Retinol palmitate for facial skin: how to use

To maintain youthful skin, a fresh and beautiful face, you do not need expensive cosmetics. Often people effectively use drugs from the pharmacy for rejuvenation, among them retinol for facial skin. They are not inferior in productivity to creams from famous manufacturers.

Retinol cares for facial skin health

About preparations for facial skin

Pharmacy medications attract not only price, but also quality. They contain a set of useful substances: essential oils, vitamins, plant extracts, hyaluronic acid. The list of components is identical to the composition for mesotherapy.

Products from the pharmacy fight skin aging no worse than expensive cosmetic procedures. Collagen is necessary for elasticity and hydration of the epidermis, smoothing out wrinkles. Vitamins serve to saturate tissues with nutrients. Essential oils are responsible for the healthy appearance of the skin.

Attention! Pharmacy medications are medications that are not indicated for everyone and have side effects. It is advisable to study the instructions before use.

When using medications for cosmetic procedures, the following rules are followed:

  1. Carefully familiarize yourself with the composition. If you are buying a product to rejuvenate your skin and smooth out wrinkles, the main thing is not to mix it up. Some ingredients moisturize the skin, while others dry it out. An incorrect choice will only worsen the problem.
  2. Checking the expiration date of the medication, dosing, checking the packaging. It is prohibited to use expired or low-quality products.
  3. Applying medications and masks to clean epidermis to accelerate the effect.
  4. Storing the medication strictly according to the instructions.
  5. Conducting an allergy test.

Medications to combat facial wrinkles


Active ingredient: Taurine. The amino acid normalizes metabolic processes in cells and regulates their functioning. To rejuvenate the facial covering, use Taufon for wiping twice a day (in the evening and in the morning). The course of treatment sessions consists of 7 procedures, repeated after 25 days.


Release forms: spray, ointment. Both forms are suitable for cosmetic manipulations. The product quickly regenerates diseased tissue, actively produces collagen, and resists the aging of cellular epithelium. Panthenol is just right for 50-year-old women. Use as a night cream or masks for rejuvenation several times a week.


Anti-inflammatory ointment accelerates cell division, used after 50 in the fight against wrinkles. It is not recommended to use the composition for a long period of time. Preferably in short courses, after 14-20 days.

Pharmaceutical preparations for rejuvenation

Important! In cosmetology, fish oil is the No. 1 remedy.

The following medications will help relieve swelling and inflammation around the eyes:

Description and characteristics of retinol

Retinol is a retinoid and belongs to vitamin A derivatives. There are several forms available that differ in productivity.

Natural retinoids include:

  1. retinol acetate and retinol palmitate;
  2. retinaldehyde;
  3. retinol;
  4. tretinoin (retinoic acid).

The latter is considered the most effective form with a rejuvenating effect. If natural retinoids come into contact with the epidermis, they participate in chemical reactions and are converted into retinoic acid.

Retinol required for:

  1. health of skin and hair;
  2. immunity;
  3. cell growth;
  4. inhibition of the processes of withering and aging.

Vitamin A deficiency is easily detected by peeling of the epidermis, increased dryness, dandruff, conjunctivitis, hair loss, decreased night vision, and susceptibility to infectious diseases.

A lot of retinol is found in foods: liver, fish, fruits and vegetables with orange and yellow colors (carrots, apricots, pumpkin). However, in order for retinol to be absorbed during digestion, fats are needed.

Retinol-rich foods

The instability and rapid destruction of retinol under the influence of oxygen and light determines its presence in cosmetics in such forms as:

  1. esters (retinol acetate/palmitate);
  2. retinaldehyde;
  3. true retinol.

The characteristic features of the compounds are differences in structure from the original vitamin, but complete similarity in principle of action and effectiveness.

Cosmetic preparations contain artificial retinoids, which are obtained in laboratory conditions. Lubrication of the epidermis is accompanied by their transformation into retinoic acid.

Creams containing retinoic acid are found in certain series of cosmetics.

Vitamin A and its forms used in home cosmetics have a mild but slow effect. This minimizes the threat of side effects. Effectiveness is noticeable only after 2 or 3 months of systematic use.

