Causes of pimples on fingers

Water pimples on the fingers cannot be ignored. This phenomenon can be a symptom of a serious disease; in addition, they cause significant discomfort to a person and look very unaesthetic. However, before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out the cause of the pathology, since otherwise the therapy will be ineffective.



Most often, water pimples on the fingers appear in the autumn-winter period, and then go away on their own without treatment. It happens less often that this phenomenon is observed constantly. In the first case, the appearance of watery subcutaneous pimples on the fingers is associated with dry skin and vitamin deficiency; in the second case, the reasons may be more serious and indicate the presence of pathological processes in the body.

The reasons why unsightly and discomfort-provoking pimples appear on the hands may be as follows:

  1. infectious diseases;
  2. parasites;
  3. nervous diseases and stress conditions;
  4. allergy;
  5. metabolic disorders, endocrine diseases;
  6. disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract;
  7. fungal and bacterial skin lesions;
  8. influence of aggressive external environment;
  9. lack of proper hand hygiene and many others.

The most common reasons will be discussed in more detail below.

Infectious diseases

Watery pimples on a child’s fingers and toes may be associated with childhood infectious pathologies. For example, chickenpox, rubella, scarlet fever and others. In this case, pathological rashes cover not only the upper limbs, but also other parts of the body. You can see liquid inside the blisters, and in most cases they cause great discomfort to the child - itching appears, the baby scratches them, and the area where the pimples spread increases. In addition, the child may develop a fever, weakness and other symptoms.

With a fungal infection of the skin, water pimples may also appear on the fingers. In this case, they are localized in the area of ​​damage to the skin - in the area of ​​scratches, cuts or cracks.

Another disease, the symptom of which is the appearance of small watery pimples on the fingers, is pemphigus. Scientists have not fully established the causes of this disease, but some doctors are confident in the viral origin of the pathology. In this case, the rash initially appears on the mucous membranes and lips, and as it progresses it can affect other parts of the human body. There is liquid inside the bubbles, and if the bubble bursts and it flows out, large areas of erosion appear.



Quite often, water pimples on the fingers are associated with infection of the skin by a microscopic parasite called scabies mite. Infection occurs through skin contact with a sick person. The disease is called scabies. The clinical picture is as follows:

  1. Watery pimples between the fingers, on the hands and sometimes on the forearms and feet.
  2. Itching, the intensity of which intensifies at night. This is explained by the fact that it is at night that the subcutaneous mite begins to actively feed and reproduce. Also, discomfort may become stronger after swimming in warm water.
  3. You can see scabies on the skin, which look like stripes of gray or pinkish color.
  4. Drying and peeling of the skin.
  5. Since the patient is bothered by itching, scratches, ulcers, weeping wounds and bloody crusts appear on the skin - all these are signs of infection of the scratched areas.

It is very important to understand that scabies is a contagious disease, and the patient must be aware that he poses a threat to others.

Allergic reactions

If you have an allergy on your fingers, water pimples may appear as the body's response to the influence of a provocateur. An allergy can develop to anything - to frost and cold, to sunlight, to animals, flowers, food, household chemicals, etc. Popularly, allergic small watery pimples on the fingers are called urticaria. They will appear every time there is contact with an allergen, so it is urgent to find out what exactly the patient is allergic to. An allergist can help with this, who will conduct special tests and prescribe antihistamine therapy. Knowing the causes of allergies, the patient must minimize contact with the allergen, otherwise, after treatment, pimples will appear again.

Endocrine system diseases

The cause of watery pimples on the fingers may be a hormonal imbalance. Waiting for the pathology to go away on its own is not only impractical, but also quite dangerous. Hormonal imbalance is a serious pathology that can cause disruptions in the functionality of internal organs. You need to understand that in this way the body gives a signal that its work is being disrupted. Therefore, if symptomatic treatment of water pimples between the fingers does not have a positive effect, you should consult an endocrinologist.

