Even complexion at home

Many women dream of creating makeup like famous Hollywood stars, but not everyone succeeds. And not because there are not enough cosmetics. The reason is uneven skin color, because pigment spots, pimples and other imperfections noticeably spoil the appearance, and they are not so easy to eliminate. This does not mean that the problem cannot be solved. There are many ways to help even out your complexion. This can be done either in a beauty salon or independently at home.


  1. Basic ways to normalize facial tone
  2. How to make your complexion even at home
  1. Peeling
  2. Products to even out skin tone
Is it possible to lighten facial skin with makeup? Hardware methods


Basic ways to normalize facial tone

The adverse effects of various factors on the skin over time lead to the formation of various cosmetic defects on it. To remove them from your face, you can use the following methods to even out your tone:

  1. Hardware techniques. After just a few procedures in a beauty salon, you will be able to improve the condition of your skin and its color. In this case, the result will last for a long time.
  2. Makeup. Properly applied cosmetics will help quickly hide existing imperfections and successfully highlight your advantages. However, this method allows you to solve the problem only for a few hours.
  3. Home methods. It is also possible to improve the condition of your facial skin on your own. To do this, you need to provide proper care and use some folk beauty recipes.

Which method to use depends on your specific preferences. Here you need to consider how quickly you want to get the desired result.

How to make your complexion even at home

It is quite possible to improve your skin color on your own. True, it will take some time to get results. It is necessary to provide the person with proper care, which consists of the following:

  1. It is important to cleanse the skin of makeup residues daily, as they will clog pores, causing the development of blackheads and acne.
  2. You should use only high-quality decorative cosmetics; you need to select them in accordance with your skin type.
  3. In the morning and evening, you need to apply a nourishing cream to your face.
  4. It is recommended to exfoliate the skin at least once a week and use masks prepared independently or purchased in a store.
  5. The use of cleansing and toning masks is mandatory. As a good toning mask, you should try the new splash mask from AVON “Energy Charge”. The mask is liquid, it does not need to be washed off, and it will take no more than 20 seconds to apply and take effect. The active ingredients of the mask are quickly absorbed; immediately after using it, you can continue your usual facial care ritual, apply cream and makeup. The mask is applied to a still damp face after cleansing. The composition contains silk proteins, vitamin B and fruit acids. Thanks to the systematic use of the mask, the skin of the face will acquire a healthy appearance and the tone will be evened out.

To follow the above recommendations, you will only need 10-15 minutes a day, after which the skin will become more attractive and have an even color.


Many girls carry out this procedure on their own, but the tone of the face can be evened out in a similar way in the salon. To apply peeling at home, you must first prepare a scrub using one of the recipes below.

Coffee and honey scrub

Ground coffee – 1 tbsp. l.
Honey – 1 tsp.
Grapeseed oil – 1 tbsp. l.

It is necessary to mix all components until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Massage the resulting mixture onto your face for several minutes, then remove with warm water. This recipe is intended for oily skin types. To use it for dry use, you should replace the grape oil with 1 white of a chicken egg, whipped into a fluffy foam.

Whitening scrub

Lemon juice – ½ tsp.
Bran – 1 tsp.
Honey – 1 tsp.
Lemon oil – a few drops

Mix all the ingredients and apply to the face, massage the skin a little, leave for another 5-7 minutes, then rinse.

Video: Whitening facial scrub mask

Products to even out skin tone

Many people do not want to use purchased cosmetics and prefer masks prepared on their own, especially since this is quite easy to do. Time-tested recipes are considered the most effective in improving complexion.

Herbal tincture

Parsley – 5 g
Vodka or alcohol – 250 ml
Oak bark – 5 g
Linden blossom – 5 g
Sage – 5 g

It is necessary to mix the dry ingredients, place them in a glass container and fill with vodka or alcohol. Infuse the product for 12 days, then use it to wipe the skin. It can be used daily. As a result, the face becomes brighter and looks more even and fresh.

Cucumber mask

Cucumber – 1 piece
Starch – 1 tsp.