The initial use of Retinol is against acne and pimples in therapy and prevention. The drug activates the healing of skin wounds after cosmetic procedures.

According to scientific research, retinol smoothes the epidermis and improves elasticity. Daily use of the drug with this ingredient leads to the disappearance of fine wrinkles.

Attention! To improve the effect, retinol is combined with various substances. Preference is given to drugs that are characterized by numerous positive responses and testing by specialists.

How does retinol affect facial skin?

If you use retinol-based cosmetics and achieve positive results, these are:

  1. Regeneration of the skin and lightening of age spots, thanks to the peeling effect. Retinoids penetrate into the epidermal layer and exfoliate keratinized epithelial cells.
  2. Increase in the epidermal layer. Leads to better moisture retention.
  3. Activation of collagen formation. Helps reduce wrinkles and increase the elasticity of the epidermis.
  4. Stimulating the production of hyaluronic acid. Responsible for elastic skin.
  5. Antioxidant effect. Retinol inhibits cellular aging, protects the facial epidermis from the effects of toxins and removes free radicals from the body.
  6. Reducing sebum production and cleansing the epidermis. The pores are cleansed, the immune system is strengthened, and inflammation is eliminated.

Medicinal properties

Particularly highlighted:

  1. inhibition of cancer cell development;
  2. increasing immunity;
  3. anti-inflammatory effect;
  4. fight against demodicosis.

Demodectic mange, or eye mite

Indications for use

For young epidermis:

  1. treatment of acne and acne;
  2. improvement of facial relief;
  3. removing redness;
  4. small wrinkles;
  5. mild moisturizing effect.

Retinol for aging skin:

  1. removal of pigmentation;
  2. strengthening the elasticity of the epidermis;
  3. elimination of symptoms of rosacea;
  4. rejuvenation;
  5. problematic skin;
  6. dermatitis.

The use of retinoids allows you to prolong the youth of your skin. Sometimes side effects occur:

  1. redness and peeling;
  2. dryness of the epidermis;
  3. adding wrinkles.

In order not to aggravate the problems, they are careful and cautious when using cosmetic preparations with retinoids.


Preparations with retinol have contraindications, ignoring it causes unpleasant consequences:

  1. Allergies. It is recommended to carry out a test test on the wrist. Relevant for sensitive skin.
  2. Penetration into the placenta and breast milk. The use of drugs by pregnant and breastfeeding mothers is prohibited.
  3. Drainage effect on the liver or bile ducts. In case of organ dysfunction, abstain from the remedy.

Instructions for using retinol acetate at home

Retinol acetate is used in the treatment of diseases, like taufon. The product actively affects the regeneration, protection and restoration of cell function. Retinol smoothes the facial surface, removes wrinkles, and makes you look younger. For cosmetic procedures, an oily liquid in capsules is used.

Retinol acetate is added to homemade masks and cosmetics from the store, lotions are prepared and used in its pure form to achieve faster effectiveness. Follow the rules:

  1. Local use of the tool. Lubricating only problem areas with retinol - small wrinkles.
  2. To enhance the productivity of retinol, massage the face for 1 minute. The skin is not pulled, lightly stroked, moving from bottom to top.

Facial massage improves performance

  1. Application of the drug is carried out precisely in the area of ​​wrinkles or on the entire face, depending on the purpose.
  2. Use once a day at night. Applying the product with a thin film.
  3. Use the drug for 1.5-2 months. Then a 2-month break. Next, the procedure is resumed.
  4. Monitor skin reaction. Irritation is a reason to refuse the product.
  5. It is preferable to treat in the autumn-winter period with minimal solar activity.
  6. Selecting cosmetics with a sufficient SPF factor (15-20 at least).
  7. Cosmetic products with retinol are a privilege for aging skin. Using them before the age of 30 stimulates the aging process.

Additive to purchased cosmetics

Just a drop of solution into a skin care product: serum, cream. A little retinol is added to a portion of the product. Avoid overdose. Use it daily for 2 months (morning and evening), then take a break for 2 or 3 months. If desired, repeat the course.