Lack of proper hygiene

Bacteria multiply very quickly, and if hand hygiene is not carried out in a timely manner, they will not be destroyed, and they will create large colonies. In the absence of proper hygiene, the human skin becomes a favorable environment for the development and reproduction of pathological microorganisms, which, as a rule, cause itching, irritation and rashes on the skin.

Other pathologies

The appearance of various rashes on the hands may be a signal of skin cancer. Tumors, both benign and malignant, can take the form of moles, warts, plaques, pimples, and so on.

If acne on the hands does not respond to any treatment for a long time, but continues to spread, perhaps its cause lies in a genetic disease.

Often the cause of skin rashes is nervous tension and prolonged stress. A malfunction of the nervous system always leaves a negative impact on the functioning of internal organs, and internal diseases already manifest themselves in the form of acne. In this case, acne will not be the only symptom; there will be other signs.

Increased dryness - the skin loses its protective functions, as a result of which external factors provoke the occurrence of acne.

Metabolic disorders, pathologies of the digestive system, ailments of the reproductive system - acne in these cases first appears only on the fingers, and then can be observed on the hands and forearms.

Using aggressive household chemicals without rubber gloves in itself can cause acne to appear on your hands, and in addition, harmful chemicals can damage the skin, resulting in infection in the wounds, and consequently, acne.

Watery pimples near the nails


As a rule, pimples that appear in the area of ​​the nail plate are associated with dyshidrosis. This is a group of conditions that can be either an independent illness or a sign of skin pathologies. In medical practice, a distinction is made between dyshidrotic eczema and true dyshidrosis.

Dyshidrotic eczema most often appears after severe nervous experiences, as well as as a result of allergic reactions. First, a small rash appears, and then pimples form, filled with clear liquid and causing severe itching.

True dyshidrosis occurs with the development of pathological processes in the sweat glands.

Treatment with medications


As is clear from the above, there are various causes of water pimples on the fingers, and treatment, accordingly, will also vary. Therefore, a doctor should prescribe therapy after identifying the cause of the pathology.

To treat scabies, it is necessary to use external preparations, such as sulfur ointment, for a week.

To eliminate a rash that appears as a result of chickenpox, measles or other infectious diseases, treatment is prescribed by a doctor. In some cases, hospitalization of the patient is required.

You can get rid of fungal skin lesions with the help of antimycoid agents, which must be prescribed by a specialist, since many of them are quite toxic.

Allergic rashes are treated with antihistamines, which can be taken orally or used externally.

Treatment with folk remedies


If water pimples appear on your fingers, traditional healers know how to treat them. It is more effective to use folk recipes as a complement to traditional treatment.

  1. Mix cosmetic clay with water to a paste, apply to clean hands for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.
  2. Many medicinal herbs have an anti-inflammatory effect, such as calendula, chamomile, celandine or string. For half a liter of water you need to take 2 tablespoons of dry plant material, boil for a couple of minutes, leave, strain and regularly wipe the problem areas with the broth.
  3. 3 times a day you can treat the skin with viburnum juice, aloe or birch decoction.
  4. Raw potatoes are very good at eliminating itching and discomfort that cause skin rashes. You need to grate the potatoes and apply them to the affected area.
  5. Parsley also treats acne; you need to chop it, squeeze the juice out of it and wipe your skin with it twice a day.

What to do during an exacerbation?


During the acute period, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Know that lack of sleep, stress, and poor nutrition are provoking factors, so they must be eliminated.
  2. Follow a diet. Dietary nutrition involves excluding from the diet foods that can provoke allergic reactions.
  3. Use medications prescribed by your doctor correctly and in the right dosage. We must remember that hormonal agents, as well as agents against fungal infections, must be used in strict dosages to avoid complications.
  4. It is necessary to wash your hands more often so that the wounds from bursting bubbles do not get infected, and if there is a need to use household chemicals during treatment, you must wear rubber gloves.
  5. Regularly lubricate your hands with hypoallergenic cream or use glycerin or vaseline oil.
  6. You need to consume more fluids, as well as vitamins A, B, E.
  7. If the blister has burst, under no circumstances should you peel off the skin, and you should also refrain from scratching the pimples. If the itching is very severe, it is recommended to use folk remedies that will reduce discomfort.
  8. If the lesion is very severe, you can use bandages with antiseptics.
  9. For large purulent pimples, you should contact a surgeon, as it may be a carbuncle.



