Anti-wrinkle gelatin mask recipe

To look young and beautiful at any age, you don’t have to go to expensive spas. It is enough to buy regular gelatin and do the procedure at home. An anti-wrinkle mask with gelatin models the contour, removes wrinkles, saturates with collagen, tones, and the skin acquires a natural shade.

Photo from the site

Gelatin for the face against wrinkles is mixed with eggs, vitamins, glycerin, fruits, and honey. Food products contain minerals, beneficial components, and vitamins necessary for the skin. The procedure is as effective as a salon procedure. The cost is affordable for everyone, it is done quickly and easily.

The benefits of a gelatin mask

Over time, the skin loses its elasticity due to a lack of collagen. But it is found in regular food gelatin. The substance is mixed with products and applied to the face. Due to its light structure, gelatin penetrates the skin, saturates it with vitamins, minerals, and collagen.

Gelatin-based masks against wrinkles have the following effects:

  1. Remove blackheads.
  2. Deeply cleanses pores.
  3. Gives the skin a healthy natural tone.
  4. They help cope with acne and inflammation - the sebaceous glands work in a balanced way.
  5. Models the contour of the face.
  6. Saturate the skin with collagen, smoothing out wrinkles.

In order for a gelatin face mask against wrinkles to be as beneficial as possible, it must be applied and removed correctly.

Rules of application

To achieve the desired effect, gelatin in cosmetology is used according to general rules. The sequence of the cosmetic procedure:

  1. Cleanse your face of daytime makeup, wash with gel, wipe with micellar water.
  2. Apply a gelatin mask.
  3. Wait until the mixture hardens.
  4. Rinse off.
  5. Apply cream.

Remove the mask carefully, without sudden movements, so as not to damage the skin. It is not recommended to pick it off; it is better to steam it or apply a steamed towel to your face.


It’s easy to prepare a gelatin face mask against wrinkles. To do this, melt a tablespoon of edible gelatin in 100 grams of water or milk. The substance will swell in 15–40 minutes. Then the mixture is heated until completely dissolved in a water bath or in a microwave oven.

When the liquid gelatin base is ready, it is cooled and mixed with oils, fruit juices, and purees. These products are rich in vitamins and minerals. The skin absorbs them and becomes cleaner, healthier and younger.

Gelatin mask against wrinkles with milk and oatmeal

Nourishes, moisturizes, models the facial contour. Effective against wrinkles on aging and dry facial skin. To prepare, mix a tablespoon of gelatin with 100 grams of milk. When the mixture turns into a paste, heat it in a water bath, cool and add oatmeal. The mask is applied to the face, neck, and décolleté. The duration of the procedure is half an hour. Wash off with water at room temperature.

Gelatin mask with glycerin

Glycerin is found in cosmetic products and is sold in pharmacies. Effectively moisturizes, nourishes, tones the skin, making it elastic and healthy.

One tablespoon of edible gelatin is dissolved in cold water or milk. When it has completely absorbed the liquid, the mass is heated by steam and cooled to room temperature. Add a spoonful of glycerin and beaten egg white to the cooled mixture, mix and apply to the skin of the face. After half an hour, the mask can be washed off with warm water and cream applied. When carrying out the procedure, it is worth considering that gelatin is not used for wrinkles around the eyes - delicate skin should be avoided.

Those with dry skin need to make a mask using a different recipe. For the base, mix 5 tablespoons of milk with a tablespoon of gelatin. We wait for the substance to swell, heat it in a water bath, and cool. Add 5 drops of vitamins A, E, B, oil, a tablespoon of glycerin, honey and aloe juice. Mix and apply to face, keep for 20-30 minutes. Wash off and wipe your face with nourishing lotion.

Gelatin mask with fruits

This is a mask with vitamins for all skin types. Banana, mango, melon are suitable for dry skin. For those with oily skin, use red currants, kiwi, and strawberries. For combination and normal skin, take apricots, peaches, oranges, tangerines, and other citrus fruits. You need to mix a tablespoon of gelatin and 5 tablespoons of water, wait until everything swells, mix, add 2 tablespoons of fruit puree. The mask is applied in an even layer to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.

