin is dry, add a vitamin A capsule to the decoction of the mask to add freshness and to avoid a tightening effect, or apply a moisturizer after using the mask.


Possible side effects

If side effects to the drug (including the mask and solution) occur that are prolonged, you should stop using the drug and consult a doctor. Side effects of the drug can affect a number of organs and internal processes:

  1. On the part of the immune system, the drug can cause allergic reactions (rarely to anaphylactic shock).
  2. From the hematopoiesis and lymphatic system: pinpoint hemorrhages in the mucous membranes, skin, thrombocytopenia, thrombophlebitis, thrombopathy, hemorrhagic rash.
  3. The central nervous system can be affected by changes or disturbances in taste sensations, causing epileptic seizures and convulsions.
  4. The occurrence of diplopia (vision).
  5. The occurrence of allergic skin reactions (urticaria, itching, eczema, rash).
  6. From the gastrointestinal tract it can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.
  7. The occurrence of an allergic reaction at the injection site.
  8. If the drug is administered quickly, intracranial pressure may increase and breathing may become difficult.
  9. The concentration of glucose in the blood may decrease, and symptoms of hypoglycemia may occur (increased sweating, dizziness, headache, visual disturbances).


It is prohibited to use the drug in any form (tablets, concentrate, solution or masks) under 18 years of age, during pregnancy and lactation, and in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Separate contraindications for film-coated tablets. These include: hereditary galactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption and lactase deficiency. Before using the drug, consultation with a doctor is required.


Medicines similar to Thiogamma tablets, which can be used as a mask, can be of different countries and release forms (tablets, concentrate, solution). At the same time, a number of drugs have a similar composition:

  1. Lipoic acid;
  2. Berlition 300 units;
  3. Berlition 300 oral;
  4. Lipamide;
  5. Lipothioxone;
  6. Octolipen;
  7. Thioctacid;
  8. Thioctacid 100 T;
  9. Thioctacid 200;
  10. Thioctacid 600;
  11. Thioctacid 600 T;
  12. Thioctacid BV;
  13. Thiolepta;
  14. Thiolipon;
  15. Espa-Lipon.


You can buy Thiogamma inexpensively in Moscow and the Moscow region at a pharmacy or buy it in an online store by choosing a medicine through a product catalog. The cost of the drug for a solution for infusion of 1 bottle will cost around 200 rubles. Price for 10 bottles of solution (ampoules) for droppers, 50 ml each. varies from 1499 to 1899 rubles:

Thiogamma for the face - the path to beautiful skin (TOP 10 recipes)

Thiogamma for the face - what is it? Every woman has some tricks to prolong her youth. But not everyone knows that in this regard, the method of drug rejuvenation can serve as a significant help.

A worthy example is Thiogamma for the face - an effective remedy for wrinkles. Despite the fact that this is a medicine, it is actively used in cosmetology.

What is Tiogamma famous for in cosmetology?

Thiogamma is a drug used in pharmaceuticals for obesity and lipid metabolism disorders, as well as to stabilize the functions of the central nervous system.

Prescribed for diabetes and alcohol addiction. The composition contains thioctic (alpha-lipoic) acid, which is effective in losing weight and improving the structure of the epidermis. This explains the use of the product in cosmetology.

Using Thiogamma smoothes out the first signs of aging and prevents the appearance of new ones.

This happens due to the antioxidant and regenerating properties of the main active ingredient, which prevent tissue breakdown at the cellular level.

The active component activates the natural production of collagen and restores cell repair function. Under its influence, the dermis is deeply saturated with oxygen, which provides the skin with firmness and elasticity.

The drug can be used not only by elderly women with aging skin, but also by anyone who wants to bring their face into proper shape.

Beneficial effect of Thiogamma:

  1. cleanses and tightens pores;
  2. eliminates inflammatory processes;
  3. treats acne and other irritations;
  4. normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  5. smoothes expression lines;
  6. restores natural complexion;
  7. makes deep wrinkles less noticeable;
  8. discolors pigment spots;
  9. increases turgor;
  10. removes bags and dark circles under the eyes;
  11. protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

5 readings

The factors described below are indications for upgrading in this way.


  1. acne;
  2. dull complexion;
  3. increased skin oiliness;
  4. redness, excessive dryness, uneven tone and other defects;
  5. pronounced wrinkles.