To prevent unpleasant pimples from appearing on your hands, you must follow preventive measures:

  1. When washing dishes, doing laundry, or cleaning the room, you should wear household gloves only, which will protect the skin from aggressive chemical compounds.
  2. Reduce physical contact with people who are not part of your circle of loved ones and acquaintances. After shaking hands, you must wash your hands thoroughly.
  3. In cold windy weather, as well as in frost, you need to wear gloves that will prevent dehydration and chapping of the skin.
  4. It is necessary to minimize the number of stressful situations.
  5. Even with minor scratches and cracks of the skin, it is recommended to carry out antiseptic treatment so as not to leave a gateway for infectious pathogens.
  6. If you have an allergic reaction, it is important to be careful when coming into contact with potential allergens.


Hands require constant care and attention, and it does not matter who their owner is - a child, a doctor, a builder or a musician. If the skin on your hands is unhealthy, it is always not only an aesthetic inconvenience, but also severe discomfort. Whatever the reasons for the appearance of acne on the hands, this problem must be eliminated without putting it off “for tomorrow.” It is necessary to consult a doctor, find out what is wrong, and begin the correct treatment. It is quite possible that the dermatologist will refer the patient to other specialists - an infectious disease specialist, immunologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist or neurologist, because acne can cause serious pathology not related to skin diseases.

Watery blisters (pimples) on the fingers – a common symptom that rarely occurs as an independent disease and most often acts as a manifestation of another serious pathology.

Only a specialist can determine the exact cause of the appearance of small itchy blisters on the hands. It is difficult to independently identify the provoking factor that led to the appearance of blisters on the fingers.


When can watery blisters, sometimes called pimples, appear on the fingers? All causes can be divided into physiological and pathological. Curing the former will not be difficult, but getting rid of the latter will not be so quick.

Physiological reasons for the appearance of blisters on the fingers include:

  1. Dirt and dust that accumulates on the hands and cannot be removed by washing hands with soap.
  2. Daily use of household chemicals without household gloves.
  3. Prolonged interaction of hands with water.
  4. Severe frost, as well as autumn time with sharp cooling.
  5. Burnt by plants - nettle, hemlock, hogweed.

But there is another large group of reasons why blisters appear on the fingers not only of the hands, but also of the toes. And this phenomenon can be observed in both adults and children. Such reasons include:

  1. Nervous tension and stress.
  2. Viral infections, especially in children - measles, rubella, chickenpox.
  3. Fungal infection.
  4. Scabies mite.
  5. Avitaminosis.
  6. Impaired immunity after a serious illness.
  7. Poor nutrition.
  8. Diseases of the digestive system.
  9. Lack of sleep.
  10. Smoking and frequent drinking of alcoholic beverages.
  11. Hormonal imbalances.
  12. Side effects after taking certain medications.

If the watery blisters on your fingers itch, you need to consult a specialist as soon as possible to find out the cause of this phenomenon and begin treatment.

First aid

If watery blisters appear on the fingers and they are very itchy, the patient should be given first aid before visiting a doctor.

You can achieve a good effect using the following simple methods:

  1. Lubricate your hands with the juice of a fresh cabbage leaf.
  2. Keep the brushes in a bath with chamomile infusion or decoction.
  3. Make lotions from oatmeal crushed in a blender.
  4. Lubricate the itchy areas with aloe juice, which should be diluted half with water.

