The mole has darkened and fallen off

Moles are pigmented formations on the skin that almost every person has. Such neoplasms usually do not bother their carriers, but in rare cases, a mole may fall off, turn black, or begin to peel off. From this article you will learn what to do if a mole falls off.

What is a mole

A mole or nevus is an area of ​​skin that is susceptible to pigmentation due to an excessive accumulation of melanocyte cells, which are responsible for skin color. It is worth noting that those who are exposed to excessive sunlight have more moles. Each mole is programmed for its own life cycle. At first it is an ordinary flat spot, but then it can rise above the level of the skin. It depends on how and where the melanocytes are located. If they are located in the epidermis, the mole is flat, but if melanocytes are located in the dermis, then the mole rises above the skin level. But this elevation does not have any pathology if it is monochromatic, small and of the same shape throughout its entire life course. Therefore, it is impossible to know for sure what will happen if you pick off a mole.

Moles can be of various shapes and sizes, their color is pinkish or even black, and they are often located throughout the body without any particular localization. Babies are born with some moles, but most appear in the first years of life.

What causes moles to appear?

Melanin is responsible for the formation of moles. This is the same substance that is produced by skin cells. The main reason for the appearance of moles and their transformation is hormonal changes in the entire body, which is characteristic of puberty, pregnancy and endocrine diseases.

A group of scientists also put forward a theory that nevi are directly related to the aging process of the body. That is, people with moles, in most cases, live a long life, which means they seem to slow down physical aging. Typically, moles are ordinary benign formations. But what happens if you squeeze out a mole? After all, this can provoke the transformation of a formation into a malignant tumor.

You need to immediately contact a dermatologist and show the fallen off nevus. This situation has a low probability of causing cancer, but first of all you need to take care of disinfecting the wound. After all, melanoma is formed when melanocyte cells multiply in a low percentage probability, but damage to a mole or a negative impact on it can trigger the rapid process of proliferation of cancer cells.

It happens that a mole changes color along the periphery or is completely replaced by a light spot. The latter does not mean that the mole has disappeared; on the contrary, it should attract your attention. In any case, if one of your friends has torn a mole, then rush him to a specialist. The sooner you contact a surgeon or dermatologist, the faster the doctor will decide what to do if a mole falls off and will reduce possible negative consequences.

Can a mole fall off?

Few people know that some nevi can fall off over time. This happens for many reasons. We are so accustomed to the fact that there are a huge number of birthmarks on our body that we don’t even notice them. Some moles can cause discomfort because they are located in awkward places that often rub against clothing. In such cases, people try to get rid of nevi as quickly as possible. But it also happens that moles fall off. And this is the first alarm signal, after which you need to immediately go to a dermatologist.


The number of moles on our body changes throughout our lives. Some of them may change, increase in size, darken or even fall off. The pathogenesis of a fallen mole depends on the reasons that led to this result. To find out all the information about the disease, we recommend that you undergo an examination with a dermatologist.

What to do if a mole falls off

If a person has a deformed or fallen off mole, he needs to consult an oncologist. Such changes in the structure of the nevus can sometimes indicate malignancy (malignant degeneration) of the birthmark. Cancer transformation leads to the formation of melanoma, one of the most dangerous tumors. Such a neoplasm can already metastasize through the lymphatic and circulatory systems at the initial stages of development.


Detachment of part of the nevus occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Mechanical injury to age spots with a blade, razor or metal parts of clothing.
  2. Malignant degeneration, in which normal cells mutate and begin to divide atypically, increasing in size.
  3. Benign processes in nevus. In such cases, the need for treatment is determined by the oncologist surgeon.
  4. Circulatory disorders in education.

Why does a mole fall off in pieces?

Partial disintegration of the nevus occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Disruption of its blood supply after intense exposure to ultraviolet radiation or chronic friction of the “front sight” on clothing. These are essentially benign processes.
  2. Malignant transformation of nevus into melanoma. The pathology in which a mole falls off is accompanied by redness, peeling and soreness of the surrounding skin.

In each case, the patient should collect the fallen parts and undergo examination by an oncologist. The biological material is subject to histological analysis.

In what cases could this be a sign of cancer?

