Sandarus - sandarak

Hot, dry in the second degree.

Sandarak has a slightly astringent force and the ability to stop bleeding. It is also used by wrestlers to become lighter and stronger and not choke.

Sandarak, if drunk every day in the amount of three-quarters of a dirham in water and in sikanjubin, has the inherent ability to cause significant weight loss.

Wounds and ulcers.
Sandarak, if fumigated with it, dries out fistulas.

Organs of the head.
Smoke from sandarak is useful against catarrhs. In terms of relieving toothache, its benefits are very great and incomparable. It improves the condition of the gums.

Breast organs.
Sandarak, like amber, is useful for heart failure. It helps against bleeding and wet asthma with its drying property. Therefore, wrestlers use it to avoid suffocation.

Nutritional organs.
Sandarak is given to drink to those suffering from spleen diseases, and it helps.

Eruption organs.
It is good for chronic diarrhea, and fumigation with it is useful for kidney problems.