Gelatin face mask with vitamins

Gelatin is a product containing vitamins and microelements: calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium. Unlike cosmetic preparations, it is better absorbed and absorbed by the body. The nourishing composition of the mask with vitamins makes the tissues elastic, restores their softness, and smoothes out wrinkles.

To prepare, take a teaspoon of gelatin, 6 teaspoons of regular or sour milk, water, mix and place in the refrigerator to swell. Then heat in the microwave until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Add 5 drops of vitamins E, A, aloe juice, avocado, peach, and orange cosmetic oils to the liquid. The mask is applied for up to 15 minutes and washed off with water at room temperature.

Gelatin mask with activated carbon, or film mask

Photo from

Gelatin effectively fights blackheads, while activated carbon is good at drawing out impurities from skin pores. Gelatin film mask with activated carbon copes with blackheads, inflammation, and prevents the formation of rashes and acne. At the same time saturating the skin with nutrients and smoothing out wrinkles. If you do it regularly, your face will become clear in just a couple of weeks.

Gelatin face mask against wrinkles and blackheads is suitable for different skin types. If the skin is oily or combination, gelatin is diluted with apple or orange juice. For dry skin use milk. Add 2 crushed tablets of activated carbon and a tablespoon of glycerin to the mixture.

The mass is stirred well, applied to the areas affected by the rash, kept on the face for 25 minutes until the mask dries, and washed off with warm water. To maximize the effectiveness of the procedure, you need to steam your face well before applying the mask. The film mask has excellent cleansing properties. After the procedure, the facial skin becomes smooth and matte.

Gelatin mask with cucumber

A mask with cucumber tones sagging skin, models the facial contour, and reduces wrinkles. Cucumber juice contains vitamins P, A, C, group B, iodine, which tone and moisturize the skin. But it is worth noting that such masks with gelatin will not help against wrinkles around the eyes. These areas of the facial skin are left untouched.

To prepare the mixture, grate the cucumber on a fine grater and squeeze out the pulp using gauze. In a separate container, dilute 2 tablespoons of gelatin, 3 tablespoons of milk or herbal infusion, allow the substance to swell, dissolve in a water bath, and cool. Freshly squeezed cucumber juice is added to the finished mixture at room temperature. The mask is stirred, applied for 30–40 minutes, and washed off with water.

Gelatin mask with egg against wrinkles

White and yolk interact well with gelatin and are effective in fighting wrinkles. Recipes vary in composition depending on facial skin type. The mask saturates oily skin with collagen and regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. To prepare, you need to mix gelatin with water, wait until it swells, add whipped egg whites, sour milk and flour.

The mask is mixed and applied in an even layer over the entire face and neck. Leave for half an hour, wash off, wipe with lotion, a piece of ice or cucumber.

Dry skin needs to be moisturized, so the composition of the mask is different for this type of dermis. Add liquid butter, beaten yolk and vitamins as desired to the gelatin mixture.

Gelatin mask with banana

A gelatin mask with banana is effective for sagging skin. Removes wrinkles, nourishes, moisturizes, saturates with vitamins, tightens. The mixture uses banana pulp and gelatin mixture. Leave the mask at room temperature on your face for half an hour and carefully rinse off.

Gelatin mask with cottage cheese

Gelatin and cottage cheese are a mixture that is used in cosmetology for normal healthy skin. Well moisturizes, nourishes, and prevents wrinkles. For the mask, gelatin is dissolved in milk (1:2), the mixture is heated, and cooled. Before applying the mask to your face, add a tablespoon of cottage cheese and rub it. Half an hour after applying the mask, it should be washed off with warm water.

Gelatin anti-wrinkle mask with honey

Natural honey contains vitamins and microelements that are beneficial for the skin. A mask with honey is universal - suitable for all skin types, nourishes, moisturizes, fights wrinkles. If you add lemon to it, it will become a tonic with a strengthening effect. Gelatin swollen in water is combined with 1 teaspoon of honey and lemon juice. The mixture is applied for 20 minutes and washed off with warm water.

Gelatin mask with butter

Effective for fading, aging skin with wrinkles. To prepare, dilute 1 teaspoon of gelatin in 7 teaspoons of cold water or milk. The swollen mixture is heated in a water bath, a teaspoon of butter is added, and wait until all the products become the same consistency. When the mass has cooled to room temperature, apply the mask for 20 minutes. Remove the mask with cotton wool soaked in milk and wash.