It is advisable to use overripe cucumbers to prepare the mask. The seeds must be removed and the pulp grated on a fine grater. Add a little starch so that the consistency is not too thick. The amount of starch may vary depending on the amount of cucumber pulp. Apply the resulting mass to the skin and leave for at least a third of an hour. Then remove the residue with a napkin, rinse your face with cool water and apply a nourishing cream.

Video: Strawberry scrub for cleansing and brightening facial skin

Is it possible to lighten your skin using makeup?

If the flaws on the face are not too noticeable, but still spoil your mood and give you uncertainty, you can hide them with makeup. This method is also suitable for cases when there is no time to use hardware techniques or folk remedies. However, before applying cosmetics, you should scrub your face.

When applying corrective makeup, it is important to strictly follow the sequence of use of cosmetics, otherwise you can only emphasize existing defects and give your face the effect of a mask:

  1. Hydration. This is an important point that should never be neglected. Moisturized skin visually becomes smoother. In addition, a layer of cream makes it easier to apply cosmetics and protects the face from the adverse effects of the external environment.
  2. Applying foundation. This product completely evens out the complexion and makes it look fresher. It is important to choose a shade that is as close to natural as possible in order to prevent the appearance of unwanted spots resulting from poor blending of cosmetics. It is important to apply the cream using a sponge or brush, but not with your fingers.
  3. Concealer. If you have pimples, freckles, or dark circles under your eyes on your face, you can get rid of them with the help of concealer. Its composition resembles a foundation, but is applied pointwise, directly to problem areas.
  4. Powder. Now you should apply a thin layer of this cosmetic to your face to give it a matte and velvety finish.
  5. Blush. Finally, it is recommended to apply blush to the apples. This will refresh your face and make it more natural and bright. Otherwise it will look dull.

To achieve the desired result from applying makeup, you should select each cosmetic product in accordance with your skin type, external features, and also follow the rules of application.

Video: Evening out your complexion: expert advice

Hardware methods

Almost every cosmetology salon will tell you how to even out your complexion using hardware methods. The advantage of these techniques is that it is possible to penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis and cope with other skin problems, for example, acne, blackheads and others. Consequently, the effect of such manipulations will delight you for a long time. To improve the color and structure of the skin, effective hardware methods are used.


This procedure is suitable for those who have not encountered the problem of acne or have already dealt with it. Cryomassage effectively removes spots on the face left after acne, fights oily shine, tightens pores, and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

During the manipulation, the face is treated several times with liquid nitrogen, as a result of which the metabolism in the cells is normalized. After the procedure, slight hyperemia may occur. As a rule, it disappears on its own after a few hours.

A cryomassage session lasts no more than 10 minutes. 10 days after the procedure, it is recommended to apply sunscreen to the skin before going outside.

Laser cleaning

This method is quite effective and at the same time absolutely painless. It can not only cope with age spots, but also eliminate small scars and scars. During the manipulation, only a slight tingling sensation is felt.

A thin laser beam destroys pathological areas and simultaneously activates the process of cell division. In addition, collagen production improves, which helps reduce wrinkles and rejuvenate.

Oxygen therapy

This method allows you to improve your complexion and eliminate acne by replenishing the lack of oxygen in the cells. The substance is introduced into tissues by injection, which improves intracellular metabolism and resolves small scars. The keratinized epithelium is also exfoliated.


This manipulation is a type of mechanical peeling. First, the skin is deeply cleaned, then an exfoliating cream is applied to it and dead cells are removed. As a rule, the last stage is carried out manually, but at the same time it allows you to achieve a good effect.

The number of procedures depends on the complexity of the problem and the desired effect. If there are blackheads or pigment spots, the color can be evened out in 2-3 sessions. But you can get rid of scars in at least 10 procedures.

Diamond peeling

Such mechanical cleansing of the face also helps eliminate dead cells, which are often the main cause of uneven or dull complexion. After manipulation, blood flow in the tissues improves, skin elasticity increases, which helps improve its appearance and tone.

Video: Diamond peeling as a means of evening out complexion

Sometimes, to maintain healthy skin, especially very tired skin, you should combine these techniques or carry them out in courses.

An even complexion will always be an integral part of beautiful makeup, so it is important to learn how to deal with the problem correctly. Which method of evening out the complexion to prefer depends entirely on personal choice.