The danger of itching is that during scratching, the infection, if present, spreads to healthy areas of the epidermis, and the itching itself becomes simply unbearable. In addition, an open wound on the skin is always a reason for the addition of another infection, which can significantly complicate the course of the initial disease.

Therefore, if small watery blisters appear on the fingers, you must try to get rid of the itching using all available methods.


How to treat watery blisters (pimples) on the fingers? First of all, everything here will depend on what caused the disease.

It is not the symptom itself (bubbles on the fingers) that should be treated, but the disease that caused it.

If the reason turned out to be nervous tension, your doctor may recommend taking mild sedatives. You can buy them at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. These medications include:

The patient is recommended to drink mint tea or chamomile decoction. After starting treatment, all symptoms disappear literally within 3 to 4 days.

The second quite common reason is mycosis (fungal infection). The main manifestation of fungal infection is dry skin that constantly cracks, the presence of small blisters with liquid contents inside, which often appear between the fingers.

After some time, the nails also begin to be affected - they peel, become thick and ugly.

Skin fungus is treated with specially developed antifungal drugs - mycosan, clotrimazole, exoderil, loteril. The patient is recommended not only to apply the drug to the skin and nails, but also to take it in tablet form.

The third reason is infectious diseases. And usually we are talking about a childhood illness like chickenpox. Unfortunately, today there is not a single medicine that would help get rid of watery blisters between the fingers if they appear as a result of chickenpox. It is recommended to lubricate such bubbles with a good antiviral drug, acyclovir.

The fourth reason is streptoderma. This also includes pyoderma, in which blisters on the skin appear as a result of one or another purulent lesion of the skin.

This is a large group of skin diseases that can be caused by staphylococci or streptococci. Watery blisters on a child's fingers with severe itching – this is the main manifestation of this pathological condition.

The treatment uses antibiotics, which will be prescribed by a doctor, and the skin is necessarily treated with brilliant green. The patient is advised to eat more fruits and vegetables, drink more rosehip decoction and under no circumstances wet the inflamed areas.

Fifth reason - scabies. This is a dangerous contagious disease caused by the scabies mite. The peculiarity of the disease is that skin itching begins to intensify in the evening and at night, and on the skin you can notice the passages that the tick makes while moving under the epidermis.

Treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor. The main drugs in the treatment of scabies will be benzyl benzoate, ivermectin, spregal.

Sixth reason - prickly heat. However, this condition practically does not affect the fingers, and if it develops, it is in the presence of certain provoking factors, for example, prolonged wearing of synthetic fabrics, frequent use of latex seals, applying too greasy cream to the hands, or using expired cosmetics.

Small watery blisters on the fingers during prickly heat are most often no more than 2 cm in size. If the patient scratches his hands vigorously, an infection may occur, which will be diagnosed as microbial eczema.

Treatment of prickly heat on the hands is long-term and should be carried out only by a doctor using antibiotics, antihistamines, calcium supplements, and agents that improve metabolism.

Seventh reason - allergy. Watery blisters on your fingers itch - what is it? This is the symptom that usually appears during an allergic reaction. This condition is treated only with antihistamines - citrine, tavegil, fenistil.

Watery blisters on the skin of the fingers require only medical treatment and the prescription of specialist medications. Self-medication is life-threatening!

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Traditional methods of treatment

For treatment fungal infections Traditional medicine can offer two actually effective recipes:

  1. Brew natural coffe from freshly ground grains, wait for the drink to cool completely and make finger baths for 10 - 15 minutes.
  2. Treat skin and nails with natural tea tree oil twice a day. This method is excellent not only for treatment, but also for prevention.

For treatment prickly heat An infusion of oak bark is perfect, which is recommended to lubricate the places where bubbles appear.

There are watery blisters on the fingers and toes resulting from scabies, the following folk recipes can help:

  1. Crush 100 grams garlic, pour in 500 ml mustard oil and boil for 20 minutes. After cooling, squeeze out the garlic and use the resulting oil to lubricate the affected areas.
  2. Rub into inflamed skin lavender oil.

