Relaxation of the anus

Sometimes this is due to a paralytic nature or less significant coldness, and a paralytic nature most often arises from liquid cold moisture or liquid with some warmth being absorbed into the intestine, the warmth of which is due to the fact that it has been absorbed into the intestine; this warmth is felt to the touch. Relaxation also occurs from a fistula, puncture or cutting off of kidney cones, when the entire muscle is damaged, as well as from a fall on the back or a blow that damages the origin of a nerve or ruptures a nerve. Then relaxation occurs immediately, and there is no cure for it. As for the relaxation caused by nature, it occurs gradually and is treatable. When the rectum relaxes, involuntary excretion of feces occurs. Sometimes there is only an outward stretching of the intestine, and it is similar to relaxation, since in this case feces are also involuntarily released. This is often followed by a kulanj, since the muscle holding feces is in a tense state; this is recognized by the hardness of the intestine to the touch. Sometimes relaxation occurs with preservation of sensitivity, and sometimes with loss of it. It is safer while maintaining sensitivity.

Treatment. If the cause of relaxation is a great coldness of nature, with or without matter, then the patient is placed in water, which has been boiled in a jug with juniper berries, a bush, cypress cones, sumbul and a small amount of aromatic rush seed. When a stronger remedy is required, an enema is made of a medicine called furbiyuni, which is prepared from furbiyuni, adding to it the oil of the bush and other oils. If the relaxing material is moist with some warmth perceptible to the touch, you put the patient in water with strongly astringent, somewhat cold substances, to which something warming is mixed. If you suspect that there is a sprain, then use relaxing and softening oils, fats and other substances of this kind. At the end of this disease, pinching substances should be used, as well as medicines that move the juices, with diluting and dissolving properties, in order to awaken the power of the intestines and remove the matter; such as, for example, salt and saline water and coloquinte. Consider also what is said in the next paragraph, which deals with rectal prolapse.