Good afternoon Today we will talk about how to even out your complexion at home. This problem spoils the mood of millions of girls every day. You will learn why it occurs and how to deal with it. We will prove that even at home and on a small budget you can easily fix this problem.


Causes of uneven skin color

Many girls buy expensive creams, go to salons and often have no effect, because a lot depends on the cause. First of all, you need to understand what causes uneven skin tone. Perhaps by changing your lifestyle and some rules, you can already noticeably improve your situation.

The most common factors that influence skin heterogeneity are:

  1. Poor nutrition. Consumption of harmful preservatives has a negative effect not only on the stomach, but also on the entire body as a whole. Fatty, spicy and sweet foods retain water, cause acne and, of course, affect the complexion. The same thing is caused by a lack of fruits, berries and vegetables.
  2. Water balance. Water is vital for the skin, because it is responsible for many metabolic processes. Its deficiency can also spoil the color of the epidermis, as well as add peeling and many other troubles to its owner.
  3. Lack of sleep. Overnight, skin cells are renewed and the body receives new energy. We need to sleep at least 7-8 hours. In addition, you also need to go to bed not late, because after 12 o’clock at night, every hour is equal to minutes of rest. Constant lack of sleep affects not only fatigue, but also the skin.
  4. Ecology and climate. If there are many factories in your city, then every day a considerable share of impurities containing toxins floats in the air. They linger in our body and “stick” to the skin. The monotonous climate has no less negative impact. A small number of sunny days deprives the skin of necessary and beneficial vitamins, as well as a good mood, which also affects the appearance.
  5. Stomach problems. Diseases of internal organs never go unnoticed. Gastritis or ulcers cause particular damage to the face. They often give acne and an unhealthy complexion to the face. You should not be lazy, go to the doctor and do regular examinations, because some people have stomach pain “silently,” affecting only the external condition.
  6. Genetics. Many problems and illnesses are inherited. This is why bags under the eyes and uneven skin tone are so difficult to remove if they have been present since birth.
  7. Bad habits. It has long been known that smoking and alcohol cause severe damage to the skin of the face. Many people note that people who abuse bad habits look sick and tired.
  8. Lack of fresh air. With the advent of computers, the problem of a sedentary lifestyle has worsened. People have stopped taking regular walks, and many travel exclusively by car. This is one of the most striking reasons that has a strong impact on skin color.
  9. Incorrect care. Improper cleansing, inadequate moisturizing or poor-quality cosmetics are the enemies of a beautiful complexion.

Methods for smoothing skin

You can even out your facial tone not only by eliminating the above reasons. Every day, many girls are saved by the right makeup, and for some, good effective masks. For those looking for quick results, salon treatments are suitable.

It is worth saying that an integrated approach will help best. The combination of all the rules will help deal with the problem quickly and efficiently. You can also use some methods that have proven themselves for a long time:

  1. It is worth carrying out skin care procedures twice a day. Particular attention should be paid to thoroughly cleansing the skin. Even if you haven't left the house, dust and grease will still form on your skin, so simply rinsing with water won't be enough. Also, we must not forget about hydration after the procedure. Use multi-step care.
  2. After about a day, you need to use face masks that even out the tone and are suitable for your dermis type. Only constant nutrition and deeper cleansing will allow you to achieve the long-awaited beauty.
  3. Remember to remove dead skin cells. Use peels and scrubs several times a week. They remove flaking and make the epidermis smoother and more even. Particularly popular now are “rolls,” which cleanse the skin more delicately and evenly than scrubbing particles.
  4. Spend detox days, because they remove toxins from the body. On detox days you need to consume a lot of vegetable and fruit juices.

The effect of food on skin color

Any food gives the body not only a feeling of fullness, but also useful substances, some microelements. This is why consuming the right foods is so important.

Seafood, chicken, eggs, cottage cheese and many other dairy products have a great influence on the epidermis. Any vegetables and fruits are irreplaceable and very healthy. For a healthy complexion, it is recommended to eat more beets, carrots, citrus fruits, apricots, broccoli and tomatoes.

As for drinks, freshly squeezed juices in moderate doses have an extremely positive effect on the body. Good green tea also has benefits. But it is better to avoid coffee, carbonated lemonades and packaged juices.

