Mole on a woman’s left foot meaning

A mole on the foot, thigh or knee can be a real sign of fate. Rare moles almost always foreshadow an extraordinary life path. By deciphering the meaning of each mark on the body, you can find out your future.

What does a mole on the foot mean?

Like most similar signs about moles, those related to the legs can change their meaning to almost the opposite for men and women. You should take this into account when making a forecast for yourself or your friend.


If a mole is located on the right side of a man’s left foot, this indicates that he is naturally endowed with high intelligence. The insight of this person makes his decisions correct, no matter what area of ​​life they concern. His wisdom will allow him to start a family and ensure high incomes. The owners of such marks are distinguished by their foresight. They try not to get caught up in trifles and focus all their attention on achieving global goals.

A similar mole on a woman’s foot speaks of her impermanence. She makes a decision, but often changes it to the opposite. The variability of such a girl also manifests itself in love relationships - she quickly gets bored with men, she strives for novelty of impressions. There is usually no interest in work or study. Owners of such marks crave pleasure and entertainment; nothing else will interest them.

A spot on the left foot closer to the center indicates that the owner or owner of the mark can boast of prudence. Such people are tactful, distinguished by their sociability and natural charm. People around them like them for their determination; close people and colleagues often note their strong character.

If the mark is located on the left side of the left foot of a woman or man, this indicates happiness and prosperity. You may not become a millionaire, but you will have a stable income, a strong family and healthy children, as well as loyal friends, a good reputation and a prestigious position. Relationships with relatives will be successful. You are quite religious, however, the owners of such marks often study the beliefs of other peoples, for example, Buddhism.

If the mark is on the left foot near the toes, this indicates that all his life the person will be looking for a middle ground. You will have an average income, a good job, and stability. Some may find such a life boring, but many would give anything for what you have.


A mole on the right foot on the left side shows that the owner’s intelligence is above average. If we are talking about your child, you can rejoice, although those with high intelligence are not always willing to work on getting good grades in school.

If any mole on a woman’s right foot is large enough, this indicates that her main goal is to create a family, take care of her husband and have children. True, career growth is not expected due to the lack of business spirit. If we are talking about a man, then before you is an excellent family man who is faithful to his wife and loves his children. He is also reliable as a business partner with a good reputation, which he values.

Several small dots on any foot promise a man success. Most likely, in adulthood he will be able to take the desired position, make a good fortune and start a family. If we are talking about a woman, then there will not be much happiness in family life, and major failures are possible. You are kind and open, but an overly violent temperament is a problem that needs to be worked on.

Any marks on the feet of men and women indicate restlessness and a desire to lead an active lifestyle. It is almost impossible to lock such a person at home. Even if we are talking about a woman on maternity leave, she will find something to do with herself. In addition, such marks indicate a desire to travel and explore the world. True, for many this desire remains only a dream. They often portend a serious illness.

Moles on the toes have a separate interpretation. It differs greatly depending on which finger the mole is on. Such marks can also lift the veil of secrets about your future.

What does a mole on the heel and sole portend?


A mole on the heel is a sign that a disease will soon arise in your body.
It is unknown how serious and severe it will be. Often such marks indicate hereditary diseases. They are also a sign of a person’s stamina and large supply of vital energy, but he may turn out to be an energy vampire. Such people are always energetic, but are rarely kind to others.

Owners of such moles are prone to selfishness and egocentrism. They love to brag, prefer to talk more than listen, and the topic is always the same - their own achievements. They can do a lot to raise their level of comfort and well-being. Sometimes they even lose contact with friends and relatives, devoting themselves entirely to work.

Chances are you don't have many close friends. But there are plenty of enemies and ill-wishers - there are many more of them than those you can trust. You can only build a family with a like-minded person. It is interesting that the owners of such moles are always distinguished by excellent health and a desire for self-development. Perseverance helps them become financially independent people holding high positions in prestigious companies.

The meaning of a mole on the heel may vary depending on the location on the foot. Thus, a mark on the left heel speaks of powerful intuition and high intelligence. You are wise, perhaps one of the so-called “old souls.” In addition, the owners of such marks have developed spirituality. They often study the religious movements of different nations and may profess beliefs that are not very common. The best field of activity for you is politics, journalism and writing, science or research. A developed mind and high intelligence allow you to choose almost any profession.

A mole on the right heel indicates a desire to travel. Holders of such marks are very fond of change; they are often travelers and sailors. There is also a love of movement and an active lifestyle. These are almost always adventurous individuals with a lot of energy. They are often envied, but such people almost never suffer from the machinations of envious people, since they know how to turn any situation to their advantage.