You can judge the benefits of Thiogamma products for the face by looking at reviews and photos - before and after rejuvenating sessions.

What are the forms of release of the drug?

Thiogamma for the face can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription. The product is available in different forms:

  1. concentrated emulsion in ampoules;
  2. solution for droppers and injections in 50 ml bottles;
  3. pills.

The pills are intended for oral administration, so they are first crushed to a powder state.

Price of Thiogamma for the face, depending on the shape:

  1. Tablets – 1500 rub. for 60 pcs.
  2. Concentrated emulsion and weakly concentrated solution - 1600-1700 rubles. for 10 bottles.

After opening the drug, the shelf life remains for a month. To avoid its rapid deterioration, the fence is made with a syringe by piercing the lid.

Instructions for use

It is more convenient to use a solution with a concentration of 1.2% for rejuvenating purposes. It does not require any preparation.

Without harm to health, Tiogamma for the face is used in courses from 10 to 30 days and no more than twice a year. One bottle is just enough for the full course. Store the drug in the refrigerator, packed in special bags (included).

Based on numerous female reviews, it is better to apply Tiogamma for the face in the evening. This is due to the persistent odor from the product, which does not disappear for a long time. But cosmetologists recommend doing this in the morning.

How to use Tiagamma for the face at home:

  1. Lubricate the skin with a clean solution, like lotion or tonic. To do this, soak a cotton pad with the medicine, and first wipe the forehead with gentle movements, then go lower. At the same time, they move strictly along the massage lines.
  2. You can pour the product into a spray bottle and apply it to your face by dusting.
  3. To care for your eyelids, you need to moisten the same discs with Thiogamma and apply them like lotions on top. After a five-minute exposure, remove.

Before the procedure, carefully remove makeup and wash your face. Some time after applying the solution, moisturize the face with any evening cream.

After the first time, some atypical manifestations may occur - slight tingling, redness. This is a normal phenomenon and should not happen again in the future.

This approach will give more effective results on oily, combination and normal skin. But for dry types, it is better to use Thiogamma as part of masks, since even such a low concentration causes peeling and a feeling of tightness.

Thiogamma for the face – video review:

Question answer

Do you need a doctor's consultation before using the product?

What type of drug release form is more convenient to use?

Can Thiogamma solution be applied undiluted?

Recipes for effective beauty masks

Recipes for masks containing Thiogamma differ in purpose and type of skin.

A selection of the most effective masks:

For oily skin (3 recipes)

Here are effective recipes:

  1. Removes oily shine. You will need: alpha lipoic acid (1.2%) – 1 ml, liquid honey – 1 tbsp. l., olive oil – 30 ml, aloe juice – 35-40 ml. Mix the components and apply the resulting mass for 20 minutes. The procedure is carried out once every 2 days. The course of treatment is 10 days.
  2. Cleanses pores, eliminating black comedones. You need: Thiogamma solution – 1-2 ml, avocado and almond oil – 1.5 tsp each, tea tree oil – 1 ml, liquid silk protein – 2 ml, cranberry juice – 3 ml. First, combine the first two ingredients from the list. Then mix the rest separately and heat in a steam bath. Both mixtures are combined. This product is applied to the face 2-3 times a week.
  3. Against acne. You will need Thiogamma and salicylic alcohol (in equal quantities), tea tree ether - 4 drops, Erythromycin - 1 tablet. The tableted medicine is pre-crushed and dissolved in water. Mix in everything else. Then applied to the skin.

For dry and sensitive skin

It is recommended to familiarize yourself with the following recipes:

  1. Nourishes, moisturizes. You need to take nourishing cream - 35 g, alpha-lipoic acid solution - 2-2.5 ml, grape oil - 12 g, vitamins A and E (in ampoules) - 2-3 drops. Combine and apply to the skin surface for 15 minutes. They resort to such sessions three times a week.
  2. Returns elasticity and firmness. You need to take sea buckthorn oil - 1 tbsp. spoon, lifting cream (with panthenol) – 15 g, Tiogamma – 2-3 ml. Apply the mask exclusively in the evening, shortly before bedtime.