In oncological practice, it is recognized to distinguish the following signs of nevus malignancy:

  1. Changes in the shape and size of the birthmark. Cancerous degeneration of a nevus is usually accompanied by darkening and enlargement of pigmented tissue.
  2. Increased peeling and intense itching of the pathological area of ​​the skin.
  3. Formation of bleeding ulcers and erosions.
  4. The presence of pain syndrome, which tends to increase the number of painful attacks.

If a hanging mole falls off

A mole disappears for several reasons:

  1. This neoplasm is not a traditional nevus, but an ordinary papilloma. The color of “old” papillomas can strongly resemble a mole. However, their appearance is more like a cauliflower.
  2. Changes in hormonal levels provoke the loss of skin formations.
  3. Possibility of malignant transformation of the birthmark. This is the worst reason. Therefore, in any case, if you notice that a mole has fallen off, it is better to consult a dermatologist-oncologist for advice.

If the crust has fallen off on a mole

Covering the birthmark with a scaly crust and its spontaneous falling off may be a sign of skin cancer - melanoma.

Therefore, you should be especially careful with the following features:

  1. the surface crust of the formation has shades from dark gray to brown or bright red;
  2. when a crust forms, the mole begins to itch or peel off;
  3. the upper layer of the nevus fell off, and bleeding or leakage of white transparent liquid began;
  4. the pathological area has an unpleasant odor;
  5. if the crust has fallen off as a result of an accidental injury, but does not heal for a long time or changes in shape or color.

If a mole has dried out and fallen off

Sometimes a birthmark, usually a pendulous mole, can shrink in size and fall off on its own. Provoking factors are:

  1. Natural positive regression of benign formation;
  2. Lack of sufficient blood flow and, accordingly, a decrease in nutrition and death of the tumor;
  3. A change in the cellular structure of the nevus, which caused its death.

But in any case, if a mole falls off, it is better to undergo an examination and make sure that the particular case is safe. After all, if an ordinary mole, not a hanging papilloma, changes or disappears, then this may indicate a cancerous degeneration of the mole. Moreover, this condition can last for a long time, right up to the complete malignancy of the birthmark. A wound remains at the site of the cancerous nevus, causing discomfort.

If a mole turns black and falls off

A color change in the birthmark and its death should definitely alert a person. This may be the result of both some natural phenomena and mutational degeneration.

Safe blackening and death are possible only when this process is not sudden, but lasts a long time. The most likely cause is a hormonal factor (puberty, menopause or pregnancy in women, older age in men).

A malignant condition is said to be:

  1. Simultaneous blackening, inflammation, pain, enlargement, asymmetry, itching.
  2. Falling off and ulceration.

First aid

If the nevus falls off, you must immediately:

  1. Stop the bleeding.
  2. Moisten a bandage with hydrogen peroxide and apply to the wound.
  3. Cover the area with a band-aid and go to the clinic as soon as possible!

What to do and when to see a doctor

Immediately after a mole falls off, you should immediately provide yourself with first aid. Also, it is advisable to immediately place the fallen piece of nevus in saline solution (salt water) so that a histological examination of the biomaterial can be carried out.

After this, you should immediately make an appointment with a dermatologist-oncologist. If the fallen piece disappears, the doctor will take tests from the remaining wound.


You should know about the diagnosis of neoplasms. First you need to consult a dermatologist. The doctor will be able to examine the tumors, identify their nature and prescribe treatment. For diagnostic purposes, digital dermatoscopy is performed. The procedure involves visual inspection of the mole using a dermatoscope. The examination makes it possible to study the nevus, as well as understand what type it is.

Ultrasound is used to identify the type of nevus. Using ultrasound, the doctor reveals the depth of the tumor and what caused its appearance. After the procedure, the doctor chooses a treatment method - this can be laser or surgical intervention. To determine the nature of the mole, it is important to consult with an oncologist. If you are going to remove a tumor on your face, you will need to consult a plastic surgeon. The doctor will recommend additional measures that will help hide traces of the nevus. Removal of moles on the face is combined with anti-aging surgery.