Moles on the legs in the knee area


Moles on the knee joint or in the inner part of the knee mean that this is an active person who does not know how to wait at all. Combined with other abilities, such character traits can guarantee success in all areas of life.

The impatience of the owners of such marks often causes inattention. You often do not notice mistakes or nuances on which the outcome of the case may depend. You are often in a hurry at work, which leads to mistakes or a decrease in the quality of work.

A mole on a man’s right leg indicates that he will create a happy family. This also applies to owners of a similar spot on the left knee. Such marks are found in people who have perfect control of their body. They practice dancing, yoga or other sports.

A mole above a woman’s knee is a sign of success in starting a family or teaching. Ladies with such spots are naturally sensitive, but demanding. They make excellent mothers, capable of raising a worthy member of society. Such women often occupy a leading position in the family.

A mark above the knee on a man speaks of enterprise and extraordinary intelligence. You will have a high income and a solid position in a prestigious company. You may want to work only for yourself and open your own business. Success is expected in this too.

Mole on the inner thigh: meaning


A mole on the inner thigh means there is a risk of seizures. If night cramps are waking you up, it's time to make an appointment with your doctor. Owners of such marks need to remember that sooner or later their influence will manifest itself.

Men with such spots are distinguished by their ability to craft. They can repair anything - from a water tap to a washing machine, which will save on the services of repairmen.

A similar mark in women means an extraordinary talent for needlework. Since childhood, they have been fond of embroidery and knitting; they even often choose a profession related to their favorite hobby.

Moles on the thighs and ankles: meaning


A mole on the back of the thigh or ankle indicates psychic abilities. Many people have prophetic dreams, and besides, techniques for reading the future are available to everyone. If you have noticed manifestations of extraordinary abilities, you should try to develop them. Owners of such spots are often interested in magic and the occult. They make good priests and spiritual leaders, teachers and doctors.

A mole on a man’s right thigh means a tendency toward a solitary lifestyle, a hermit. They often become outcasts in society. They strongly depend on the mother's opinion. The same prediction will be true for women with a similar mark on the left thigh.


The mark on the right thigh speaks of amorousness, courage and a pleasant character. If it is on the opposite side of the body, you are looking at a person who does not have much interest in love relationships. Such people rarely have lovers. They are hard-working and able to provide for their family.

A nevus on the right ankle indicates success in politics and any other area related to communicating with people and building a reputation. Holders of this mark are inclined towards religion, but are not fanatical. They note deep faith and interest in magic. Eloquence is their brightest talent.

Those with marks on their left ankles want to travel around the world. Their work may involve travel and business trips. Such people have many friends and lead an active lifestyle. However, they prefer to listen more than to talk, are characterized by silence and do not have oratory abilities.

All moles on the calves, ankles and legs indicate that their owner has incredibly powerful energy and developed intuition. You have paranormal abilities, they should be developed. You are a spiritually developed person for whom there will be no obstacles in life.

The meaning of moles on the legs can be useful not only to owners of such marks. From these signs you can learn a lot about your loved ones and just have fun studying your body for predictions.

Since ancient times, the answer to the question of what a mole on the foot means could be given by the science of podomancy. The sages who possessed such knowledge were able to predict the future of a person based on his feet. In the modern world, people are not used to thinking about the meaning of marks on their body; for most, it is just a nevus or a neoplasm on the skin.

People have long noticed that there are many energy and biological points on the feet, much more of them than on the face and ears. Eastern sages believed that the lines of vital forces begin and end on the legs. Such points of entry and exit of energy are vital active points. This knowledge is still used in the east for massage or acupuncture treatment.

The very fact that the feet contain 30% of the bones of the human skeleton forces modern science to consider them a serious object for study. From all this it becomes clear that a mole on the foot can significantly influence not only health, but also the fate of a person. Particularly important is a mole on the foot, which is associated with a person from the day of his birth. Moreover, it is the mark on the sole that can often disappear and reappear throughout life.

Eastern healers studying moles have long noticed that those formations that were associated with the disease disappeared after treatment procedures and the person recovered. We can say that podomancy is similar to palmistry. All the possibilities of this science are still waiting to be explored. But you can understand the meaning of what a mole on the foot means now.

The meaning of moles differs between men and women. After all, esotericists also recognize that the vital energies that feed representatives of different sexes vary greatly, so the meaning of formations in men and women must be considered separately.

