Sadab - route

Wild rue is blacker than harmala.

The most suitable type of rue is garden. Wild rue is what grows near figs.

Fresh rue is hot and dry to the second degree, dried rue is hot and dry to the third degree. Dried wild rue is hot and dry to the fourth degree.

Actions and properties.
Tearing, absorbing, strongly expels winds, cleanses blood vessels, ulcerates, binds.

Rue with soda is used against white bahak, as well as against warts and tusa. It removes the smell of garlic and onions from the mouth and helps against fox disease.

Tumors and acne.
If you crush wild rue with salt and apply it as a medicinal bandage to any organ, it will cause a hot swelling on it. If you apply it to the “pigs” on the neck or under the arms, it will resolve them. Its gum has a stronger effect on all these diseases.

Wounds and ulcers.
It is applied with ghee and honey for lichen, and with vinegar and white lead for herpes and erysipelas. It heals old wounds and ulcers.

Tools with joints.
Rue in the form of a drink or a medicinal bandage with honey helps against paralysis, inflammation of the sciatic nerve and joint pain.

Organs of the head.
Rue takes away the smell of garlic and onions. Rue and oatmeal are used to make medicinal dressings for chronic headaches. It is sometimes used to make medicinal dressings with vinegar on the nose for nosebleeds, and this stops the bleeding. Squeezed rue juice, heated in pomegranate peels, is put into the ear, and this cleanses it, soothes pain, stops ringing and noise in the ears and kills worms. It is also used to smear ulcers on the head.

Organs of the eye.
Rue sharpens vision, especially its squeezed juice with squeezed fennel juice and honey in the form of a dish or eye powder. Rue and oatmeal are used to make a medicinal bandage for throbbing pain in the eye.

Respiratory system.
A decoction of fresh rue with dry dill is useful for chest pain and difficulty breathing, as Rufus testifies.

Nutritional organs.
Rue with figs is applied as a medicinal dressing for dropsy of meat; in this case, they also give you the wine in which the rue was boiled. If you drink its seeds - from one to two dirhams - for mucous hiccups, it calms it down. Rue promotes the absorption of food, stimulates appetite, strengthens the stomach and helps with diseases of the spleen.

Eruption organs.
Rue dries up the semen, stops its flow and moderates lust. Both types strengthen the stomach and soothe pain in the intestines. Enemas are given from rue with olive oil for pain caused by kulanj. It is applied with honey to ulcers in the anus, and also boiled in olive oil and drunk for intestinal worms. Both types of rue remove excess from the body, increasing the secretion of urine, and therefore fix it. A medicinal bandage of rue with bay leaf is applied to testicular tumors.

It is useful to eat rue and rub it with its oil during chills.

Ruta resists poisons. Anyone who fears the consequences of taking poison and being bitten drinks these seeds and leaves in wine in the amount of one dirham by weight. It is especially useful to drink it with figs mixed with crushed nuts. Eating too much wild rue will kill you.