What is included in the diagnosis

After a patient seeks medical help, he is examined in the following order:

  1. Collecting anamnesis of the disease:

The doctor finds out the medical history, the presence of subjective complaints and the existence of a genetic predisposition to cancer.

  1. Visual inspection of the pathological area of ​​skin:

In this case, the oncologist is interested in the presence of darkening of the nevus, changes in its structure, redness and peeling of the epidermis.

Surgical sampling of a small area of ​​the pigment spot and its subsequent histological analysis is considered a reliable way to establish a final diagnosis.

  1. X-ray examination, computer and magnetic resonance imaging:

These additional techniques are aimed at detecting metastases in regional lymph nodes and distant organs.

Treatment tactics

Timely diagnosis of malignant degeneration of skin formations is the key to successful anticancer treatment.

Treatment of melanoma at the initial stage is carried out as follows:

  1. Surgery to remove mutated tissue and some nearby healthy tissue. Radical intervention is usually performed under local anesthesia.
  2. Radiation therapy in the form of irradiation of pathology with highly active x-ray radiation. This technique helps to stabilize the processes of atypical division of mutated tissues. This creates conditions for successful surgical treatment.
  3. Chemotherapy. The patient is prescribed a course of cytostatic drugs if metastatic spread of cancer cells is suspected.

Forecast and what to expect

If the detachment of a piece of the “front sight” does not show signs of cancerous transformation, then the prognosis is favorable. In such cases, it is advisable for a person to undergo a second preventive examination with an oncologist after a year.

Cancerous degeneration of a nevus, in general, also has a positive prognosis. After a timely complaint from a patient: “a mole has fallen off” and proper treatment, a person can count on a complete cure.

Trauma mole

Owners of multiple moles know that they are too easy to injure, especially convex or hanging ones. Injury can occur when wearing clothing normally, using a washcloth, during a massage, or when shaving.

If you accidentally pick off a mole or simply rip it off, you should immediately consult a doctor. If the mole is malignant, the surgeon will remove it and take a biopsy, which will show the effectiveness of the treatment.

Actions to take when removing a mole

Many people know about the harmful effects of scratching, but not everyone knows what to do if they pick off a mole. Let's determine the procedure:

  1. A torn mole should definitely be shown to a dermatologist. There is nothing terrible or abnormal in the damage itself - you should not believe folk tales and opinions. An injured mole can simply become infected, because its roots can be located in the dermis, and not just in the upper, easily healing layer of the skin.
  2. A mole scratched off either with a fingernail or with clothing can cause melanoma, which will bring a number of very serious consequences. Damage to a mole can also cause blood poisoning.
  3. If you do not immediately seek help from a doctor, you may notice that the mole itself is healing quite well. But just as any place exposed to injury begins to itch, there is again a risk of tearing off the mole and causing an infection.
  4. If you accidentally pick off a mole, bleeding will occur, which can be profuse and difficult to eliminate at home.
  5. Any damaged mole, in particular a papilloma, must be surgically removed.


If your mole falls off and the histology results show that it was malignant, treatment will be necessary. Typically, in the initial stages, melanoma is treated with Interferon-alpha. This drug helps to increase the body's defenses and is exclusively an additional remedy. It is usually discharged after surgery to remove tumors. This drug helps stop the growth of abnormal cells, which blocks the development of metastases. Since the drug is usually administered in fairly large doses, it may cause side effects.

Reaferon is one of the popular analogues of Interferon-alpha. However, its formula has been slightly improved. The main feature of this remedy is the fact that there are almost no side effects from it. It strengthens the defense system and stops the growth of abnormal cells.

Traditional treatment

Some patients believe that it is best to treat melanoma with folk remedies. It is important to understand that not all medicinal plants are equally helpful in different situations, so consult your doctor first.

A special tincture is created from the tubers of this plant, which is taken before meals three times a day. Remember that you first need to take one drop of tincture, gradually increasing the dose. To avoid side effects, you should drink herbal tea an hour after taking aconite.

Herbal treatment

If you have a mole that has fallen off and you are worried that it could mean melanoma, but do not want to go to the doctor, you can try to remove the disease from your body with the help of herbs. An effective remedy in this case is birch bark. Birch bark contains beta-sitosterol and betulin. There are also essential oils.