What does a mole mean for a man:

  1. If a man has a mark on his right foot on the left side, this means that he is smart, insightful, and far-sighted.
  2. When the nevus is located on the left foot, almost in the middle, this indicates that the man is prudent and tactful, but at the same time has a strong-willed character.
  3. If a man has a mole on his left sole, this is a sign that he will be rich and happy. It also speaks about a person’s religiosity.
  4. If the mole is on the right foot (or there are many small ones), the man will be a successful person.
  5. The meaning of a large nevus on the right or left foot is that a person remains faithful to his wife all his life and is a reliable partner in business.
  6. A high level of intelligence is indicated by a nevus on the sole of the right foot on the left side.
  7. If a man has a mark on the sole of one foot or on both feet, this indicates that, despite his love of love, a happy marriage awaits him.
  8. If the formation is on the right heel, the man is very wise and intelligent.

What do moles mean for women:

  1. If a woman has a nevus growing on her left foot on the right side, it is changeable and fickle. She has a complete lack of interest in science and learning. She is only interested in entertainment.
  2. The meaning of a nevus on the right foot is that a woman’s whole life is centered around the interests of the family. Household members are the most important thing for her. Devotion to her husband is her credo.
  3. If a woman has a mark on the sole of her right foot, she will not be a practical businesswoman, but she will be a good mother and wife.
  4. Sometimes the markings are bright red. The meaning of them, no matter what leg they are on, is that the woman is open and honest. But she will not have much luck in family life.
  5. If a green mark suddenly appears, and after some time exactly the same one appears on the second foot, this is a sign of a serious illness.
  6. If there are many small bright nevi on the sole, then the woman is loving and temperamental.
  7. When a nevus grows on the foot of the left foot near the toes, it means average income and a rather difficult life.
  8. If a woman has a large mark on her sole, it means that the woman will have a lot of children.

The presence of several marks on the soles of the feet indicates that the person will have to spend a lot of time traveling. This is true for both men and women.

So we looked at what a mole on the foot means. However, it must be borne in mind that in different cultures the same markings on the legs can have different meanings. It is necessary to attach importance to nevi on the legs, but within reason. It is not entirely clear which of the esoteric cultures is closest to the truth and what is the true meaning of the formations on the feet.

Despite the fact that podomancy is a fairly ancient science, work on the meaning of markings on the legs is still being carried out. When observing your tumors, pay attention to when they appear and disappear; this is most likely due to disease.

And keep an eye on the condition of the nevi themselves. Remember that they are easy to damage, especially if they are convex. A damaged formation can lead to serious illnesses.

If the nevus changes color, this means that it is most likely turning into a malignant formation, in which case you should consult a doctor.

Be careful not only about your moles, but also about your body as a whole, and it will serve you for many years. Be healthy!

It is believed that moles appear on the body randomly, and their location does not depend on any conditions. A mole on the knee, head or any other part of the body is not something special or significant for many people, if it simply exists, or appeared from birth, and does not cause any cause for concern. After all, moles are different and can sometimes grow, degenerate, increase in size or create a threat of neoplasm.

For people who are not inclined to believe in omens and superstitions, a mole under the knee is nothing more than a mark on the body that can cause some inconvenience if its location falls on a bend and interferes with wearing tight trousers or jeans.

For doctors, moles are potential risks, melanomas, nevi, spots or convex formations that can begin their dangerous development at any moment. Many people are interested in the meaning of a mole under and above the knee.

Moleosophy - the study of moles

For those who believe in the postulates of moleosophy, this is a whole area of ​​​​knowledge based on belief in fate, destiny, magical and mysterious signs, on the location of which a person’s life path depends.

Moleosophy is a field of magical knowledge, the subject of which is the study of moles on the human body. The essence of this knowledge, obtained since ancient times, is embodied in specific postulates about the significance and purpose of the location of moles and the signs associated with them.

Some doctors tend to believe that there is a certain amount of rationality in the knowledge acquired since ancient times, and that moles on the human body really do not appear randomly. There is a basis for this statement, because alternative medicine often uses diagnostics based on the shape, outline, size and location of nevi and age spots.

The name moleosophy comes from Ancient Greece, where not only moles, but also scars, warts and old scars were the basis for interpretations and predictions of a person’s future fate. The ancient Greeks firmly believed in the meaning of such marks, and this theme is present in many myths, determining the development of events in them. A modernized version of moleosophy has found application in medical currents of magnetic fields, biological resonators and bioactive points.

Mole on the leg

Representatives of such schools are confident that the appearance of moles can mean little in the sense of predicting the future or defining the past, but is far from random. The place where a nevus, mole or pigmentation occurs, in their opinion, is a crossroads of energy meridians, a bioactive point or a reflexogenic zone in which certain changes occur.

