Hair straightening recipe with gelatin

Girls always want change. If the hair is naturally straight, they curl it. And if they are wavy or curly, then they try to straighten them by any means. Many people turn to hairdressers to get rid of annoying curls, but not everyone can afford such procedures. And then the girls use folk methods. One of them is hair straightening with gelatin at home.

Benefits for hair


What is gelatin and how does it affect hair? Gelatin is a viscous, colorless substance obtained from animal tendons. It is actively used in cooking, but it is also very popular in cosmetology. All kinds of face and hair masks are made from it.

Gelatin is a natural collagen and contains many beneficial substances. It has a beneficial effect on hair because it contains protein that nourishes it and saturates it with minerals.

Gelatin also envelops hair and seals split ends, thereby giving it a healthy look and natural shine. Gelatin weighs down the strands and makes them smooth and manageable. In general, gelatin is an indispensable assistant in the fight against fragility, dryness and dullness. It creates a thin invisible film on the hair and protects against the harmful effects of external factors.

Advantages and disadvantages


  1. the color of undyed hair becomes brighter and more saturated;
  2. smooth, strong and healthy-looking strands;
  3. additional volume (+15–20%);
  4. sealing split ends;
  5. natural shine;
  6. the effect is visible after the first procedure;
  7. low cost of the mask.


  1. unjustified expectation (the result may not be as strong as in the photo);
  2. the mixture needs to be kept for a long time (at least one hour, the more the better);
  3. strands may become fluffier and difficult to comb;
  4. lack of result (everything is individual, including hair structure).

Photos before and after



Classic straightening method

This method of straightening hair at home is good because it requires a minimum amount of ingredients. Each of them is found in almost every home.

To prepare you only need three ingredients:

  1. gelatin (1 tbsp), longer hair may require more;
  2. hot water (3 tbsp);
  3. usual shampoo or conditioner (1/2 tbsp.).

Step-by-step instruction

  1. recept-vypryamleniya-volos-s-YVpZz.webp

    Pour hot water over a spoonful of gelatin and leave to swell. Swelling time depends on the manufacturer, on average 20–60 minutes. If lumps appear in the mixture, place the dishes in a water bath and stir until completely dissolved. Do not let the gelatin come to a boil, otherwise all its properties will become useless.
  2. Wash your hair and leave your hair damp without using a hair dryer or towel.
  3. Add balm or shampoo to the prepared gelatin mixture and stir until smooth. Adding balm or shampoo is necessary, otherwise the mask will then be poorly washed off from the hair, leaving it stuck together.
  4. Apply the finished composition to the entire length, except for the roots, retreating from them approximately 1–2 cm.
  5. Put on a plastic cap and wrap your head with a towel.
  6. Keep the mask on for 1-2 hours, then rinse with warm water and leave the strands to dry on their own.

Frequency of application! It is recommended to do the procedure once every 3-4 weeks.

Mask recipes

There are many masks for straightening, they can be varied and alternated.

Hair mask with gelatin and castor oil

The recipe is not far from the classic one. Instead of balm, add 1/2 tsp. castor oil, the rest of the recipe is unchanged.

With herbal supplement

The recipe is the same as for a regular mask. In addition, add chamomile decoction (for fair-haired people) or nettle decoction (for dark-haired people). Add a teaspoon of honey. The process of applying and wearing the mask remains unchanged.

With milk

Add gelatin to milk (1:3) and dissolve in a water bath. Next, apply to the entire length and leave for 1-2 hours.

With egg

Dissolve gelatin in water and add a chicken egg. Place in a water bath and then apply to hair. Leave for 1-2 hours, then rinse with warm water.

Professional long-term hair straightening methods:

Useful videos

Svetlana Bozhina tells what a hair mask with gelatin is

Women are playful, flirtatious and fickle natures. Therefore, they often want to experiment with their own appearance, creating a new image each time.

However, constant styling, curling and coloring can have the most beneficial effect on the condition of the strands.

If your hair has become significantly weaker, has lost its natural healthy shine, or has stopped obeying you, we can recommend gelatin lamination or keratin straightening. This procedure is offered in all professional beauty salons.

However, you can successfully cope with it and achieve excellent results at home using gelatin. For all its simplicity and accessibility, this product can have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair.