Special herbal sets are considered no less popular. But remember that herbs usually help only to prevent the disease, so if you see that a mole on your body has fallen off, you can first drink infusions of nettle, medicinal angelica, hyssop, coriander, and then make an appointment with a doctor.

Every person has moles or nevi. They are flat or raised pigment spots on the skin, the appearance of which is influenced by exposure to sunlight, hormonal factors or hereditary predisposition. Usually they are absolutely safe for humans, but if moles change color, become deformed or even fall off, this may be a signal of the development of a dangerous disease - melanoma.


Can a mole fall off?

Moles or nevi are formations on human skin that can be present both from birth and appear throughout life. Acquired moles appear as a result of cells overflowing with melanin pigment.

Usually, people have a fairly large number of birthmarks on their bodies, so the disappearance or formation of several of them goes unnoticed. But few people know that such formations can fall off on their own, and this process is more dangerous than mechanically tearing off a mole.


Before looking for the reasons for the falling off, you need to make sure whether it is really a mole. For no reason, nevi cannot fall off because they are part of the corium. They are often confused with keratomas - benign age-related neoplasms of a brown hue that appear as a result of keratinization of the upper layers of the skin. They disappear in old age and are not dangerous to health. There is also a possibility of misidentifying drooping nevi, because they look like papillomas. The mole itself can fall off for several reasons:

  1. injury caused by shaving products, while putting on clothes, or by improperly cleaning the skin with cosmetic products;
  2. deficiency of nutritional compounds in the body;
  3. disruption of circulatory processes;
  4. degeneration of the spot into a malignant formation - melanoma (due to cancerous skin lesions, the structure of the mole changes and it is destroyed);
  5. impaired immunity;
  6. sometimes nevi appear due to hormonal imbalance, and when it returns to normal, the formations on the skin disappear.

What to do if a mole falls off

If a mole falls off, you should immediately consult a dermatologist, and then consult an oncologist. This will make it possible to timely identify cancer cells in a pigmented spot.


Malignant transformation often leads to the appearance of dangerous tumors - melanomas, which develop from pigment cells. Such formations, already in the first stages of development, spread their cells to other systems of the body, especially the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

Why does a mole fall off in pieces?

Sometimes large moles cause a lot of discomfort and interfere with normal life activities. In this case, they cling to clothing and are damaged during washing or rubbing against the surface of the washcloth. The nevus can fall off completely, but often only loses part of it.

A fallen piece is not a reason for panic or worry. To ensure that the mole is safe, it is submitted for histological analysis. During the study, the doctor will determine the structure of the tissues and the degree of danger of the tumor. Chipping of pieces of a mole also occurs for other reasons:

  1. ultraviolet irradiation;
  2. gradual drying and disintegration of the nevus;
  3. cancerous lesion.

There is no need to worry if the remaining mole does not itch, does not look inflamed, and there is no pain when pressed. Nutrients simply ceased to flow to it, and it is gradually destroyed.


In what cases could this be a sign of cancer?

Malignization is the process of transformation of benign cells into malignant ones. It is a very dangerous phenomenon for the human body, because, according to statistics, most of the fallen off moles indicate the onset of an oncological tumor or melanoma. It actively metastasizes to surrounding tissues, so the risk of developing the disease after the nevus falls off only increases.

Scientists have proven that the main provoking factor for degeneration is ultraviolet radiation, which damages DNA molecules. The danger of the consequences depends not only on the time a person is in direct sunlight, but also on the part of the day. Experts insist to avoid sunbathing on the beach from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., because it is during this period that the sun can damage the skin the most.

It is worth noting that the appearance of melanomas is also associated with numerous sunburns, received mainly in childhood. In the summer, children walk around in short shorts and T-shirts, so their skin is always exposed to the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation.


The following symptoms indicate the growth of cancer cells:

  1. asymmetry of the nevus (uneven borders, heterogeneous color, surface roughness);
  2. rapid increase in tumor size;
  3. darkening of the mole;
  4. active peeling and itching of pigmented tissues;
  5. soreness, discomfort even with a slight touch;
  6. partial destruction of tissue in advanced situations;
  7. transportation of cancer cells through the lymph throughout the body and the appearance of new foci of the disease.

