Rumman - grenade launcher

Sweet pomegranate is cold to the first degree, wet to the same degree, and sour is dry to the second degree.

Actions and properties.
Sour pomegranate, especially its syrup, suppresses yellow bile and prevents the flow of excess into the intestines. All types of pomegranates, even sour ones, have cleansing and astringent properties.

Pomegranate seeds with honey are a good ointment for nail infections.

Wounds and ulcers.
Pomegranate seeds with honey are used as an ointment for malignant ulcers, and pomegranate petioles, especially burnt ones, are used for wounds. The warmth of wild pomegranate flowers makes wounds stick together. Sweet pomegranate is softening, all parts of it provide scant but good nutrition. A sour pomegranate is sometimes healthier for the stomach than apples and quinces, but its grains are bad. The most astringent part of it is the petioles. Pomegranate seeds, both sweet and unsweetened, are astringent.

Organs of the head.
Pomegranate seeds with honey are useful for toothache and earache; This is a good ointment for the inside of the nose. Crushed pomegranate seeds mixed with honey are used as an ointment for kul. If you boil sweet pomegranate in wine, and then crush it as it dries and apply it as a medicinal bandage on the ear, this is a great help for ear tumors. Pomegranate syrup and thickly boiled pomegranate juice help with hangovers, especially sour ones.

Organs of the eye.
Squeezed juice of sour pomegranate helps against pterygoid hymen.

Chest and respiratory organs.
Sour pomegranate makes the chest and throat rough, while sweet pomegranate softens them and strengthens the breasts. Drinking pomegranate seeds in rainwater is beneficial for hemoptysis. All parts of the pomegranate helped with heart failure, and the sweet pomegranate cleanses the insides.

Nutritional organs.
The sour pomegranate helps against inflammation of the stomach, the sweet is good for the stomach due to its inherent slight astringent property, and the sour pomegranate is harmful to the stomach

Pomegranate seeds are also harmful to the stomach, and pomegranate oatmeal is suitable for satisfying the whims of pregnant women, as well as its juice, boiled until thick, especially sour. It is better for a feverish person to take it after eating than before eating, because it then prevents the rise of steam and removes matter from below.

Eruption organs.
Sour pomegranate drives urine more strongly than sweet pomegranate, but both are diuretics. Pomegranate seeds with honey help against ulcers in the anus, but sour pomegranate is harmful to the anus and intestines. Pomegranate oatmeal helps against biliary diarrhea and strengthens the stomach, and the pomegranate root peel in nabiza removes worms and “pumpkin seeds”; they take it as it is, or take its decoction.

The sourish pomegranate is beneficial for fevers and inflammation, but as for sweets, it is often harmful for those suffering from acute fevers.