Wrinkle relief how to use

After 30 years, regenerating cosmetics gradually replace simple moisturizing and nourishing creams in a woman’s beauty arsenal. During this period, and more and more with each subsequent year, the production of natural elastin and collagen in the skin is reduced, and the requirements for means for restoring the lost properties of the epidermis are becoming more stringent, because now we are talking about the fight against wrinkles. A drug that has already proven itself positively, as follows from the reviews of cosmetologists, “Radevit” ointment for wrinkles, will become the object of today’s detailed analysis.


Description of the ointment

Despite the fact that we are talking about a remedy for wrinkles, the instructions for using Radevit ointment classify the product strictly as a dermoprotector.

Reference. Dermoprotectors are drugs that protect the epidermis from the influence of microbial and other negative flora that can worsen the health of the skin. So, there are more than ten skin diseases of inflammatory and chronic nature, for which the use of ointment is justified. The effect of facial ointment "Radevit" against wrinkles, according to reviews and expert opinions, is based on accelerating regeneration processes and aseptic properties that stop the development of foci of inflammation.

The ointment is dispensed in aluminum tubes of 10, 20 and 35 g, packed in a cardboard box with instructions for use inside. The ointment itself has a smooth, uniform consistency, color from white to white with a yellowish tint.

Main components of the ointment

The official instructions for the Radevit anti-wrinkle ointment highlight two categories of substances responsible for the action of the drug - these are the active main components of the composition and the supporting elements that make up the bulk of the finished substance. The leading components of the drug are the following vitamins:

  1. Vitamin A in the form of retinol palmitate, of which only 100 g of medicinal product contains 10 mg. The vitamin significantly slows down the aging process of the skin and successfully copes with wrinkles of low and medium intensity.
  2. Vitamin E in the form of alpha-tocopherol (5 mg), smoothes out unevenness of the epidermis and actively nourishes cells.
  3. Vitamin D2, also called erogocalciferol. Actually, this is a provocateur of regeneration processes, thanks to which the layers of the epidermis are rapidly renewed, pushing the cells to produce more and more new portions of collagen.

As can be seen from the list of the main components of the “Radevit” ointment for wrinkles, reviews and instructions, there are no fundamental elements that could cope with severely withered skin or deep facial folds, so the product cannot be called a panacea for all signs of aging of the epidermis.


Auxiliary elements of the ointment

The entire amount of substance contained in the tube capacity accounts for more than 95% of elements of auxiliary, that is, secondary properties. Of these, only a few are contained in such a dosage that they can affect the action and consistency of the ointment. Let's call them:

  1. white cosmetic Vaseline;
  2. glycerol;
  3. emulsion wax;
  4. butylated hydroxytoluene;
  5. ethanol;
  6. water.

Emulsion wax retains natural moisture in the epidermis, thereby preventing increased production of sebum. The substance is well absorbed, has a matting effect and dictates the optimal consistency of the finished ointment.

Ethyl alcohol is the most common antiseptic, significantly reducing the feeling of a greasy film that appears after using most medicinal ointments. If the skin is too dry and prone to flaking, products with alcohol are recommended to be used with caution.

Butylated hydroxytoluene is a typical preservative that determines the shelf life of the ointment and is only suitable for people who are not prone to allergies. Due to this substance, which can cause the risk of developing tumors, the use of Radevit ointment for wrinkles is limited to the strict framework of the course of treatment.

Glycerin is designed to moisturize the skin, but this action is carried out with a certain clarification: the air humidity in the room must be at least 60%, which in itself is an incorrect condition, since measuring humidity in a domestic environment is an unrealistic task. At a lower percentage of air humidity, glycerin continues to perform its function of extracting moisture, but in the opposite direction, that is, pulling it out of the epidermis. Therefore, this element also requires careful use, despite its ubiquity.


What is Radevit used for?

It can be noted that in numerous reviews, cosmetologists do not recognize “Radevit” ointment for wrinkles as a panacea. Of course, in some cases, when it comes to a low threshold of skin sensitivity to the components of the drug, the treatment results are high, but in most cases, experts noted visual improvements in the skin by 20-40%. For minor problems - skin fatigue without pronounced wrinkles, the cosmetic effect of the ointment is more pronounced.