In the later stages of melanoma, there is bleeding at the slightest damage to the spot, as well as skin irritation, excessive pigmentation and a tendency to ulceration. It is possible to detect cancer in its early stages by regularly examining your body for suspicious moles. Melanomas most often appear in the following groups of people:

  1. with light skin and hair;
  2. those who have previously had moles removed or whose relatives struggled with a similar problem;
  3. if there are a large number of nevi on the skin and their diameter exceeds 6 mm;
  4. suffering from chronic inflammation;
  5. people who are exposed to the sun due to their professional activities.


Specialists insist that not only those at risk, but all people undergo regular examinations. To prevent the appearance of cancer or the development of relapse, you need to limit the time you spend under UV rays, use sunscreen and other skin protection products.

If a hanging mole falls off

Often hanging moles fall off if blood flow to them stops. This occurs as a result of the twisting of the nevus stalk, so over time they dry out and become detached.

But in most cases, a hanging mole is not like that. It is confused with ordinary papilloma - a benign formation that externally looks like a papilla made of epithelial tissue. Long-standing growths darken and sag greatly, eventually falling off completely.

If the crust has fallen off on a mole

A crust on a mole does not always appear. It can be brown, less often white, and appears after injury to the birthmark. If it consists of scales that fall off on their own, then there is a risk of developing skin cancer.


The crust may fall off after natural tissue healing, as happens with ordinary wounds and abrasions. Peeling off the top layer yourself is strictly prohibited, because this creates a favorable environment for the development of pathogens. Particular attention should be paid to nevus with the following symptoms:

  1. mole under a crust of gray or red color;
  2. the pigmented area has a specific, unpleasant odor;
  3. itching and excessive peeling appeared;
  4. after peeling off the top layer, the birthmark begins to bleed or a clear liquid substance is released from it;
  5. The healing process took a long time.

In such a situation, it is advisable to undergo dermatoscopy to examine pigmented nevi.

If a mole has dried out and fallen off

Hanging moles are prone to drying out. This happens for several reasons:

  1. death due to poor blood supply;
  2. independent destruction of the tumor;
  3. change in the structure of the mole.


After the nevus becomes dry, it does not cause pain. Despite this, the mole should fall off on its own. If you tear it off prematurely, you can damage the blood vessels that feed it and open bleeding.

If a mole turns black and falls off

Blackening of a mole is a dangerous sign. It may indicate both natural changes in the body and malignant phenomena. Darkening of the nevus does not harm health only if this process lasts several weeks. Its cause is hormonal imbalance: pregnancy, puberty, age-related changes.

If a blackening mole includes cancer cells, then this process is too rapid and is accompanied by inflammation of the skin, pain, itching, and a sharp increase in the diameter of the spot.


First aid

If a mole suddenly falls off or a significant part of it is deformed, you need to go to the hospital, but before that, give yourself first aid. What actions need to be taken depends on the degree of damage:

  1. Nevus rupture. Treat the open wound with hydrogen peroxide to prevent infection from entering. It is also advisable to use an antiseptic. The universal drug Chlorhexidine is suitable, which can be purchased without a prescription at an affordable price. Then cover the mole with a bactericidal adhesive plaster and seek qualified help.
  2. Complete removal of the mole. First of all, you need to stop the bleeding and disinfect the damaged area using hydrogen peroxide. Moisten a cotton pad with the liquid and apply it to the skin for half an hour. Due to its good cleaning properties, peroxide prevents decomposition processes. If the bleeding does not stop, a new tampon is applied. Afterwards, treat the wound with Chlorhexidine, cover it with a band-aid and consult a doctor.

When to see a doctor

It is advisable to consult a doctor immediately after providing first aid. Be sure to see a dermatologist to have your skin examined, as well as an oncologist. It will help make a diagnosis and promptly identify malignant tumors that could appear due to a mole.

The fallen nevus should be placed in saline solution (sodium chloride), which can be easily purchased at the pharmacy. You can also prepare it yourself by dissolving table salt in distilled water (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of liquid). Moisten gauze or bandage with the resulting product, and then wrap the mole in it.