Despite its effectiveness and usefulness, an anti-wrinkle gelatin mask has contraindications. It is better not to undergo a cosmetic procedure if:

  1. Inflammations on the face.
  2. Flaky dry skin.
  3. Microcracks, open wounds.

Before using any seemingly harmless home procedures, it is better to consult a cosmetologist. He will professionally assess the condition of the skin and prescribe the necessary procedures, and tell you which additives in the mask are appropriate and effective to use.

Useful video about gelatin face mask

Gelatin-based masks can transform the face, giving the skin smoothness and silkiness. The result is visible after the first use. The main component is gelatin. You will find recipes for masks prepared using it in the article. We wish you good luck in the struggle for beauty!


Benefits of gelatin for the face

Gelatin is a natural protein. It penetrates the epidermis, saturating the skin with nutrients. The use of gelatin-based masks allows you to solve the problem associated with age-related changes. 2-3 procedures per week are enough to look young and fresh.

  1. tightens pores;
  2. whitens the skin (makes freckles and dark spots less noticeable);
  3. moisturizes the face;
  4. tightens the skin.

The use of natural ingredients, speed of preparation and instant application - all these advantages are offered by a gelatin mask. The recipe can be chosen to suit your taste. Below are several options.


Mask: gelatin and activated carbon

Are you worried about blackheads or excess oily skin? A mask made from activated carbon and gelatin can solve such problems. These ingredients are applied only to problem areas (in the absence of inflammation).

  1. 1 teaspoon of gelatin powder;
  2. 1 tablet of coal.
  1. Mix the above ingredients in a cup.
  2. Pour in 50 ml of water.
  3. Place the mixture in the microwave for 10-20 seconds.
  4. Cool the cup to a comfortable temperature.
  5. Apply the mixture to problem areas with your hands.
  6. We time it for 20 minutes. After this period of time, carefully remove the film from the face.
  7. Let's go wash with warm water.

This mask cleanses and rejuvenates the skin, nourishes and tones. It can be applied no more than once a week.


Mask based on gelatin and milk

These two components can bring your skin to perfect condition. We have already mentioned the properties of gelatin in the article. What properties does milk have? Firstly, it is designed to soften the aggressiveness of other components of the masks. Secondly, it makes the skin silky. Thirdly, it provides a lifting effect.

How is a mask made from milk and gelatin? Take a deep bowl. Pour 1 tsp into it. gelatin powder. Grains or granules will also work. Pour in 8 tsp. cold milk. We wait until the gelatin swells. This process usually takes a few minutes.

Place the swollen mass in a water bath and bring it to a liquid state. Add 1 tbsp there. l. milk. Mix the ingredients. Remove the dishes from the stove and cool. Take the mixture with your hands and apply it to cleansed facial skin. We time it for 20 minutes. Then remove the ingredients with a cotton swab dipped in milk. Let's go wash with warm water. The result will be noticeable in 2-3 weeks. Make a mask once every three days. It is suitable for any skin type.


Fighting wrinkles

With age, the skin on the face loses its former elasticity. This is due to a decrease in the amount of collagen in it. It is gelatin that can compensate for the loss. It contains useful microelements that nourish the epidermis.

Are you interested in a gelatin anti-wrinkle face mask? It can be done at home. The main component is gelatin. The remaining ingredients are added in accordance with the recipe.

An anti-wrinkle face mask made from gelatin is selected depending on your skin type. This is a very important point. If the skin is dry, then milk is added to the gelatin, and if the skin is oily, then kefir or yogurt.

  1. 35 g glycerin;
  2. 1 tsp. honey;
  3. 20 g gelatin.

1. Melt gelatin in a water bath.

2. Add glycerin and honey to it. Mix the ingredients.

3. Apply the resulting mixture onto the skin in several layers with your hands. We time it for 20-25 minutes.

4. Remove the mask. We wash off its remnants with warm water.

This gelatin anti-wrinkle face mask will be even more effective if you add egg yolk to the above ingredients. As an additional component, you can use pieces of berries or fruits.