If watery blisters appear on your hands between your fingers as a reaction to an allergy, then it is recommended to drink an infusion of the series. It’s easy to prepare – leave 4 large spoons of the herb in a liter of boiling water overnight and take half a glass three times a day.

Watery blisters on the fingers of a child and an adult require immediate treatment. If this is not done, an infection will develop on the skin damaged by itching, and the duration of treatment can be several months.

If irritation occurs

How to treat watery blisters on the fingers if they itch? First aid is to take an antihistamine. Today, doctors are increasingly prescribing fenistil in the form of drops to their patients for itchy skin.

The medicine helps relieve symptoms of itching, tension and discomfort in a short time.

A cold compress helps, and you can add camphor oil, menthol or tea tree oil to the water.

If itching appears as a result of scabies, then birch tar has a good effect, which should be used to lubricate the irritated areas.

Blisters or pimples on the fingers and toes are always a symptom of the disease. These signs of illness cannot be ignored. However, they can be completely avoided. To do this, you need to follow certain simple rules:

  1. Avoid stressful situations.
  2. Follow a diet from which allergy-causing foods should be excluded.
  3. Observe hygiene rules. However, if pimples on the fingers are the result of pyoderma, then water procedures should be abandoned until complete recovery.
  4. Use household chemicals only with gloves.
  5. Drink more water during the day, preferably still and clean, always at room temperature.
  6. In spring, winter and autumn, take a full course of vitamins and minerals, and the drug should be selected according to age.

It is important to remember that for a complete recovery, it is necessary to find and eliminate the cause of the appearance of watery blisters (pimples), which can even appear on the bones of the fingers, as quickly as possible.

Subcutaneous rash

Subcutaneous pimples on the fingertips require strict medical supervision, especially if this pathology is detected in a child.

Treatment will consist of a mandatory intake of an antibiotic (most often amoxicillin or flemoxin), a course of vitamin therapy (the ideal option is to drink those tablets that contain vitamins A and E), and on the watery pimples themselves you can apply antibacterial ointments or creams, and also treat them with brilliant green .

Auxiliary methods of therapy if bubbles with liquid appear on the fingers include:

  1. Salt baths with sea salt.
  2. Apply iodine to each pimple.
  3. Use ichthyol ointment if there are too many watery blisters and they begin to spread throughout the body.
  4. Juice of one lemon diluted in 400 ml of water. It can be used to treat existing rashes throughout the body.

If you do everything correctly, the bubbles under the skin on your fingertips will soon disappear.

Red pimples

If bubbles appear on the fingers near the nails, and then begin to spread throughout the hand, this is usually an infectious lesion.

In treatment, it is also recommended to use antibiotics in the form of tablets for oral administration, or antibacterial ointments for application to the affected areas.

Your doctor may recommend treating such pimples with salicylic acid or alcohol tincture of calendula. As a result, they will begin to dry out and gradually disappear on their own.

Watery and purulent pimples

Dyshidrotic eczema is a chronic, often exacerbating disease, which is accompanied by the appearance of watery blisters on the skin - pimples, severe itching with further formation of ulcers. Most often it is the fingers that are affected.

The disease is usually inherited and has no specific treatment. To alleviate the condition, it is recommended to lubricate the blisters with aloe juice, an antipruritic cream, drink a complex of vitamins and be sure to visit a dermatologist.


Watery blisters (pimples) on the fingers can appear for a variety of reasons. However, to avoid this you just need to strictly adhere to some preventive rules:

  1. Boost your immunity.
  2. Lead a healthy lifestyle.
  3. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
  4. Avoid stress.
  5. Work with household chemicals only with gloves.
  6. Observe hygiene rules.

If watery blisters appear on your fingers due to allergies, you should definitely keep a good antihistamine in your medicine cabinet at home. Today, fenistil drops can be considered an ideal option for children and adults.