On a note. The introduction of retinol acetate for facial skin into cosmetic products is a reliable preventive measure against premature aging. The method provides the skin with freshness and hydration.

Anti-aging masks


  1. Sour cream. Take 1 tbsp. l. aloe juice and sour cream. Add 5 drops of retinol to the mixture. The mask works for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Cottage cheese. You will need 20 g of product and 1 capsule of retinol. Add cream (8 ml). Apply to the face for half an hour.
  3. Algae. 4 spirulina tablets are ground in a blender. Add vitamin A (2 capsules) to the composition. Stir in lemon juice (20 ml) and granulated gelatin (18 g). After the mixture swells (after 20 minutes), apply it to the face. Stand for 15 minutes.

How to use retinol palmitate at home

The drug is bought at the pharmacy in ampoules, capsules, or in a bottle. For oral administration, apply 6 drops with a pipette onto a piece of bread and eat slowly.

The product accumulates gradually in the body and is effective for 4 months after completion of the course.

Ampoules are used for intramuscular injection and external use. The solution is added to creams, gels, and masks, which provides good tightening and renewal of the epidermis around the eyes. Gives purity and youth to the face.

Daily use of palmitate for 2 months guarantees results for skin problems.

According to reviews from consumers and cosmetologists, the product is a quick help in the fight against dry hair and skin. If the medicine is drunk and applied externally (balm, cream), they cope with the problem and strengthen the immune system.

Advice from experienced doctors and cosmetologists

In order for retinol to benefit the skin of the face, listen to the recommendations of specialists:

  1. Use cosmetic preparations with a minimum concentration of retinol (0.1-0.4%). It is gradually increased if there are no side effects. Sometimes a feeling of skin tightness and redness is noted. Symptoms go away quickly if there is no allergy.
  2. Until the skin gets used to it, use the drugs 1 or 2 times a week. Otherwise, severe irritation may occur.
  3. It is prohibited to treat moistened epidermis with retinol. The requirement is not fulfilled after the skin has become accustomed to the product.
  4. Apply the cream before bed, and during the day apply sunscreen to protect against pigmentation and burns.
  5. After 45 min. After treatment with retinol, moisturize the skin with cream.
  6. If you use other skin care cosmetics at home, avoid those containing acids due to their aggressive effects.

Important! Using vitamin C and retinol at the same time negates the effectiveness of both drugs.

Products with retinol help cope with many skin problems on the face: wrinkles, pigmentation, aging, acne and even eye diseases. However, a lasting result can be achieved only with the correct use of the medicinal product.


Vitamin A has strong anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, retinol for facial skin can accelerate metabolic processes, which is why it is often used for acne and to eliminate facial wrinkles.

Beneficial features

Retinol acetate and palmitate are vitamin A that is often used to regenerate facial skin. It is characterized by strong regenerating and moisturizing properties. At the same time, the molecules of this substance have a very small molecular weight, due to which they can penetrate even into the deep layers of the epidermis. This allows you to influence not only the studded layer, but also the deep ones, eliminating internal inflammatory processes.


Retinol for face

It is prescribed during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and preparation for childbirth. This substance helps cleanse the body not only from the outside, but also from the inside. But in this case, it is better to consult a doctor first. By the way, there are special tablets or entire complexes of nutrients and minerals for internal use.

Benefits of retinol for facial skin:

  1. It is a natural antioxidant. It helps to increase the resistance of the epidermis to external irritating factors, protect it from exposure to ultraviolet rays, and relieve itching during the inflammatory process. In addition, vitamin A is able to cleanse the skin of various toxins;
  2. The substance helps improve blood circulation. This allows you to provide the necessary nutrition to the deep layers of the epidermis;
  3. The product strengthens blood vessels. This is a significant advantage in eliminating blood vessels on the face;
  4. Retinol peeling will help remove acne, subcutaneous pimples and blackheads, as well as ensure normal pore function. It is performed together with fruit acids, due to which it completely renews the top layer of the skin;
  5. It helps fight the primary signs of aging due to its strong antioxidant and moisturizing properties. It strengthens collagen and elastane fibers, and also “provokes” their increased work.