Other gelatin mask recipes

Fill the gelatin with water and wait for it to swell. Heated in a water bath. Peel the banana. We only need half the pulp. Grind it in a blender. Mix banana with gelatin. Apply the resulting mask to the face. Keep it on for 30 minutes. Remove the mask from the skin using a cotton pad. We wash ourselves with tap water. To consolidate the result, apply the moisturizing cream that we usually use to the skin.

Do you need to whiten your face a little? This mask is perfect. First, let's prepare a special solution. For it, take cucumber juice and water in equal quantities (for example, 1 tbsp. L.). Soak the gelatin and wait for it to swell. Melt it and add it to the cup with the cucumber pulp. Using your hands, apply the cooled mask to your face. We time it for 20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, wash with warm water.

With glycerin and honey

As in previous recipes, you first need to add water to the gelatin. For 60 ml of liquid, take a tablespoon of powder. When the gelatin swells, mix it with glycerin. Pour in a little liquid honey. Mix the ingredients. Apply the resulting mass to the face, evenly distributing it over the skin. Leave for 15-20 minutes. To remove the mask, use a damp cotton pad.

Are you worried about excessive oily skin? Gelatin will help eliminate this problem. The mask recipes described above are suitable for girls with dry and normal skin. You need completely different ingredients. First, dissolve gelatin (1 tsp) in milk or lemon juice. When it swells, add 1 tbsp. l. sour cream with a low fat content. Mix. Apply the mask to your face and leave for 20 minutes. After the specified time, wipe your face with a damp disc. We wash ourselves with cool water. A feeling of incredible lightness and freshness appears in the first minute after removing the mask.

Pour 1 tsp into a bowl. gelatin powder. Fill with water. In another bowl, whip cream (1 tbsp). In principle, you can do without additional ingredients. But if it is necessary to achieve a softening and refreshing effect, then liquid honey, sour cream and cream should be used to create a mask. Take 1 tsp. each of these ingredients. Mix them in a cup and beat with a mixer. Gradually introduce the swollen gelatin. Then the mass must be whipped again. It should turn out moderately thick. Apply the mask to your face and wait 20 minutes. After this time, use a wet cotton pad to remove the mixture from the skin.


Who is the gelatin mask suitable for?

Every girl makes efforts to improve her appearance. As for gelatin-based masks, they should be used to solve problems such as:

  1. loose and sagging skin (3-5 procedures will be enough to restore its former elasticity);
  2. age-related changes - a gelatin anti-wrinkle face mask will allow you to achieve improvements in the form of smoothing and tightening of the skin;
  3. unhealthy complexion;
  4. black dots;
  5. excessively oily skin.


Despite many beneficial properties, gelatin masks may well be harmful. Contraindications to their use are:

1. Open wounds and microcracks.

2. Inflammation on the face (acne, pimples, etc.).

3. Dry skin that constantly flakes.

When applying a gelatin mask, you should avoid the area around the eyes. Remove the resulting film carefully, without any sudden movements.

Mask with gelatin: reviews

Girls who tried this method of removing blackheads and improving skin condition were satisfied with the results. Most of them left positive and even rave reviews. They call the main advantages of the gelatin mask its ease of application and high efficiency.

Negative reviews also come in, but in negligible quantities. In them, young ladies complain about the appearance of unpleasant sensations after applying the mask. Therefore, we remind you once again that before using the product you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications.


How to choose gelatin for a mask

This product comes in two types: technical and food. Which one to choose? To create masks we need food gelatin. Its color varies from yellowish to transparent. The lighter the granules, the better the quality of the gelatin.

To avoid allergies, use a colorless product without any odor. It is desirable that it be in the form of plates or granules.


Now you know what beneficial properties gelatin has. The mask recipes contained in the article are easy to implement and low in time. With their help you will preserve the beauty and youth of your face.

Every woman, regardless of age, wants to always remain attractive and young. They go to great lengths to keep their facial skin fresh longer and get rid of wrinkles. All kinds of creams, serums, anti-aging salon treatments, Botox injections and even facelift surgery - and this is not the entire women's arsenal in this battle. Recently, anti-wrinkle products containing a natural additive - natural gelatin - have become very popular. You can prepare tightening face masks based on this product at home. The effect of homemade gelatin products will be simply stunning, and the costs will be minimal.

