Kidney weakness

Weakness of the kidneys sometimes arises from some disorder of nature, and an established disorder is the worst. It happens that weakness occurs due to loss of kidney weight, and often it occurs from the expansion and opening of the renal canals and loosening of the density of their substance. This is a cause of weakness especially peculiar to the kidneys and it is because of this that they cannot clear the aqueous humor from what accompanies it into the kidneys. Sometimes the blood vessels are unharmed, sometimes not. The cause of kidney weakness is, for example, frequent copulation, frequent use of diuretics, frequent urination, as well as horse racing and horseback riding without gradual preparation and habit; It also occurs from anything that tires the kidneys and from all kinds of bruises. This also includes standing for long periods of time and long journeys, especially on foot.

Signs. Weakness resulting from a disorder of nature is indicated by signs of the state of nature; Signs of weight loss indicate weakness from kidney loss. With weakness due to dilation of the renal canals or loosening of the fleshy substance of the kidneys, pain occurs only at times, the passion for copulation decreases, urine, while the food has not yet been digested and has not reached the vessels, is in most cases watery; If the nutrients reach the blood vessels, then most often blood and thick juices are released in the urine. Most of the urine in such a patient is like thick meat slop, because the kidneys do not absorb what flows to them and do not separate liquid from thick. The urine often produces a bloody sediment and something like sea foam floats on it. All this is observed if the vessels are healthy, but if they are not healthy, then nothing is released from the urine, and it remains as it is due to poor maturation. Weakness of the kidneys, whatever it may be, as well as their loss of weight, is accompanied by scanty urine, inability to copulate, weakness of vision and headaches.

Treatment. If weakness occurs due to nature, then it is treated by treating nature, changing it and removing matter when it is present. Weakness due to weight loss is treated with weight loss remedies, and if weakness is due to dilation of the channels - this is true weakness - you should strive to eliminate the causes of the expansion, to thicken and strengthen the substance of the kidneys. To eliminate the causes of enlargement, one should refrain from excessive movement and copulation, avoid frequent bathing, indulge in peace and immobility and not use diuretics, but compact the substance of the kidneys with the help of adhesive, binding and sticky foods and medicines. As for foods, these are, for example, oatmeal, semi-ripe dried dates, hawthorn, quince, pomegranate stew with raisin seeds and goat fat, sour seasonings and marinades prepared, for example, from pomegranate seeds or sour and sweet and sour squeezed juices, and also good coriander vinegar and the like. A good drink is raisin nabeez.

Medicines are, for example, astringent squeezed juices mixed with Armenian clay and gum, bandages with oatmeal, unripe dried dates, quince, rose and other similar substances, and plasters mentioned in the paragraphs on weakness of the liver and stomach. Among the remedies that strengthen the kidneys are fattening dishes, enemas and medicinal porridges, mentioned in the paragraphs on losing weight of the kidneys, and more astringents should be added to them and dates and quince should be added to the enemas mentioned above. Camel and sheep milk are also used in enemas - it strengthens, tightens and also compacts the kidneys. There is no remedy similar to sheep's milk for kidney diseases resulting from weakness, especially if Armenian clay is mixed with it. Eating animal kidneys with other foods and mixed with products that are good for the kidneys is very helpful.