Retinol is available in the following forms:

  1. Injection. Despite the name, it is often used in cosmetology practice. It is this form of retinol that is most convenient to use at home. It absorbs quickly, leaves no residue on clothing and is known for its high concentration of nutrients;
  2. Oil solution. Externally, it is very similar to a solution of tocopherol acetate or vitamin E. It is recommended to apply it to dry or sensitive facial skin. Due to the presence of oils in the composition, this type of vitamin will help not only deeply nourish, but also moisturize the skin. For the best effect, you can drink a spoonful of acetate in the morning on an empty stomach;
  3. Tablets or capsules. Known for their low vitamin content. Here, retinol is most often combined with other nutritional and mineral components.

Reviews claim that a concentrated solution of retinol for the face has the most powerful effect.

Instructions on how to use retinol

Masks with this vitamin have excellent effectiveness: they significantly speed up metabolic processes, due to which you can get rid of various skin problems in a short time. They can be used to eliminate almost all known aesthetic skin problems. The simplest application option is to apply the solution in its pure form.

Apply the solution to cleansed skin and do not wash off the mixture. If possible, it is recommended to leave this mask on overnight. If it is more convenient to do it during the day, you can leave the solution for 20 minutes.

For acne on the face Retinol in oil helps a lot. You need to mix blue clay in equal proportions with water, then add ½ part of the vitamin to the mass. Apply the mask in a thick layer and leave until it hardens. You can repeat it every other day.

For severe comedones or ulcers You can make masks with aloe and vitamin A. The leaf of the plant is broken off and cut along the growth line of the spines. The pulp is scraped out with a teaspoon. After this, it is mixed with a vitamin ampoule. For severe inflammatory processes, only 3 masks are enough to relieve skin soreness.

Lifting effect provides a remedy with raw potatoes and eggs. This mask with retinol has not only a strong cosmetic effect, but also a healing one. Potato helps tighten collagen fibers, while egg and retinol nourish and refresh the epidermis. Half a potato is grated on a fine grater, and 1 egg and 1 spoon of retinol are added to the mixture. Everything is thoroughly mixed and applied to the chest, neck and face.


Photo - Retinol and tocopherol

Also for intensive hydration The use of retinol and honey is suitable. This natural sweetness has excellent nutritional and brightening properties. Honey is heated to a liquid state, after which vitamin is added to it. If desired, you can also add any suitable vegetable oil. Keep the mixture on your face and neck for 20 minutes.

The only thing more useful than one vitamin is a mixture of them. For deep nutrition and hydration and eliminating age spots, it is recommended to buy acetate, tocopherol and vitamin B12 at the pharmacy. All these substances are mixed in equal quantities and applied to problem areas. An important fact is that it is not advisable to use the mixture just a few hours after its preparation - all the vitamins have evaporated and there will be no effect. Keep the solution for no more than 30 minutes. You can repeat it 2 times a week.

Video: retinol for acne and wrinkles

Professional and pharmacy products

Many cosmetics manufacturers (both domestic and foreign) offer girls various ready-made products with vitamin A. Let’s consider the most famous names of products with retinol for the face (the list contains both creams and masks, tonics and ointments):

Name Properties
Retinol Fusion PM Night serum with retinol for face It contains pure, concentrated retinol, which helps solve the problems of breakouts, early wrinkles or spider veins. This cosmetics is used for all types of epidermis.
RoC Retinol Correxion Deep Wrinkle Night Cream RoK is an effective night moisturizer with retinol for the face. It is used in particularly difficult cases when the skin is dry and prone to flaking. In addition to vitamin A, the composition also contains shea butter and ascorbic acid.
Korff Lifting pencil with hyaluronic acid and vitamin A. Like glycolic acid, hyaluronic acid acts on the inner layers of the epidermis, compressing elastane fibers. Retinol deeply moisturizes the skin at this time.
Regetsin A special medicinal gel with a powerful vitamin composition. Prescribed for seborrhea, psoriasis and other chronic skin diseases. Eliminates pain, itching, whitens the epidermis.
Proteik Gf Contains pro-xylan and retinol. Helps eliminate wrinkles around the eyes and mouth, reduces skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.
Retin-A Cream (Tretinoin) Sold by prescription only. It has an effect similar to AHA peeling, so you need to use the product carefully. Intensively restores the skin, eliminates pigmentation and fine wrinkles.
Belita-Vitex Retinol+magnesium Belarusian manufacturers are known for the high quality of their products. Belita cream is a worthy replacement for expensive imported products. It contains magnesium, which provides intensive tissue restoration.
Thiogamma This is a rejuvenating tonic with vitamin A. It is used as an additional means of combating wrinkles. Does not contain alcohol, so can be used for dry and sensitive skin.
Shiseido Benefit WrinkleResist24 Mask for the skin around the eyes. Helps instantly remove swelling and bruises. Its duration of action is 5 minutes, so the drug is classified as an emergency drug.