This is done in order to submit the birthmark for histological examination. If it is not possible to save the fallen skin, the doctor will excise material for analysis from the open wound.

Treatment tactics

Treatment is necessary if the mole causes a lot of inconvenience or turns out to be melanoma, which threatens health with irreparable consequences.


A tumor-like neoplasm in the first stages of its development is treated with the following methods:

  1. Surgical removal. Involves excision of melanoma, surrounding tissue and subcutaneous tissue. The postoperative defect is eliminated using plastic surgery. If the area of ​​removal is large, then a flap of skin is applied. The operation is performed under local anesthesia and is the most common treatment method.
  2. Beam removal using laser. The method is used only if surgery is impossible due to the extent of the metastases or their penetration into the deep layers of the skin. This method is also effective if there is a risk of recurrence of a cancerous tumor.
  3. Radio wave radiation. It is carried out using high-frequency radio waves. During the procedure, tissue is cut and pigmented areas are destroyed without contact with the skin. The method is suitable for moles of all sizes, regardless of their location. The postoperative mark is almost invisible.
  4. Cryodestruction. Mostly flat moles are frozen at low temperatures using liquid nitrogen. The procedure is painless, but has several disadvantages. The main one is the inability to take material for analysis and prevent the development of malignancy.
  5. Electrocoagulation. It is carried out to remove only benign moles, so as not to lead to the development of metastases. The procedure is based on the use of high-frequency current discharges, with which small incisions are made. Gradually the nevus is cut off.


During the examination, the doctor may prescribe additional treatment methods. Often there is a need for immunotherapy or chemotherapy. In the first case, biological drugs with antitumor activity are introduced into the body, and in the second, poisons or toxins are introduced that have a detrimental effect on the cause of the disease.

Forecast and what to expect

As soon as a mole falls off, you should not panic, but soberly assess what happened. This phenomenon does not yet confirm the development of cancer, but only a doctor can verify this after carrying out the appropriate tests. Some medical facts will help you look at the situation positively:

  1. the risk of developing melanoma in women is significantly lower than in men;
  2. nevi located on the upper extremities are most often harmless;
  3. If a mole has no visible changes, in particular, intensive growth and pigmentation, then it is probably benign.

Traditional treatment

According to many people, it is possible to cure melanoma using traditional medicine recipes. Some medicinal herbs actually stop the growth of the tumor, but are not able to completely get rid of the problem.

Often, for malignant tumors, a tincture based on the plant aconite or fighter is used. All its parts contain a stupefying toxic substance that actively fights cancer cells. At the same time, the grass is very dangerous: poisoning with serious consequences often occurred.

To prepare the tincture, you will need plant tubers, which are filled with alcohol (200 ml of liquid per 2 g of plant). Let it brew, but it is advisable to purchase a ready-made product at the pharmacy. Take the tincture before meals 3 times a day. The permissible dosage is 1 drop, but over time the volume can be increased. It is also recommended to drink herbal tea 60 minutes after taking the tincture.

Remember, a fallen mole requires special attention. It is imperative to examine your body for the presence of specific neoplasms and immediately consult a doctor. If melanoma is detected in time, you can be cured without consequences for the body!

If a mole on the body has darkened, this can be either a normal condition or an alarming sign. Only a specialist can figure this out, and you should definitely contact him.

There is hardly a person without a single mole on his body.

Nevus is a common skin formation, in the vast majority of cases it is safe for health.

  1. All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  2. Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  3. We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  4. Health to you and your loved ones!

It's another matter if the mole turns black. This can be an alarming sign, especially if we are talking about old moles that have appeared on the skin a long time ago.

What to do in this case and how dangerous is this nevus condition? Let's figure it out sequentially.

Why do they change color

There may be several reasons why a mole turns black:

  1. hormonal fluctuations in the body, especially associated with increased production of hormones (adolescence, pregnancy). Under their influence, an increase in skin pigmentation and darkening of the color of the nevus may occur;
  2. a mole may darken after sunbathing, which is evidence of excessive insolation;
  3. A nevus can turn black even after damage. Damage not only a violation of integrity, for example, if a woman with a manicure accidentally “grabbed” a mole, but also friction and squeezing.