Representatives of various esoteric movements, who believe that the fate of a person is determined by higher, cosmic forces, pay special attention to the mystical role of marks on the human body. In their opinion, moles are nothing more and nothing less than antennas for capturing cosmic energy and signals from the Universe. According to esotericists, moles act as a kind of antennas for redirecting energy flows, the need for which a person feels. His body brings formations into the outer covering to fill the missing energy gaps. Another important function, according to supporters of the doctrine of cosmic broadcasts, is the redistribution of reserves already existing in the body.

And if you believe esotericism, then the harmony of a person’s sensations in his own body and its interaction with external space depends on the number of emerging or congenital pigmented formations. The more of them he has on his body, the more harmonious and happier he is.

A woman who has a large number of them is thus transformed from the outside, transforming her negative qualities into positive ones, and many moles that appear on a woman’s body with age speak of moral trauma or psychological stress. Esotericists believe that moles not only appear, but also disappear under the influence of positive emotions, and this fact is cited as proof of the veracity of their beliefs.

Identical moles among relatives

Close people who are consanguineous may have moles in the same places, or in different but similar shapes. Sometimes it is discovered that after several decades people are born with the same inclinations, completely strangers to each other, who have pigmentation or moles in prominent places, very similar in location or color.

For mystics, such coincidences have become the basis of the theory of reincarnation - the transmigration of the soul from one body to another, and moles, in their opinion, are a way for souls that have also moved and are looking for each other to recognize them.

Relatives are looking for their loved ones for the purpose of spiritual fusion, victims are looking for criminals in order to take revenge, and sometimes the criminal is looking for the criminal in order to share negative experiences. And all this with the help of small marks, which are mapped on the body to make a forecast of fate.

The main focus of moleosophy is on the form in which the pigmentation or convexity appears. There are entire studies according to which the shape of a mole can not only determine a person’s character, but also predict his fate:

Moles in the form of a constellation

favorable: in the form of a star (life without adversity and illness), birds (a sign of future happiness and determination, in the shape of lips ready for a kiss - an exceptional life full of pleasant surprises);

unfavorable - in the form of a cat (sign of the devil), a human face (constant need for outside support); in the shape of a continent - an indication of temper and lack of control, and in the outline of an elephant - positivity, loyalty and reliability in relationships; digital nevi or spots give wide scope for interpretations borrowed from numerology; seven, for example, means idealism, six means wit, and four means decency.

The location of pigment formations is also of great importance. The presence on the shin can simultaneously denote adventurism, financial well-being, devotion and frivolity, depending on whether it is on the right or left leg, on a man or woman, closer to the foot or knee, in front or behind, and even on its size and color .

A mole closer to the knee or on the knee is a very symbolic and important designation of energy flows or lines of fate. It is less common than other types on the lower extremities, and, according to moleosophy, is capable of significantly influencing the life course of its owner. Paired or convex ones can attract energy so strongly that a person’s fate can change dramatically.

A single woman can do the same if she straddles the knee, while being convex and dark in color. To achieve the intended goal, it is enough for a person to have moles that are not identical, but located on both knees, even if they are different in shape and color.

The main signs in this regard are as follows:

Mole above a girl's knee

above the right knee, with a convex or smooth surface is more favorable, promising a woman a happy marriage, rough and black in color - helps to a lesser extent (will give a successful marriage, but does not guarantee a calm old age);

a mole above the knee on the left leg is a good sign for a man, foreshadowing a profitable marriage, while for women it is an unhappy marriage (especially if it is large and very dark in color); the meaning of a mole under the knee is unpleasant, this appearance does not promise its owners anything except future trials, of which he will encounter many in life (especially if there are many such spots, and they are located in a chaotic scattering); the appearance of moles on the leg below the knee and under the knee, according to esotericists, cosmic antennas appear in the middle of life for those who are dissatisfied with their lives, but cannot sit in one place, and are constantly trying to go somewhere.

The interpretation of one, separate sign, according to monoscopists and moleosophists, who adhere to views rooted since the times of Ancient Greece, is unauthorized. It can change and vary depending on where else the person has markings. Sometimes a mole on the stomach or forehead means one thing, but a mole on the knee has a completely opposite meaning, much depends on what shape it has - round, angular, oblong or iconic.

And even more, one can say, if you go to a person who will draw up a special map of moles according to all the rules, and read it in accordance with ancient interpretations, if, of course, you believe in all the signs that are associated with such marks on the body.

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Most often, a mole (med. - nevus) on the foot appears as a result of the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation and hormonal imbalance. Let's find out in what cases you need to see a doctor, and when you should listen to folk signs.