Beneficial properties of gelatin for skin

The main cause of skin aging, loss of elasticity, firmness and the appearance of wrinkles is a deficiency of collagen - a natural protein, which becomes less and less in the body with age. With the help of expensive procedures and creams containing collagen, you can compensate for the loss of this ingredient important for youthful skin. But artificial protein penetrates skin cells very poorly, not providing the expected anti-aging effect. Another thing is natural collagen. It interacts perfectly with human cells, literally giving them a second life.

Probably every housewife has food gelatin in her house. Everyone knows that you can use it to prepare aspic, jellied meat, fruit and milk jellies. This product has found no less worthy application in cosmetology. With its help, you can prepare amazing masks at home that have a pronounced Botox effect.

Gelatin composition

Gelatin is made from connective tissue, bones and cartilage of animals, mainly cattle and fish. 80% of it consists of natural protein - collagen of animal origin. It is its presence that is responsible for the valuable medicinal and cosmetic properties of gelatin.


Collagen plays an important role for humans and makes up more than a third of all proteins in our body:

  1. takes part in the construction and restoration of many tissues:
  1. skin;
  2. hair;
  3. nails;
  4. ligaments;
  5. tendons;
  6. joints;
strengthens connective tissues and ensures their elasticity.

The lack of this substance leads to joints becoming stiffer, ligaments losing their elasticity, skin aging, becoming flabby, sagging and wrinkles appearing.

In addition to its high collagen content, natural gelatin is rich in vitamins and minerals. Potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium - all these components are simply vital for the health of the skin and the whole body as a whole.

Many people simply take gelatin internally, which affects the condition of the skin of the face and the entire body in general. External use of gelatin, in the form of homemade face masks, also has a beneficial effect. Penetrating deeply into the skin, collagen saturates it with useful substances, smoothes wrinkles and tightens contours.

The benefits of natural protein

Benefits of gelatin for skin:

  1. saturation with natural collagen - the substance of youth;
  2. softening, nourishing and moisturizing the skin;
  3. rapid regeneration of damaged tissues and cells;
  4. facelift;
  5. elimination of wrinkles;
  6. toning and refreshing;
  7. improvement of complexion;
  8. lightening pigment spots;
  9. elimination of blackheads and acne;
  10. normalization of the sebaceous glands.

Recipes for homemade gelatin face masks

There are many recipes for making homemade facial remedies with gelatin. Depending on your skin type and the problem that needs to be eliminated, you can choose the optimal mask to use. The main component of the masks is gelatin jelly, adding certain ingredients to which you can achieve different effects.


Gelatin anti-wrinkle cream

Gelatin anti-aging cream is extremely popular for fighting wrinkles at home. It can be made in enough quantity for several uses and stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks. Before use, just warm it up a little with your fingertips and apply to the face and neck.


Ingredients for cream:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. dry edible gelatin;
  2. 3 tbsp. l. liquid honey;
  3. on the tip of a teaspoon of salicylic acid;
  4. 100 ml glycerin;
  5. 100 ml of clean water.


To prepare the composition, it is best to use non-metallic containers (glass or ceramic with a lid); you can take a clean plastic jar from an old cream.

  1. To prepare the anti-aging cream, you must first steam the gelatin.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients and mix.
  3. Place in a water bath to simmer over low heat, stirring occasionally. An important point is that the mixture should not be boiled.
  4. After all the ingredients are completely dissolved, mix the resulting cream thoroughly again, let it cool and put it in the refrigerator to thicken.
  5. Apply the resulting mixture to your face. You can also apply the cream to your neck, décolleté and arms - after all, nothing shows a woman’s age more than wrinkles on her neck and saggy, wrinkled skin on her hands.
  6. Rinse off with warm water after about 30 minutes.

This procedure should be carried out every day for two weeks, then you should take a break for two months and can be repeated.

This cream has a beneficial effect on the skin - gelatin nourishes and smoothes wrinkles, glycerin perfectly moisturizes and softens the skin, and salicylic acid normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and is a wonderful antiseptic.