We also recommend excluding smoked foods of unknown origin, mayonnaise, processed foods, chips and a lot of fried, spicy foods from your diet.

Folk remedies for evening out skin color

How to even out your complexion at home? In fact, you can fight this difficulty using folk methods. In addition, they do not require special investments. The rules and recipes have been tested for generations and still never cease to amaze:

  1. Use frozen decoctions and juices in the form of ice in your care. Cold rubbing in the morning tones the skin and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. The best results will come from cubes containing useful substances. Please note that these sessions are contraindicated for those who suffer from rosacea.
  2. Don't forget about visiting saunas and baths. Moreover, now almost every fitness center has a similar room. Hot air cleanses pores, tightens them, and also strengthens blood vessels. In addition, benefits for the skin are just one of the huge number of advantages of a steam room.
  3. Do steam baths for your face. This is a good alternative for those who cannot go to the sauna often. Such baths also open pores, remove toxins and have a beneficial effect on capillaries. We recommend making them with the addition of herbs and essential oils. Afterwards, it is best to use masks and delicate peels, as the skin can be cleansed faster.
  4. Make your own facial toners. You can squeeze the juices of whitening vegetables and fruits, and green juice also works great to combat the main problem.

Masks that even out complexion

Regular use of masks will sooner or later affect the quality of the skin. It is important to select formulations that will specifically affect the complexion of the face. Many store-bought products contain preservatives and unnecessary chemicals, so the best option for dealing with tired skin is homemade masks.

Note: Be sure to check the mask before use to ensure there are no allergies. To do this, apply a couple of drops to the crook of your elbow or wrist. If red spots appear, then these components are not suitable for you.


For this mask you need to grate a good ripe small cucumber. Do not squeeze, but simply pour out the released juice. If the mask is still quite liquid, you can add a little oatmeal. You need to keep this mask on your face for at least 15 minutes.

Grind a bunch of parsley by hand or using a food processor until mushy. Add a few drops of lime juice to the puree and apply the mixture all over your face. Rinse off with warm water after 15 minutes.

One of the simplest and most basic recipes. You need to take a gauze napkin and soak it in 100 grams of fat sour cream. Place the mask on your face and after 20 minutes remove any residue with water.

Boil 50 g of oatmeal and cool. Mix the cereal with liquid sour cream or yogurt without additives. Apply to face and décolleté area. When removing, you can scrub the skin a little with this composition. Wash off after 20-25 minutes.

Mix grated carrots with quail yolk and 1 teaspoon of oatmeal. Keep on face for 15-25 minutes. It all depends on time and feelings. Rinse off with cool water.

Make mashed potatoes from one fruit and add to it 0.5 chopped carrots mixed with yolk. You will also need some light beer, but the mask should not be very liquid. It must be washed off with warm beer after 20 minutes.

Chop several cabbage leaves with a knife and add 1 tbsp to them. spoon of kefir. Please note that the consistency should be thick. Lie down with this mask for about 20 minutes.

  1. With watermelon and melon

Mash a couple of pieces of watermelon and melon. Pour the resulting liquid and add 0.5 teaspoons of liquid honey. Stir the mixture and spread over your face. Wash off after 20 minutes.

Strengthening blood vessels

Remove the skin from one peach and mash the flesh with a spoon. Add to it 0.5 teaspoons of liquid honey and 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Mix the composition and distribute over the skin of the face. After 20 minutes, you need to do a contrast wash (alternately hot and cold water).

Squeeze the juice of one orange and add oatmeal to it. It is impossible to indicate the proportions, since the sizes of the fruit differ. The consistency of the mixture should be thick. Apply the mask with a brush and rinse with warm water after 15 minutes.

  1. With banana and strawberries

Mash half a ripe banana with a fork and add a few drops of lemon juice, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of yogurt without dyes or flavors, as well as 2-3 mashed strawberries. Apply the mixture to your face and rinse after 20 minutes.

Grind 100 g of leaf celery to a puree. Add 1/4 teaspoon of lemon juice to it. Mix and apply to face for 10-15 minutes.

  1. With dandelion

The flower must be placed in the chopper along with the stem. Mix the mushy mixture with 1 teaspoon of almond oil and 1 drop of rose essential oil. Distribute on face and rinse after 10-15 minutes.