Author - Anna Mikhailova, dermatologist-cosmetologist of the first category, specialist at the Academy of Scientific Beauty. Especially for the site “Treating Acne”.

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My experience with acne treatment

My name is Mikhail and I want to share with you a unique drug for treating acne. Not so long ago I myself suffered from acne - and I must say, neither I nor my girlfriend liked it.

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Pimples on the hands never appear out of nowhere - there are reasons for their occurrence that need to be clarified before starting therapy. Provocateurs of such a symptom can be both physiological processes occurring in the body and some external factors.

But a very dangerous situation is when the formation of areas covered with rashes is caused by pathological processes. At the same time, pimples on the fingers can appear not only due to dermatological diseases, but also against the background of disruption of the functioning of internal organs or entire systems.

We will find out all the possible factors that provoke this symptom. The treatment of the rash on the fingers will depend on what exactly caused it.

Causes of rashes

So, the most common causes of rashes on the hands are:

  1. allergy;
  2. parasitic dermatological diseases;
  3. infectious diseases;
  4. fungal pathologies;
  5. metabolic disorder;
  6. genetically determined disorders;
  7. change in hormonal profile;
  8. nervous disorders;
  9. external factors.

Let's take a closer look at all of the above reasons why your fingers itch and pimples appear.

Allergic reaction


Each of us has encountered allergies. Neither age nor gender have any effect on the likelihood of developing such a reaction of the body to various stimuli. Small pimples on the fingers may just indicate the manifestation of such a response to food, taking medications, contact with the juice of certain plants or animal hair (including domestic ones).

Most often, such rashes indicate urticaria. In parallel with them, pockets of redness and itching appear, which begin to peel off after a few days.

Parasitic dermatological pathologies


Pimples on the palms and fingers may well indicate the development of one or another infectious or parasitic disease of a dermatological nature. In particular:

  1. Demodectic mange. The disease is caused by the demodex mite. It is characterized by the appearance of pimples on the fingers, as well as between them. Despite the fact that most often the pathology affects the face, lesions can also occur on the upper and lower extremities.
  2. Scabies. Another parasitic cause of the formation of small pimples on the fingers. The pathology is caused by the scabies mite, which makes “moves” in the thickness of the skin, making its way deep into them. Due to the release of waste products of the parasite, skin irritation occurs, itching and burning occurs. A person notices the formation of pimples on the fingers, which itch and appear to be filled with clear liquid.

Important! If such pathologies are not treated, this can lead to infection of other people in contact with the patient.

Infectious diseases


Pimples on the fingers can be the result of more serious pathologies of viral etiology:

  1. Chickenpox. It is caused by the herpes virus type 3. If a watery pimple appears on your finger, which is very itchy and painful, and at the same time there is severe pain in the affected area and an increase in body temperature, this may well indicate chickenpox.
  2. Shingles or herpes simplex. The disease is caused by the same virus as chickenpox. The bumps on the hand are sporadic at first, but if left untreated, they will begin to become larger and more numerous. Thus, gradually the foci of the infectious-inflammatory process will spread to healthy areas of the skin, and not only the upper extremities. It affects the nerve endings, so the disease is accompanied by severe pain. For herpetic red bumps on the hands, not only antiviral, but also symptomatic therapy is carried out - antipyretic and analgesic.
  3. Rubella. The rash forms pinkish spots or papules. Pimples on the fingers are not the only ones - the rash also affects other parts of the body. Rubella is characterized by enlarged lymph nodes and general malaise.
  4. Corey. This is an extremely dangerous infectious disease that affects mainly children, but adults are not immune from it. Pimples on a child’s fingers, rashes on the stomach, white spots on the gums, high body temperature and dyspeptic disorders are the main symptoms of this disease. If you do not seek help in a timely manner, the situation may be complicated by meningitis or encephalitis.