How effective is the procedure?

The procedure for keratin straightening of curls (keratization) using gelatin is very popular among girls who want to become the owners of perfectly smooth and shiny hair without significant expenses.

The effectiveness of gelatin and keratin appears after the first use - strands become even, smooth, strong, shiny and reliably protected from precipitation, wind and sun.

This procedure is most suitable for unruly, naturally curly hair, as well as weakened and thinned hair as a result of frequent dyeing or curling.

Other indications for this procedure are:

  1. split ends;
  2. lack of natural volume;
  3. combination hair type with oily roots and dry ends;
  4. faded and dull appearance of hair.

What does it contain?

The popularity of gelatin for hair straightening is due to its composition, as well as the convenience and safety of use.

Gelatin is a natural protein of animal origin - namely, hydrolyzed collagen, which is famous for its beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair.

This protein contains amino acids that are beneficial for both hair and scalp:

  1. arginine, effectively eliminating damage and accelerating recovery processes;
  2. proline, activating important metabolic processes and strengthening curls;
  3. glycineimproves blood circulation, strengthens the hair shaft and saturates it with oxygen;
  4. alanine, which improves metabolism and provides the necessary nutrition to the scalp;
  5. lysine, eliminating existing damage and accelerating the growth process of strands;
  6. glutamic acid, which removes ammonia and neutralizes its adverse effects - an indispensable substance for colored hair;
  7. hydroxyproline, giving the strands the desired elasticity.

As for the form of gelatin, it is better to choose plates - their quality is significantly superior to granulated or powdered gelatin in bags.

Step by step recipe for the mixture and rules for using it at home

When preparing a gelatin composition for laminating hair, it is necessary to take into account its length. For medium length you will need 1 tbsp. gelatin and 3 tbsp. warm water. For longer hair, this amount must be increased proportionally.

The process of preparing the mixture is not complicated:

  1. gelatin should be poured with boiled water at a temperature of no more than 40-50 degrees and stirred thoroughly so that no undissolved crystals remain;
  2. after stirring the ingredients, leave the solution to swell for 15 minutes;
  3. then the resulting solution must be heated in a steam bath, stirring constantly, so that it acquires a uniform consistency without the slightest lumps - in no case should the mixture boil, since this will cause it to lose all its valuable properties;
  4. after heating, the gelatin solution should infuse for approximately 20-25 minutes;
  5. Now you can add a small amount of shampoo to the finished mixture - this will make the rinsing process easier.

By adding additional natural ingredients to gelatin - in particular, decoctions of medicinal herbs, kefir, lemon and bread crumb, honey, yolk - you can achieve a significant improvement in the condition of different hair types.

For hair prone to oiliness, add a teaspoon of lemon juice and 100 grams of black bread crumb soaked in milk to the solution. Dry strands will benefit greatly from adding a few drops of lavender oil.. But a mixture with the addition of herbal decoctions of chamomile, hops and nettle will have a positive effect on any type of curls.

The final result depends on the correct execution of the procedure, therefore It is important to strictly follow the recommendations:

  1. First of all, you need to thoroughly wash your hair to completely clean it of dirt, natural oils and styling product residues.
  2. Dry the strands with a soft towel so that they remain slightly damp.
  3. Comb the entire hairline and carefully divide it into even strands and secure with hairpins.
  4. Evenly distribute the gelatin composition along the entire length, gradually processing strand by strand. You should retreat approximately 1-1.5 cm from the roots.
  5. To enhance the effect, put a shower cap on your head, wrap it with a towel and additionally heat it with a hairdryer for 15 minutes.
  6. Leave the product on for one to two hours.
  7. Wash your hair thoroughly under cool running water. Hot and warm in this case is not permissible, as this can lead to the dissolution of the gelatin film.

In addition to this topic, watch the video:

What to expect as a result?

As a result of this procedure, each hair is enveloped in a smooth gelatin film., which straightens it as much as possible, thickens it, and also reliably protects it from adverse atmospheric influences. The gelatin mixture is effective on the entire hairline, provided that it has been prepared in sufficient quantities and has been used to thoroughly treat each strand.

After this straightening, the hair will remain perfectly smooth, straight and shiny for 5-7 days.