You will need 100 g of non-purchase cottage cheese. It needs to be kneaded to remove any graininess and add 1 teaspoon of coconut oil. Apply to face and neck. Wash off after 15 minutes.

  1. With rose essential oil

Take 0.5 teaspoons of flaxseed, coconut and olive oils. Add 2-3 drops of rose essential oil to them and mix. Warm the mixture a little and apply a thick layer to your face. It is best to do this mask while lying down, as the liquid will drain. Don't forget to put an oilcloth and a thick towel under your head. After 20 minutes, the skin of the face should be blotted with several thick napkins, but not rinsed off.


Mix several raspberries (10-15 pcs.) with thick sour cream and 1-3 g of baking soda. Distribute over the face, avoiding the skin around the eyes. Wash off after a quarter of an hour.

  1. With flax seeds

Brew about 7-10 g of flax seeds along with 2 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal. Cool the resulting porridge and add 2 teaspoons of heavy cream to it. Leave on face for 20 minutes.

Add to 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, a pinch of cinnamon and a couple of teaspoons of boiled oatmeal. To make the mixture not very thick, you can add 1-2 teaspoons of sour cream. Keep the composition on your face for about 20 minutes.

About 15 g of yeast must be mixed with cream to a thick consistency. Add yolk to them, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of coconut oil, 0.5 teaspoons of honey and a little starch. Mix thoroughly and distribute all over your face. Leave for 15-20 minutes.

Take 2-3 teaspoons of white clay and add 1 teaspoon of dry badyagi to them, mix. Pour some water into the mixture. It is important here that the consistency is like thick sour cream. Gently apply to face, avoiding the skin around the eyes. Keep the mask on for 15-20 minutes. You need to rinse off under a warm and strong shower stream, without helping with your hands. If you remove the mask this way, there will be no stinging or redness.

  1. With beeswax

To do this, you need to melt beeswax (2 tablespoons) and gently lubricate your entire face with it. After you wash off the mask, apply moisturizer.

First you need to beat the egg white and apply it in a thick layer on your face. Wash off after 10 minutes. Spread the remaining yolk on dry skin and remove it with water after 15 minutes.

Take 50 g of coffee grounds and mix it with the juice of half a zucchini. If the mixture turns out liquid, you can add a little oatmeal. You need to wash off the mask after 15 minutes.

How to even out your complexion using cosmetics

If you are just starting to deal with this problem, then the right makeup will help you at first. You should choose cosmetics based on your skin type. If you have peeling, then pay attention to a moisturizing tone, and if you have oily skin, then to mattifying products.

Additionally, a base can even out your complexion and smooth out your skin. Do not use it every day, as a large amount of silicones can clog your pores over time. Therefore, carefully remove it when removing makeup.

Next, you need to apply foundation or BB or CC cream. Here a lot depends on the number of problems on the face. Still, the foundation is the densest. You need to distribute it over your face with a kabuki brush or beauty blender.

Those who suffer from dark circles under the eyes will also need concealer. It will also help remove age spots, acne marks, pimples themselves and rosacea. You can dust your face a little on top to set your makeup. Next, you can already make up your eyes, eyebrows, lips and whatever you want.

This makeup will perfectly hide all imperfections and make your complexion more even and rested. An important point is the quality of the products themselves. Don’t save money on this, because the face quickly “absorbs” both bad and good components.

Salon treatments

If you decide to get professional help, then take a closer look at these procedures:

  1. Laser cleansing (skin cell renewal occurs, post-acne and age spots are removed)
  2. Oxygen peeling (dead epidermal cells are exfoliated, and new ones are saturated with oxygen; blood vessels are strengthened and blood circulation is improved)
  3. Cryomassage (removes stagnant spots, tightens pores, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, adjusts metabolic processes)
  4. Diamond peeling (removes dead skin cells, strengthens blood vessels, makes the epidermis more elastic)
  5. Microdermabrasion (deep cleansing of the skin in several procedures, renewal of dermal cells and getting rid of post-acne)

We advise you to contact cosmetologists only after you have tried to get rid of the causes of uneven skin tone and tried several popular tips. Otherwise, expensive sessions will show an absolutely short-lived effect.