Video: gelatin mask against wrinkles

Simple gelatin mask for face lift

As a result of using a simple gelatin mask, the skin will noticeably freshen and tighten, wrinkles will smooth out, and the complexion will improve.


For this mask you need:

In order to prepare the mixture, you need:

  1. Pour water over the gelatin powder and let it swell (leave for about 30 minutes).
  2. Next, you should heat until completely dissolved in a water bath, without bringing to a boil, stirring so that there are no lumps.
  3. Allow to cool and apply to face, avoiding the eye area. The duration of this mask is 15 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with warm water.

It is very important not to peel the dried film off your face - this can cause irritation and damage the skin.

Do the procedure no more than 1-2 times a week for a month.

Video: anti-aging mask based on gelatin with milk and oatmeal

This milk mask has a nourishing and moisturizing effect on the skin. It is recommended for use by those with dry skin.

Glycerin mask

In addition to the face cream, there is a recipe for a gelatin mask with glycerin. It is much easier to prepare than glycerin cream, and the lifting effect will be no less pronounced.


To prepare the mask you will need:

  1. 2 teaspoons gelatin;
  2. 2 teaspoons honey;
  3. 1 tablespoon glycerin;
  4. water.

First prepare the gelatin mixture (steam the gelatin). Add honey and glycerin, simmer in a water bath until the components are completely mixed. Apply the cooled mixture to the face and neck for 10–15 minutes. Usually you should not hold it for longer, due to the strong tightening effect. Rinse off carefully with warm water.

It is not recommended to talk or wrinkle your face during the procedure.

Fruit gelatin masks

A mixture of gelatin and any fruit is very effective for the face. Gelatin will have a tightening and firming effect, and fruits will saturate the skin with healthy vitamins.


To prepare a fruit mask you will need:

  1. 1 tablespoon gelatin;
  2. fresh fruit puree;
  3. water.

Fruits can be used depending on skin type:

  1. for dry skin - apricots, melon, persimmon;
  2. for oily skin - strawberries, raspberries, red currants;
  3. for normal skin - peaches, grapes, oranges, kiwi.

Prepare the gelatin base as in a simple (classic) gelatin mask, add chopped fruit. Apply to face for 15 minutes.

Mask for flaky skin with vitamin E and sour cream

For flaky skin, a gelatin mask with vitamin E and sour cream will be an excellent help. It will not only help get rid of wrinkles, but also eliminate dryness and flaking.


For the mask you need the following products:

  1. 2 teaspoons dry gelatin;
  2. 5 drops of liquid vitamin E (it can be purchased at the pharmacy in liquid or capsule form);
  3. 1 tablespoon of full-fat homemade sour cream;
  4. water.

Mix all ingredients, simmer in a water bath until a homogeneous consistency is obtained, and cool. Apply with massage movements to the face and neck. Leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.

Gelatin mask with activated carbon

The combination of gelatin and activated carbon in a mask will not only tighten your face and smooth out wrinkles, but also help get rid of acne and blackheads.


  1. 2 teaspoons gelatin;
  2. 2 tablets of activated carbon;
  3. water.

Prepare the gelatin mixture according to the standard recipe, add two activated black carbon tablets crushed into powder. Apply to face, avoiding thin skin around eyes and lips. Rinse with warm water after drying completely, rinse with cool water to close the pores. Use this mask no more than 1-2 times a week.

It is strictly forbidden to use a gelatin mask with activated carbon if there are problems with blood vessels on the face and wings of the nose (rosacea), as well as with severe inflammatory processes (furunculosis).

Toning mask with cucumber

A cucumber mask based on a gelatin mixture whitens and tones the skin.


For the mask you will need:

  1. 2 teaspoons gelatin;
  2. juice of one fresh cucumber;
  3. water.

Add cucumber juice to the cooled ready-made gelatin mixture. Apply the resulting mask to your face for 10–15 minutes, then rinse with water.

Banana lifting mask with vitamins A and E

A gelatin mask with banana and vitamins is very suitable for flabby and tired skin. It will smooth out wrinkles, refresh and restore the skin to its former elasticity.