Of all the listed products, it is necessary to highlight Russian-made retinoic ointment. You can buy this product with retinol for the face only at the pharmacy, its price is about $1. According to reviews, this remedy will help solve almost all age-related problems, and the effect is noticeable after the first use.

Retinol is one of the few anti-aging ingredients with proven effectiveness. But in cosmetics you can find several forms of retinoids with different effects. In addition, if used incorrectly, the anti-aging ingredient will harm the skin. We'll tell you how to choose a product with retinol and use it correctly.

What is retinol for face

Retinol is part of the group of retinoids and belongs to vitamin A derivatives. The latter exist in several forms that differ in effectiveness.

Natural retinoids include:

  1. retinol palmitate and retinol acetate;
  2. retinol;
  3. retinaldehyde;
  4. retinoic acid (tretinoin).

The most effective form is retinoic acid. It is she who has a rejuvenating effect. Other types of natural retinoids, when they come into contact with the skin, enter into chemical reactions and are also converted into retinoic acid.

The transformation occurs as follows:

  1. retinol palmitate/acetate (retinyl palmitate) > retinol > retinaldehyde/retinyl > retinoic acid (tretinoin).

That is, in order for retinol to have the desired effect on the skin, it needs to go through one step before turning into retinoic acid, and retinol palmitate needs to go through two.

In addition to natural ones, in cosmetics you can find synthetic retinoids obtained in laboratory conditions. When applied to the skin, they are immediately converted into retinoic acid:

  1. isotretinoin, adapalene, tazarotene > tretinoin.

Natural retinoids such as retinol palmitate, retinol acetate, retinol, and retinaldehyde are often used in skin care cosmetics. Creams with retinoic acid can be found in some lines of professional cosmetics.

The forms of vitamin A used in home cosmetics act more slowly but more gently. This reduces the risk of side effects. However, the result is not achieved quickly. The effect will be noticeable only after 2-3 months of regular use. The more transformations a vitamin needs to undergo before being transformed into retinoic acid, the weaker the retinoid and the softer it works.

Retinol in synthetic forms is used in pharmaceutical preparations; most often they are included in acne products, as they promote skin renewal, relieve inflammation, and reduce sebum production.

Benefits of retinol for skin

When using cosmetics with retinol for the face, the following effects are achieved:

  1. Skin renewal and pigmentation lightening. This is due to the peeling effect - retinoids penetrate the epidermal layer and exfoliate dead skin cells.
  2. Thickening of the deep layers of the epidermis. Thanks to this, the skin retains moisture better.
  3. Stimulation of collagen formation. This reduces the number of wrinkles and improves skin elasticity.
  4. Increased production of hyaluronic acid, which improves skin elasticity.
  5. Reduces sebum production and cleanses the skin. Retinol cleanses pores, increases local immunity, relieves inflammation and therefore acne disappears.

The use of retinoids allows you to maintain youth and solve many skin problems. But sometimes side effects occur: redness and flaking, severe dryness and worsening wrinkles. Therefore, when using retinoids, you need to be careful and not get carried away with cosmetics containing them.

How to choose the concentration and form of retinol for the face

When choosing a product with retinol, you should consider the form of the retinoid, its purpose and concentration.