For the epidermis, with the first signs of wilting

Try these recipes:

  1. Smoothes expression wrinkles. Take sea or table salt, a little water, Aspirin - 2 tablets, any cosmetic oil, Tiagamma - 2-3 ml. Salt is mixed with water until a paste is obtained. It is evenly distributed over the skin, preferably with a cotton swab. After 10-15 minutes, remove and reapply a mixture of crushed aspirin and Tiagamma. Then they pat their face with their fingertips for half an hour and wash with warm running water. The final touch will be rubbing with chamomile infusion.
  2. Returns a healthy complexion, evens out tone. You need: cosmetic oil base – 10 ml, Thiogamma – 2 ml, liquid ascorbic acid – 1 ml. After mixing the ingredients, lubricate the face and wait a quarter of an hour.
  3. Enhances tissue regeneration, eliminates minor defects. Combine a 1.2% Thiogamma solution with 3.2% retinol (multivitamin A). Each person takes one ampoule. Wipe with this product instead of tonic in the morning and evening. It keeps well in a cool place for about a month.
  4. For wrinkles and dull complexion. You need Thiogamma tablets – 4-5 pcs., cognac – 20 ml, pharmaceutical caffeine – 1 ampoule, weight loss product “Granny Agafya’s Recipes” – 15 ml. Mix everything in the specified amount and apply for 15-20 minutes, then wash off.

All proposed compositions can also be applied to the décolleté area, which gives a visible rejuvenating effect after the first few sessions.

Is harm possible from Thiogamma (9 prohibitions)

Before using the drug for cosmetic purposes, you should carefully read the instructions, in particular, the contraindications.


  1. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  2. children and adolescents under 18 years of age;
  3. allergies and individual intolerance to individual components in the composition;
  4. severe renal and hepatic pathologies;
  5. dehydration;
  6. serious problems with cardiac and respiratory function;
  7. gastrointestinal diseases in the acute stage;
  8. impaired blood clotting;
  9. diabetes.

Before starting external skin care for the face and décolleté, an allergy test is performed. To do this, apply a small amount of the drug to sensitive areas - elbow, wrist. Wait 15 minutes and if no redness or burning appears, then the product is safe for health.

Similar drugs (3 options)

Cosmetic compositions containing the active substance – thioctic acid – can become a complete alternative to Thiogamma.

If there is a fear of possible side effects from the drug, then their use is quite safe.

Since the cost of Tiogamma is not financially feasible for everyone, many women try to select analogues of domestic production.

The list of such funds is presented in the table:

Name Description Visual photo
Octolipen Concentrated liquid
in capsules or tablet form.
Price 10 ampoules – 350-400 rubles,
packs of 30 pills –
about 300 rub.
Lipoic acid Available in tablet form
form. Cost varies
depending on quantity
blisters in packaging, but in
average – 50 rub.
Berlition 300 In tablets – 650-700 rubles.
for 30 pcs, in ampoules – 600 rubles.
for 5 pieces.


The reasonable price, reviews and popularity of Thiogamma for the face in cosmetology could not leave the female sex indifferent, for whom it is so important to always look young and charming.

Therefore, in order to truly appreciate the benefits of this drug, it is worth reading the reviews of those who have already used this method.


“In a beauty salon I learned about such a miracle remedy as Tiogamma. Despite warnings that the drug has many side effects and limitations, I decided to try it.

I bought a solution and mixed it with liquid vitamin A. I wipe my face with the resulting lotion twice a day. Now I’ve practically stopped using nourishing cream, since Tiogamma copes with it fully.”


“I was always wary of using medications for cosmetic purposes. But my friends’ rave reviews about the drug Tiogamma prevailed over my fears, and I decided to try it on myself.

I wiped my face daily with a clean solution, which is sold in ampoules. I noticed the result after the second time - I looked younger and fresher for several years.”

Expert opinion

Michelle Ellern

practicing cosmetologist-dermatologist

According to reviews from cosmetologists, Tiogamma for the face solves many skin problems. It is just not recommended to use the drug for a long period of time, since its absolute harmlessness has not been confirmed in the laboratory.

Theda Contis

plastic surgeon

Be careful when using any masks, as improper use can be harmful. It's better to consult your doctor first.

Experts, for the most part, speak positively about the use of Thiogamma to restore youth and prevent the appearance of early symptoms of aging.

The drug can be used either in its natural form or in combination with other products and formulations.