Components for the mask:

  1. 1 tablespoon gelatin;
  2. pulp of one banana;
  3. a few drops of vitamin A and E;
  4. water for the mixture.
  1. Puree a ripe banana in a blender and dilute with purified water.
  2. Combine with a gelatin base prepared in advance, add a few drops of liquid vitamins A and E.
  3. Mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Apply to skin for 15–20 minutes.

The frequency of the procedure is 1–2 times a week for a month.


When using homemade anti-aging products based on gelatin, you should remember that there are some contraindications:

  1. Those with very dry skin should use products containing gelatin with caution;
  2. Do not use masks if there is damage or severe inflammation on the skin, unhealed scars and scars.

Features of the preparation and use of masks

In order to achieve a positive effect, you must follow certain rules and recommendations for preparing and applying gelatin-based masks:

  1. in order to prepare the gelatin base, pour the powder with warm or cold water and leave to swell for about half an hour (usually the recipe is indicated on the gelatin bag);
  2. Mixtures based on gelatin should not be brought to a boil - this reduces its beneficial properties; it is best to bring the masks to readiness in a steam bath. Various ingredients can be added to the resulting gelatin base;
  3. Masks should be applied to skin that is thoroughly cleansed of makeup. To achieve a better effect, you can take a steam bath or compress before application, this will help open the pores for a deeper effect of beneficial substances;
  4. gelatin mixtures can be applied not only to the face, but also to the neck, décolleté and hands;
  5. Do not apply the composition to the delicate skin around the eyes;
  6. The duration of the procedures is 10–20 minutes. At this time, it is better to lie quietly, avoiding talking and any movement of the facial muscles;
  7. you need to remove the mask very carefully, carefully steaming it with warm water until the gelatin returns to a liquid state;
  8. Do not peel off the dried film, this can injure the skin;
  9. Gelatin-based nascas should be used no more than 1-2 times a week for a month, then take a break for 1-2 months.

Video: how to properly prepare and use gelatin masks at home

Reviews of the results of using homemade gelatin masks for wrinkles

The most important advantage of a gelatin face mask is, of course, the costs in material terms, and most importantly, no super lifting can compare with the effect after a gelatin mask. I decided to try it once and never quit. It’s a miracle, but the skin on your face seems to straighten out and become smooth. Skin defects go away over time. The main thing after using this mask is to use a moisturizer or toner. Because this mask dries and tightens the skin. After two weeks of use, you can enjoy the results. An excellent mask at the lowest cost. I think you have to try it to appreciate it



At my age, I use masks to maintain facial tone. But my mother is already struggling with wrinkles. Previously, I wrote about children's anti-wrinkle cream, and now I want to share with you another product that is accessible to everyone! An anti-wrinkle mask is made from regular milk and a package of gelatin. The principle is simple: add a teaspoon of gelatin to a tablespoon of hot milk and stir until completely dissolved. There is no need to wait, the gelatin swells before your eyes. While you stir, the milk will cool. We apply all this to the face and wait 30 minutes. Afterwards, rinse it off with water and apply your favorite cream. We use this baby cream “chanterelle”. My mother uses this mask once a week, I use it less often (since I’m not getting rid of wrinkles, but cleansing the skin). The mask is useful due to the milk content. For the best effect, it is better to take natural cow’s milk rather than store-bought. It helps the skin become fresher, brighter and saturates it with vitamins. But gelatin is not inferior here either. It has a cleansing effect, tightens aging skin and has a beneficial effect on the epidermis. Gelatin has the property of whitening the skin, and if you have any blemishes, you will definitely get rid of them. I can also add that thanks to this mask I have no acne or inflamed pimples on my face. After such a mask, your skin will shine with beauty and health!



In fact, this is a universal mask that suits everyone. It has a cleansing, toning and nourishing effect, and in addition to care, it hides and tightens the skin (removes facial wrinkles and smoothes the silhouette). For me, this mask is more likely not for wrinkles, but for maintaining tone and nutrition (28 years old). As I say, the best treatment is prevention. I read about this mask a hundred years ago somewhere on the Internet.


Gelatin masks are recommended for women of any age. Literally after a month of such procedures, your skin will be transformed, fine wrinkles will disappear, and deep wrinkles will become less noticeable. Homemade facial products based on gelatin perfectly restore, tone, moisturize the skin, and also have a pronounced lifting effect.