The manufacturer indicates in the annotation only the official area of ​​application of the product, that is, the treatment of open skin diseases, but there is also an unspoken instruction compiled on the basis of real user reviews of the “Radevit” ointment for wrinkles:

  1. nourishing and moisturizing dry skin and blocking excess oily skin;
  2. rapid restoration of skin after microdamage;
  3. stretching of colloidal scars;
  4. relieving signs of irritation;
  5. pushing out fine wrinkles and eliminating signs of skin fatigue (circles under the eyes, sagging nasolabial folds);
  6. acceleration of healing of burns from ultraviolet radiation.

Few people know, but this drug can also be found in another version - also an external remedy with one significant difference - instead of vitamin D2, D3 is included in the composition. This anti-wrinkle drug, Radevit Active ointment, has received almost more enthusiastic reviews than the original version. And all thanks to the unique property of enhanced vitamin D3, which has the following beneficial properties for the skin:

  1. acceleration of metabolic processes at the cellular level;
  2. preventive protection of the skin from the harmful effects of the environment;
  3. development of skin immunity - preventing the appearance of inflammatory foci and speedy healing of existing ones.

A cosmetologist can help you decide on the choice of product. To do this, the specialist must define clear conditions for the desired result and, in accordance with these goals, determine the strength of the therapeutic effect necessary for a given case.


Duration of ointment use

"Radevit" is used only for course treatment for an optimal period of 45 days. If necessary, the course is repeated, but not earlier than 7 days after the first, otherwise the body will be overloaded with active vitamins. Be sure to test the medicine before starting the course by rubbing it into the wrist area. The result is assessed after 2-4 hours, but sometimes the body’s reaction is delayed, so it is better to decide on the advisability of using the product the next day after the test.

Treatment options

Treatment can be carried out in several ways, but within one course, the use of ointment should be the same. After a break, if the result seems insufficient, the method of application and the number of applications can be changed.

  1. To get rid of chronic skin fatigue and resulting signs such as sagging facial contours in the afternoon, gray skin color, enlarged pores, shallow wrinkles along facial lines, the ointment is recommended to be applied once a day before bedtime.
  2. For pronounced signs of aging and severe dry skin or existing damage (scars, post-acne wounds and spots), the ointment is used twice a day.

To achieve the best effect, evening application is best done after steaming the skin or taking a bath, and the ointment is distributed not only over the “mask” area of ​​the face, but also over the neck and upper chest, which undergo aging along with the facial area. The technique of saturating the skin with a vitamin composition is combined with massage - the ointment is driven in with the pads of the fingers until completely absorbed. After 30 minutes, the remaining product on the skin is removed with a paper napkin.


When ointment should not be used

In their reviews, cosmetologists advise purchasing “Radevit” anti-wrinkle ointment only after passing tests to determine the amount of vitamins in the blood serum. The fact is that an excess of any of the three vitamins included in the ointment can lead to the opposite results and even cause serious allergies. In most cases, the analysis shows a significant lag behind the norms on all three points.

You will have to postpone the course of skin restoration if you are currently using any product containing retinoids. The ointment itself contains as much as 10 mg of retinol (vitamin A) per 100 g of substance, which in itself is a threshold dosage. Due to the high content of this aggressive vitamin, there is a ban on using the product on the eyelid area.

"Radevit" is not prescribed to pregnant and lactating women, with rare exceptions not related to cosmetic defects. It is also recommended not to use the ointment if you are allergic to at least one element of the finished substance.

Side effects

The occurrence of almost all side effects can be prevented by taking the above tests - this is an assessment of the vitamin set in the blood serum and allergy tests. If both types of studies yield results in which the use of the product is acceptable, undesirable consequences should not occur. In general, the following symptoms are noted that can be attributed to side effects due to incompatibility of the vitamin composition and individual skin preferences:

  1. skin irritation - increased dryness and flaking or the appearance of a rash;
  2. swelling - most often manifests itself in the area under the eyes from the bridge of the nose and in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle;
  3. itching, less often burning;
  4. Tearfulness – irritation of the tear ducts.

If any of these signs appear, you should immediately stop using the ointment, wash off any remaining substance from your face and treat the damaged skin with an antiseptic.


Special instructions and compatibility

The drug should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 3 to 9 o C. After freezing and subsequent thawing, the ointment loses its properties.

If it is necessary to use the drug in a complex of general treatment, it is important not to allow it to be used with drugs from the following groups:

  1. retinoids of any form;
  2. tetracyclines;
  3. glucocorticosteroids.

An opened bottle should be used within two years under proper storage conditions.