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About the author of the article:

Cosmetologist, director of 3 cosmetology clinics under her own brand “Lyudmila”. Author of articles for professional online publications and participant in many international symposiums.


Uneven skin tone is a problem that occurs due to many factors and is widespread. Some people don’t even notice such defects on their skin. Others, most often women, spend a lot of effort and time trying to get rid of it. There are many ways to even out your complexion at home.

Why is my skin tone uneven?

A small percentage of people inhabiting the earth can boast of perfect skin. Many people have certain problems, for example, the appearance of age spots, redness, inflammation, peeling with the development of light areas on the face, dark circles under the eyes, bags, and uneven tanning.

All such skin defects in most cases affect the female half of the population, who strive to improve their appearance, and facial skin plays an important role in it. There are many methods to stabilize skin tone, but to choose the right option, you must correctly determine the cause of the development of imperfections.

Possible reasons for the development of uneven color:

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    Lack of skin hydration and nutrition;
  2. Incorrect or untimely care, frequent use of low-quality care products, poor cosmetics;
  3. Maintaining an unhealthy lifestyle (poor and unbalanced diet, bad habits, incommensurate combination of physical activity and rest, lack of sleep, lack of physical activity);
  4. Exposure to direct sunlight on the skin surface or high air temperature;
  5. Lack of fresh air;
  6. Diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract;
  7. Poor hormonal balance.
  8. Predisposition to the disease at the genetic level.


It is clear that some factors arise due to the incorrect behavior of the person himself and can be eliminated independently, but to eliminate others you will have to use medical help. In any case, the appearance of uneven color on the face indicates that something in a person’s usual lifestyle needs to be changed in order to preserve the youth and beauty of the skin.

There are a large number of methods giving a more uniform shade, which professionals share. Such procedures are carried out mainly in beauty salons and clinics by specialists. There are also non-professional procedures that can be easily performed at home by people who do not have any professional knowledge in this area and do not have special tools and equipment.

How to even out your face tone with cosmetics

In order to stabilize skin color and put it in order at home, there are many special products, some of which can be purchased at a pharmacy or in a simple cosmetic store, and others - create your own from products in a refrigerator. What methods of correcting skin color are most effective?

It should be noted that in terms of color evening, there are two categories of creams: quick action and gradual. There are significant differences between them. The first, moisturizing creams, eliminate the initial heterogeneity of color, and the result becomes noticeable over time. The remaining methods instantly help eliminate all problems with the shade; they are classified as decorative cosmetics and may contain additional nutritional components.

The first category includes products that include natural components, can supply nutrients to every cell of the skin, and also restore the overall structure, stabilize metabolism and fight the aging process. They also significantly increase the protective properties of the skin. Main disadvantage - this requires long-term use to achieve an impressive effect.



This product has long been used to give a uniform skin tone. It is considered the most widely used method of changing skin tone. Creams from different manufacturers differ from each other in their texture, shades, and stability when applied throughout the day. They may contain additional beneficial substances.

The finer the texture of the cream and the more correctly its shade is chosen, the more natural it will look on your face when applying makeup. But many foundations They simply clog the pores, resulting in impaired air exchange, which leads to problems with the skin. Foundation should be applied to cleansed skin treated with primer or corrector. After application, it needs to be “sealed” with powder. At the end of the day, foundation must be washed off the face using special makeup removers.

BB cream


In Asia, this product is called a balm for skin imperfections. The specially developed formula was created from the very beginning to mask serious problems with the facial skin after operations, but then it began to be used as a base for makeup. BB cream is capable qualitatively hide inflammation and redness on the face, scars, freckles, age spots.

It evens out the structure, hides enlarged pores, nourishes and moisturizes, and slightly brightens the skin. Some manufacturers add substances to their products that additionally protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. When cleansing the skin from such a cream, you need to use a special oil.

CC cream

This product is considered an improved version of BB cream., compared to which it contains a significantly reduced amount of oils, which lightens the overall texture of the product. The product can even be used in the area around the eyes, as well as to care for dark circles and disguise them. It has high durability and optimally matches the natural tone of the face. Another important function of the cream is protection from ultraviolet radiation, moisturizing and nourishing, matting areas with increased sebum secretion, and an anti-aging effect.