Photos before and after

Below you will see photos before and after keratin straightening for dark and light hair:


For all its attractiveness and benefits, the procedure for keratin hair straightening with gelatin has certain contraindications, which are important to know about. It is not recommended for:

  1. natural density and heaviness of curls;
  2. increased dryness and stiffness of hairs;
  3. The presence of wounds, scratches, cuts and other damage to the skin of the head.


The use of a gelatin composition will give the hair ideal smoothness, shine and volume, and also provide protection from atmospheric influences. Carry out the procedure following our recommendations - and your hair will always shine with beauty!

A considerable number of girls want to become the owners of beautiful and even hair. This is especially true for those beauties whose hair is naturally either wavy or curly. Many of them have heard that there is a method where hair is straightened with gelatin. Its advantage is that the procedure can be easily carried out at home. Let's look at what nuances exist when performing such an operation, what advantages and disadvantages it has, what is needed for this, and how to do everything yourself without errors.

Why did gelatin become popular?

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This can be justified by a number of advantages. Initially, it contains protein, which will perfectly nourish and moisturize the hair. It is worth considering that this is a fairly good alternative to expensive salon procedures, which not every girl or woman can afford. This kind of lamination will serve you for quite a long time, but if desired, it can be updated without any problems. It can be used not only before some significant holidays, such as birthdays, New Years, graduations. The procedure is suitable for use all year round on an ongoing basis and will not harm the hair.

What is needed for lamination?

If you want to straighten your hair with gelatin at home, then you will need:

  1. Three tablespoons of hot water.
  2. 1 tablespoon gelatin.
  3. A teaspoon of shampoo or hair conditioner. You can also use a mask.

Please note that these proportions were taken for medium length hair. If you have long curls, then you need to increase the amount of each ingredient proportionally. You will find the optimal amount of product for yourself after the first procedure, because you will know how much your hair consumes.

Lamination steps

  1. It is necessary to pour gelatin with water and wait about 20 minutes for it to swell. If lumps appear in the consistency, you can get rid of them by thoroughly heating the gelatin in a water bath.
  2. While the base for lamination is being prepared, you need to wash your hair well and dry it with a towel. But at the same time, the curls should remain damp; there is no need to dry them with a hairdryer.
  3. Add balm or conditioner to the mask made from gelatin in the proportions indicated above. We mix the products to a homogeneous consistency. Conditioner or shampoo is added so that you do not have any problems while washing the product off your head. If you refuse to use conditioner, your hair may stick together, and it will be very difficult to sort it out.
  4. The resulting mixture will be applied along the entire length of the hair, but the distance from the roots should be approximately 2 cm. It is necessary to evenly distribute the product throughout the hair, avoiding the appearance of places where there is an accumulation of this laminating agent.
  5. Now you need Wrap your head in cling film and put a towel or cap on top.
  6. If you want to get maximum effect, then after 15 minutes, additionally warm your hair through a towel with a hairdryer.
  7. Depending on the thickness, density and length of your hair, the mixture should remain on the head for up to 2 hours.
  8. It will be washed off with ordinary warm water. After this, the hair should dry on its own, and a hair dryer should not be used for drying.

As you can see, the procedure is quite simple; almost any girl can carry it out.

What will be the result?

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All representatives of the fair sex who have carried out such lamination at home specify that the hair becomes strong and healthy, split ends are almost invisible. Hair increases in volume by up to 15% and begins to shine similar to those you saw in advertisements for expensive shampoos.

Even if the curls were not pre-dyed, their natural color becomes bright and saturated. If there was dye on the hair, then it will last much longer.

The effect is especially noted by girls whose hair has been very damaged. Here a rapid transformation of the curls occurs, they begin to radiate health and shine.

There are undoubtedly cases in which gelatin lamination has not been effective. Most often this is possible in 2 options.

  1. The curls were initially in good condition, and lamination as such had no effect on them.
  2. You used the prepared gelatin composition incorrectly, did not keep it for the required time, or did not comply with the proportions.

Even if you didn’t get the desired effect, don’t be upset, because you didn’t cause 100% harm to your hair. Gelatin is a food product made from 100% natural elements. Accordingly, it could not cause any harm to the hair.