"Radevit" as an element of complex treatment

Since this product may seem too aggressive as an application in its pure form, in reviews of cosmetologists, “Radevit” anti-wrinkle ointment is often presented as one of the ingredients of multi-component masks. They also call it the easiest way to saturate the skin with the necessary vitamins without deviating from your usual caring cosmetics - simply add a small amount of ointment to your regular night cream. It is important to remember that even in this case, the course of treatment should not exceed the maximum permitted 45 days.

Therapeutic masks with “Radevit”

The only requirement for the components of homemade masks into which Radevit is planned to be included is the absence of any other derivatives of vitamins D, A, E. Depending on the auxiliary elements, the effect of the mixture can vary in several directions - nourishing, wound-healing, moisturizing, smoothing.

For additional skin nutrition, fresh chicken yolk, homemade sour cream or fermented milk starter are added to the mask. For a “tightening” and rejuvenating effect, prepare a moderately thick mass using ready-made decoctions of chamomile, calendula or St. John’s wort, using coarse oatmeal, starch or medicinal clay as a stabilizer.

To further cleanse and increase skin elasticity, use fine sea salt, beaten with egg yolk until smooth.

In all of the above cases, the ointment is added in the same dosage, which is measured by the length of the squeezed strip - it should be equal to 2 cm. The duration of action of all masks, except those containing salt, is 20 minutes. Salt applications are applied for no more than five minutes. When rinsing off the product, use boiled water at room temperature.


Reviews from cosmetologists

Regarding the Radevit anti-wrinkle ointment, real reviews from cosmetologists are not always full of the enthusiasm that users exchange among themselves. Yes, the effect of the ointment has been confirmed, but in case of serious age-related problems, the 15-20% of visible improvement that is noted after one or two courses of using the product is not sufficient to claim that the drug has a pronounced anti-aging effect.

The ointment is most effective when used as a means to prevent the appearance of wrinkles, that is, at the age of no later than 35 years. According to the experience of many specialists who leave their reviews of the Radevit anti-wrinkle ointment, its effect significantly worsens during the menstrual period and practically disappears during menopausal changes in the body.

Real reviews from users

Reviews from those who have tried the drug on their skin can also be divided into pros and cons. Women of retirement age note an improvement in the general condition of the skin, noticeable hydration, but rarely share positive feedback about the anti-aging effect - wrinkles remain in place and no increase in facial skin tone is noticed.

Representatives of the younger generation complain about rapid blockage of pores after using the product and skin irritation when using the ointment for more than the prescribed period of 45 days. But among this age category there are more positive comments regarding the regenerating and restorative properties of “Radevit”.

Conclusion: “Radevit” ointment can be safely classified as a cosmetic product for maintaining the skin in optimal condition and for improving the relief of minor defects in the epidermis, but the drug cannot be treated as an independent anti-aging composition.

I never dreamed of looking like a photograph from a glossy magazine - smooth and doll-like. It seemed to me that a person should look honestly at his age, and wrinkles around the eyes only add warmth and sincerity to a smile. And in general, the main thing for a woman is that her eyes glow. Well, I’m already over 30, my eyes glow - but framed by quite noticeable “crow’s feet”, which for some reason give not only sincerity, but also age, and the wrinkles in the corners of my mouth make my face unhappy and tired. To eliminate or at least reduce all this disgrace, I decided to try “Radevit”.

Why Radevit?

Well, firstly, I read rave reviews on the Internet, in which girls enthusiastically write that with Radevit they got rid of wrinkles and completely forgot about skin problems.

And secondly, I had already used it, so I knew that this ointment would not cause allergies or irritation on my skin. I used it for medicinal purposes, as I have sensitive and dry skin: in cold weather, my hands periodically become covered with unpleasant red spots and itchy rashes. Radevit got rid of these misfortunes quite quickly.

Of course, there are many other ways to combat wrinkles: all kinds of creams, masks - mass-produced and professional, injections of hyaluronic acid, in the end. But many creams have already been tried before and did not give a noticeable effect (or they did, but it was so small that it did not justify the cost of the cream). Regular visits to a cosmetologist are a waste of time and money, and occasional visits are of little use - I’ve tried it.

In a word, old comrade Radevit has a new field of activity - my beautiful, but slightly faded face.

How did I use Radevit?

The instructions for the ointment indicate that it is used for the prevention and treatment of skin aging. I understood it this way: no one promises that wrinkles will go away, but you can try, it won’t get worse. I found an article on the manufacturer’s official website by a medical professor, who also very carefully writes that the vitamins contained in Radevit promote health, regeneration and, consequently, the beauty and youth of the skin. Well, then, we'll try.