Anti-aging cosmetics use several main forms:

  1. Retinyl palmitate – effective only in high concentrations, but may cause skin irritation. The standard concentration in care products is from 0.1% to 10%, most often about 1%. At a concentration of 2% it acts as SPF. In cosmetics it is used as an antioxidant and to increase collagen synthesis. This is the least effective retinoid, its use is advisable in the fight against expression lines or to prevent aging.
  2. Retinaldehyde – well tolerated by the skin and causes virtually no side effects. The effective concentration of retinaldehyde in cosmetics is at least 0.025%. This retinoid is slightly stronger than retinyl palmitate, but it is effective only in the fight against deep wrinkles.
  3. Retinol – the most powerful ingredient in home remedies. It increases skin firmness and elasticity, smoothes wrinkles, and reduces pigmentation. Unlike more active retinoids, retinol can be used for rosacea. Its content in cosmetics should not exceed 1-2%. Elevated concentrations lead to allergic reactions. When making a cream using encapsulation technology, retinol is contained inside liposomes or nanosomes. In this case, the “working” concentration will be lower - 0.5% encapsulated retinol acts more intensely than 2% free substance.
  4. Tretinoin or retinoic acid – stimulates the division of skin cells and accelerates their renewal at the basal level. This retinoid has a high irritant potential and should only be used for a limited time. Daily use of tretinoin 0.05% quite quickly leads to a visible decrease in the depth of wrinkles and thickening of the stratum corneum.

For shallow wrinkles and to prevent aging, it is better to choose products with retinyl palmitate or retinaldehyde. For more serious rejuvenation, you should pay attention to cosmetics with retinol.

The Norwegian scientific committee for food safety (VKM) investigated the properties of cosmetics with vitamin A. According to experts, there is not enough research to determine safe concentrations of retinol. But available evidence indicates that local adverse effects on the skin may occur when using retinol at concentrations of 0.075% or higher.

When choosing a product, pay attention to packaging and cost. Active forms of vitamin A are unstable and are destroyed by exposure to sunlight. Therefore, retinol cream should be in a vacuum tube, protected from light.

Really working retinol products cannot be cheap. During the manufacturing process, it is necessary to follow a certain production technology, which requires considerable costs.

How to use retinol products correctly

You need to start using cosmetics with retinol with a minimum concentration of 0.1-0.4%, gradually increasing it in the absence of side effects. At the beginning of use, skin redness and a feeling of tightness may be observed. If such phenomena are not an allergic reaction, they will soon pass.

It is best to use products with retinol 1-2 times a week until the skin gets used to it. High concentrations of retinol without preparation can cause severe irritation and flaking.

To ensure that products with retinol benefit your skin and do not cause harm, follow these rules:

  1. Do not apply retinol products to wet skin. If the skin is not completely dry, the risk of irritation increases. After the skin gets used to retinol, this rule may not be followed.
  2. Apply retinol cream only at night, and use sunscreen during the day. Vitamin A is destroyed by exposure to sunlight and does not provide the desired effect. Retinol also increases skin sensitivity to light, which can cause sunburn and pigmentation.
  3. Don't forget to moisturize your skin. 45-60 minutes after using retinol, apply moisturizer to the skin. This will ensure that the retinol has enough exposure time to prevent dryness.

When using retinol, consider the composition of other skincare products. Do not use the substance in combination with acids, as such effects may be too aggressive for the skin. The simultaneous use of retinol and vitamin C will reduce the effect of both products to zero.

Dr. Fernandez, creator of the anti-aging cosmetics brand Environ, talks about the need to understand the difference between a retinoid reaction and a sensitivity or allergy to a retinoid. If you are overly sensitive to retinol, the longer you use it, the worse it gets. With a retinoid reaction, irritation decreases as the period of use increases.

Considering the effect of retinol on the skin, products with it are indicated for people after 30 years of age when the first signs of aging appear. In addition, such cosmetics improve the condition of problem skin. A negative result may be a consequence of non-compliance with the rules of use.

Products with retinol help smooth out wrinkles, even out skin tone, eliminate pigmentation, and increase skin firmness and elasticity. But keep in mind that a positive result is only possible with proper use of retinol.