What do moles on the foot mean?

A birthmark on the foot characterizes its owner as a restless person who is drawn to adventure. The remaining meanings of the sign depend on which leg the mark is located on.

The meaning of a mole on the right foot

The mark on the right foot speaks of a desire to travel and visit interesting places. Usually this aspiration remains a dream. Such a mole is a sign of chronic diseases.


A woman with a birthmark on her right sole will become a good mother and wife. However, she will not see success in business. Her whole life is centered around her family.

A man with this mark has a number of advantages:

  1. foresight;
  2. insight;
  3. intelligence.

Most often, a guy with a mole on his sole is successful in his career.

The meaning of a mole on the left foot

A pigment formation on the left sole indicates developed intelligence. Such a person has a number of qualities:

A nevus on a lady’s left foot speaks of her variability and inconstancy. She does not like to study and prefers entertainment to work. For a man, this sign predicts wealth and happiness.

Dark moles predict failure in your personal life, while pink ones promise happiness in family relationships. Green nevi indicate the development of a serious disease in the body.

The meaning of a mole on the foot in women

The meaning of a mole differs between the two sexes. Women should pay attention to the color, size and number of moles:

  1. A bright red mole promises problems in family relationships. The lady is distinguished by her honesty and sincerity, but she does not see success in her personal life.
  2. Many bright marks indicate the girl’s love and temperament.
  3. A large mole on the sole means that a woman will become a mother of many children.


Important! Many moles on the foot indicate travel. This prophecy applies to both men and women.

If the birthmark is located in the center of the sole, this means a successful marriage. If the nevus is located near the thumb, this characterizes its owner as a wise and flexible lady with a calm character.

Much depends on which finger the birthmark is located under:

  1. Big. A person is prone to depression and deep despondency. He often feels sorry for himself and constantly makes the situation worse. Such a lady is not able to overcome adversity on her own.
  2. Second. A mole on the sole under this finger speaks of an assertive and self-confident person. She doesn't care what happens around her, the main thing in her life is her career and work. It is difficult for her to find a soul mate.
  3. Average. The mark indicates existing talents that will not bring results if they are not developed. Such a young lady should try herself in various fields.
  4. Fourth. A mole under it indicates an open and sociable personality. Such a girl is always in the center of attention and is able to find a common language with any person.
  5. Little finger. A spot on the small toe on the side of the sole of the foot speaks of a person’s phobias and fears. If the mole is very large, this is a sign of poor mental well-being.

A mark near the edge of the foot means a threat of heart and vascular disease. A mole between the center of the foot and heel is a sign of pathologies of the genital organs.

The meaning of a mole on the foot in men

A large nevus in a man is considered a sign of fidelity to his wife. Such a person is a reliable friend and business partner. Moles on both legs promise a happy marriage.


The guy with the pigment formations on his soles is pretty smart. He often falls in love and has many friends. He is also distinguished by other character traits:

  1. rich inner world;
  2. resourcefulness;
  3. caring;
  4. seriousness;
  5. romance.

Such men reach great heights and have a strong character. They will never leave a loved one in trouble and rarely need money. A mole on the right heel speaks of the insight of its owner.

Nevi have different meanings depending on their location on the foot:

  1. between the second and thumb – excessive fatigue, poor vision;
  2. between the third and second fingers - susceptibility to influenza, poor immunity;
  3. between the fourth and third fingers - the risk of developing varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and nasopharyngeal diseases;
  4. between the fifth and fourth fingers - a weak nervous system.

Birthmarks that influence fate usually have the following shapes: triangle, square, circle, cross or star.

Attention! A perfect circle is considered a good sign. An angular mole suggests the opposite.

What does medicine say about this?

Birthmarks on the foot can appear throughout your life. They usually stop occurring after age 25, when tissue growth stops. If the resulting formation grows, hurts, itches or changes color, this is an alarming sign.


There are several reasons for the growth of a mole:

  1. wrong lifestyle;
  2. stress;
  3. poor environmental conditions;
  4. heredity;
  5. excess ultraviolet radiation;
  6. pathologists of internal organs.

Important! Any mole on the foot can develop into melanoma. This happens especially often with nevi located on the feet and palms.

It is important to monitor the formation and contact a specialist if problems arise. If a spot grows on a child, it is worth showing it to the pediatrician. Fortunately, today there are many ways to get rid of unwanted nevus.

It is important to understand that birthmarks on the feet can have opposite meanings among different peoples. It is impossible to say which culture is closest to the truth. The main thing is to monitor your moles and listen to the advice of folk signs. In any case, most events and their outcome depend on the person himself.