Photo: asymmetry, uneven coloring

Blackened a mole should not be left unattended.

It can pose a threat to human health, so a visit to the doctor should not be postponed.

But darkening of the nevus is not the only change in its color that can occur.

If you notice that a mole has turned red, this is also a cause for concern.

Redness can occur as a result of infection as a consequence of the inflammatory process. Of course, consultation with a specialist is also necessary in this case.

If a mole changes color for no reason (at least one you can't tell), it's not something to be taken lightly.

In order not to later regret the lost time, consult a doctor immediately.

Risk factors

Statistics show that under the influence of certain factors, moles most often degenerate into malignant formations.

This does not mean at all that under the influence of these reasons, degeneration will definitely occur, but the risk of it increases:

  1. excessive insolation - exposure to direct rays of the sun during the period of its greatest activity;
  2. white-skinned, fair-haired, blue-eyed people, instead of tanning, quickly get burned, which increases the risk of skin cancer;
  3. people who have a large number of moles (more than 50) are at risk;
  4. there is a large mole on the body;
  5. heredity – the presence of cases of melanoma in relatives;
  6. the presence of dysplastic nevi - spots of irregular shape and without clear boundaries, which in the center rise slightly above the surface of the skin;
  7. frequent inflammatory diseases of the skin near existing moles;
  8. poor location of the mole, as a result of which it is constantly injured (for example, on the neck as a result of friction against the collar).

Photo: degeneration into melanoma

When danger arises

The presence of moles in a child is usually not a cause for concern. They may gradually appear throughout life.

But if many hemangiomas appear, this is already a reason to contact a specialist.

  1. It is unfair that a flat mole always causes less concern than one raised above the skin. The possibility of their rebirth is approximately the same.
  2. A hanging one can be more dangerous only because the risk of injury is very high.

The beginning of the process of rebirth usually manifests itself with some symptoms.

If you are attentive to your body, you can notice them:

  1. the mole has darkened or the hanging mole has turned black and fallen off (they have a thinner base, so they fall off more often);
  2. the mole has dried out or begun to dry out;
  3. the mole quickly increased in size;
  4. discomfort appears in the nevus (itches, hurts);
  5. the surface relief has changed, the mole has become convex, bumpy;
  6. the mole has become asymmetrical, the edges are uneven, their border is unclear;
  7. nevus is bleeding, releases any liquid;
  8. the mole has changed color, such as becoming red, raised, or swollen;
  9. the skin around has darkened or, conversely, lightened.

Any of these symptoms is enough to see a doctor, and even more so if several signs appear: the mole has darkened and become dry or has grown rapidly, changing color and texture.

Should darkened moles be removed?

Having discovered a darkened mole, you don’t need to give in to panic.

After all, such a change in itself does not mean any pathology.

There are many possibilities as to what this could actually be.

Why do moles appear on the shoulders and arms? Find out here.

Think about which doctor you can see in the near future. It is better if it is a dermato-oncologist.

But if there is no such specialist in your city, then consult a dermatologist. He will recommend the next steps.

Doctors do not recommend removing moles just because you want to get rid of them.

It’s another matter if the mole has really changed (besides the change in color, it has become hard, grown, etc.) or is constantly injured by clothing.

The doctor will determine whether removal of the nevus is necessary in this case and will recommend a method.

You cannot remove a mole yourself, even if it has become dry and easily comes away from the skin.

Any unqualified intervention can cause great harm.

If a darkened mole falls off on its own, then in this case a doctor’s consultation is required. He will determine why this could happen. This should not be taken lightly.

Video: “Melanoma, skin cancer, five main signs”

How to Avoid Rebirth

Of course, any specific measures cannot completely prevent the risk of degeneration of a mole, but it is quite possible to significantly reduce this possibility.

To do this, you should follow a few simple rules:

  1. do not overuse tanning, especially during the period of highest solar activity (from 11 to 17 hours), the same applies to procedures in the solarium (moderation is their main rule);
  2. protect skin from contact with aggressive chemicals;
  3. adhere to the rules of a healthy diet, reduce the consumption of products with artificial food additives that are potentially dangerous for the development of cancer (carcinogens, stabilizers, etc.);
  4. regularly inspect existing moles, especially if they are at risk;
  5. avoid independent intervention in the condition of moles (even if the mole has dried);
  6. For alarming symptoms in the area of ​​moles (pain, itching, changes), consult a doctor.

