Loose tooth

Sometimes a tooth becomes loose from an external reason, due to a fall or a push, and sometimes due to some kind of moisture, relaxation of the nerve that holds the tooth occurs, and the tooth, moreover, is fat and not broken.

Sometimes this happens due to the fact that the places from which the teeth grow are subject to erosion, which expands the socket and thins the tooth, making it smaller, or due to erosion of the sockets. This also happens from frailty that affects the teeth due to prevailing dryness, as happens in convalescents, in the elderly, or in those who have been hungry for a long time and have experienced lack of nutrition. And sometimes this happens due to the paucity of gum meat.

Treatment. You should avoid chewing on this side, talk less and not loosen the tooth with your hand or tongue, and in general, whenever possible, replace chewing with slurping. If the cause is corrosion, then the corrosion is treated by using astringent and strengthening dental medications in the form of rinsing, rubbing, and other things. If the cause is frailty, then the matter is corrected with nutrition, although this is one of the things that is difficult to correct. Next, the tooth is treated with moisturizers in the form of medicines for sticking or rubbing or drops in the ear, for example, drops of rose oil, willow oil, squeezed juice of nightshade leaves, and also astringents. When a tooth becomes loose and frail, nutrition is of no benefit: it can hardly make the tooth fat quickly. On the contrary, it should be treated with fetal astringent medications. The same is true if the swaying was caused by a blow; if it arose from relaxing moisture, then it should be treated with astringents that ripen, for example, rinse your mouth with water in which jujube or cypress leaves were boiled, or with raisin nabiz, in which alum was boiled with half the amount of salt, or with water in which sagapen was boiled. From the medicine for gluing, take two dirhams of alum and two dirhams of salt and stick it on the base. , or copper okalma with olive oil, licorice root, cypress bark - four parts each and one part alum, or take tamarisk ash and salt in equal parts, or burnt deer antler, salt mixed with burnt honey and crushed for ten dirhams each, or myrrh, saffron and mastic in two parts each, dry rue, sumac and pomegranate flowers in three parts each and prepare a toothpaste from this powder. Astringents mixed with sabur, kalkatar and kalimiyya are also used. Here is a powder suitable for this and other cases: take syti, roses, aromatic sumbul, Andaran salt, kazmazak, burnt deer antler in equal;: suits.

When a tooth is loose due to a lack of gum meat, take berutyemen alum, burnt aloe, sati, sumac, pomegranate flowers.