I began to smear Radevit on my face in the evening after washing my face. The feeling is pleasant: the ointment is not too greasy, absorbs quickly without creating a film, and smells a little like grated carrots (I decided it was the smell of vitamin A). After application, the skin becomes softer, silkier, and the next morning it seems refreshed and elastic. I noticed this effect before when I used Radevit on my hands - it really nourishes, moisturizes and softens even the roughest skin, without causing the slightest discomfort, burning, feeling of tightness and the like. Many ointments and creams irritate my sensitive skin, but Radevit was always well tolerated.

Girls often wonder: BB cream, what is it?

The effectiveness of plasma lifting and reviews of the procedure can be found here.

The instructions say that the ointment should be used twice a day - early in the morning and before bed. However, other sources indicate that it is applied to the skin of the face, especially in summer, only once - at night, since the ointment does not have UV filters and in sunny weather can provoke the formation of age spots. I decided not to risk it and did not use Radevit during the day, especially since it is still more oily than usual day creams.

Results of three months of using Radevit

I used Radevit as a night cream for a little over three months. Longer - I was afraid that an overdose of vitamins would occur (for A, D and E it is quite possible and quite dangerous), and the instructions indicate that you can use it for several weeks.

My skin felt great. No peeling or irritation (although I often experienced them in the cold season before), the skin feels smooth, soft and delicate to the touch. Even after visiting the solarium, there were no burns or redness - or rather, they sometimes appeared, but after the evening application of Radevit, by the morning there were no traces of them.

However, looking in the mirror, every time I was sadly convinced that the wrinkles had not gone away and had not even decreased at all. Perhaps the smallest, almost imperceptible ones, have become even more invisible - but the mirror and I did not notice this. The crow's feet and other beauty remained in place.

In short, my experiment showed that Radevit does not help against wrinkles, at least for me. Yes, it perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin, making it healthier. And maybe new wrinkles on this healthy and moisturized skin will form more slowly, but how can you check this?

I decided to continue my struggle with age without Radevit. Of course, we will not part with it completely: it will continue to faithfully serve as a healing and nourishing ointment for hands, feet, chapped lips, and so on. As for wrinkles, you will apparently have to look for other means, think about Botox injections, or, well, please yourself and those around you with the sincerity of your smile.


Women want to look attractive at any age. Gradually appearing wrinkles significantly age the face. Modern cosmetology offers various means to smooth out wrinkles. One of the popular remedies is called Radevit ointment. Reviews from cosmetologists about Radevit anti-wrinkle ointment are positive. This is due to the healing properties of the popular cosmetic product.


Does Radevit face cream help against wrinkles?

The drug Radevit is used for various skin defects. The instructions indicate the following indications:

  1. atopic, allergic, contact dermatitis and dermatoses;
  2. ichthyosis associated with a violation of the process of keratinization of the skin;
  3. chemical, sun and thermal burns;
  4. eczema and psoriasis, which are difficult to treat;
  5. cracks, scratches and wounds of non-infectious origin.

Radevit ointment has a unique composition that allows the product to have a positive effect on the skin. This beneficial effect determines the use of the drug as an anti-wrinkle remedy.

Radevit, used for wrinkles, has a number of significant advantages:

  1. the absence of a significant amount of dyes and fragrances, which reduces the risk of irritation;
  2. a unique composition that helps solve many cosmetic problems;
  3. affordability;
  4. economical consumption.

The negative aspects of using Radevit anti-wrinkle ointment include:

  1. the formation of a film on the surface of the skin, which can create discomfort;
  2. the risk of allergies and irritation due to the content of a preservative, which extends the shelf life of the cosmetic product;
  3. the need to use the product in a room with high humidity due to the ability of glycerin to extract water molecules from the skin;
  4. possible appearance of a yellow tint to the skin with prolonged use of the anti-wrinkle drug;
  5. lack of opportunity to sunbathe;
  6. decreased effectiveness when taking certain hormonal drugs in parallel;
  7. presence of contraindications for use.

Composition and release forms of Radevit ointment

The patented form of the drug Radevit allows you to eliminate various skin defects. The uniqueness of the product lies in maintaining the active form.

The active ingredients of the cosmetic product include:

  1. Retinol or vitamin A. The component has pronounced moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. It is known that retinol is characterized by a low molecular weight, which facilitates its penetration into the skin and activation of the growth of new cellular elements. This leads to skin renewal.
  2. Tocopherol or vitamin E. The substance helps stimulate the processes of renewal and restoration of cellular elements. Tocopherol is considered a powerful antioxidant and is involved in the production of elastin fibers.
  3. Vitamin D. The component has a direct effect on the health of the skin due to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immunostimulating effects. Vitamin D helps restore the tone of aging skin. The substance takes part in metabolic processes.