These diseases are dangerous, but some of them can be prevented by immunization.

Read about the reasons for the appearance of red spots on the hands at the link

Fungal infections


A rash on the fingers may also indicate the development of mycoses. The fungal etiology of the disease is recognized by intense peeling, itching, burning and the formation of crusts - “ribbed” surfaces in the area of ​​the affected epidermis. The rashes can be spotty or blistered - it all depends on what type of fungus they were caused by.

Read about the causes and methods of eliminating peeling on your hands at the link

Metabolic disorder

Metabolism failure can cause the formation of subcutaneous acne on the fingers. Moreover, the rashes will be localized not only on the limbs, but also on the face. Failure of metabolism leads to disruption of the functioning of many organs and systems, therefore, along with the rash, patients note the appearance of digestive problems, mood swings, and deterioration in the functioning of the reproductive system.

Genetic disorders

Genetic predisposition to acne is, unfortunately, a reality. This is especially unpleasant for girls, since they have to spend a lot of time and effort to disguise the defect.

Hormonal changes


If small pimples appear on your hands, and at the same time problems arise with the nervous system, hair, nails, or heart, then negative changes in the hormonal profile may be to blame. An imbalance of hormones in the thyroid gland, ovaries in women or testes in men, adrenal glands and the hypothalamic-pituitary system can lead to similar consequences.

Nervous and mental disorders


Pimples on the fingers often appear in people exposed to constant stress, anxiety, and neuroses. Patients with neurasthenia and prolonged depression are also susceptible to such rashes.

Influence of external factors


If watery pimples suddenly appear on your fingers, you need to make sure that they are not the result of:

  1. unhealthy diet with a predominance of flour, sweet or heavy foods;
  2. abuse of certain drinks - tea, coffee, cocoa, alcohol;
  3. use of low-quality or incorrectly selected cosmetics;
  4. hypothermia or, conversely, overheating of the skin (including frostbite and sunburn).

Many people develop pimples on the skin of their hands due to simple neglect of hygiene rules. Overuse of antibacterial soap and hard water can also cause irritation that can manifest as such a symptom.

What to do with such rashes?

First you need to understand why a pimple formed on your hand. Without finding out the cause, no treatment will produce results. Moreover, blind therapy can significantly aggravate the situation and harm health.


Let's briefly consider the main therapeutic tactics for pimples on the finger. The recommendations are not a guide to self-medication, although they are given taking into account the etiology of the rash.

  1. For fungal pathologies, the use of antifungal medications is indicated. They have antifungal properties and also eliminate the unpleasant symptoms accompanying the disease. It is extremely important to carry out comprehensive treatment, that is, take tablets or capsules, and treat problem areas with ointments or creams. Effective in the fight against fungi are Nystatin, Clotrimazole, Fluconazole, etc.
  2. If a pimple on your finger is the result of an allergic reaction, take antihistamines. This applies to any manifestations of allergies - skin, nervous, digestive. Ketotifen, Suprastin, Fenkarol, Nixar, Eden, Loratadine help to cope well with this ailment. The medicine Diazolin is considered obsolete, but if you don’t have anything else at hand, you can use it.
  3. In case of infectious pathologies, such as measles or rubella, the patient must remain in bed. At the same time, it is important to drink plenty of fluids and follow a diet.
  4. For chickenpox and herpes zoster, antiviral therapy is carried out. As in previous cases, it is important to eat right and move less. Antipyretic and pain-relieving medications should be taken if necessary.
  5. If a pimple on a finger is caused by external factors, then you need to understand which ones. The only way out of this situation is to exclude them, to stop their effect on the body.

Rashes on the hands have many causes, on which, as we have seen, treatment tactics depend. If the patient has doubts about the correctness of his suspicions about the diagnosis, he should not delay contacting a doctor. First, you need to make an appointment with a dermatologist, who, after conducting primary diagnostic procedures, will, if necessary, refer the patient to another specialist.