What to do when color changes

What to do if your mole changes color?

Photo: diagnostics

Any change in color should at least alert you.

Perhaps in your case this does not portend any trouble. For example, a mole appeared recently and darkened under the influence of sunlight.

But since the risk of any moles degenerating into malignant formations always exists, you should consult a doctor with such a symptom.

  1. Part of the mole may change color. For example, it only darkened in the middle. At the same time, the darkened part may have become crusty. It looks like it's half dried out. This often happens with pedunculated moles.
  2. A bad sign can be not only a change in the color of the nevus, but also the skin around the mole. If it becomes lighter, reddened, or peels, you should definitely show it to a doctor.

You should not neglect consulting a doctor, as your health may depend on it.

After all, cancer sometimes develops very quickly, and time should not be wasted.

Removal methods

Mole removal can be done using different methods. Their choice depends on the condition of the nevus and its location (on the face or body).

The following methods exist:

  1. surgical excision. It is recommended for malignant degeneration as a method of the most complete removal, but can also be used for benign nevi. The disadvantage is visible scars after surgery;
  2. laser removal. A safe and painless operation that leaves virtually no marks. Recommended for removing moles on open areas of skin and areas with thin sensitive skin (on the face, under the arm, in the groin). The action of the laser eliminates infection and inflammation;
  3. cryodestruction. Exposure to low temperature liquid nitrogen. Cell destruction occurs due to freezing. Shallow scars may remain;
  4. electrocoagulation. A kind of burning of the mole with a high-frequency current, the formation of scars is possible;
  5. radio knife The effect is similar to laser removal; a beam of high-frequency radio waves acts on the mole.

Photo: laser removal

Questions and answers

Is it dangerous if a hanging mole has changed color?

Moles on a stalk are more susceptible to darkening and drying out.

This can be equally dangerous and not. Only a specialist can accurately determine this.

And a change in color is a sufficient sign to contact him.

Is it possible to cover nevi with a plaster to protect them from the sun?

Experts do not recommend protecting moles from ultraviolet radiation such as covering them with a plaster.

A greenhouse effect is created under it, which leads to the softening of the nevus. As a result, the mole may become susceptible to infection and injury.

If the mole is inflamed, then it will require treatment. There are often cases when a woman “scraped” a mole after protecting it from the sun in such a way.

Therefore, short-term sealing of a mole (up to an hour) can be practiced, but it is better to use other methods that are potentially less dangerous.

What to do if a mole has darkened and hurts

In this case, there are already two dangerous signs: darkening and pain inside the mole.

This does not mean for sure that her degeneration has begun, but the symptoms are alarming and require consultation with a specialist.

He will be able to determine the causes of this condition of the mole and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

Turned black after laser hair removal

Blackening of a mole after photo- or laser hair removal may be a consequence of its burn.

If a mole falls off after the procedure, this may also be due to laser exposure. In these cases, you should consult a doctor - a dermatologist or dermato-oncologist.

If possible, it is better to save a mole that has fallen off until you visit a doctor.

My mole is swollen, what should I do? Find out here.

How is a mole on the lower eyelid removed? Read on.

Started getting darker during pregnancy

In this case, most likely, the darkening of the mole will be safe for health.

  1. The process of bearing a child is characterized by a hormonal surge, which increases the production of skin pigment.
  2. Often, pregnant women have a darker stripe on their stomach, the area around the nipples.

The same can happen with moles.

You should still contact a specialist for your own peace of mind.

And, of course, you need to observe whether there are changes (grows, swells, becomes rough, etc.).

Any changes in moles should not be ignored. Sometimes their degeneration occurs too quickly.

You shouldn’t panic in advance, but you shouldn’t delay visiting a specialist either.

Timely measures taken will preserve not only health, but, possibly, life. For this reason, you should worry and consult a doctor about a changed mole.

Video: “The whole truth about moles”