Auxiliary components include:

  1. Glycerol. The substance forms a protective film on the surface of the skin. Its function is to retain moisture. It is this property that allows wrinkles to be smoothed out.
  2. Wax. The component protects the skin from the adverse effects of bacteria and solar radiation, which contributes to dry skin.

This is due to the ability of these beneficial components to regenerate cellular elements. Vitamins contribute to the production of collagen and elastin necessary to maintain youth, and the activation of metabolic processes.

Useful properties of Radevit against wrinkles

The beneficial properties of Radevit allow the drug to be used for correction:

  1. facial wrinkles;
  2. age folds;
  3. excessive dryness of the skin;
  4. post-acne;
  5. acne;
  6. acne;
  7. scars and scars.


Instructions for use of Radevit anti-wrinkle ointment

For the use of Radevit against wrinkles to be effective, it is necessary to use the medicine correctly. Before applying the ointment, the skin is cleaned of remnants of decorative cosmetics and impurities. A small amount of ointment is applied to the skin and distributed along special massage lines.

According to the instructions, Radevit anti-wrinkle ointment is used twice a day. The course does not exceed 1.5 months to eliminate the risk of developing hypervitaminosis. Radevit ointment for wrinkles under the eyes is not recommended for use in its pure form. The skin around the eyes is thin and sensitive. The cosmetic product contains petroleum jelly, which sometimes clogs pores.

The ointment can be applied once a day before bedtime if sagging skin appears in the evening or changes in complexion. If signs of age-related changes are evident, it is advisable to use the product twice a day.

Radevit is recommended to be applied with massage movements after taking a bath or shower. The remaining product is removed with a paper napkin after half an hour.

It is noteworthy that Radevit for wrinkles is preferably used by women over 35 years of age. At a younger age, the use of ointment is possible if there are a significant number of facial wrinkles.

Recipes with Radevit anti-wrinkle ointment

Using the drug in its pure form may cause unwanted reactions. Experts recommend using the cosmetic product as part of masks. A small amount of ointment can be added to the cream. The general course is no more than 45 days.


Mix 2 cm of ointment, egg yolk, and a tablespoon of fat sour cream in a container. The exposure time of the mixture is 20 minutes. The mask is removed with soap and water.



Mix 2 tablespoons of clay, chamomile infusion (50 ml) and Radevit ointment to the consistency of sour cream. The mask is applied to the face and washed off after 20 minutes.



The yolk is ground with half a teaspoon of salt, and then the ointment is added until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The mixture is applied to the face in a thin layer and removed after 20 minutes.


Precautionary measures

In cosmetology, Radevit is used for wrinkles. Before use, it is advisable to perform a sensitivity test to the components of the ointment. A small amount of the product is applied to the bend of the elbow and the reaction of the skin is observed throughout the day. Radevit ointment can be applied to the skin of the face in the absence of redness, burning and other manifestations of allergies.

The drug is not used in conjunction with retinoids to avoid overdose. It is forbidden to use the drug for eyelids.


Radevit is a medication that has a number of contraindications for use. Among the most famous:

  1. periods of pregnancy and lactation;
  2. hypervitaminosis;
  3. hypersensitivity reactions to the components of the drug.

Side effects

It is advisable to use the drug after performing a test showing the level of vitamins in the blood. Allergic reactions can occur with an overdose of the vitamins included in the composition.

In hypersensitivity reactions, the following symptoms are observed:

  1. peeling,
  2. irritation;
  3. rashes;
  4. swelling in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle and bridge of the nose;
  5. itching;
  6. tearfulness.

These signs indicate the need to stop using the ointment. The remnants of the drug are washed off the skin and treated with an antiseptic.


Reviews from cosmetologists about Radevit anti-wrinkle ointment show the effectiveness of the drug in practice. The drug contains components that are beneficial to skin health and can solve a number of cosmetic problems. However, it should be remembered that Radevit is a medication and is prescribed by a specialist.


Reviews from cosmetologists about Radevit for wrinkles

Cosmetologists have a positive attitude towards the use of Radevit against wrinkles.

Reviews from women about Radevit against wrinkles

Reviews from women about the drug Radevit for wrinkles around the eyes prove the effectiveness of its use.