Shazanaj - bloodstone, hematite

It is found in mines. Sometimes magnetite is carefully burned and its actions become similar to bloodstone.

The best bloodstone is the one that crumbles quickly, is smooth and hard, without any dirt and with veins.

Unwashed bloodstone is hot to the first degree, dry - to the third, and washed - cold to the second degree, dry - to the third.

Bloodstone binds strongly. This occurs when you grind it in water so that it dissolves and thickens the water. Its power is retaining and somewhat warming, it thins and dries strongly. Some say that bloodstone has the same potency as marcasite, but bloodstone is drier, less hot, and does not thin or purify.

Bloodstone is used as a powder on wild meat: it causes the meat to shrink.

Organs of the eye.
Bloodstone reduces eye ulcers and heals them if taken with egg whites, and taken on its own, it helps against hardening of the eyelids. If there is a hot swelling, then first use it with water, then gradually thicken it or sprinkle excess meat with it, like dust. Sometimes pure bloodstone helps with eye ulcers.

Eruption organs.
It is given to drink in wine for difficulty urinating and for prolonged periods. Bloodstone is the same as a medicine for involuntary ejaculation.

Its replacement is magnetite.