The advantages of using creams from decorative cosmetics are the speed and ease of achieving your goal. Main disadvantages: high price for truly high-quality products, inability to completely eliminate uneven skin tone.

Folk remedies for evening out tone

How to even out complexion? Folk remedies for caring for the surface of the skin are the best option if you don’t have the time or financial resources to visit cosmetologists frequently. Traditional medicine to eliminate uneven tone consists of using those substances and products that any housewife has in her home; you just need to take into account the characteristics of the body so as not to accidentally make yourself worse through ignorance.

Some recipes to stabilize skin tone:

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    Herbal lotion. Designed to make the tone more uniform, whitens the skin a little, and gives it elasticity. The product contains: parsley, linden flower, oak bark and sage - about five grams. All components need to be crushed, and then pour one glass of vodka and leave to steep for 12-14 days. After this, the mixture must be filtered and the liquid used for daily wiping of the face.
  2. Steam bath. To do this, you need to prepare two towels and two separate containers. One container needs to be filled with cold water with the addition of lavender or mint decoction, hot water is poured into the other, into which citrus essential oil is dripped or lemon zest is added. You need to first apply a tampon soaked in a hot mixture to your face, and then a towel soaked in cold water, alternating several times. The time for keeping the towel on the face must be determined taking into account the fact that the skin must have time to cool down and then warm up to the required level in order to maximally stimulate blood circulation processes. You need to finish the procedure with ice water.
  3. Procedure with ice cubes. Make some kind of herbal decoction in advance. To do this, you can use calendula, chamomile, linden, yarrow, sage, mint, string, or a mixture of all plants at once. Pour the tincture into an ice tray and place in the freezer. One cube in the morning is enough to refresh your face well, stimulate metabolic processes, and also saturate the body with the necessary substances to even out skin color.
  4. Cucumber lotions. The easiest method that everyone knows, even men. To do this, take a simple fresh cucumber, cut off several thin circles and apply it to the skin of the face for a few minutes. The effect of such a remedy can be improved, while slightly complicating it. To do this, fresh cucumber needs to be grated on a fine grater, and then mixed with a small amount of any nourishing cream. To treat oily skin, you can add a little alcohol to the mixture. This mass should be carefully placed in gauze, then immediately applied to your face for twenty minutes, and then washed off with warm water.

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    Fruit mask. To create it, you need to use apricot or peach pulp, which is first kneaded together with oatmeal. This mask is applied to the face in a generous layer and left for 15-20 minutes. This composition is suitable for any skin type.
  6. Lemon compresses. The acid found in lemon brightens the skin well and helps remove age spots, but you shouldn’t hope that the result will appear quickly.
  7. Aspirin. To lighten age spots, you can also use acetylsalicylic acid tablets. The tablets should simply be dissolved in a few drops of water, and then the resulting solution should be applied to the surface of the skin. The solution has an anti-inflammatory and drying effect.

Using familiar products to improve your complexion provides a high rate of effectiveness. Natural substances that contain a complex of vitamins and minerals can safely and quickly improve not only complexion, but also strengthen skin health.

Using face masks

How to even out your skin tone? An even skin color can be achieved by using different masks. There are several rules for performing procedures:

  1. rovnyj-ton-lica-v-domashnih-DONiNZ.webp

    The best time for the procedure is evening.
  2. Such procedures must be carried out constantly and not forgotten about them.
  3. Experts advise using only natural products.
  4. Masks are most often used in the summer.

Recipes for masks to even out complexion:

Potato mask. To do this, you need to boil the potatoes in their skins, turn them into a homogeneous mass, using a grater, blender, or, in extreme cases, a meat grinder. Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of sour cream and 1 tablespoon of milk. This mask will qualitatively moisturize the face, and sour cream will lighten the upper layers of the skin.

Yeast mask. Take 20 grams of yeast (live is best) and dilute it with warm water until a thick mixture is obtained, add one tablespoon of olive oil. The application time for this mixture is 15 minutes. To wash off the mask, use warm water. After this treatment, the skin will become more elastic, moisturized and slightly brighter.